ST8402-CS 900126CONSULTING ENGINEERS January 26, 1990 ~ /~s, TX 75354-1 7~9~fl . Re: Denton Tap Road~ improvements from Belt Line Roa~~ Sandy. Lak~ Road and from Sandy Lak~a~-%o Denton Cre~- ~ ~ Repair of Problem Pavement Texture Areas ~ Dear Mr. Balch: We have given careful consideration to your letter of December 18, 1989 proposing remedies to pavement texture problems on both projects After further consideration of the situation we believe that for the time and effort required from all partle concerned, and our level of confidence in the long-term effectiveness of the program you propose, it may be more reasonable to require L. H. Lacy Co. to furnish a five-year maintenance bond covering necessary repairs or remediation of pavement in the areas noted with unacceptable texture, and also in the areas in which the sawed joints are unacceptable. Please consider the foregoing and respond with your comments, acceptance, or other ideas as soon as possible, call me if you have any questions. (s..i-p'cere ~Y ' John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer cc: Steve Goram H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming Files 378 & 379 17103 Preston Road $ Suite 100 · LB II8 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Oecember 18, 1~8~ Mr. John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 752q8 LB 118 RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Repair of Problem Pavement Texture Dear Mr. Karlsruher: After careful consideration, we would like to propose the following plan of attack for "smoothing out" the areas of pavement where the surface is too rough. A. Thoroughly clean pavement surface free of dirt, oil, grease, cure, etc. B. Apply SikaTop 12~ mortar, floating into voids. C. Allow time to set, then retyne. We reel A. this will provide an acceptable remedy for the following The pavement sections in question are of sound quality; that is, they are proper depth and strength. B. The ride is acceptable. There are no drainage problems to contend with. D. The SikaTop product provides greater bonding strength and flexural strength than the existing pavement (see enclosed technical information). Your immediate attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated, as we would like to perform the work as soon as the weather permits. Respectful ly, Scott J. Balch, P.E. Senior Project Manager L, H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 10888 Shady Trail P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 Polymer-modihed, portland-cement, trowel-grade mortar Technical Data"' Description: SikaTop 122 is a polymer-modified, portland-cement, 2-component, fast-setting, trowel- grade, easy tooling patching mortar, it is excellent for horizontal and vertical sudaces. Where to Use: · On grade, above, and below grade on concrete and mortar. · On horizontal and vertical surfaces. · As an overlay system...see SikaTop Overlay System data sheet. · As a structural repair material for parking structures, industrial plants, walkways, bridges, tunnels, dams, and ramps. · To level concrete surfaces. Advantages: · Greater abrasion resistance than conventional portland-cement mortar. · Bond strength insures superior adhesion. · Compatible with coefficient ol thermal expansion of concrete - Passes ASTM C-884 (modified). · Increased resistance to deicing salts. · High early strengths. · No mix water...Componenl 'A' liquid co-polymer triggers special blend of cements/ aggregates/patented accelerators/admixtures. · Easy-to-use; fast-setting, labor-saving system. · No on-site hatching.., plant-proportioned packaging insures constant composition, consistent high quality. · No mistakes. Easily mixed...even by hand; trowels easy, cures fast. · High compressive and flexural strengths. · Good freeze/thaw resistance. · Easily applied to clean, sound substrate. · Not a vapor barrier. · Not flammable. · System may be finished with a power trowel. · Opens to traffic fast: foot in 1-2 hr, pneumatic tires in 4-6 hr. · Conforms to ECA/USPHS standards for surface contact with potable water. · USDA approved. Yield: 0.5 cu fl/ unit. I~ackaging: Component 'A' - 1-gal plastic jug; 4/carton. Component 'B' - 61.5-1b multi-wall bag. Typical Oala Ior SikaTop 1ZZ: (Material and curing conditions @ 73F and 50% RH) Shelf Life: One year in original, unopened packaging. Slorage Conditions: Store dry al 40-95F. Condition malerial to 65-85F before using. Protect Component 'A' from freezing. Il frozen, discard. Color: Concrete gray when mixed. Mixing Ralie: Plant-proportioned kil, mix entire unit. Appltcalion Time: Approximalely 15 rain after adding Componenl 'B' to Component 'A'. Mortar remains plastic for a longer period, but will have less adhesion after this period of time. Application time is dependenl on lemperature: shorler when hot, longer when cold. Finishing Time: 201o 60 mtn after combining components: depends on temperature, relative humidity, and type of finish desired. Compressive Strength: ASTM C-109 ASTM C-39 (morlar) (concreteJ* 2 hoars 250 psi 4 hours 400 psi 1 day 2,000 psi 1 day 1,800 psi 3 days 6,000 psi 3 days 4,200 psi 7 days 61500 psi 7 days 5,000 psi 28 days 8,800 psi 28 days 6,000 psi Flexurai Slrenglh (ASTM C-78): (morlarJ (concrele)* I day 500 psi 100 psi 7 days 1,700 psi 900 psi 28 days 2,000 psi 1,100 psi Spiitling Tensile Slrenglh (ASTM C-496): I day 300 psi 100 psi 7 days 800 psi 500 psi 28 days 1,100 psi 600 psi Bond Strength** (ASTM C-682 modified): 1 day 500 psi 7 day 1,600 psi 28 days 2,200 psi *Tested with an addition rate of 42 lb of clean, well-graded, saturaled surface dp/, Iow-absorption and high-density coarse aggregate. **Mortar scrubbed into substrate How To Use Subslrale: Concrete, mortar, and masonry products. Surface Preparation: Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and all bond-inhibiting materials