ST8402-AG 891212Re'~. 4-24-89 AGENDA REQUES'I' FORM . CITY COU~CIL~mRRTI~G December 12, 1989 ITEM CAPTION: Review and consideration of the status of completion of two current capital improvement projects; Denton Tap Road from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and North of Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. C/for Steven G. Goram O~ EVALUAT IOl~ OF Ginn~ Inc.)':Projec,t Enm._ Z)A~: 12/4/89 Attached is the latest report from Ginn, Inc. Ginn, Inc. will have representatives at this City Council meeting for this briefing and to answer any questions. BUDGET AMT.: N/A AI4T. ESTIMATED: _JL COI~KENTS: N/A A~. +/- BUDgeT: N/A LF.,C, AL ~Ji¥l~ NY: A~E~DA ~ FO~ 0588DS l~e:',~:. 4 24-89 3PPORT DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA ST_AMp ~ECEIVED BY CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................. : C.I.P. CONTRACT ..................... : CHANGE ORDERS ....................... : ORDINANCE ........................... : CAPTION ............................. : RESOLUTION .......................... : PROCLAMATION ........................ : LOCATION NAPS ....................... : ZONING PLANS ........................ : FRELIMINARY/FINAL PLATS ............. : SITE PLANS .......................... : LANDSCAPE PLANS ..................... : ARCHITECTL~L RENDERINGS ............ : DATE PUBLISMED IN THE CITIZENS~ADVOCATE: NO. OF ORIGINALS REQUIRED ~/1 each 3 originals for signature 6 originals for signature 3 originals for signature 1 blueback for signature + 3 copies 1 blueback for si~nature + 3 copies 2 bluebacks for signature + 1 copy 2 bluebacks for signature + 1 copy 1 each 12 12 12 12 12 12 NOTIFICATION TO: DATE/METHOD OF CONTACT: NOTES GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Date: To: From: M~MORANDUM December 5, 1989 Russell Doyle, P.E. John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Re: Current Project Status for Denton Tap Road Improvements from: Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road; and from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road Paving is complete with the exception of small blockouts at the Bethel School Road intersection where the temporary traffic signal poles fall in the permanent pavement. These areas will be paved after permanent signals are installed and temporary signals removed. Pavement markings need to be completed at left turn lanes and on bridges. Drainage system is complete with the exception of one inlet throat in front of the Post Office. This work will be completed when the temporary traffic signal poles are removed at the adjacent Bethel School Road intersection. The two bridge structures over Grapevine Creek are complete with the exception of painting, pavement markings, and lighting systems. The creek channel excavation and seeding for erosion control on the slopes need to be completed. Upon completion of the above a final walkthrough inspection will be conducted with the Contractor, Ginn, Inc., and City personnel. Any and all deficiencies found in the work will be incorporated into a "punch list". Once the Contractor completes work on the "punch list" items and complies with all contract closeout requirements, Ginn, Inc. will forward the Contractor's Application for Final Payment, with our recommendation and final project report. Once L. H. Lacy Co. completes all bridge and channel work at Grapevine Creek, the final dimensions of the bridge and creek channel improvements must be recorded and included in a report to FEMA requesting a Map Revision for the improvements. 17103 Preston Road ® Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Bandy La~e Road to Denton Cree~ Paving is complete with the final placement of concrete this morning in the southbound inside lane adjacent to the area in which Dallas relocated their 30" waterline. This area should be cured and open to traffic within about 14 days. Traffic was opened on the northbound pavement in the same area at 9:00 AM on December 4, 1989. Pavement markings still need to completed in a couple of places on this project. Drainage system is complete. The Cottonwood Branch Bridge Structure e~ception of painting, pavement markings, system. is complete with the guardrail and lighting Seeding for erosion control is not yet complete. Denton Tap Road Traffic Signals at Parkway Blvd. and Bethel School Road All signal pole and transformer foundations have been constructed and 75% of all detector loops have been installed for both intersections. Conduit work is also nearly complete at both intersections. At Bethel School Road two of the four permanent signal poles have been erected. Anticipate completion of this project in early to mid January 1990. T.U. Electric Street Lighting System Installation Pole foundations and conduit work nearly complete from Sandy Lake Road to Meadow Creek Drive. T.U. Electric anticipates completion by December 31, 1989. Median Landscape and Irrigation Project Design is complete and the project is currently being advertised for bidding on January 9, 1990. This is a 120 calendar day project which should be complete in June or July 1990. GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS MEMORANDUM Date: December 5, 1989 To: Russell Doyle, P.E. From: John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Re: Current Project Status for Denton Tap Road Improvements from: Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road; and from Sandy Lake Road to Denton.Creek Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road Paving is complete with the exception of small blockouts at the Bethel School Road intersection where the temporary traffic signal poles fall in the permanent pavement. These areas will be paved after permanent signals are installed and temporary signals removed. Pavement markings need to be completed at left turn lanes and on bridges. Drainage system is complete with the exception of one inlet throat in front of the Post Office. This work will be completed when the temporary traffic signal