ST8402-CS 891107Date: November ?, 1989 To: North Project and 8~ot Contractor did not work. Informed Scott Balch at 11:00 AM about proposed 8' parkways and guard rail. Parkways are 4' with 2 to 1 slopes - not per specifications. 10/31/89 Tuesday (360-63°) AM cold, PM su--y/mild North Project and South Project Contractor did not work. 11/1/S9 Wednesda~ (480-68°) oool, mild North Project L. H. Lacy Co. - Dave Carlton, 3 men, i backhoe, I air compressor - Start work on installation of Lat. D-22. Exposed existing RCBC and jackhammered score hole for RCP. Set stringline grade for RCP at 4:55 PM and departed. 1 operator, i grade-all, 1 dump truck - Excavating and sloping 2 to i side slopes along Andrew Brown Park. Mobilized on site at approximately 12:00 noon today. South Project Contractor did not work. 11/2/89 Thursda2 (42°-62') 28' wind chill in Al(, wind2 and cloud2, PM wind~, oool, clear North Project L. H. Lacy Co. - Dave Carlton, 3 men, i backhoe - Installing Lat. D-22 right of centerline 24" RCP Total L.F. 24' 1 operator, I grade-all, 1 dump truck - Excavating side slopes along Andrew Brown Park from drive approach to end project. Departed at 1:00 PM. Brooks-Maltbv. Inc. - 3 men, 1 mandrel and strings through 2-3" 1/2 of Parkway Blvd./Denton Tap other locations. backhoe Blowing foam rubber PVC right of centerline at east intersection in AM and various 11/3/89 Friday (320-62') AH cold with frost, PM clear, sunny, mild North Project Met with Scott Balch from 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM to discuss the types of proposed signs for lane closure on NBL from Parkway Blvd. to north end of project. Phone call to Per Birdsall at 3:00 PM requesting the removal of 3 signs (installed by Ed Bell Const. Co.) on NBL traffic of Belt Line Road and reinstalling same type application prior to Parkway Blvd./Denton Tap Road intersection. South Project L. H. Lacy Co. - Dave Carlton, 3 men - installing valve nut extensions to valves right of centerline from Braewood Drive to Bethel School Road. Had a scheduled meeting with Scott Balch and sub-contractor (Suma-Stone) at 9:00 AM. Arrived at 9:15 AM and contractors had already departed. Suma-Stone representative had to mobilize to another project. 11/4/89 Saturday (63'-86') cie&r, mild North Project SYB Construction Co. Randy Bennett, inlet bottom right of centerline Sta. inlet item 475.20. 3 men - Formed and poured 167+27.75; 1-10' recessed 11/5/89 Sunday (61°-81°) clear, mild North and South Projects Contractors did not work.