ST8402-AG 900612 (2)AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 12, 1990 ITEM NO. ITEM CAPTION: Final Payment for to Denton Creek. Discussion and consideration of approval of L. H. Lacy Co.'s Application for uction of Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road SUBMITTED BY: ~( e constl .rector' s Signature) STAFF R. EP.: Ginn, Inc. Consulting Eng. OTHER REP.: EVALUATION OF ITEM: DATE: 5/29/90 Staff recommends approval of Final Payment in the amount of $131,448.49. This recommendat|on is made with the assumption that Change Order No. 5 is approved. An Executive Summary is included in the back-up material. If the Council should elect to discuss liquidated damages, we recommend that it be held in executive session prior to consideration of this item. BUDGET AMT.: $1,791,535.83 COt~HENT$: AMT. ESTIMATED: $1,903,525.58 AMT. +/- BUDGET: $(111,989.75) FINANCIAL REVIEW BY: '~: ~ See attached LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ FORM.O5$gDS Date: June 5, 1990 TO: Frank Trando FROM: Misty Roper RE: Denton Tap Improvements AMOUNT ISSUED: OTRER REVENUES: TOTAL REVENUES PAID TO DATE BALAMCE 6/5/90 4,500,000.00 2,299,769.81 6,799,769.81 6,112,196.31 687,573.50 A total of $362,437.59 has been requested for final payment on the Denton Tap Road Improvements project from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. The $36,000.00 change order is included in the above amount. After making the final payment of $362,437.59 to L.H. Lacy, we will have a balance of $325,135.91 remaining in Denton Tap of which mast is already enc--hered for lighting, irrigation, landscape, etc.. (;INN, INC., May 31, 1990 Mr. Steve Goram City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Ilnpro,;ement Projects Dear Steve: The Denton Tap Road Impr~vement proj~ct.~- ar~: ne,.: 2o~ Enclosed. is the fina'£ :.[¢.cumentation req ~i~d accept the project ar~c make final payments t:~ L .-I. La~y This package contains three separate Order No. 5 and Final Pay~ent Request fcr Final Payment Request for the soutl~ project. Attached is a final estimated summary of With all thin.Is c~nsidered at this poiu',. ~'~ ~"~,~. th.'~ .,.% ' ~' realized an ap~ro%:i~ate cost savings $235,000.00 from the original budge Eed transferre~ to Belt Line l~oad East/[~est). We are proud to l,~ave been of ser,~i~.e planning, design and project administration t~f want to thank you, and all of the City cooperation and assistance throughout tr~e Sincerely, H. Wayne Ginn, ~.E~ HWG/dsp cc: Frank Trando John C. Karlsruher, Files 378, !379 PoE. GINN, INC.' ~AY 31, lO90 (6 LANE W/ ST*D BRIDGE ~AIL) RAILROAD CROSSING CONOCO PIPELINE STREET LIGNTS LANDSCAPING TRAFFIC SIGNALS RIDHT'OF'UAY ENGINEERING INSPECTION AND TESTING TRENCH SAFETY CONTINGENCIES ABO DEV. REIMBURSENENT UNIVEST REIHGURSEHENT OTRER TOTALS I' $7,100,C00.¢0 I S5,974,950.0~ J lTH)q I~l'CSl;~,i R. tad· Suite I(.~.' ,i t.l: I I1" ~' I.);dlas. '|c.x;r; 75]:1~ o J;,lel,c o, 'IL" I · . @ ITEMIDE$CRIPT[O# I .%I~OL~T TO DATE IAHOUNT TO DATE ~8,6~5.75 $26,999.50 $35,277.50 $18,246.64 $1,329.89 $8,138.54 $73.87 $258.47 $33,5~.0~ $21,00D.00 $287.5C $25,995.60 $22,288.?5 $4,325.85 I TOTAL TO g~TE i~e7.5o $S~,993.10 $57,566.25 $29,476.02 $106.2~ TOTAL J S164,356.63 { 1:86,]16.40 J $2~C,67S.C~ j NOTES: !'age 2 of ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FINAL REPORT DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK May 31, 1990 pROJECT CHRONOLOGY The project was advertised for bidding during January and February, 1988 and bids were received on March 3, 1988. After a contract was awarded on April 26, 1988 to L. H. Lacy Company, in the estimated amount of $1,791,535.83 a Notice-To-Proceed for the 365 calendar day contract was issued effective June 15, 1988. During the course of construction of the project both weather and changes in the scope of work of the project brought about in contract time. The original contract 14, 1989. The requested time extensions contract completion date are listed as requests for extensions completion date was June and their impact on the follows: Time Contract Contract requested time date Original Contract 365 6/14/89 1. Change Order No. 2 10 days 375 6/24/89 2. Change Order No. 3 14 days 389 7/8/89 3. Request dated 6/1/89 3 days 392 7/11/89 4. Change Order No. 4 7 days 399 7/18/89 5. Request dated 6/13/89 60 days 459 9/16/89 6. Change Order No. 5 75 days 534 11/30/89 Total 169 days Substantial completion was when the project was opened to six lane traffic. The Contractor claims to have reached substantial completion on September 20, 1989. Our research indicates that this is correct. In consideration of the time extensions requested, the Contractor substantially completed the project within the adjusted contract time. From the date of substantial completion until the date of the final walk-through inspection, February 21, 1990, the Contractor completed his work on miscellaneous small work items and repair/replacement of defective work. Since the date of the final inspection the Contractor has been working on the punch list of items noted by ourselves and the city during the inspection. At this time the contractor is preparing "as-built" drawings and submitting contract closeout items including his application for final payment. Page 1 of 3 FINANCIAL SUMMARY This project began with an estimated Contract Price of $1,789,363.03 based on the contractor's low bid of $1,791,535.83 minus a rebate of $14,000 and plus an additional cost of $11,827.20 for the addition of the Decorative Concrete Bridge Railing selected by the city Council in award of the contract. The rebate in the total amount of $40,000 was proposed by the contractor in the event he was awarded both projects and could work on them simultaneously. The contractor was low bidder on both projects and was awarded both Contracts and the rebate has been prorated to both projects as follows: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road @ 