ST8402-CS 891113GINN, INC. November 13, 1989 CONSUI. TING ENGINEERS Mr. Scott Balch, P.E. \ L. H. Lacy Co. ~ P.O. Box 5412~ ~ ~/~e~~. _T.ap_Road. Improv~ments ) ~ Brink Claim No. 0211089.~/~- $178.38 - 1/31/89 Dear Mr. Balch: The city of Coppell has received theattached claim for damages as a result of your work under the Contract. Please review this claim and take the appropriate action within a reasonably short time frame. Failure to settle all claims filed prior to completion of all work under the Contract will result in deducting sufficient funds from the Final Payment for the project to cover the claims and expenses incurred by the City of Coppell in the handling of said claims. Please call me if you have questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer enclosure cc: Vivyon Bowman, Assistant City Manager Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Russell Doyle, P.E., City Engineer File 378/379 17103 Preston Road · Suilc 100 · LB 118 ·Dallas, Tcxas 75248 ·Phonc 214/248-4900