ST8402-CS 900226COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS F~EMORANDUH February 26, 1990 John Karlsruher, Project Manager- Ginn, Inc. Dana Kamp, Signs/Signalization Technician~.~, Walk Through Punch List Items Denton Tap North The following are the punch list items that need to be addressed: Lake North to Parkway Remove old epoxy northbound right lane from first skip line to third skip line. Raise and level pull box first median northbound. Redo epoxy on button #2 in skip line #5 left lane epoxy did not set. Redo epoxy on buttons %1, 3, 4, in skip line #7 right lane epoxy did not Redo epoxy on button #2 in skip line #8 right lane epoxy did not set. Redo epoxy on buttons #1,2,3, 4 in skip line #8 left lane epoxy did not 7o Redo epoxy on button #3 skip line #12 right lane epoxy did not set. Redo epoxy on buttons #2, 3 skip line #12 right lane epoxy did not set. Redo epoxy on buttons #1, 2, 3, 4 skip line #12 left lane epoxy did not set. 10. Replace buttons #1, 3 skip line #12 left lane broken buttons. 12. Redo epoxy on buttons #1, 2, 3, 4 skip line #13 left lane epoxy did not set. 12. Redo epoxy on button #2 skip line #14 left lane epoxy did not set. 23. Remove epoxy by button #4 skip line #15 right lane. 14. Replace pull box rd median north end securing bolt hole broken out. Northbound Parkway to Bridge 2. Redo epoxy on first 8 buttons northbound next to right lane (edge line). 2. Replace button ~2 same location. 3. Remove old epoxy button #3 same location. 4. Remove old epoxy button #4 same location. 5. Remove old epoxy button %5 same location. 6. Remove old epoxy button %6 same location. 7. Remove old epoxy button remains by button %13 same location. 8. Redo epoxy on first button skip line %2 epoxy did not set. 9. Replace button %2 skip line %2. Broken. 10. Replace button %4 skip line %2. Broken. 11. Replace button %23 edge line. Broken. 12. Remove epoxy between button %26 and 27 edge line. 13. Raise and level pull box 2nd median (in middle) northbound. 14. Remove temporary yellow type (center line) northbound at end of project. Southbound From Bridge to parkway I. Missing first reflective button skip line #7 southbound. Southbound From Parkway to Sandy Lake I. Redo epoxy on buttons %2, 3, 4 on skip line %32 right lane set. 3. 4. 5. 6. epoxy did not Redo epoxy on button %2 skip line #28 left lane, epoxy did not set. Redo epoxy on button %3 skip line %39 left lane epoxy did not set. Remove temporary yellow tape right lane starting at skip line #46. Remove old epoxy center lane from skip line %56 to skip line %59. Remove old epoxy by jiggle bars (Tara Lane) ~ Sandy Lake and Denton Tap. If you have any questions regarding this list, please let me know. DFK/bb LIST3.DFK