ST8402-AG 9006264-24-89 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIr. ~TII~f; June 26, 1990 ITEM CAPTION: To approve payment to TU Electric street lighting,~on Denton Tap. SUBMITTED BY: ~ (Director s Signature) EVALUATION OF ITEM: i n the amount of $85,760.00, for StAy~,.:Frank Trando, Deput~.City.M~r Finance~Director DATE City staff recommends payment. An escrow agreement was approved on September 12, 1989, with TU Electric for the installation of the street lighting system for Denton Tap in the amount of $88,440.00.. r BUDGET ANT.: COI~IENTS: ~88)440 · l{'l, ~.STIMA'I'~D: 760 68O LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ FORM 0588DS "~ELECTRIC May 24, 1990 Mr. Frank Trando City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Mr. Trando: In an agreement dated August 15, 1989, you agreed to pay us the sum of $85,760.00, representing the excess cost of underground served street light facilities along Denton Tap Road in Coppell. Surety for this agreement was provided by an Escrow Agreement. This is our notification to you that street light service to the street lights is substantially complete as provided for in our agreement. Attached is our invoice for the amount due. Your prompt remittance will be appreciated. Sincerely, Thomas G. Parsons TGP/TB:dh Attachment 14400 Josey Lane p.O. BoxSIg06! Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9061 cons~ruction of th~w'-'~rmanent concession stand is i~-~he hands of the contractor. It ia -~ticipated that this item will ~e placed on the September 26, 1989 City Council Agenda for consideration and approval at that time. Following approval, the contract calls for the concession stand to be completed within 60 days from date of signing. 18d) Beltline: Briefing and discussion on C.I.P. Project Beltline Road (South), requested by Councilmen Thomas and Morton. Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn gave a statue report on the landscaped areas and control and prevention of weeds on Beltline Road, South. Mr. Glnn stated that it would be his preference to use funds left from this project later ih the year to control the weeds, and will work with the City Manager on this item. The next step in this project is to receive Council approval for release of retainage. This item will be back on the September 26, 1989 City Council Agenda for further consideration. 1ge) Denton Tap Road Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn and Construction Repreeentatives Scott Balch and Rom Mcllvie were present to discuss this item with the Council. Hr. Glum stated that the project is 90 percent complete. The project vas due for completion the first week in July, however, 60 days extension time, due to weather caused time loss, has been granted. Mr. Ginn indicated that the major hold up is the lowering of the Dallas Water Transmission Line just north of the intersection of Sandy Lake and Denton Tap Roads. Mr. Ginn volunteered to meet with any business owners along Dentou Tap Road to answer their questions concerning the project. He also stated that he anticipates it taking another two to three months before final completion of the project. Mr. Jay Turner, representing the Coppell Business Association, was present and asked to speak before the Council to present their feelings of frustration in the delay in the opening of this roadway. Discussion was held by Council concerning the possibility of opening that portion of Denton Tap south of Sandy Lake Road and Meadowcreek prior to completion of the portion north of Sandy Lake Road. Hr. Balch stated that the time frame for Denton Tap Road south of Sandy Lake Road to Meadowcreek to be opened le approximately l& working days or three weeks. Mr. Belch also stated that it is anticipated that the traffic north of Beltline Road would be split within five (5) working days. Both representatives of the contractor indicated that they could not give e date for total completion of the project due to the hold up in the lowering of the Dallas Water Transmission Line. Item 19: Discussion and consideration of entering into an escrow agreement with TU Electric Company, for installation of the street lighting system in Denton-Tap Road, in the -~unt of $88,4&0.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the City enter into an escrow agreement with TU Electric Company for installation of the street lighting system on Denton Tap Road in the amount of $88,~40.00 and authorize the Moyor to sign. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro-Tom ~ilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Co~m~n, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.