ST8402-CS 900322 (2)~OPPET.~. POBLI~ NOI~S ~ch 22, TO: FROM: RE: 1990 Wayne Ginn, City C.onsulting Engineer Wayne, I received the above referenced claim from our Personnel Department and I am submitting a copy to your office in order that you can forward it to the contractor. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me or if I'm not available speak with the Administrative Secretary Sheri Moino. SGG/sm cc~ Vivyon V. Bowman, Assistant City Manager/Personnel Director MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: ~eve Goram, Director of Public Works ~ v on V. Bowman, Assistant city Manager/ ~Y Personnel Director DATE: March 15, 1990 SUBJECT: claim Please find attached a claim submitted by Mr. Tony Gregory and also correspondence from his attorney regarding this claim. in the contractor has agreed under Based upon my understand. ~, .... ~-~ ~ 1 claims submitted contract to indemnify the Cl~y o~ coppe~ ~ ..... 1 during construction of this project. Please contact or have the appropriate representative contact the contractor on this claim to resolve this matter. Please contact me with any questions and/or need for further information. WB/dj xo: Alan D. Ratliff, city Manager Larry Jackson, city Attorney Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary City Secretary City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 GINSBERG, BRUSILOW AND WALK~3~ TELECOPIER (214) 702-0662 March 14, 1990 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Claim of Tony Gregory for damages Dear City Secretary: Our firm represents Mr. Tony Gregory in connection with the damages Mr. Gregory suffered by reason of the City of Coppell's failure to have a barricade in front of a section of road in Coppell which was under construction. This has been verified by witnesses as well as the police report which was made at the time. Mr. Gregory's car was seriously'damaged when the car he was driving plunged into a hole in the street because no barricade was in place. The accident occurred on. December 10, 1989, and he submitted his written report to you on or about December 12, 1989. Mr. Gregory obtained an estimate of the cost to repair, a copy of which is enclosed. The estimated cost to repair was $2,195.62. Mr. Gregory was initially advised· by the City of Coppell to contact the insurance company of the construction company that was doing the work for the city. This was done and the insurance company is unwilling to be responsible. Therefore, unless my client receives a check for certified funds in the amount of $2,195.62 payable to Tony Gregory within 7 days from the date of this letter, we will have no choice.but to proceed with all legal remedies available. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. Ver~y truly yours, David Brus ilow DB/kc Enclosure cc: Mr. Tony Gregory deb/c/c CLAIM NOTICE (FOR OFFICE USE) CLA'[M NO. · I.~ OFF~~ '~ '~ ~ .... claim against the City of Cop~ll.~e ~is is my notice of circ~stances giving rise to this claim are as foll~s: 1. The injury or damage occurred on the '~ day of /~d6'f,n~, 19~Q at approximately ~ o'clock p~ · at the s~cific location of ~0,~ ~m~ ~.~-~ ~'~ ~'~f> in Cop~ll, Te~s- 2. The d~age or injury occurred in the following manner: ~/~,v~l~.-j ~,~A ~.~ 0~+.,~ ~.p_~ i~ C/F~,,~ 3. ~e full extent of my d~ages and/or injuries are as follows (~ s~cific; attach estimates, bills, etc., if available): ~d~l/ ~f~,~,~ ~;~J~ e3~3 1~,4~,~ ~oi,' Z3"L2 '~') ,~' -~ IO-f3'~. 4. The amount of damages claimed is $ (please print) ADDRESS,2~O S. pgoc0cH,,,~ ~/~ CITY/STATE I DO SWEAR THE ABOVE IS TRUE AND CORRECT NOTE: ARTICLE II, Section 11.09 of the Home Rule Charter - Damage Suits. The notification shall be filed within forty-five (45) days of the date of injury or damage or, in the case of death, within forty-five (45) days of the date of death. The failure to so notify the city within the time and manner specified shall exonerate, excuse and exempt the city from any liability whatsoever. No action at law shall be brought against the city until at least sixty (60) days have elapsed following the date of notification. ~14/242.1089 214/242-1295 L~on's Collision Center 1325 Whitlock Ln.//201 Carrollton, Texas 75006 All Work Guaranteed ESTIMATE OF REPAIRS PARTS' J$ NET & SUBLET