ST9904-CS000120Study Transmittal Atterr~on: Mr. Kant Collins Date: 20 Janua~ 2000 To: City of Coppell 255 Part(way Copbell, TX 75019 Regarding: SH 114/SH 121 MIS We are sending you: x Attached Under aeflarato cover via Shop drawings __ Prints Plans Sample~ Copy of letter Change Order X Other Line drawings the following Items: Specifications Coploa Date No. Doacrlptlon I North sec~on - enlarged 15 North sec'~on- 8 ~ x 11 For Approvel Apflmved as submitted X For your use Approved as noted As requested Retumed for corrections For review/comment Other For bids doa 19 Resubmit Submit_ copies for dis~b~tion Retum __ corrected prints Pflnts returned after loan to us copies for approval RernanV, s: Kent - Attached am line drawings for the northem segment ow~ifaid on en ariel photograi~. Let me know if you have any questJor= or if I cen be of Sincerely, Kate McClendon Signed: