ST8402-AG 900612Rev. 4-24-89 AG REQUEST FORM June 12, 1990 ITEH CAPTION: Discussion and consideration of Change Order No. 5 for the Denton Tap Road Improvements project from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek and authorizing the Mayor to sign. SUBHITTED gY: STAFF p.: Ginn, I suiting Eng. (Director's Signature) OTHER J EVALUATION OF ITEM: DATE: 5/29/90 Staff recommends approval of this Change Order No. 5 which compensates the Contractor for additional mobilization costs in the amount of $36,000.00 and adds 75 days to his contract. The basis of this Change Order No. 5 is the extreme length of the delay caused by Dallas Water Utilities in relocating their 30" waterline which was in conflict with the project pavement and storm sewer. The conflict was brought to Dallas Water Utilities' attention in December 1988 and they did not begin their actual field construction until late August 1989. Dallas Water Utilities' work was not completed until mid-October 1989. With the exception of the area affected by the waterline relocation, L.H. Lacy Co. had substantially completed the project on 9/20/89. The initial claim for additional mobilization costs was $65,072.27. Through negotiation we have managed to lower it to $36,000.00. We believe this to be a fair settlement to relieve the Contractor of an unusual burden he could not have contemplated in his bid. BtrDGET AMT.: .~oo,uuu.uu COI~ENTS: AMT. ESTIMATED: -0- APPROVED BY CITY COWNZIL DATE ,_ ¥ AM~. +/- BUDGET: S(36.000.004~ See attached LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGEh~A REQ FORM. C588DS REVI[I~EI) BY ~ Rev. 4-z4-~ SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA ITEM STAMP R~CEIVED BY CITY M~ ~ER'S OFFICE: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED WITH AGENDA ITEM: MEMOS/LETTERS/REPORTS/BILLS/MINUTES: NO. OF ORIGINALS REQUIRED 1 each CONT}~CT/AGREEMENT ................. : C.I.P. CONTRACT ..................... : CHANGE ORDERS ' 1 3 originals for signature 6 originals for signature 3 originals for signature ORDINANCE ........................... : CAPTION ............................. : RESOLUTION .......................... : PROCLAMATION ........................ : 1 blueback for signature + 3 copies 1 blueback for signature + 3 copies 2 bluebacks for signature + 1 copy 2 bluebacks for eignature + 1 copy 1 each LOCATION MAPS ....................... : ZONING PLANS ........................ : PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLATS ............. : SITE PLANS .......................... : LANDSCAPE PLANS ..................... : ARCHITECTL~AL RENDERINGS ............ : 12 12 12 12 12 12 DATE PUBLISHED IN THE CITIZENS~ADVOCATE: NOTIFICATION TO: DATE/METHOD CF CONTACT: 2ND SHEET.0588DS Date: June 5, 1990 TO: Frank Trando Misty Roper RE: D~nton Tap I~provementa AI. IOUNT I S$1.~D: 4,500,000.00 OTI~R I~VENI~S: 2,299,769.81 TOTAL REVENUES 6,799,769.81 PAID TO DATE ~C2 6/5/90 6,112,196.31 687,573.50 A total of $362,437.59 has been requested for final Pelment on the Denton Tap Road Improv~ents pro]ect fro~ Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and frma Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. The $36,000.00 change order is included in the above ~nunt. After saktng the final palment of $362,437.59 to L.R. Lacy, ~e will have a balance of $325,135.91 re~atning in Denton Tap of which ~ost is already enc~bered for lighting, irrigation, landscape, etc.. GINN, INC. May 31, 1990 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Steve Goram, Director of Public Works City of Coppe11 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Dear Mr. Goram: We are submitting an Agenda Request for the City Council's consideration for Change Order No. 5 to the Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek project. It is imperative that this item be considered prior to the Final Payment item for this project. We recommend approval of Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $36,000.00. We are also transmitting herewith the Final Application for Payment, Release of Surety, Waiver of Lien, Executive Summary and recommendations, and City Council Agenda Request for the project. At this time, the Contractor has completed all work on the project. They are in the process of correcting their as-built drawings as per our review and comments. We recommend that the request for Final Payment be placed on the June 12, 1990 City Council Agenda for the City Council's consideration. We recommend approval of the Final Application for Payment in the amount of $131,448.49. Please forward the Final Applications for Payment to the Finance Director with our recommendation. If you see a need for any revised or additional information, please call me. Sincerely, Karlsruher, P.E. JCK/dsp enclosures cc: Frank Trandow/enclosures H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Files 379 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/2484900 LIIAN(,I, OItDI%I( OWNI'~R: Add;ess) CON'I'I~, AC. TO R: C(.)N'IR ACT FOI{: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake to Denton Creek City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 I)ATF, OF Ltt. Lacy Co. P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75354-1297 OWNF, IUs PIqjccl No. F.N(HNF. I:,I{: (]inn, Inc. Denton 'rap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake to Denton Creek I£N(itNI:,IiR's I'lojccl No. May 17, 1990 379 I)cscfipliou: N/A To compensate the Contractor for an additional mobilization and delays I'm'lmscofChangcO~(Icf: required to complete the installation of the storm sewer system and to coff~plete the paving in the area in which Dallas Water Utilities relocated their 30" waterline which had been in conflict with the paving and storm sewer system included in this project. 1. 5/15/90 letter from L.H. Lacy to Ginn 2. 5/i7/90 letter from Glnn to L.t-I. Lacy CIIANGI'~ IN CONTI(ACT I'l{ICli: $ 1,789,363.03 (estimated) I'lcvious Ch;rage (.hdcls $ 55,761.27 I lo No. 4 Ct)ntlacl I)licc i)liOl Io Ihis t~hlmgc ()ldcr 1,845,124.30 (estimated) Net Inclcasc ({{~v~1¢~3~) of this Cllimgc Ordcr $.36,000.00 COnllaCI I'licc with ;ill al,l,rovcd Ch;lllgc OI(Icls S 1,881,124.30 CIIAN(;F. IN CONTItAC'I'TIMI{: ()ligimd COldlaCl 'J'inic 365 June 15, 1988 Ncl ch;mgc I'rom prcvit)us Challgc O~dcis 31 ('ollhacl 'l'imc Prior to Ibis (-Thallgc Older 396 July 15, 1990 Ncl Inctcasc (dcc~casc) tff Ihis Clmtsgc Older 75 · (]OtThaCl Time ,,villi all ;ll)l)rovcd CIi;iligc ()rdcl'S 471 Sqptember 28~ 1990 I(I[COIvlM liNI)F.I): Al'l'l{OVl!l): AI'I'I{OV F.I): /1 by hy by '"-I-""f " ..... ? I'~JC')C No. ignl.x-II (19x3 l{dili:m) // May 15, 1~ Mr. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road, Suite 1~, LB 118 Dallas, TX 752A8 RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Pavement Over 3~" Water Line Lowering Dear Mr. Ginn: Reference is made to our letter dated December ?, 1~8~. At that time, we requested $42,5~8.~ for remobilizing to perform the work. This included all move-in costs for utility, subgrade preparation and paving operations, as well as all applicable labor, equipment and material adjustments associated with lower production rates in smaller areas. Please find attached our corresponding backup detailing our costs. As a result of our meeting yesterday, we agree to reduce our claim to $36,0D~.