from surface. Be sure repair area is not less than ~/8 in. in depth. Preparation work should be done by scabbler or of her appropriate mechanical means to obtain an aggregafc-lractured surlace with a minimum surface profile of :1:1/16 in. Saturate surlace with clean water. Substrate should be saturated surface dry (SSD) with ilo standing water during application. Mixing: Mix manually or mechanically. Manually mix in a wheel barrow or mortar box. Mechanically mix with a Iow-speed drill (400- 600-rpm) and paddle or in appropriate-size mortar mixer. Mixing Procedure: Sika]op 122 mortar: Pour approximately 4/5 of Component 'A' into mixing confainer. Add Component 'B' while continuing to mix. Mix fo a uniform consistency, maximum 3 minutes. Add remaining Componenl 'A' to mix ii a more loose consistency is desired. For SikaTop 122 concrele: Pour all of Componenf 'A' into mixing container. Add all ol Component 'B', then introduce aggregate at desired quantity (max 42 lb/unit). Mix to unilorm cousistency, maximum 3 minutes. For applications greater than 1 in. in depth, add a minus l/z-in, or %-in. coarse aggregate to SikaTop 122 to produce SikaTop concrete. The aggregate must be clean, well-graded, saturated surface dry, and have Iow absorption and high density. Note: Variances from this aggregate may result in different strengths. The addition rate must not exceed 42 lb of aggregate/unit of SikaTop 122.42 lb oi coarse aggregate is approximately 3.0-3.5 gal by loose volume. The yield is increased to 0.75 cu fi/unit with the addition of the aggregate. Do not use limestone aggregate, Applicalion & Finish: At the time of application, surfaces should be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no standing water. Mortar or concrete musl be scrubbed into the substrate, filling all pores and voids. Force material against edge of repair~ working toward center. After filling repair, consolidate, then screed. Allow mortar or concrete to set to desired stiffness, then finish with wood or sponge float for a smooth surlace, or broom or burlap-drag lor a rough finish. Important: Maximum bond is achieved with application ol a scrub coat on a properly prepared, saturated surface dry substrate. Priming with Component 'A' is not required and should not replace scrubbing the material into the substrate. Curing: Curing is not required under most conditions. Moist cure with a fine mist spray of water, wet burlap, or non-solvent-based curing compound* if ambient conditions might cause premature sudace drying: high temperatures, Iow humidity, or strong winds. If necessary, protect newly applied material from rain. To prevent freezing, cover with insulating material. *Pretesting of curing compound is recommended · Limi'lation's: · Minimum application thickness Y8 in. · Minimum ambient and surface temperatures 45F and rising at time of application. · Protect Component 'A' from freezing. Il frozen, discard. · Apply only on clean, sound, properly prepared substrate. Surface should be damp but free ot standing water (SSD). · Mortar or concrele must be mixed to a uniform consistency. Eliminate lumps, Do not over-mix (3 minutes max). · Do not use solvent-based curing compound, · For repairs greater tllan 1 in, in depth, add coarse aggregate. Do nol use limestone aggregate. Caution: Irritanl: First Aid: Clean Up: Componenl 'B' contains portland cement and crystalline-tree silica. Avoid breathing dust; use with adequate ventilation. Both components are, skin- and eye-irritants; avoid contact. The use of a NIOSH/MSA approved respirator, safety goggles, and rubber gloves is recommended. Remove contaminated clolhing. In case ol contact, Ilusb eyes with water for 15 mtn, contact pbysician, Wash skin wilh soap and water. Wasi~ clothing before re-use. ' Componenl 'A'- Dilute with water. Dispose of in accordance with applicable local regulations. Cnmponenl 'B' - Sweep into appropriate container. Dispose of in accordance with applicable local regulations. Mixed componnnts: Uncured material can be removed with water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically, KEEP CONTAINER TIGtlTLY CLOSED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDBEN NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION FOR INDUSTBIAL USE ONLY CONSULT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOB MORE INFORMATION Executive O[[ice: P.O. Box 297, Lyndbursl, NJ 07071 - Tel 201-9338800 - TWX 710.989 0108 · FAX 201-933 9379 Regional* and District Sales Offices CA, Santa Barbara ......... 805.564 3111 *CA, Sanla Fe Springs ...... 2]3-941 0231 CA, Union Cily ........... 415-487-2294 CO, Denver .............. 303-458.7452 CT, Norlhtord ............ 203-484-2551 FL, N. Miami Beach ........ 305-940.1959 *FL, Tampa ............... 813-933-5259 GA, AIlanla .............. 404-761-7143 *IL, Des Plaines ............ 312.298-28i0 IN, indianapolis ........... 317-843-0274 MA, Marblehead .......... 617.631-9247 MD, Towson ............. 301-583-1861 MI, Farmington Hills ....... 313.552d012 MN, Bloomington .......... 612.854-6577 MO, Kansas Cily .......... 816.921-1022 MO, Si. Louis ............ 314.231-5499 *HO, Lyndhursl ............ 201-933.8800 NY, Albany .............. 518-452-7453 OH, Chesterland .......... 216-729-4200 *OH, Columbus ........... 614-476-3335 PA, Carnegie ............. 412-279-1176 PA, King of Prussia ........ 215.783-5604 SC, Sparlanbur§ .......... 803-573-8867 TX, Dallas ............... 214-386-7452 TX, Greenville ............ 214-454-6030 TX, Houston ............. 713-461-3010 VA, Richmond ............ 804.271-4029 VT, Monlpelier ........... 802-229-4905 WA, Seallle .............. 206-762-3829 WI, Milwaukee ............ 414-272-3100 Export Division NJ, Lyndl~ursl ............. 201-933-8800 TWX .................... 710-989-0108 Tele[ax .................. 201-933-9379 ~ SIKA CORPORATION