65% = $26,000 Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek @ 35% = $14,000 $40,000 These amounts will be deducted from the Final the respective Contracts. The final analysis of the construction contract Original Estimated Contract Amount Final Quantity Underruns Final Quantity Overruns Change Orders and Field Changes (incl. CeO. Final Contract Amount Contract Amount of follows: $1,789,363.03 (54,126.93) 42,841.20 #5) 125,448.28 $1,903,525.58 Reimbursement from ABQ Dev. and Univest Dev. Reimbursement from Dallas County @ 35% of $2,600,000 from 1985 Bond Program Net cost to the city of Coppell Contract Retainage to Date (38,801.81) (910,000.00) $ 954,723.77 $ 93,267.22 SUMMARY The project construction cost has increased $114,162.55 (6.38%) through Change Orders and Field Changes of which $38,801.81 was reimbursed by ABQ and Univest for additional left turn lanes and median openings bringing the net cost to $75,360.73 or 4.2% over the original contract amount. A more detailed budget analysis of this and its companion project to the south reflects a substantial cost savings to the city for the entire Denton C.I.P. program. Despite delays due to weather and other causes, we feel that this is a successful project and recommend the City's acceptance. Page 2 of 3 Should the City Council wish to discuss the matter of liquidated damages, we request that this discussion be held in an executive session prior to the City Council meeting open session. Page 3 of 3 ~ppl ication f~.~ Rayme~n t PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 8~ SHEET FOR WORK COMPLETED THROUGH THE DATE OF : April 3~ OF 6 PROJECT TITLE: Denton Tap Road I_,?,provements From Sandy Lake Road To Dentor, Creek LOCATION:_Copn~?_ell, Texas (EC~__~!rld_,z Lake Road To Denton Creek) DESCRIPTION: Ravinq, Drainaqe and Bri~oe Improvements DATE: OWNER ENGINEER INFORMATION OWNER: City Of Coppe]l Address: P 0 Box 4?8 CITY/STATE: Coppell. Texas 75~19 Contact Person: Alan Ratiiff PHONE NO: (~14) 468-~!~22 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CONTRACTOR: L. H. Lacy Company ADDRESS: R 0 Box 541297 CITY/STATE: Dallas Texas 75354-1897 CONTACT PERSON: Curt Oerter PHONE NO: (214) 357-~146 ENGINEER: GINN, INC.~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ADDRESS: 171~3 PRESTON ROAD, SUITE 100 LB-118 CITY/STA]]E: DALLAS, TEXAS ?5248 INSURANCE CO.: Fireman's Insur'ance Co. ADDRESS: 18~ Maiden Lane CITY/STATE: NEW YORK~ NY 11~38 BONDING AGENT: Collier Cobb Assoc. CONTACT PERSON: John Karlsruher~. P.E. ADDRESS: F' 0 Box 821129 PHONE NO.: (214) 248-49~0 CITY/STATE: Dallas~ TX ?5388 CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT DATE: May 24~ 1988 PROJECT NO.: 379 TOTAL ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 1~789,363.~3 TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS: 5 AMOUNT: $ 91~761.87 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE: $ 1~881~124.3~ NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: June 15, CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: July PERCEN~ TIME ELAPSED: 15!.53 ~ 1988 COMPLETION TIME: 3~2 CALENDER DAYS 12~ ]9~9 PERCENT WORK COMPLETED: ]~;1.94 %, · - ~ ~ PAGE L, H, LACY COMPANY MONTHLY EST[MATE APRiL~ I?OB T¥ OF CBPPELL .O. BOX ~78 iS P~KWAY BDULEUARO PPELL~ TEXAS ORIGINAL CONTRACT: 1~70%363.~3 TOTAL CHANGE OROERS: glj61.~? TOTAL: PERCENT COMPLETE: ~B NAME: OENTON TAP ROAD I~PRDVEMENTS FROM BANDY LAKE ROAD TO OENTDN CREEK iS NUHBER: 318 2 ESTIMATE 8:28 JSTOMER NUMBER: SIBB~ FROM FEB 1, )ggB TO APRIL 3~, 1998 iTEM P~O~ECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRACT MONTHLY TOTAL ! DESCRIPTION UNIl EST. QUANTITY ON CONTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AMOUNT LANE PAVING IB~.88 PREP ROW STA 18~.10 SAWCUT LF ~iO.BB ROADWAY EX CY 131.BO BORROW CY !3S.~ RNV/RPL UNSTABLE MATL CY 16B.~B TOPSOIL SY ?~2~.B0 ~.BB 6,1BB.B~ B~9.~ FLEX BASE CY G68.BB LIME TREAT SY 26~.~B LIME BLURRY, TYA TON ~6~.18 LIME SLURRY~ TYA (g') TON 3~8.1~ HMAC~ TYG~ CLA TON B~B.B8 HMAC~ TYD, CLA TON 5~i.B8 ~q. B2 ?~9.3B 36).~8 6' CURB LF 3&8.4B B' CONC PAVE(STREE?~) SY 5~q.BB FIELD OFFICE LS 1.~ 5iB.I~ PORT CDNC TRAFF BARR LF 1,315.8~ ~.86 ~358.B8 51S.3B CONC BARR (REMOVE) LF 1,315.B~ ~.B~ ~BSB.~B ~3~.18 6" DRIVE/MEOIAN NOSE SY 5BB.2B PAVERS (UNIBECOR) SY 53B.3~ PAVERS (HOLLANO I) SY 5~.18 TERMINAL ANCHOR EA 666.1B IR" STOP BAR LF 672.BB 6X6 )IOGLE BAR EA ~R.BB 6.~B 55.BO 67&.1~ 4' TRAFFBUTTON~ WHITE EA B~R.BB 1BB.B~ 61~.BB ~76.2~ 4' TRAFFBUTTON, WHITE EA 676.3~ B' TRAFFBUTTON~ YELL EA 5G.BB 8.~8 DG.~B J~TOTAL 6 LANE PAVING 161,675.4i 11,358.88 5,6?6.89 ?AINAGE ~3~.1~ FLUME %~.IB ~X4 RCBC %~.q~ 2-?X& RCBC CY LF LF LF LF 671.B~ 799.SB 28B.8~ 671.BO L. H. LACY COMPANY ~ONTHLY ESTIMATE :TY Of COPPELL ,~. SOX 47B PARKWAY BOULEVARD 3PPELL~ TEXAS 75g19 ORIGINAL CONTRACT: TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS: PERCENT COMPLETE: ~ NANE: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK ]B NUMBER: 31~ 2 ESTIMATE #: 26 JSTOMER NUMBER: 21~9 FROM FEB 1~ lgg~ TO APRIL 3~ Ig9~ ITEM PROJECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRACT MONTHLY TOTAL ) DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. QUANTITY ON CONTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE ANOUNT AMOUNT 468,5~ B-OX4 RCBC A6q.]8 SA" RCP 464.BO 87" RCP ~4.S8 38" RCP 475,~ i~' RCSSD INLET ~75.~11~' RCESD INLET MOD ~?5.B~ 1~' RCSSD W/FLUME q75.3~ IR' RCSS~ INLET 475.31 1S' RCSSD INLET MOD 475.3S IS' RCBS9 INLET NOB 475.~ 14' RCSSD INLET q75.41 1~' RCSSO INLET MOD ~75.?~ TRANSITION SPLITTER ~75.?i TRANSITION SPLITTER q?5.?S TRANSITION SPLITTER 5B~.1) AD]UST WATER VALVE SBB.S~ RELOCATE ROD METER 58~.38 AB] FH 5BB.4~ IRRIGATION CONNECT 5SB.5~ 1~" H~O EXTENSION &lS.l~ 8' PUC 618.08 3" PVC 6~4.S~ PULL BOXES JBTOTAL DRAINAGE LF BgB.OB 8.~ B6~.5) LF 6~.~ ~.~ 57.~ S9.~ - LF 3BS.~ ~.8~ 369.5~ 31.8~ - EA ~,~8 ~,P8 4,88 EA 1.68 6.~ 1.~ EA S.88 ).)~ B.~ EA ~.~ ~.8~ ~,~ 371,~ ' EA 5,~ ~,~ 3.~8 LF 5!896.~6 366.~ 8!~3R.~6 LF 378.0~ 6,~ 611.86 EA ~4.