~0 as a final settlement for this item. In addition, the forthcoming Change Order will include an additional 75 calendar days, necessary to complete the work. If you should require additional information necessary to issue a change order, please call. Respectful ly, Scott J. Balch, P.E. Senior Project Manager L. H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 "Quality Construction for over 65 Years" 10888 ShadyTmil ~O. Box541297 Dallas, Texas75354-1297 05722/99 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 30" WATER LINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS STORM DRAINAGE-LAT. D-22 27 LF OF 24" RCP 410-BACKHOE 16,0 HR $35.00 PIPE 27.0 LF $15.00 $405.00 EMBEDMENT 1.0 LS $120.00 $120.00 CONCRETE COLLAR 1.0 LS $200.00 $200.00 CREW 4-MEN 20.0 HR $50.40 MOVE-IN 1.0 EA $165.00 $165.00 $560.00 $1,008.00 2 DAYS $890.00 $560.00 $1,008.00 $2,458.00 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 1768 SY · 6" 14G BLADE 8.0 HR $85.00 BROS MIXER 8.0 HR $140.00 WATER TRUCK 8.0 HR $40.00 COMPACTOR 8.0 HR $50.00 SLURRY PUMP 8.0 HR $10.00 CREW 5-MEN 20.0 HR $73.36 MOVE-IN 5.0 EA $165.00 $680.00 $1,120.00 $320.00 $400.00 $8O.00 2 DAYS $1,467.20 $825.00 $825.00 $2,800.00 $1,467.20 $4,892.20 HYDRATED LIME MATERIAL 19.9 TONS 19.9 TN $65.00 $1,293.50 $1,293.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1,293.50 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT TRIM GRADE GOMACO TRIMMER 8.0 HR PNEUMATIC ROLL 8.0 HR CREW 4-MEN 10.0 HR MOVE-IN 2.0 EA BLOCK-OUTS, 12G BLADE 950 LOADER WATER TRUCK FORM TRUCK MISC MATERIALS CREW 8-MEN MOVE-IN REDWOOD HEADERS 16.0 HR 16.0 HR 16.0 HR 16.0 HR 1.0 LS 20.0 HR 3.0 EA 1555 SY $135.00 $35.00 $51.24 $165.00 & FINEGR;LDE $55.00 $50.00 $40.00 $6.00 $1,530.93 $88.76 $165.00 $1,080.00 $280.00 $512.40 $330.00 $330.00 $1,360.00 $512.40 $1,530.93 $495.00 $2,025.93 $880.00 $800.00 $640.00 $96.00 $2,416.00 $1,775.20 $1,775.20 1 DAYS $2,202.40 2 DAYS $6,217.13 05y22/99 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 30" WATERLINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS REINFORCING STEEL ~3 BARS 6,220.0 LBS $0.20 CREW 7-MEN 20.0 HR $62.44 $1,244.00 $1,248.80 2 DAYS $1,244.00 $0.00 $1,248.80 $2,492.80 MIX & PLACE CONCRETE SLIPFORM 16.0 HR CURE MACHINE 16.0 HR CONCRETE 392.0 CY CREW 13-MEN 20.0 HR MOVE-IN 2.0 EA $110.00 $5.00 $35.00 $13,720.00 $136.64 $165.00 $330.00 $1,760.00 $80.00 $2,732.80 2 DAYS $14,050.00 $1,840.00 $2,732.80 $18,622.80 FINISH CONCRETE TYNE MACHINE CREW 9-MEN 16.0 HR 20.0 HR $50.00 $97.72 $800.00 $1,954.40 2 DAYS $0.00 $800.00 $1,954.40 $2,754.40 SAW & SEAL CONCRETE SAW 16.0 HR $5.00 SEAL POT 8.0 HR $6.00 SEAL MATERIAL 1.0 LS $450.00 CREW 2-MEN 20.0 HR $31.92 2 DAYS $80.00 $48.00 $450.00 $638.40 $450.00 $128.00 $638.40 $1,216.40 CLEAN-UP 12G BLADE 16 930 LOADER 16 BOX BLADE 16 BROOM 16 DUMP TRUCKS 30 CREW 5-MEN 20 MOVE-IN 4 0 HR $55.00 0 HR $40.00 0 HR $30.00 0 HR $35.00 0 HR $38.50 0 HR $53.20 0 EA $165.00 $660.00 $880.00 $640.00 $480.00 $560.00 $1,155.00 $1,064.00 2 DAYS $660.00 $3,715.00 $1,064.00 $5,439.00 )IRECT FIELD OVEP~HEAD PAVING SUPT FIELD ACCT PROJECT MGR BLUE TOP SURVEY BARRICADES 1 0 1 0 1 0 LS 1 0 LS 100HR 2 4MO LS $870.80 LS $139.95 $3,115.70 $200.00 $65.00 $734.40 $650.00 $1,776.77 $870.80 $139.95 $3,115.70 $200.00 05722/99 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 30" WATER LINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS FIELD OFFICE 1.4 MO $250.00 $350.00 $2,776.77 $0.00 $4,326.45 $7,103.22 SUMMARY TOTALS PAYROLL TAXES AND INSURANCE 30% OF DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL 15%MARKUP TOTAL $24,545.20 $13,419.00 $16,727.65 $54,691.85 $5,018.30 $59,710.15 $8,956.52 $68,686.67 CURRENT CONTRACT UNITS-PAVEMENT OVER WATER LINE 24" RCP 27.0 LF $29.00 LIME SUBGRADE 1,768.0 SY $1.05 HYDRATED LIME 19.9 TN $67.00 CONC PAVEMENT 1,555.0 SY $13.68 CURB 823.0 LF $1.00 $783.00 $1,856.40 $1,333.30 $21,272.40 $823.00 $26,068.10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COST TO PERFORM & CURRENT PRICES (MOBILIZATION) $42,598.57 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 17, 1990 Mr. Scott Balch, P.E. L. H. Lacy Co. P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75354-1297 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake to Denton Creek Dear Mr. Balch: We have reviewed your request for additional compensation regarding the mobilization costs and project time delays experienced by L. H. Lacy Company due to the length of time it took for Dallas Water Utilities to relocate its 30 inch diameter