ST8402-AG 890214SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5:t~(~-~.m. Monday Rev,: Effective 1/20/88 REF/FILE NUMBER - 8 Days Preceding ~y Council Meeting DRAFt AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Fe~'uar~fl4, 1989 : 379 II. ITEM CAPTION : Discussion and consideration of approval of a Change Order (Change Order No. 2) fdr adding three additional median openings and four additional left turn lanes to Denton Tap Road Improvements from S~dy Imake ~ad to nenton Creek as requested by ABO Development Corp. and Univest Development Corp. III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : Staff recomends approval contingent on receipt of financial committments from the adjacent property owners within 5 working days after City Council approaval. IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STAFF - Russell Doyle, P.E., City F~gineer B: OTHER - Ginn, Inc. V. NOTIFICATION TO : VI. METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : FINANCIAL REVIEW : i. BUDGETED ITEM 2. BUDGET AMOUNT 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM 4. AMOUNT OVER-~ BUDGET 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED 'SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS (S~ries or year authorized) OPER~ING BUIYGET (Account Number) OTHER : xx YES : ~1~803~363.03 : ~47,77~.30 : ~35,899.33 : N/A YES NO N/A ,, NO City of Coppell CO.'s Dallas County ~ond Funds 1987 (Coppell): 198S (Dallas. Co.) APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM NUMBER AGENDA REQUEST FORM _~Fl~f~l ...................... * DATE RECEIVED * .* TIME * * To be completed by City Manager Dept.* SUPPORT DOCUHENTATION SUBMITTED MEMORANDUMS ........................ LETTERS ............................ REPORTS ........................... BILLS ............................. BID ............................... CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................ MINUTES ......................... ORDINANCE ....................... ; RESOLUTION ....................... : PROCLAMATION ..................... : MAPS ............................. : ZONING PLANS .................... : PRELIMINARY PLATS ................ : FINAL PLATS ...................... : SITE PLANS ....................... : LANDSCAPE PLANS .................. : ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS ......... : OTHER ............................ : REVIEWED BY (If applicable) CITY ATTORNEY ..................... : FINANCE DIRECTOR .................. : OTHER ............................. : SUBMITTED BY DEPARTMENT ........................ : DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ............... : APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER ................ % ..... : DENIED BY CITY MANAGER ...................... : AMOUNT PER/SET NO. OF PAGES DATE SUBMITTED SIGNATURE DATE REVIEWED SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED Additional documentation required Need for further discussion Submitted after deadline At the request of February 6, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Alan D. Ratliff,~,~y Manager Russell R. Doy~t.E., City Engineer REQUESTS FORJc'~EDIAN CUTS AND LEFT TURN LANES ON DENTON o CIP - SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK TAP ROAD In response to requests from property owners along Denton Tap Road, we have prepared a change order for installing both median openings and left turn lanes at the total expense of those requesting the work, including the construction costs, engineering, testing and inspection. The summary of costs and how they will be shared between ABQ Development Company and Univest Development Company, the property owners, is attached. We have commitment letters on file and these two property owners have been directed to submit their funds within five (5) working days of the approval of this change order by the City Council. This action will accomodate the requests of these two property owners, and in no way obligates the City of Coppell to limit land use or traffic planning around these requested median openings. Having the City's Contractor do this work, now provides a most efficient and cost effective way of getting this work done with the C.I.P. Project, and not have to interrupt and detour traffic at a later date, when the six (6) lane thoroughfare, i~ open to traffic. The location of the median openings and left