ST8402-CS 891215ADDENDUM NO. 'TWO PROJECT: DENTON TAP ROAD LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS - RFP 0044 OWNER: CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS BID OPENING: JANUARY 9, 1990, 10:00 A.M. (SEE ADDENDUM #1) ISSUED BY: GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATE ISSUED: DECEMBER 15, 1989 The contract drawings and specifications for the above referenced project are herein modified as follows: 1. Attached Proposal and Bid For~ Page 00300-4A shall be added to contract documents and included with bid proposal as ALTERNATE NO. 5 (Two copies are provided). This alternate will be for providing Asian jasmine in lieu of existing cypress bark chips in approximately 36,100 square feet of area along South Belt Line Road. 2. To Division 1 - General Requirements, ALTERNATES AND ALTERNATIVES, paragraph 1.2, ALTERNATES, add the following paragraph: SECTION 01100 - DESCRIPTION OF E. ALTERNATE NO. 5: Provide materials and labor to include Asian jasmine in lieu of existing cypress bark chips in approximately 36,100 square feet of existing areas on South Belt Line Road. Cost of this Alternate shall include: 1. Removal and disposal of all existing cypress bark chips in areas designated, by the Owner, located on South Belt Line Road. 2. Transportation of the removed chips to a location designated by the owner, which is to be located less than 10 miles one way from the project area. 3. Preparation of bed areas with McMasters mixture, as specified elsewhere in these dooumentst i part mix to 3 parts soil. 4. Installation of Asian jasmine plants, Z 1/4" pots at 6- c.c., including thorough watering to the point of runoff to assure adequate moisture is available. *****************END OF ADDENDUM NO. *************************** DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRA~T REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL lqND BID FORM PAGE 00300-4A ALTERNATE #5: Provide materials and labor to remove and dispose of existing cypress bark chips in designated areas along South Belt Line Road, transportation of removed chips to area designated by the Owner, preparation of bed area with McMasters mix, installation of Asian jasmine, 2 1/4" pots, 6" o.c., and watering as required. TOTAL LUMP SUMs ADD (WORDS) Dollars and Cents (FIGURES) GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DENTON TAP ROAD LANDSCAPING DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 406 CITY OF COPPELLv TEXAS