waterline and thereby resolve the conflict with the paving and storm sewer system of this project. After careful review and consideration of the above, we will recommend to the city of Coppell that they execute the attached Change Order in the amount of $36,000.00. We will also recommend the approval of the 75 day time extension. Please execute and return each of the six (6) copies of Change Order No. 5 enclosed herewith. Once we have received the executed Change Orders we will request that the City of Coppell place this item and your Application for Final Payment on the next available city Council Agenda. Please call me if you have questions. Sincerely, ,John (2. Karlsruher, P.E.~~' Project ~n~ineer JCK/dsp cc: File 379 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB ! 18 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 the professional services agreement in the amount not to exceed $7,100. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Smothermon moved that the above stated agreement be approved in an amount not to exceed $7,100. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. Item 12: Consideration of a variance requested regarding parking lot paving at the School Mockingbird Lane site. from Coppell I.S.D. Coppell Elementary Mr. Larry Davis, representing the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, made the presentation to the Council. This request is the same as a previous request from the School District for the reduction of concrete paving from six inches to five inches in the Darking lot and light traffic areas. During discussion on this item, staff was requested to review current ordinances for possible amendments of City requirements as opposed to variance requests appearing on Council agendas. Following further discussion, Councilman Smothermon moved that the variance request from the Coppell I.S.D. for reduction in concrete paving reqUirements from six inches to five inches in the parking lot and light traffic areas at the Coppell Elementary School, Mockingbird site, be approved. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. Item 13: Discussion and consideration of Change Order No. 5 for the Denton Tap Road Improvements project from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek and authorizing the Mayor to sign. City Consulting Engineer Representative John Karlsruher made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Karlsruher was recommending approval of Change Order No. 5 in the amount of additional costs for $36,000 and addition of 75 days to the contract. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that change order No. 5 for an additional $36,000 plus 75 days to this contract be approved. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmen Thomas and Morton voting against the motion. Item 14: Discussion and consideration of approval of L.H. Lacy Co.'s Application for Final Payment for the construction of Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. Consulting Engineer Representative John Karlsruher of Ginn, Inc. made the presentation to the Council. Staff is recommending final payment to L.H. Lacy Company in the amount of $131,448.49. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Robertson moved that final payment in the above stated amount be made to L.H. Lacy Company for the construction of Denton Tap Road improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Thomas and Morton voting against the motion. Item 15: Discussion and consideration of approval for L.H. Lacy Co.'s Application for Final Payment fort he construction of the Denton Tap Road Improvements project from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road. presentation to the Council. Staff is recommenaxng approVa~o~ final payment in the amount of $230,989.10. Followin~ disc~s , Councilman Robertson moved that final payment in th..abov~ i~ amount to L.H. Lacy Company for construction ~f the De, ton 9 ~.:: Page 4 of