turn lanes are as follows: Station 178 + 17.77 (Part of Project Design] Location of the High School construction Site Haul Road, identified as Lot 2 of the Coppell High School Addition Plat, and the location of Coppell Plaza Drive. The main access for the Coppell Health Care Center. Station 182 + 44 (New Opening) Unidentified location just north of an existing drive on the west side of Denton Tap Road. Station 186 + 98 (New Opening) Location of existing drive just across from Town Center on the west side of Denton Tap Road. Station 195 + 28 (New Opening) MEDOPEN A desired optimum location selected by ABQ Development for their properties on both sides of Denton Tap Road, north of Parkway Boulevard. SUN#ARY AND DISTRIBUTION OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS: HEDIAN OPENINGS: STATION 182+44 STATION 186.98 ~ STATION 195+28 SUBTOTAL NEDIAN OPENINGS LEFT TURN LANES: STATION 178+17.77 STATION 182-44 STATION 186+98 STATION 195'28 NORTH BOUND STATION 195+28 SOUTH BOUND SUBTOTAL LEFT TURN LANES ABQ DEV. UNIVEST DEV. TOTAL S2,14~7.32 S2,747.32 S5,494.63 S2,747:32 S2,747.32 S5,494.63 $3,755.61 SO.O0 S3,755.61 S9,250.24 $5,494.63 S14,744.87 SO.O0 S2,103.17 s2,103.17 s3,817.~1 so.oo S3,817.41 S3,817.~1 SO.O0 S3,817.~1 S3,451.40 SO.O0 S3,451.40 S3,032.14 $0.00 S3,032.14 S14,118.36 S2,103.17 S16,221 TOTAL ESTIHATED CONSTRUCTION COST S23,368.60 $7,597.80 S30,966.40 ENGINEERING, TESTING AND INSPECTIOH 8 10~ s2,336.86 s759.78 s3,096.64 GRANO TOTAL $25,?05:46 $8,357.58 $34,063.04 CllANGE ORDER (Instructions on reverse side) No. 2 PROJECT: Denton Tap R~ad Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek OWNER: City of Coppell (Name, P.0. Box 478 Address)Coppell, TX 75019 DATE OF ISSUANCE: January 27, 1989 CONTRACTOR: L.H. L~Cy Co. OWNER's Project No. : P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75554-1297 ENGINEER: Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road. Suite 100 CONI'RACTFOR: Denton Tap Road Improvements Dallas, TX 75248 from ,Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek ENGINEER's Project No. 379 You arc directed Io make thc following changes in the Contract Doeumcnls. Construct: Median openings at stations 182+44, 186+98 and 195+28; northbound left-turn lanes with the median openings at I~scription: stations 182+44, 186+98 and.:..~95+28; southbound left-mm lanes with the median openings at stations 178+17.77 and 195+98; and the west turnout for Parkway Blvd.3 ali in accordance with the drawings in the attached Drawing List and the ,Specifications. Purpose of Change Order: To provide access to planned developments on the adjacent properties. Altachmenls: ( List documenls supporting change) 1) CItANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price $ 1,7R0:~6~-03 (estimated) Previous Chan~c Orders No 1 to No. 1 and Fiela Changes No. 1 to No. 5 $ 2,126.03 (estimated) Contract Price prior to this Change Order $.1,791,489.06 (estimated) Net Increase (~llO:~ffi~) of this Change Order $ 47,773.30 (estimated) Contact Rice with all approved Change Orders 1,839,262.36 (estimated) Estimated Costs of Construction Drawing List Tranmittal latter ~or drnwJn.o._q J qml~.d to Contractor on 1/17/89 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Time 365 calendar days Net change from previous Change Orders Contract 'rime Prior to this Change Order 365 calendar days Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order Contract Time with all approved Change Orders RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: by by by l~,~r EJCDC No. 1910-8-B (1983 Edition) DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS fr~ SANDY LAKE RD. to DENTON CREEK ESTIMATED COST OF ABQ DEV. AND UNIVEBT DEV. REQUESTED MEDIAN OPENING AND LEFT TURN LANES 1 - 25 - 1989 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 STATION 178+17.77 - SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR UNIVEST DEV. (100~ ~TORAGE) ITEN I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE EASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 26O 26~ 26~. 1 360.1 360.2 530.1 67~ 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.5 624 Noeduay Excavation Icy PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) lay Broadcast Seeding (Cowfuon Berm) IsY Lime treatment, met. in place IsY Ltme slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 S/ay ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 34 #/ay (9" Thick) ITON 8#conc. pevement 3000 psi lay 6" MonoLithic Curb ¢3000 pat) ILF 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) lay 6'x6" JiggLe Bar (refi.)