poles are removed at the adjacent Bethel School Road intersection. The two bridge structures over Grapevine Creek are complete with the exception of painting, pavement markings, and lighting systems. The creek channel excavation and seeding for erosion control on the slopes need to be completed. Upon completion of the above a final walkthrough inspection will be conducted with the Contractor, Ginn, Inc., and City personnel. Any and all deficiencies found in the work will be incorporated into a "punch list". Once the Contractor completes work on the "punch list" items and complies with all contract closeout requirements, Ginn, Inc. will forward the' Contractor's Application for Final Payment, with our recommendation and final project report. Once L. H. Lacy Co. completes all bridge and channel work at Grapevine Creek, the final dimensions of the bridge and creek channel improvements must be recorded and included in a report to FEMA requesting a Map Revision for the improvements. 17103 Preston Road ® Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Sandy Lake Road to Denton creek Paving is complete with the final placement of concrete this morning in the southbound inside lane adjacent to the area in which Dallas relocated their 30" waterline. This area should be cured and open to traffic within about 14 days. Traffic was opened on the northbound pavement in the same area at 9:00 AM on December 4, 1989. Pavement markings still need to completed in a couple of places on this project. Drainage system is complete. The Cottonwood Branch exception of painting, system. Bridge Structure is complete with the pavement markings, guardrail and lighting Seeding for erosion control is not yet complete. Denton Tap Road Traffic Signals at Parkway Blvd. and Bethel School Road Ail signal pole and transformer foundations have been constructed and 75% of all detector loops have been installed for both intersections. Conduit work is also nearly complete at both intersections. At Bethel School Road two of the four permanent signal poles have been erected. Anticipate completion' of this project in early to mid January 1990. T.U. Electric Street Lighting System Installation Pole foundations and conduit work nearly complete from sandy Lake Road to Meadow Creek Drive. T.U. Electric anticipates completion by December 31, 1989. Median Landscape and Irrigation Project Design is complete and the project is currently being advertised for bidding on January 9, 1990. This is a 120 calendar day project which should be complete in June or July 1990. Item 28: Discussion, consideration of approval of a corrected final plat, and abandonment of the previously filed final plat, for Shadowridge Estates, 4th Increment, located at the northwest corner of Plantation and Bethel School Road, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. Planning Coordinator Taryon Bo~an mede the presentation to the Council. Me. Bowman stated that the previous plat being abandoned was approved by Council on September 8, 1989. This plat backs-up to the east end of Kaye street. After approval of the original plat the Engineering Company later determined that the grades were to steep along the north side of the property between the proposed sub-division and the existing sub-division to the north. To alleviate the problem of building a retaining wall along the north the applicant increased the width of the platted alley from the required minimum of fifteen (15) feet to twenty (20) feet. The Development Review Co,o~ittee reviewed the corrected plat and their only concern is with the maintenance of the grassy areas along the north side of the alley. The Planning and Zoning Conmission has recommended approval of this plat with the condition that a note be placed on the plat that the homeowner is responsible for mowing the grass on the other side of the alley. Following discussion on this item, Councilmen Robertson moved that the plat be approved with the condition as stated. Councilman Themes seconded the motion; motion' carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tam Wilkereon, Councilmen Themes, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 29: Receipt, discussion of status report on City of Coppell Volunteer Program - Gary Sieb. Planning and Community Development Director Gary Sieb mede the presentation to the Council and informed them that this item would be placed on the January 9, 1990 City Council meeting. It will be discussed by the Directors at their staff meeting on December 13, 1989 and included in the FYI packets for the City Council on December 15, 1989. No action was required on this item. Item30: Discussion, review and consideration of the status of completion of two current capital improvement projects; Denton Tap Road from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and north of Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. Mr. John Karlsruher, representing Cinn, Inc., was present to discuss this item with the Council. Hr. Karleruher 8tared that both projects are nearing completion and that a final report to the Council will be forthcoming. It was the request of the Council that a report be formarded, setting out in laymans terms, the reason8 for the delay in the completion of this project and that it be provided to the Council prior to City Council action on the final payment of this project. Staff was also requested to include on the January 9, 1990 City Council agenda an item for Council consideration for completion of Parkway Boulevard. Item 31: ReView, discussion, consideration of approval of a report regarding vehicular traffic sight distances on drives end cross streets along Beltline (north-south) and Denton Tap Road from IH-635 to Denton Creek. City Engineer Russell Doyle ~ade the presentation to the Council. Mr. Doyle stated that an additional sign at To~n Oaks Center ~ould need to be moved. The cost Of moving this sign i8 not included in the requested $4,500.00 funding. Chief Building Official Dale Jackson was also PACE 11 OF 14