CF-Fire Station 3-CS 970805DATE: TO: FROM: RE: COPPELL UTILITIES DIVISION MEMORANDUM Au91~st 5, 1997 Larry Davis, Construction Inspector Larry Smith, Utility Division Walk Thru Fire Stations Parkway & Town Center Listed below are Street Division comments relative to walk thru. 1. Fire hydrant on Parkway leakinq at bottom; also need to pour Dad around fire hydrant valve. 2. Fire hydrant in rear leaking at bottom; also leaninq to west side-need to straiqhten up. Paint & mark all fire hvdrant MLV & FHV & cads. 3. Need blue marker in street on each fire hydrant. Need to grout and clean out M~ on Parkway. Need to clean out all meter boxes 6" below meter & double 4. check. Need to Put a metal meter can in place of the plastic box. Need to clean out vault and add more ram neck to seal up leak 5. in vault. MESSAGE CONF I RMAT I ON 08/05~'97 1~: ~6 ID--CITY OF COPPELL DATE 08/05 S,R-TIME DISTANT STATION ID MODE PAGES 00~36" CITY OF COPPELL CALLING 02 RESULT OK 0008