(Type I-C) lEA 4# Traffic Button, UhiteCNon-RefL.)(P-7-U) lEA 4# Traffic Button, UhiteCstng.-RefL.)CP-15-U) lEA 2" PVC conduit CSch. 40) ILF 3" PVC COndUit (ach. 40) JLF 4" PVC conduit CSch. 4O) ILF Puliboxes lEA Cji 29.9 -147.09 -147.09 179.48 0 3.05 179.41 15.14 -32.31 10 0 0 -14.48 -7.24 -7.24 0 $6.60 $0.50 $0.42 S1.05 $67.00 $63.00 S13.68 $1.00 $24.00 $5.00 S2.00 $6.00 $2.40 S3.00 $3.73 $127.00 S197.34 ($T3.55) ($61.78) S188.45 $0.00 S192.15 $2,454.33 $15.14 (S775.44) S50.O0 SO.O0 $0.00 ($34.75) (S21.72) (S27.01) $0.00 SUBTOTAL S2,103.17 STATION 182+44 - MEDIAN OPENING FOR UNIVEST DEV. AND A80 DEV. ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY :BASE 810 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 26O 26~ 264.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY PLace TopsoiL - Median (6" thick) lay Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) laY Lime treatment, mat. in place lay Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/ay ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 34 #/ay (9" Thick) JTON 8" conc. pavement 3000 pal lay 6' MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) [LF 6" coflc. (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6"X6" Jissie Bar (refLL)CTypa 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, ~hite(Non-RefL.)(P-7-U) lEA 4' Traffic Button, Vhlte(sino.-RefL.)¢P-15-U) lEA 2" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3, PVC conduit each. 4O) ILF 4' PVC conduit CSch. 4O) ILF PuLLboxea lEA 28.53 -239.~9 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 181.2 -179.8~ 58.57 '~ 0 -16 -16 119 119 119 4 UNIT PRICE { AMOUNT J $6.60 S0.50 $0.42 $1.05 $67. O0 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 S24.00 $5.00 S2.00 S6. O0 S2.40 $3. O0 S3.73 S127.00 S188.30 (S119.90) (S100.71) S176.26 S0.00 S179.55 S2,478.82 ($179.84) $1,405.68 $0.00 (S32.00) (s96.00) $285.60 S357.00 S443.87 $508.00 SUBTOTAL s5,494.63 STATION 182+4& - NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR ABQ DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRIPT)ON I UTS I QUANTITY BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 260 264 26&. 1 360 · 1 560.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Romdusy EXCNVStJon IcY Plsce TopsoiL * Hedisn (6u thick) ISY Broodcsst Seeding (Cosmos Berm) IsY LJ.e trestmnt, .at. in place ISY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/my ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/my (9N Thick) ITOH 8' conc. psvmnt 3000 psi IsY 6H MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) ISY 6"x6' Jiggle Bar (refi.)CType 1-C) 4" Trsffic Button, Uhite(#o~efL.)(P-?~) lEA' 4" Trsffic Sutton, Uhite(stno.-Refi.)(P-15-W) lEA 2" PVC conduit (Sch. &O) ILF 3. pvc conduit (Sch. 4o) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF PuLLboxes 33.44 -226.87 -226.87 200.68 o 3.41 2oo.61 -44.7 26.26 lO o o o o o o UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT S6.60 S220.70 S0.50 (Sl13.44) S0.42 ($95.29) S1.05 S210.71 S67.00 SO.O0 S63.00 S214.83 s13.68 $2,744.34 S1.00 (S44.70) S24.00 $630.24 S5.00 S50.00 S2.0O S0.00 S6.00 S0.00 $2.40 $0.00 S3.00 SO.O0 $3.73 SOLO0 S127.00 S0.00 SUBTOTAL S3,817.41 STATION 180+98 - MEDIAN OPENING FOR UNZVEST DEV. AND ABQ DEV. ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY IBASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 104 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 IRoadwsy Excavation iCY {Piece Topsoil - Median (6" thick) IsY JBrosdcsst Seeding (Cmmon Berm) IsY ILime trestment, met. in pisce ISY ILIme slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/my ITOH Ltme slurry, Ty A., 5X 34 #/my (9N Thick) ITOH 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 6" Monolithic Curb C3000 psi) ILF 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6"x6" Jiggle Bar (refi.)CType 1-C) {EA 4" Traffic Button, Whtte(Non-RefL.)(P-?-w) lEA 4" Trsffic Button, ~htte(sing.-RefL.)