~ 4.06 36.~¢ I~?.~6. ~,~0 23,S41.5~ ~.~ 5,~RS.~ ~.~ S78.4~ 1~386.4~I 6B9,753.8~ ~ENCH SAFETY 15~).1~ OPEN CUT SIMPLE SLOPE IN CLAY H=5-1~ LF 158~.~0 OPEN CUT SIMPLE SLOPE IN CLAY H=I~-15 LF 15R~.38 OPEN CUT SIMPLE SLOPE IN CLAY H=15-~ LF 15~1.I~ O.C.S.S. IN SANG & CLAY H=5-1~ LF i5~1.S80.C.S.S. IN SAND L CLAY H=IG-15 LF 15~l.3fl O,C.S.S, IN SAND & CLAY H=15-S~ LF 58S.~S COMP PROTEC SLOPE IN CLAY CONE A H=5-18 LF :580.R~ CDNP PROTEC SLOPE IN CLAY CONO A N=i~-I5LF .5~E.S~ COMP PRDTEC SLOPE IN CLAY CDND A R=IS-B~LF , 5~3.1~ C.P.S. IN BAND & CLAY CONO A H=5-1~ LF 58S.S8 C,P.S. IN SANE & CLAY COND A N=l~-15 LF 5~S.36 C.P.S. IN SAND & CLAY CON~ A H=15-Z6 LF 5)4.1~ SLOPE & BENCH CLAY H=5-18 LF ~TY OF COPPELL .0. BOX 4?8 35 PARKWAY BOHLGVARD ]PPELL, TEXAS 75B19 L. H. LACY CDMPANt MONTHLk ESTIMATE APRIL, 1998 ORIGINAL CONTRACT: I~789,G43.~3 TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS: 91,76i.E? TOTAL: 1,8BI~IOq.B~ PERCENT COMPLETE: 181.19~ ]B NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK 3G NUMBER: 318 G ESTIMATE ~: G~ JSTOMER NUMBER: 81889 FROM FEB 1, 1999 TO APRIL 38, 1998 ITEM PROJECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRACT MONTHLY TOTAL # DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. QUANTITY ON CDNTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AMOUNT SLOPE & BENCH CLAY H=I~-15 LF SLOPE ~ BENCH SLAY H=15-~8 LF TIMBER SHORING SYSTEM H=5-18 LF TIMBER SHORING SYSTEM H=i~-15 LF TIMBER SHORING SYSTEM H=15-G8 LF TRENCH BOX H=SiIB LF TRENCH BOX H=iB-i~ LF TRENCH BOX H=IS-GB LF JBTOTAL TRENCH SAFETY ~.8~ ~.~B 8.88 3.~B- ~.B~ 8,8~ 8,80 3~687.88 RIDGE 488.88 STRUCTURAL EX CV ~14.~B Gq" O/S LF 431.~ ABUT CUNC CY 4B1.88 BENT CONC CY 4Gl,Sd SLAB CONC CY 421.~8 APP SLAB CONC CY ~BG,~ CONC SURFACE TREAT GY ~9~.~8 EXTEND OLD STRUCT EA ABE.88 RIPRAP CY 4~8.88 RE-STEEL LB 611,1~ BRIDGE LIGHTING LS 548.BB ALT DECORATIVE BRIDGE RAIL LF ]BTOTAL BRIDGE ~ANGE ORDER ND, 1 I. CEMENT TREAT BY R. CEMENT SLURRY 6' TN S, CEMENT SLURRY ?' TN (ANGE ORDER NO, 0 1. LIME TREAT SY B. LIME SLURRY 6' TN G. LIME SLURRY ?" TN A. PREP RIGHT OF WAY STA 5. ROADWAY EXCAVATION CY 51,78 8.88 51.?B 8.88- ~.~8 413.68 871.30 8.88 894.53 5G.88- B.~8 46.515.5~ 26.3~ ~,~ G6.3B G~9.B~ ' 8.88 G,65G.7~ 33.48 8.88 33.68 389.8~ - 8.~8 1i,~54.48 886.88 8.88 886.88 332.88 ' 8.88 95,818.48 65.88 8.88 65.88 EOT.OB - ~.8~ 13,688,6~ 1.0~ 8.88 1.88 538~.~B - 8.88 5,38~.8~ 68,g8 8.88 B6,21 812.88 ' 8.88 1B,GT&,SB 88,14i.88 8.88 88,161.88 8.38 - 8.88 30,461.18 1.88 ~.85 1,~8 D45GO.~ ' 1,385.B~ G6,58~.B~ I84.88 IB.~B t86.88 116.~8 ' 2,1~3.68 BI~A36.88 3~468.68 877,249.76 1,781.36 1.85 ' 8.88 1,B?8.A2 3.39 67.88 ' 8.88 827.13 25.88 63.88 ' B.~8 1,587,68 B.35 ~51.8B - 8.88 1,41%85 G36.B1 4,68 - ~.B~ 1,557,67 B.~B ~.)~ 14,867.07 1,ES ' ~.)B 14,gB).63 B.~8 B.~8 I4G.B8 58,88 ' 6.88 B.gB 05~4G1.13 L. H, LACY COMPANY ~DNTHLY ESTIMATE APRIL? IggB :TV OF CDPPELL ,0, BOX PARKWAY BOULEVARD i~PELL~ TEXAS 75019 ORIGINAL CONTRACT: 1~7Og~363.~3 TOTAL CHANGE OROERG: 91.761,B? TOTAL: l!BBl~104,3~ FERCENT COMPLETE: IBi,lq% }B NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD I)PROVEHENTS FRDH SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK ]B NUMBER: 3lB 2 ESTIMATE l: Be JSTOHER NUMBER: BLOB9 FRON FEB 1~ 1998 TO APRIL 3~ 19Q8 ITEM PROJECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRACT HDNTHLY TOTAL ) DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. QUANTITY ON CONTRACI ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AMOUNT 6. B' CDNCREIE SLIPFDRH SY 7. &' MONO CURB LF 8.~ ~.8~ 57.B~ ~.88- B, B' CONCRETE NON-SLIPFORM SY 9. 6" x 6' ~IBGLE BARS EA ~.~ 18. 6' MEDIAN NOSE CONCRETE SY ~.~ ~.~ ~EB.IB 11. PULL BOXES EA ~.~ 1~. 3" PUC LF 13. 6' PVC LF 35,571.53 ~ANGE ORDER ND. $ 1, CEMENT BLURRY 6" TN 8.~8 B,~ 66.~1 17,~) ~. CEMENT SLURRY g" TN ~.6~ ~.~ 1~,88 13.~B ~ANGE ORDER NO, 4 1. BRIDGE COLUMNS PROTECTION SYSTEM dANSE ORDER NO. 5 i. WATER LINE MORILIZATION La 8.~ 8.~ 1.8~ 36B),~8 CHANGES B. CAST IN PLACE ~-B X 4 BOX CULVERT LS 1.~ ~,)) l.~ 3, OVER DEPTH 84" GRILL SHAFT LF A. OVER DEPTH Gq" DRILL SHAFT LF 5. DOUBLE 3" PUC LF ~.~B 5. ~" PVC LF 6B DROP INLET EA 6C INLET MODIFICATION LB 6D GRADE TO DRAIN LS ~.~ 6E RIPRAP LB L. H. LACY COMPANY ~ONT~L¥ ES~IMAT£ APRIL, 1996 ~TY OF CDPPELL ORIGINAL CONTRACT: ,0, BOX ~?B IOTAL CHANGE OROERS: 5 PARKWAY BOULEVARO TOTAL: i~BSI~IE~.$~ ]PPELL, TEXAS 75619 PERCENT COMPLETE: ]B NAME: DENTON TAP ROA~ IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANOY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK IR NUMBER: 316 B ESTIMATE l: RB JSTDMER NUMBER: ~I~B9 FROM FEB I~ 199B TO APRIL SO! Ig~B ITEM PRDSECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRACT MONTHLY TOTAL B DESCRIPTION UNIT EST, QUANTITY DR CONTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AMOUNT ?A ~' WHITE PAINT MARKING LK B,OB B.OB 1773.6B ~.56 B.OB BBB.SO ?D ALUMINUM SiGN EA ?C RIGHT TURN ARROW EA B, LOWER 8~ WATER LINE LS 9. REMOVE OLD CONCRETE GY ~,~6 B.~ ~5,GB ~,~ ~,~ 5~.16 ~TERIAL ON HAND I, BECORATIVE RAIL STEEL TOTAL AMOUNT DF WORK , ERFORM=O LESS 6~ RETAINASE NET AMOUNT PAYABLE ON ~ON.RA~J LESS: GPECIAL DEOUCTIONS PLUS: EXTRA WORK NET AMOUNT OUE ON PROSECT LESS PAYMENTS RECEIVED TO DATE AMOUNT ~JJE ON PRO)ECT AMOUNTS UNPAID FROM PRIOR ESTIMATES AMOUNTS DUE FROM CURRENT ESTIMATE CURRENT AMOUNT OOE L. N. LACY COMPANY PLEASE REFERENCE OUR 3QB NUMDER AND ESTIMATE NUMBER ON YOUR REMITTANCE 5G~IBi,G6 1!917~5~5.5G 5~,181.26 I!~I?~525.5B 1,gG3,5~5,58 131~8.~ :'ECIAL OE~UCTIONS h FINAL DEDUCTION LB D,~ ~.)G i,)B (14!~.~))) ~.)~ (14~)~.)G) PROJECT: Denton Tap Road Inj~rovements ._.From Sand_]~ ~oke Ro~d To D~r~ton Cree~. SHEET 6 OF ~ PAYMENT NO.__.~_ GROSS AMOUNT DUE .......... $1__~ 9~95.58 LESS ~ ;4 RETAINAGE ...... $ ~. ~,]'~ AMOUNT DUE TO DATE ......... $1 , %~'.3,5i~5 J~_~__ LESS PREV I OUS PAYMENTS ..... $ !, ??2_:j~i??. ~!~o, _ AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATIONS 131 CHECKED BY: ................................... DATE CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) all previaus progress payments ~eceived from OWNER on account of Work oone under the Contract referred to above ?~ave been applied to, discl'~arge in full all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred connection with Work covered by prior' Applications for Pavment numbered 1 thr'ough 19 inclusive; and (2) title to all materiale and equipment incorporated in said Work ol- otherwise listed in or cover'ed by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbr'ances (except such as covered by Bond acceptable to Owner). Dated May 25 , 1~'~! L, H. Lacy Cc, mpany Contracter ENGINEER'S RECOMENDAT ION: This Applicatior, (with accompanyir, g documer, tatic~n) meets the requirements of the Cc, ntract Documents and payment of the abo,~e AMOUNT DUE THiS APPLICATION is Dated ~_~_/~ .................... , .............. .............. OWNER'S APPROVAL: request recieved ................................. by .................... . Approved fc, r payment on ....... day of ............................... , 19___ OWNER TITLE STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT AND FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN COUNTY OF DALLAS first duly sworn, says that he is the _~O~EE_~E~!~t2_~O!~___ of -_~±__.UI___~§E~_~ .... (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") ~nd is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Company performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use, in the construction of certain buildings, improvements arid equipment on premises owned by _~_~__~E Denton Creek. ...... ~-~d Company has fully paid for all work, labor, materi,~l, machinery anti equipment furnished by it or by its subcontractors or materiaimen upon said premises, or furnished therefor. That the balance remaining due f~om .... and unpaid to said Company is the sum of __gge_~9~[~_Ibi[~zzDe~ ($131,qqS.q9) and that upon payment to it of said sum, it hereby waives all liens and claims against the said owner __~_~!~X_~[ ~RR~}!_ and its premises and property, and further,he represents that r~o other person or party has any right to a lien on account of any work performed or material furnished to said Company. Further affiant saith not. Scott Balch SWORN TO before me and subscribedin my of __~___, presence this .... ~5_t_h__ day __./~.~-~--"~--- ............ Notary Public LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL L. I1_ LaCy ,company ~ 0888 Shad,/Trail Dallas, TX 753§4-1L~7 To: Ginn, Inc. 1 71 03 Preston Road, Suite Lock Box 118 Dallas, TX 75248 ARE SENDING YOU: _X_ Attached Shop Drawings --_ Copy of Letter P.O_ Box §41297 (?-14) 357-0146 100 Under Separate Cover vm ___ Specificz, tions __ Chan~le Order [JOB NUMBER: 31 0 [ATTENTION: Mr. John C. Karlsurher~ P.E RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements Bellline Road to Sandy Lake Road Sand}~ L:~ke Road to Denton Creek The Following Items: Ptans _X_ Other COPIES NO. DATE j DESCRIPTION 4/5190 t1 1 415190 [Consent of Suret~ Release-North Project JConsent of SUl'et~ Release-South PIoject THESE ARE 'I RANSMIlqrED AS CHECKED BELOiN: __. For Approval __ Approved as Submitted ._X_ For Your [)se _X_ A~ Requested Other For Bids Due REMAF~S: .... Approved as Noted __ Returned for Corrections __ For Review & Comment Resubmit___Copies for Approval Submit __ Copies for Distribution Return .__ CraTe(ted Prints Prints Returned To Us After Lo~n Submitted in accordance with SECTION 1700-C©NTRACT CLOSEOUT. COPY TO: SIGNED: Senior Project Manager CONSENT OF OWNER [] ARCHITECT [] SURETY COMPANY CONTRACTOR [~] SURETY [] TO FINAL PAYMENT OTHER AIA DOCUMENT G707 BND1 12 76 79 PROJECT: Denton Tag Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek (name, address) TO (Owner) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS P. O. Box 478 CoDpell, Texas 75019 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: Construction L_ __] CONTRACT DATE: May, 1988 CONTRACTOR: L. H. LACY COMPANY P. O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the on bond of (here hereby approves relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to Ihere ,nse~I ~a-e and add,e~! of Owne,~ CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS P. O. Box 478 Co~gell, Texas 75019 as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. FIREMAN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, N.J. Plaza of the Americas, 14th Floor , SURETY COMPANY, 600 North Pearl Street L. H. LACY COMPANY P. 0. Box 541297 , CONTRACTOR, Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 of the final payment to the Contractor, and ag'ees t~at final payment to the Contractor shall not · OWNER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety' Company has hereunto set its hand this (Seal): 5th da~, of A~ril 19 90 FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, N.J. Si~natur~ ef Authorized Representative Linat~_~O ' Nale Attorney-in-Fact Title NC)TE Th,s tc~rm ~ lo be used as a companron document Io'AIA DOCUM[NT C'06, CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF D[BTS AND F remen s Insur tce Company of Newar qew Jersey 80 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents,That the FIREMENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK. NEW JERSEY has made. constituted and al)pointed, and by these l)resents does make. constitute and appoint Jerry P. Rose or Linda O'Nale or Juanda J. Holmes or Richard D. Hansen, Jr. or Barry L. Crow all of Dallas, Texas, EACH its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place, and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company. as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship to be given to all obligees on behalf of L. H. Lacy Company l)rovided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of Unlimited Dollars. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Reso- lution adopted by the Board of Directors of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY at a meet- ing duly called and held on the 20th day of February, 1975. In Witness Whereof, the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY has caused its official seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by one of its Vice Presidents and attested by one of its Asistant Vice Presidents this 3rd day of January, 1979 FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK. NEW JERSEY Attest: By STATE OF NEW YORK, ( ,,: COUNTY OF NEW YORK, On this 3rd day of January, 1979, before me personally came M.L Ford, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Summit. in the County of Essex. State of New Jersey, at 768 Springfield Avenue; that he is a Vice-President of the FIREMEN~ INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK. NEW JERSEY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. CERTIFICATE ETHEL TARANTO NOTARY PUBLIC. State ol New YO~ NO. 24-4663117 OuaJ. in Kings ~ I, the undersigned, an Assistant Secretary of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, a New Jersey corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of At- torney, is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of New York. Dated the 5th · AGENDA REQUEST FORM:,: c,,~, cou,,¢:~. ~,~ , ~u~ ~ ~o '~_ ~_. ~'~ ~o., , ' ITEH CAPTION: Discussion and consideration of approval of 14. H. Lacy Co.'s Applicatic Final Payment for e construction of Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Fond to Denton Creek.~ STAFF RgP.: Olnn, Inc. 'Censultin8 Eng. rector ~ Signature) ; : OTHER R~.: EVALUATION OF IT~: . ' ~ DA3 E: Staff recommends approval of Final Payment In the amount of 8131,448.49.. Th Is made with the assumption that Chanie Order No: S is approved. An Ext~ulive Summary Is included in the back-up material. If the Council should elect lo discuss liquidated ,darrmgcs, we recommend that It~be held in executive session prior ~o consid~ration.oF .this item. SUBMITTED BY: BUDGET AMT.: $1,791,535.83 AMT. COIIMEHT.q: ESTIMATED: $1,903,525.$8 AM'I. -~/- BUDGET: FINANCIAL REVIEW BY: LEGAl, REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ FORH.OSSfDS REVIEWED flY'CM: (,INN, INC. May 31, 1990 Mr. Steve Goram City of Coppell P,O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvement Projecns Dear Steve: The Denton Tap Road Improvement pro3¢ctr are n,?,w :'on,: - ?- · Enclosed is the final :!ocumentation required fo,.' th~.- ~::~'t~ accept ~e project and make final payments to L This package contains three separate items which are: 2h.:" ' Order No. 5 and Fi. hal Payment Request fcr th~ north t.>].%~'% .... ~', Final Payment Request for the south project. Attached is a final estimated summary of With all things conside?ed at this point. :.~1 time realized an appro~:i~nate cost saviDgs c.o ,~,~ $235,000.00 from the original budgeted transferred to Belt Line Road East/West). We are proud :to have been of ser~m::e ~.o th~.~ C~ ty r; --~ planning, design and project administrati-on want to thank you, and all of th¢~ City S~.:a. ff ~ ~ k".~ ~ · cooperation and assistance throughout '¢ne Sincerely, HW¢/dsp cc: Frank Trando John C. Karlsruher, Files 378~ 379 PoE. 17103 Preston:Road ~, Suite 100 ~, LBII8 *, Dall,'k% Texas 7524~1 ~ F'h,;~ .~2! GINN, INC. DENTON TAP ROAD FROM BELT LIBE TO SA~DY LAK£ ROAD A}ID FROH SANDY LAKE ROAD TO OERTO~ CREEK NAY 31. 1990 CONSTRUCTION (6 LANE U/ STUD BRIDGE RAIL) RAILROAD CROSSING CONOCO PIPELINE $5,161~1~1.03 206,000.00 40,000.00 STREET LIGHTS TRAFFIC SIGNALS IRSPECTIOR AND TESTI~G 213,000.00 100,000.00 443,402.66 156,833.95 $7,100,000.00 REVISED BUDGETED ANOIJN[ AHOONT T~ D~l'q $5,161,1~1.~ 206,000.00 217,500.00 Z12.950.00 17O,O00.or) 100,000.00 154,833.95 76,763.~9 2~2,$6IL~7 $6,974,950.0g Poge 1 of 2 OTRER: S(~UTR PROJECT NORTII PROJECT GOrtl pROJECTS ITEN/DESCRIPTIOR [ AI4OU~IT TO DATE [ANOURT TO DATE ~ TOTAL Tr~ OATH 270 ASSESSHERT5 280 CONCRETE R[PRAP NOD]F, 285 C.O. #4 (NORTR PROJECT) 287 TRAFFIC S[GM$ $10,370.50 ~8,655.75 $460.00 $26,999.50 $35,277.50 $1,329.89 $8,138.54 $73.87 $258.47 $2.94 321,000.00 $5,820.65 $4Z8.75 SZ5,993.60 $2~,288.75 TOTAL ] $164,356.63 ! $86,~16.40 ] $25~,67~.C3 I NOTES: 1. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FINAL REPORT DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK May 31, 1990 PROJECT CHRONOLOGY The project was advertised ior biddin%i during January a~]<t February, 1988 and bids were received on March 3, 1988. Altar a contract was awarded on April 26, 1988 to L. H. Lacy Company~ ~l, the estimated amount of $1,791,535.83 a Notice-To-Proceed for the 365 calendar day contract was issued effective June 15, 1988. During the course of construction of the project both weather changes in the scope of work of the project brought abo~ requests for extensions in contract time. The original completion date was June 14, 1989. The requested time exten?o~s and their impact on the follows: contract completion date are l"~t~'! e Time Contract Contract requested time date Original Contract 365 6/'] 4/~ 9 1. Change Order No. 2 10 days 375 6/2~/79 2. Change Order No. 3 14 days 389 7/8/~9 3. Request dated 6/1/89 3 days 392 7/17_/8~ 4. Change Order No. 4 7 days 399 5. Request dated 6/13/89 60 days 459 9/16,/~ 6. Change Order No. 5 75 days 534 !1/30/~9 Total 169 days Substantial completion was when the project w~s opened to six lane traffic. The Contractor claims to have reached substa]~ti~! completion on September 20, 1989. Our research indicates that this is correct. In consideration of the time extension,s requested, the Contractor substantial].y completed the pro[jecn within the adjusted contract time. From the date of substantial completion until the [late of final walk-through inspection, February' 2!, ]5'90, the completed his work on misce]ianeous small work it~s repair/replacement of defective work. Since the date of final inspection the Contracnor has been working on the list of items noted by ourselves and the City during inspection. At this time the contractor is preparing drawings and submitting contract closeout items including application for final payment. Page 1 of 3 FINANCIAL SUMMARY This project began with an estimated Contract Price cf $1,789,363.03 based on the contractor's low bid of minus a rebate of $14,000 and plus an additional ces% of $11,827.20 for the addition of the Decorative Concrete Bridge Railing selected by the City Council in award of ~he contract. The rebate in the total amount of $40,000 was propo~ed by contractor in the event he was awarded both projects and could work on them simultaneously. The contractor was ].ow bidder both projects and was awarded both Contracts and the reb~te been prorated to both projects as follows: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road @ 65% :-: $26,0~ Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek @ 35% = ~14, t)00 $4o,ooo These amounts will be deducted from the Final Contract Amount of the respective Contracts. The final analysis of the construction contract follows: Original Estimated Contract Amount Final Quantity Underruns Final Quantity Overruns Change Orders and Field Changes (incl. C.O. Final Contract Amount %54,%26.93~ 42,841.20 #5) 125,448.28 $1,903,525.5~? Reimbursement from ABQ Dev. and Univest Dev. Reimbursement from Dallas County @ 35% of $2,600,000 from 1985 Bond Program Net cost to the City of Coppell (38,801.81, 954,%L3.77 Contract Retainage to Date $ 93,26'~.27 SUMMARY The project construction cost has increased $114,162.55 through Change Orders and Field Changes of which $~8,~01.81 reimbursed by ABQ and Univest for additional left turn lcnez median openings bringing the net cost to $75,36C.7.'~ or the original contract amount. A more detaile3 budg.~t ~u:aT. ysi this and its companion project to the south r&~I'le &tm substantial cost savings to the City for the entire Denucn program. Despite delays due to weather and other' ~auses, %*e feel that this is a successful project and recommend tn~' City's acceptance. Page 2 of 3 Should the City Council wish to discuss the matter o~ liquid,tea damages, we request that this discussion be held in an executive session prior to the city Council meeting open session. Page 3 of 3 Appl icat ic.,~ fc.~- PAYMENT REQUEST NO. ~-: FOR WORK COMPLETED THROUGH THE DATE OF :~ SHEET 1 OF .~ _. r i _]._33 ¢ .,__ 1__?_~:~ .............................. PROJECT TITLE. Dento DESCRIPTION: F'av~ ' cL~__D -_.~tLi_,.%cl .e___(! 1/~.r.~ _ ji _-_L.d_ __~?_ _ i ~!~P ~ %' ~z'~Z m eJ ~ JL~ ....................................... OWNER ENGINEER INFORMATION OWNER: ~t.__y_Of Cc, ppeil Address: P 0 Box 438 CITY/STATE: COppeil, Contact Person: Alan Ratli'f~ PHONE NO: (81~) CONTRACTOR IN .RMV: 1 , 3,'4 CONTRACTOR: L.=.___ Fi-__ L_=Z!_c. L. ?. c_: ,l}~.?.! ,!J. ............... ADDRESS: .... "'-"~'-'~' E__Q__.r-.p_! :..~J_-~ ,_. ........................... CITY/STATE: hall CONTACT PEt'~SbN: PHONE NO: o ,i ', "-~,~"-.,'~' · ENGINEER: GINN, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS ADDRESS: 171D3 PRESTON ROAD, SUITE 1~0 LB-118 CITY/STATE: DALLAS, TEXAS 75~48 INSURANCE CO.: ;:"~,-em¢,~, s '~l',~,tl"arc:c ::.,:,° ADDRESS: 1_~!~ :"_!=~__k~i~:~"'L_..L-~! .5. ............................. C I TY/STATE: l.~l_'~!__>_'qJ!:l~... ~ N}:-_.~_%'73~'~ ................. CONTACT PERSON: John t,:a-ls-,.'~et-. F'.E.. ADDRESS: .... " c~'* :c __~~.2~.~.-!._,,!~,2~___! ,-, ....... '-,., .:~:.= .= .................... PHONE NO.: (214) 248-490~ CITY/STATE: ' ' -' "~" ':=':': = CONTRACT NO.:_ N/A CONTRACT DATE: ~J_ay 2½;., 3~'~_~._PROJECT NO.: .?¢;':, . .... TOTAL ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS: 5 AMOUNT: TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE: NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: June 15~ CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE:. July PERCENT TIME ELAPSED: ].51.53 % s. q, i ,, ,'7, {'!~iil_ ............... $ 1 ~88t ~ 1.24..__?~ .............. 1988 COMPLETION TIME: !~ ~ 989 PERCENT WORK L. H. LACY COMPANY ~DNTHLY ESTimATE APRIL~ 199~ :TY DF COPPELL .0, BOX ~70 55 P~KWAY BOULEVARD iPPELL, TEXAG 75BIg ORIGINAL CGNIPACT~ TOTAL CHANGF CRDFR~: PERCENT COMPLETE: 22 NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD I~PRDVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE RDAC lO DENTON CREEK IR NUMBER: 31~ R ESTI~ATF ~: ~6 JSTONER NUMBER: ~1~? F~i~M FEB !, J?g~ T~ ~P~IL 3~. lcd( ITEM PROOECT MDNTHLY WORK TOTAL NO~K CD,TRACT ~D)TH~Y iQ)~L ) DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. GUANTITY ON CONTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUKT A~OUF LANE PAVING I~B.~B PREP ROW GTA 3%91 ~,BB ~?.?~ ~I,~j* l~.IU SAWCUT LF ~%.~ ~.~0 1~:.~ q.~* 131.G~ BORROW GY 16.9~.06 ISS.~ RMV/RPL UNSTARLE MATL CY 6~.~ ~.~ I~$., ~ 5.JC {6~.B~ BROADCABI SEE~INB SY 19,SGG.~ ~,~ 2q9,)~ FLEX BASE CY GG~,B~ LIME TREAT ~£~.fifi LIME SLURRY, TYA TO~ 168.¢~ 1.79 I~G.~ ~7.05 · R6q. IG LIME SLURRY, TVA (g') TON 3~.1~ HNAC, TYg, CLA TON 53B.B~ 36~.1~ B' CONE PAVE SY 36~.~G 6" CURB LF 36~.3~ HEADER LF S6g.~ P GONG PAVE(SIREETR) SY 5g~.~ FIELD OFFICE LG 51~.1) PORT CONE IRAFF BARR LF 1,315J~ ~.~ 51R.3~ COMO BARR (REMOVE) LF 1.R15.00 6.~6 l,oog.o~ 5.3~. 53B.l) 6" DRIVE/ME,lAN NOSE SY 53~.~ PAVERS (UflI~ECGR) RY 350.~6 ~.~ q?~.~6 ~1.~- 53~.90 PAVERS (HOLLAND I) SY 5qB.)~ TERMINAL ANCHOR EA q.)~ ~.B~ ~.~D R~.~6. 666,1) lB' STOP BAR LF 67R.~ 6X6 JIGBLE BAR EA 676,18 ~ TRAFFBUTTDN, WHITE EA 676.G~ ~' TRAFFBUTT§N, NNITE EA G)~.~ 182.~ 67~.6~ 6.~' 6?6.30 B~ TRAFFBUTTDN, YELL EA 59.86 ~.~ 5B.~) S3.~ · JBTOTAL 6 LANE PAVING :lAB(AGE ~OG.i~ FLUME ~6G.96 7X~ RCBC q6B.q~ ~-Tlq RCBC CY LF LF LF LF 79%86 ~.¢3 779.6( 888.0~ g. O8 2GR.~i F'AG~ ? L. H. LACY CONPANY MONTHLY ESIIMATE APR1L~ 1Q90 TTY OF COPPELL O~;~!q~L COi<!~LT: ,0. BOX ~78 TOTAL !!~ANG~ ]5 PARKWAY BOULEVARD TOTAL: 3PPELL, TEXAS 75~17 PERCE~T COMPLETE: ]O NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM CANDY LAKE RDAD TO DENTON CREEK ~9 ~UNBER: 31~ D ESTI~AiE ~: ~6 JSTDMER NUMBER: D1~9 FROg FE~ !