CF-Fire Station 3-CS 970908DATE: TO: FROM: RE: COPPELL UTILITIES DIVISION MEMORANDUM September 8, 1997 Larry Davis, Construction Inspector Tyler Tatham, Utilities Division Followup Walk Thru Fire Station ~3, 9/5/97 Listed below are Street Division comments relative to walk thru. 1. Everythinq OK. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: COPPELL STREETS DIVISION September S, 1997 Larry Davis, Construction Inspector Larry Morton, Streets Division Followup Walk-Thru Fire Station #3, 9/5/97 Listed below are Street Division comments relative to walk thru. 1. Replace panel in sidewalk, 5th one on MacArthur south end. Replace curb where new & old meet (same as above). 2. Rout & seal crack in approach off MacArthur (painted white). Long crack in sidewalk N.E. corner of building-rout & seal. Rout & seal long cracks in roadway on north side (painted 3. white). Rout & seal long cracks in driveway & parkinq lot (painted white). 4. Parkinq lot south side holds mud & water. e MESSAGE CONF I RMAT I ON 09×08×9? 08:59 ID--CITY OF COPPELL DATE 09×08 S~R-TIME DISTANT STATION ID MODE PAGES O1'O4" CITY OF COPPELL CALLING 04 RESULT OK 0000