(P-15-#) lEA 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4# PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF PuiLboxes lEA 28~53 -239.79 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 181.2 -179.8~ 58.57 O -16 -16 119 119 119 4 I UNIT PRICE I AMOON? I S6.60 S188.30 S0.50 (S119.90) S0.42 (S100.71) B1.05 $176.26 $67.00 $0.00 S63.00 $179.55 $13.68 S2,478.82 S1.00 (S179.84) S24.00 S1,405.68 S5.00 SO.O0 S2.00 (S32.00) S6.00 (S96.00) $2.40 S285.60 S3.00 $357.00 S3.73 S443.87 S127.00 S508.00 SUBTOTAL S5,494.63 STATION 186+98 - NORT#BOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR ABQ DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRLPTION I UTS ~ QUANTITY BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT , 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Rosdwsy Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - MedSen (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Cowmmn Berm) IsY Lime treatment, met. in place lay Lim slurry, Ty A., 52 22.5 J/ay ITON LLme slurry, Ty A., SX 34 #/sy (9w Thick) ITON 8" conc. psvement 3000 pis IsY 6N #onoLLthLc Curb (3000 paL) ILF 6' conc. CDriveweys & #edisn Noses) IsY 6"x6" JLggLe Ear (refi.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4N Trefftc Button, Whtte(Non-Refi.)(P-7-W) lEA &" Trsffic Button, White(sLno.-RefL.)CP-15-u) lEA 2' PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC COndULt (Sch. 40) ILF 4, PVC condust (sch. 4O) ILF PuLLboxea lEA · 33.~ -226.87 -226.87 200.68 0 3.41 200.61 -44.7 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL STATION 195+28 MEDIAN OPENING ~c~d~ (~ ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT J 110 160 16~ 260 26~ 264.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) Broadcast SeedinB (Coemmn Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place lit Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/sy ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/sy (9H ThLck) ITON 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 6" MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 6N conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6"x6" JiggLe Bar (refi.)CType 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, White(Non-Refi.)CP-7*w) lEA 4" Traffic Button, Vhlte(alno.-RefL.)CP-15-~) lEA 2. PVC conduLt (ich. 4O) ILF 3" PVC conduLt (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduLt (Sch. 4O) ILF PuLLboxes lEA 26.67 -160 -160 146.67 1.65 0 160 -120 0 0 -16 -16 111 111 111 4 I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I $6.60 $220.70 $0.50 ($113.44) S0.42 (S95.29) S1.05 S210.71 $67.00 $0.00 s63.00 s214.83 s13.68 s2,744.34 $1.00 ($4.4.70) S24.00 $630.24 S5.00 $50.00 S2.00 S0.00 $6.00 S0.00 S2.40 $0.00 S3.00 S0.00 S3.73 S0.00 S127.00 S0.00 S3,817.41 I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I $6.60 S176.02 $0.50 (S80.00) S0.42 ($67.20) S1.05 S15&.00 567.00 Sl10.55 S63.00 S0.00 s13.68 s2,188.80 Sl.00 (S120.00) S24.00 SO.O0 S5.00 SO.O0 $2.o0 (s32.00) s6.00 (s96.oo) S2.40 S266.40 S3.00 S333.00 S3.73 S414.03 S127.00 S508.00 SUBTOTAL S3,755.61 STATION 195.28 NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE ¢80' STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRIPTION J UTS I QUANTITY RASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT J 110 160 164 260 26& 264.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676. I 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Road#ay Excavation PLace Topsoil - Median' C6" thick) JaY Broadcast Seeding (common Berm) IsY Lime treatment, mot. In place lay Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #lay pon Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 3& #/sy (9" Thick) ITON 0" conc. pavement 3000 psi lay 6N Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 6" conc. (Oriveuays & Median Noses) lay 6#x6m Jiggle Bar CrefL.)(Type 1-C) lEA &" Traffic Button, UhiteCNon-RefL.)CP-Z-U) lEA 4' Traffic Button, UhJte(stng.-Refi.)CP-15-U) lEA 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4# PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF PuLLboxes lEA 29.~ -20~5 -204.65 178.46 0 3.03 178.38 -45.36 26.26 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I S6.60 S196,28 $0.50 ($102.33) S0.42 ($85.95) S1.05 S187.3R S67.00 SO.O0 S63.00 S190.89 S13.68 S2,440.24 S1.00 ($45.36) S24.00 $630.24 S5.00 S40.00 S2.00 $0.00 $6.00 S0.00 S2.40 S0.00 $3.00 $0.00 S3.73 S0.00 $127.00 S0.00 SUBTOTAL s3,451.4o STATION 195.28 SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE (100' STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY 110 160 164 260 264 26~.1 360.1 360.2 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT Roeduay Excavation PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) Broadcast Seeding (Cofl~ofl Berm) Lime treatment, met. in place .ime slurry, Ty A., SX 22.5 #/sy Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/ay (9" Thick) 8#Conc. pavement 3000 psi 6" MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) 6" coflc. (Drtveuays i Median Noses) 6MX6# Jiggle Bar (refL.)CType 1-C) 4# Traffic Button, Vhite(Non-RefL.)