~ :~tF T~ APHL 3~, !q% ITEM PROJECT ~ONi~LY WOR~ TOTAL ~GgK COITEg~T ~DNTHLY [!T~L ) OESCRIPTION U~IT EST. OUANTITY Ok CONTRACT D~ :ONT[ACT UNIT PRICE i;~IUXT ;I'~[]NT %L5¢ ~-SX~ BCE LF 55~,~ ~&q.3~ 3~' RCP LF q75,~ l~' RCSS~ INLET EA q75.Dl 1~' RCSSD INLET MOD EA 4~5.3~ ID' RCSSD INLET EA q75.31 18' RCSSD INLET MOD EA 4?5,39 19' HOBS9 INLET HOD EA 475,4~ 14' RCSSD INLET EA q75.41 iN' RCSSD INLET MOD EA 1.~9 q?5,?~ TRANSITION CPLITTER EA q?5.?l TRANSITION SPLITTER EA 1.~ ~.00 ~.0~ 954,~. ~.~ ?~.~ q75.TD TRANSITION SPLITTER EA 5BS.I) ADSUST WATER VALVE EA $.f~ ~.~ B.~ SG~.~ RELOCATE HBO METER EA L~ 0.~6 ¢.~ 371,~' ~.J~ ~.~' 50S.~ AU3 FH EA 9.~ ~.~ ~0~,~ IRRIGATION CONNECT EA ~.~g 5DE,S6 ID" H~D EXTENSION EA 1.~ 5~q,0~ PULL BOLES EA ~A.~ q.00 3&.~) i~?.6~. F~.J~ ~,.t':2,~ 3OTOTAL DRAINAGE ?ENCH ~AFETY 15~,lfi OPEN CUT SINPLE SLOPE IN CLAY N=5-1~ LF 569.~6 6.~9 f.¢~ I,~- 15~8.S9 OPEN CUT SIMPLE SLOPE IN CLAY H=19-15 LF ~.~ ~,~ :588.3~ OPEN CUI SIMPLE CLOPE IN CLAY H=IS-B~ LF 15~1.1~ D.C.D.S. IN SAND ~ CLAY H=5-1~ LF 1~E~5.~ ~.~ ,i.~ l.'b. :50L9~ D.C.S.S, IN SAND ~ CLAY H=)O-15 LF 5~.~ 0.~ ~.0~ L~- i5~1.3o OoC.S.S, IN SAND & CLAY H=IS-~ LF 8.~ :5~9,10 CBNP PROTEC SLOPE ]N CLAY CDNO A N=5-18 LF ~589.99 CDHP PRDTEC SLOPE I~ CLAY COND A ~=I~-ISLF :5~,3~ COMP PRDTEC SLOPE IN CLAY COND A N=IS-2~LF :5~3.16 C.P.S. IN SAND & CLAY COND A H=5-1~ LF 5~3,~ C,P.S. IN SAND ~ CLAY COND A H=i~-15 LF E~.D~ ~.~ ~.~ 3.0~- .5~3.39 C,P,S, IN SAND & CLAY COND A H=IS-SP LF ~,~9 5)q.18 SLOPE & 9ENCH CLAY H=5-1~ LF ~,~ ~.~ 0~.~ · . ~AOE O L. H. LACY COHPANk MONTHLY ESTIMATE APRIL, )99~ ITY OF CDPPELL ORIGINAL COHTRA?' .O. BOX 478 TOTAL C~AN~E ~,', PARKWAY BOULEVARD TOTAL: 3PPELL, TEXAS 75~19 PERCENT COHPLETE: IR! :~' ]B NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TD BENTO~ CREEK ~B NUMBER: Rl~ B E~TIM~lE 8: ~STOMER NUMBER: EIB~9 FROM FEB 1, 199~ FO ITEM PROJECT MONTHLY WORK TOTAL WORK CONTRAST ~H !!LY ~DTAL I DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. QUANTITY ON CONTRACT ON CONTRACT U~;l FFiCE !5~4.BB SLOPE & BENCH CLAY H=IB-I5 LF O,BB ~.0~ 6~.~ 2.~' ~5~A.3B SLOPE ~ BENCH CLAY H:15-B~ LF ~.B~ B.B~ ~.~, S.~ ~5B5.1~ TIMBER SHORING SYSTEM H=5-1B LF 3R~,O~ ~.~0 F.~ %~' ~LF ~.~ :5BO,RD HMBER SHORING SYSTEM H=i~-I5 LF RS.B~ O.B~ ~,~' ~i.~f' 15~5.3~ TIMBER SNORING SYSTEM H=iS-B~ LF ~,~ O.B~ 6,~ j~.(~. ~,~G ~.D6 5B6,iB TRENCH BOX R=5-1~ LF B.BO ~,B~ 8,JiB.B~ 1,~. ~,~J ISB6.~B TRENCH BOX H:IB-15 LF ~.BB ~.~ 4B.k;~ L,~, :SBO.SB TRENCH BOX H=IS-BB LF 8,~0 g.g~ 8.B~ S.~ ~ ~B ~,D~, UBTOTAL TRENCH SAFETY RIDSE 4)~.BB STRUCTURAL EX CY 51.?B ~iO.BD BA" D/S L'F 871,3~ 6,~B 894.53 481.88 ABUT CONC CY 86.38 ~.8i! 8L.~ 4RI,~B BENT CONC CY O3.6£ 0.~ SJ,6~ 4BI.DB SLAB CGNC CY 481.~B APP SLAB CONC CY 65,R~ ~.~6 65.R~ ABB.~ CONC SURFACE TREAT BY 549.A~ NBB.~B EXTEND OLD STRUCT EA N3B.BB RIPRAP CY &8,9~ ~.B6 EO,H~ 4~.BB RE-STEEL LB 611.1~ BRIDSE LIBHTIHB LS 548.B8 ALT DECORATIVE BRIDGE RAIL LF I8~.86 IB.q8 18~.8~ OBTOTAL BRIDGE HANGE ORDER ND. 1 I, CEMENT TREAT SY B.~ ~. CEMENT SLURRY 6' TN ~.0~ ~.~B 66.~I B, CEMENT SLURRY 9" lR ~,~B ~ANGE ORDER NO, ~ 1, LIME TREAT BY ~.B~ 0.~ 1,7~i.3~ 2. LIME SLURRY 6' TN G.~B P.~ 3.39 3. L]ME SLURRY ?" TN ~.BB ~,0~ RS.8~ 4. PREP RIGHT OF HAY STA ~.B~ ~.~ ~.35 5. ROADWAY E)CAVATIDN CY ~.B~ 6.~d B36,RI 6'7.6C 60.( ~ ' ,St'. L. H, LACY COMPANY MONTHLY ESTIMATE ~TY DP COPPELL ORIGINAL CONTRACT: .0. BO% 4?8 TOTAL CHANGE OR~RS: PARKWAY DOULEVARO TDIAL: )PPELL~ TEXAS 75819 PERCENT :OH~LEI.: 5~ NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENION CREEK ]D NUMBER: 31~ 2 ESTTMATE JSTOMER NUMOER: 0I~9 FROX FED ITE~ PROJECT HONTIiLY WORK TOTAL ~DRK ~ONIRAC1 ! OESCRIPTION UNIT EST. OUANTITY ON CONTRACT ON CONTRACT UNIT 6. 8" CONCRETE SLIPFORM SY 0.08 ?. 6" MONO CURB LF B. B' CONCRETE NDN-SLIPFORM SY 9. 6" x 6' ]IBGLE 11. PULL OOXES EA lO. q' PVC LF HANOE ORDER NO. 9 1, CEMENT SLURRY 6' TN 8.~ ~.~8 ~.~,; !' .%~ ~. CEHENT SLURRY 9" TN ~.~ 6,~, l'd.~ lJ.~8 4ANGE ORDER )~0. q 1. BRIDGE COLUMNS PROTECTION SYSTEN '(ANOE ORDER NO. 5 1. WATER LINE MOGILIZATION :ELD CHANGES ~. CAST IN PLACE 6-G 3, OVER DEPTN Rq' DRILL SHAFT LF 6. OVER DEPTH GA' DRILL SHAFT LF 5. q' PVC LF 6A 3~' RCP LF 6D DROP INLET EA 6C INLET MOOIFICATIDN LS 6.0~ 1,~ I.(i6 6D GRADE TO BRAIN LS 6,~6 6E RIPRAP tS ~.6~ 1.~ 1.0~ ~DN]HLY ESTimATE ~TY DF COPPELL ORiGiNAL ,0, ~0~ ~78 TOTAL CHANOE DRIERS: ~5 P~RKNAY DOULEVARO TOTAL: 3PPELL~ TEXAS 75~19 PERCENT 30 NAME: DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVENENTD FROM DANDY LAKE ROAD TD DENTON CREEK 3~ NUMBER: 31~ ~ E~T:K:T? t: dSTONEN NUMBER: ~]RR9 ~R~M FEq ITE~ PRD)ECT MONTHLY WORK lOl:L ~), CO'TriO ~]NI'NLY f DESCRIPllOH UNIT EST, QUANTITY ON CDHTRACT J)~ COJlT~ACI )!~!] ~r~ ?A A" WHITE PAINT NANKING LF 72 ALUMINU~ SION EA 7C RIGHT TURN ARRO~ EA ~.~ ~.0~ 1.~ B. LOWER B" WATER LINE LS 9, REMOVE OLD CONCRETE SY l~. MIOC LS · iTERIAL ON HAND 1. DECORATIVE RAIL STEEL LR TOTAL A~OUNT DF WORK PERFOONEO LESS ~ RETAINAGE NET AMOU~(T PAYADLE ON CD?(T~ACT LESS: SPEC)AL DEDUCTIONS FLUE: EXTF:A WORK NET AMOUNT DUE ON PRO]EST LESS F'AYMENTS RECEIVED TO DATE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE ON PRD3ECT AMOUNTS UNPAID FROM PRIOR EGTIHATEO AMOUNTS DUE FRDM CURRENT ESTIMATE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE L, H. LACY CO),PANY PLEASE REi ~_R~NC~: OUR ~"OB NUHOER AND ESTIMATE NUMRER OH YOUR R~MITTAI~.E :'ECIAL DEDUCTIONS I, FINAL DEDUCTION LS ~.~ PROJECT: Denton T__~. Road -Fr o.~__,%,~n.~__L_..a~__,'e R~ Accompanying Documentation: GROSS AMOUNT DUE LESS P % R~T~INPGE AMOUNT DUE TO DATE LESS PREVIOUS F'AYMrzNTS AMOUNT DUE THIS APF'L~CA]ION~; REVIEWED BY: ~' · --~' DATE CHECKED BY: .......... .c.,,.;~.~. 2 ........................ DATE CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR ce',-t:i, fJets tr~a't (].) all previc, us;, prc,(_¢'ce, st.'s have been applied to discharge connection with Wor'k covered by prior' Applications for Payment numberr~d thr'ough 19 inclusive; and (8) 't~tle to all materia]~, and equipm~nt incorporated in said Wor'k or other'wise listed for F'ayment will pass to OWNER at time of payment froe arid c].ec.r of c] aims, security irrterests and ~2i]~ZLuBb¥'BmEes (eXEmpt ac:ceptable to Owner). Dated Ida]:'. ':'5 ~-'.