ST8402-CS 910116DALLAS COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE DISTRICT NO.1 SERVICE CENTER January 16, 1991 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Rey Gonzales Michael L. Sharp~ Estimate - Beltline Road-MacArthur to Grapevine Creek and Denton Tap Road-North side of Denton Creek to the City Limits. Enclosed is the estimate you requested on Beltline Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Grapevine Creek and Denton Tap Road from the north side of Denton Creek to the City limits. Please let me know if you need additional information. MLS:so Enclosure 2311 Joe Field Road Dallas, Texas 75229 247-1735 ESTIMATE 1-7-91 CITY OF COPPELL ' TYPE "B" ROADWORK Be].tline Road - MacArthur Blvd. to Grapevine Creek SQUARE YARDS 7461 2" HMAC Type "D" 985 Tons @ $23.23/Ton $2.2,881.55 Tack 373 Gals. @ $ 1.02/Gal. 380.46 Ton Mile Haul 3940 Ton Miles @ $ .14/Ton Mile 552.00 RAP Materials 139 Cu. Yds. @ $ 3.00/Cu. Yd. 417.00 Eqntpment 417.00 Labor 349.36 12.44% Adm{ntstrattve Fee (charged on labor only) 43.46 TOTAL $25,040~83 Denton Tap Road - North side of Denton Creek to City Limits SQUARE YARDS 6336 2" l{MAC Type "D" 836 Tons @ $23.23/Ton $19,420.28 Tack 317 Gals. @ $ 1.02/Gal, 323.34 Ton Mile Haul 3344 Ton Miles @ $ .14/Ton Mile 468.16 Rap Materi. a/s 117 Cu. Yds. @ $ 3.00/Cu, Yd. 351.00 I~qt~fpment 351.00 Labor 293.67 12.44% Administrative Fee (charged on labor only) 36.53 TOTAL $21,243.98 County can participate in 50% of the total estimated cost on each road as they are Type "B" roads.