(P-7*u) 4n Traffic Button, Ldhite(alng.-Refl.)(P-15-V) 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) 3" PVC conduit CSch. 40) 4# PVC conduit (Sch. 40) PuLlboxes I I IcY I 25.76 ISY I -18o.84 Isy I -180.84 Isy I 154.65 ITON I 1.74 ITON I 0 ISY 154.58 ILF -45.36 lay 26.26 lEA 10 lEA 0 lEA 0 ILF 0 ILF 0 ILF 0 lEA 0 I U. XT PRICE I AMOUNT I S6.60 S170.02 S0.50 (S90.42) $0.42 ($75.95) S1.05 S162.38 $67.00 $116.58 $63.00 $0.00 S13.68 S2,114.65 S1.00 S24.00 $630.24 S5.00 $50.00 S2.00 SO.O0 S6.00 S0.00 S2.40 SO.O0 $3.00 $0.00 S3.~3 S0.00 S127.00 S0.00 SUBTOTAL $3,032.14 ESTIMATED COST OF ADDITION OF VEST SIDE TURNOUT AT THE DENTON TAP RD./PARKUAY BLVD INTERSECTION ITEH J DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY 100 110 131 133 260 264.1 360.2 360.3 360.4 530.1 530.2 530.3 618.2 62& 666.1 SASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT Prepare R.O.W. ISTA Roadway Excavation iCY Borrou (DeLiv.)Cd.c.),Type B, cL.3 IcY Remeve/Repioce unstable meterJaL ICY Lime treatment, met. in piece IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 34 #/sy (9# Thick) ITON 6" #onoLtthtc Curb (3000 psi) Concrete street header ILF 8" Cone. Pavmnt Int. Streets IsY 6" coflc. (DrJveuays & Median Noses) isY Brick pavers CUnl-Oecor) IsY Brick pavers (HoLLand I) IsY 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) PuLIboxes lEA 18" Stop Bar ILF 0~35 0 0 0 385 6.6 42 60 370 17 168 17 898 10 34 J UNIT PRICE I AHOUNT I S4,051.00 Sl,417.85 $6.60 S0.00 $0.10 $0.00 S5.00 S0.00 S1.05 S404.25 S63.00 S415.80 $1.00 S42.00 $3.00 S180.00 $16.00 S5,920.00 S24.00 S408.00 S21.00 S3,528.00 S21.00 S357.00 $3.00 $2,694.00 S127.00 S1,270.00 $5.00 $170.00 SUBTOTAL S16,806.90 ~ee~ 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 DRAWING LXST DEMTON TAP ROAD XMPROVBI~TB FROM HANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK (~[ANGB ORDER NO. 2 ~ Description Sheet Index and Summa~ off Quant[ties Paving Sta. 174+00 to 179+00 Paving sta. 179+00 to 184+00 Paving sra. 184+00 to 18~+00 Paving sra. 189+00 to 194+00 Paving Sta. 194+00 to 199+00 Drainage Sta. 174+00 to 179+00 Drainage Sta. 179+00 to 184+00 Drainage Sta. 184+00 to 189+00 Drainage Sta. 189+00 to 194+00 Drainage Sta. 194+00 to 199+00 Revision 5 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 6 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 9, 1988 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City Engineer . City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 7§019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - ABQ Median Opening Request Dear Mr. Doyle: This letter is in response to your letter concerning the above. The design of the requested median opening north of Parkway Blvd. can be included in the scope of our work covering overall design of the project, and therefore you will not have to go through the work authorization process. The procedure for accomplishing this is as follows: Obtain a letter of Financial Commitment from ABQ Development Company stating that they will pay for the Engineering, Testing, Inspection, and Construction of the Median Opening. This letter should state that they will deposit the funds with th~ City within 5 days after the City Council approves a Change Order covering the construction of the Median Opening. Upon receipt of th~ above letter of Financial Commitment, you can authorize Ginn, Inc. to prepare a Change Order for City Council consideration. We have enclosed cost estimates for the Change Order and addition~l '' engineering costs. We are prepared to seek the Contractor's approval of the necessary Change Order, and revise the drawings accordingly upon receipt of your authorization. We have also enclosed a letter of response for your signature on City of Coppell letterhead to Jerry Parche' Consulting Engineers which covers the above. Please call me if you have any questions. enclosures cc: John C. Karlsruher, P.E. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900