CF-Fire Station 3-CS 970926DATE: TO: FROM: RE: COPPELL STREETS DIVIEION September Z6, 1997 Larry Davis, Construction Inspector Per Birdsall, Streets Division Follow up Walk Thru Fire Station ~3 Listed below are Street Division comments relative to walk thru. 1. The items on my Dunchlist from September were partially completed. The items not completed primarily involve the 2. north drive. Since that time. also numerous additional random cracks have appeared at that north drive primarily around the paver luq. These items need to be addressed before acceptance. 4e MESSAGE CONF I RMAT I ON 09~26/97 10:26 ID--CITY OF COPPELL DATE 09/26 S,R-TIME DISTANT STATION ID MODE PAGES 00~35" CITY OF COPPELL CALLING 02 RESULT OK 0000