Ashton Ridge-WO 9611122. Repair A.Main Line B.Valves c. Service LAne D.Hydrancs Backflow Insp. Bkflow Cer=.Da=e 5. Lis= cf ~afeuy equipmenu a~ site if k. Barricades B. Cones~ A.Pumpe B.Wa=er Tower C.San~plee D.Equipmen= E.Safe=y A. Elec~ro!ysis B. New construe=ion aDulicable: E. Other 4,O~her A.Line Locate B.Inepec=ion =.Tap D.Excavatlon C. Poor ins=allanion D. O~her 7.!f Mener/$e~z~cs Leak: A.Wa=sr Loss ~uiea~=l: GPM 5.Was Wansr Metered: Yes 2.Was Cusnumer Nonified: Ver~al!y __ classify - Cloy: Fire plug flushing __ No DOORKNOC~,R __ Me=er Change k.oid Mener~. Readin~ 5.New Mecer~. Readin~ To=al Gallons Vehicle/Equipment Used Unit ~ Miles Hfs Equip D. New Meter Size/T~.e 2.Old Me=er 5.Type of work oerformed or findings: 9.1f mainline or deep semite repaY, deserve :~e of pipe or so,ice lane 12.I£ you had an accident/incident while per£oL'ming ~hiI =equIm~you reI~O~C LC? ~I ~ no Slqna~ur~~