- _._~. 199,,1~ L H. Lacy Cc, mo,~ny ENBINEER' S RECOMENDATION: This Applic:ation (with accompanying the Contract recommended. Dated OWNER'S APPROVAL: Pay request recieved .............................................. b~ _ ....................... Approved 'i:'or payment on (:Jay of OWNER T I TI_~E STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT AND I=INAI_ WAIVE~ Ofz L i~i~ COUNTY OF DALLAS first duly sworn~ says that he is t~-e S~, r i i c~ ~ of __ _Lz_.. ~_- _ _ _[.-_a_c ~__C.o_ ~[~.~_n.y- .... ( here ~ haft e_,r "Company") and is familiar with the facts That said Company performed work a~nd ] ~bor ,%nd/or material for use, in the constr~ction of certain o~:~.ldi, n~,~ improvements and equipment on premises ow~ed by _]~15~..~.~.(_ That said Company has fully paid ~Or all wo~-k~ material, machinery and equipnent fu-ni~}hod by it or ~v .t~ therefor. That the balance cemai':ir.g due from The City of: and unpaid to said Compar,~. .s t~,e sum of <$131,4q8.~9) and that upon payment to it of' said sum, waives all liens and claims against the said owner ~9~.!_ and its premises and property, ano further,he that no other person or party has any right to a lien or, of any work performed or material furnished to sa~d Further affiant saith not. Scott Balch SWORN TO before me and subscribedir, my presence tkis of ___~_aZ___, _!?&;9_. L ri. LUCy 'company 10888 Shady Trail Dallas, TX 7.5354-1297 ~inF~, Ir~% '171 03 Preston Road, Look rJ(~x 118 Dallas, TX 752,18 WF ARE S[':NOIN{:; YOU: _X_ Attached Shop D~3win9 ~ Cop), of Letter LETI'ER OF TRANSMITTAL Suite P.O. Box 541297 Und¢~r Se~3arale Coyer via The Followin[~ Items: .... S.pe¢i[ication s Chan~]eOrder _.X_ ( '~ :r COPIES NO. DATE DESC:RIPTIOt'J I ,1/~3/90 ............. ,115190 Consent of Surer7 Release-North Proi~?t THESE ARE 'I RANSMITTIED AS CHECKED BELOW: .... For Approval ,_×_ For Your t.)se _X_ As Requested __ Other __ For Bids Due REMARKS: ___ ADproved z~s Submitted .... Appruved ~s Noted .__ Returned for Corrections .I 9 Prints Returned '~ ...... f:te'subrr: iL___Cr, pie ~; fbi' Submilted in accordance wid~ SECTION 1700-COHTRAC'f' CUC~SEOLq'. Senior Project Nlanager CONSENT OF Ow. ER ARCHt rE~T SURETY COMPANY CONTRACTOR su~E~' TO FINAL PAYMENT OTHER AIA DOCUMENT G707 BND1 12 76 79 PROJECT: Deatom Tap Road I~rovements from Sat~dy Lake Road 'to I,enton Creel (name, address) TO (Owner) CITY OF COPPELL, TF~S P. O. BOx 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 ARCHITECT'S PRO]ECr NO: CONTRACT FOR: Construc tioT~ L_ _] CONTRACT DATE: May, 1988 CO NTRACTOR: L. H. LACY COMPANY P. O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75[~5k-1297 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between t~e O~,ner and the Contractor a' ~r~dlc~4 x, ~uc.,e t~ .~ on bond of (here hereby approves relieve the Surety Company of any o( its obligations to ISere ,n~erl ~i~e and a4d~e~! ot Owner) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS P. 0. BOX 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. FIREMAN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWJ~RK, N.J. Plaza of the Americas, 14th Floor , SUREFY COMb',N',, 600 North Pearl Street oj ,0,Ao,, L. H. LACY COMPANY P. O. Box 541297 CC~;~COR, Dallas, Texas 75354-1~97 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this Attesl: (Seal): 51~n,~tur~' c i 6u~ho.zed R~prese~t~, "e Lin~a~0 ' Nale Attorney- in-Fact Firemen's Insurance Company of Newan , New Jersey 80 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038 · GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents,That the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY CF FJ',-',','A=~',, 'IE~ JERSEY has made· constituted and appointed, and t,y these presents does m~ke, constitute ar~0 appoint Jerry P. Rose or Linda O'Nale or Ouanda ,7. Holmes or Ric?tard D. Hansen, Jr. or Barry' ~. Crow all of Dallas, Texas, EACH its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place, and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company, a~ s u,'el> o :t.*;, undertakings and contracts of suretyship to be given to all obligees on behalf of L. H. Lacy Company provided that no bond or undeNaking or contract of suretyship executed under this huthority shall ,~ x.:r~ed ~n 3m ,tin* sum of Unlimited Dollars. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the roi ,)wi¢~,g lution adopted by the Board of Directors of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW J ER$.'.F', at a m, el lng duly called and held on the 20th day of February, 1975, In Wilness Whereof, the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY has caused .:~ offic,al to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by one of its Vice Presidents and atlested by one of ifs Asi.~,ta~t ; Presidents this 3rd day of January, 1979 FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW Attest: By STATE OF NEW YORK, ( ...: COUNTY OF NEW YORK, On this 3rd day of January, 1979, before me personally came M.L. Ford, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Summit, in the County of Essex, State of New Jersey, at 768 Springfield Avenue; that he is a Vice-President of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was ap affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corpocation aed that he signed his name thereto by like order. CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, an Assistant Secretary of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JEPSEY, a New Jersey corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remc,~.~ and has not been revoked; and furthermore that the Resolution of the Board pt Directors, set forth in the said P3v.~ of torney, is now 'in force. Signed and sealed at the City of New York. Dated the day of , & .?..,