ST8402-CS 891129To: Steve Goram From: JohnS. Karl~ruh~, ~-'.J~. i~ .~.~ 11/6/. Monday (63o-.') North & South Projects Brooks-Maltbv. Inc. - Sawing rigid galvanized conduit risers from bridge columns. 11/7/89 Tuesday (59°-81°) clear, warm, sunny; 8:00 - 11:30 AM, 1:25 - 2:45 PM North Project Not working South Project Brooks-Maltby, Inc. - 3 laborers, 1 backhoe - Start work on Grapevine Creek Bridge lighting conduit on northeast and north median side of bridge. 11/8/89 Wednesday (50°-76°) cool, sunny, PM-windy North Project Surveyors staking northbound 34' width and left turn lane right of centerline Sta. 166+58 to 170+41.32. South Project Brooks-Maltby, Inc. - 3 laborers, 1 backhoe - Installing bridge lighting conduits, sweeps and pull boxes on north side of bridge in median nose at Meadow Creek intersection. L. H. Lacy Co. - Scott Balch submitted rough draft copies of estimates on north and south project. Sub-Contractor - Watering median islands from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. 11/9/89 Thursday (36°-75°) AM cold, wind chill 28°, PM clear, mild North Project L. H. Lacy Co. - Bo Costlow, 3 men, 1 scraper, 1 blade Mobilized from sub-division in Coppell approximately 2 miles from project (Meadows sub-division). Excavating and making grade right of centerline Sta. 166+58 to Sta. 170+41.32. South Project Brooks-Maltbv, Inc. 3 laborers, 1 backhoe - Same as 11/8/89 entry. Received rough draft copies of October applications for payment. 11/10/89 Friday (45°-81°) clear, mild, sunny North Project Contractor did not work. South Project Coppell Construction Co. - Randy Weger & 10 men, 1 backhoe, 1 track loader, 2 jackhammers Start removal of broken RR-8 rip rap on north slope of Grapevine Creek Bridge. Start Time: 9:00 AM; End Time: 4:30 PM. Start Reed, P.E. (Reedcon, Inc.) arrived at 10:30 AM and departed at 11:45 AM. Second arrival at 2:00 to 3:30 PM. 11/11/89 Saturday - clear, sunny North Project Contractor did not work. South Project Lectric Safety Lites - Greg Morrison - Constructed lane closure for inside northbound lane for left turn lane construction Sta. 100+00 ±.