ST8402-CS 891103 (2)GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 3, 1989 Mr. Scott Balch, P.E. L. H. Lacy Company P.O. Box 541297 Dallas Re: Denton Denton and drainage work in the vicinity of the Utilities 30" Water Line Relocation Dear Mr. Balch: We have reviewed your October 20, 1989 letter concerning the above captioned item. Although dated on the 20th, we received the letter this date. By copy of this letter we are taking this issue under advisement with the City of Coppell. We anticipate that'a meeting of all parties will be arranged as soon as we have had the opportunity to discuss this issue with the City. While we recognize that it took Dallas Water Utilities longer to perform the relocation of their line than anticipated, we must point out that L. H. Lacy Company is obligated by the Contract Documents to field verify the location and depth of all underground utilities within the limits of the project prior to the beginning of construction of the project. In our opinion it is reasonable to assume that you would have discovered the conflict at least four months earlier if you had verified all of your utility locations prior to beginning work on the project. After reading your letter we are unsure of L. H. Lacy Company's intentions regarding prompt completion of the work for which it is already obligated under the terms of the Contract. It is our opinion that L. H. Lacy Company has a contractual obligation to complete the subject work as soon as possible regardless of the outcome of any discussions concerning the claim described in your October 20, 1989 letter. If it is not your intention to proceed at once with completion of this work, please respond in writing at once so that the city may pursue its other options under the Contract for the prompt completion of the work. 17103 Preston Road · Suite Iff) · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-49ff) Please call me if you have any further questions. sincerely, ~ ,John ¢. Karleruher, P.E. Project Engineer cc: Alan Ratliff Steve Goram, Director of Public Works (w/copy of 10-20-89 L. H. Lacy Co. letter) H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming File 379 (a:lhlclam) October ~, 1989 Mr. John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Ginn, Inc. 1713~ Preston Road, Suite 10~, Dallas, TX ?5248 LB 118 RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Remaining Pavement Over 3~" Water Line Lowering Dear Mr. Karlshurer: As Dallas Water Utilities "wraps up" the remainder of their work related to the lowering, we have begun making plans to complete the remaining drainage and pavement improvements. Prior to beginning the major items, we wish to address the additional compensation needed to perform the work. Our claim is based on the fact that more than adequate time was permitted for the lowering to take place prior to completion of the drainage and paving improvements on the project. It will have taken approximately eleven (11) months for lowering to be performed, from the time notification was first made. At this time we would like to request a Change Order be issued in the amount of $65,~?~.27. This amount was arrived at by determining the cost to perform the work at present and deducting from that the current contract prices. It includes mobilization of utility, subgrade preparation and paving operations. Also included are applicable labor, equipment and material adjustments, reflecting reduced production associated with smaller quantities. A breakdown of the above costs is attached. In conjunction with the Change Order we would also like to request an additional 75 calendar days be added to our contract. This reflects the amount of time beginning' when traffic was divided on the remainder of the project up until the above referenced work can be completed. Your immediate attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am sure you aware how anxious everybody is to see the pavement completed. Respectfully, Scott J. Balch, P.E. Senior Project Manager L H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 "Quality Conslruclloil for over 65 Years" 10888 ShadyTmil ~O. Box541297 Dallas, Texas75354-1297 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 50" WATER LINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS STORM DRAINAGE-LAT. D-22 410-BACKHOE 16.0 HR PIPE 27.0 LF EMBEDMENT 1.0 LS CONCRETE COLLAR 1.0 LS CREW 4-MEN 20.0 HR MOVE-IN 1.0 EA 27 LF OF 24" RCP $55.00 $15.00 $405.00 $120.00 $120.00 $200.00 $200.00 $50.40 $165.00 $165.00 $560.00 2 DAYS $1~008.00 $890.00 $560.00 $1,008.00 $2,458.00 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 17&8 SY ~ 6" 148 BLADE 52.0 HR $85.00 BROS MIXER 52.0 HR $140.00 WATER TRUCK 52.0 HR $40.00 COMPACTOR 52.0 HR $50.00 SLURRY PUMP 52.0 HR $10.00 CREW 5-MEN 40.0 HR $73.56 MOVE-IN 5.0 EA $165.00 $2,720.00 $4,480.00 $1,280.00 $1,600.00 $520.00 4 DAYS $2,954.40 $825.0O $825.00 $10,400.00 $2,~54.40 $14,15~.40 HYDRATED LIME MATERIAL 19.9 TONS 19.9 TN $65.00 $1,295.50 $1,295.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1~2~5.50 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT TRIM GRADE GOMACO TRIMMER 16.0 HR PNEUMATIC ROLL 16.0 HR CREW 4-MEN 20.0 HR MOVE-IN 2.0 EA 1555 SY $135.00 $55.00 $51.24 $165.00 2 DAYS $2~160.00 $560.00 $1,024.80 $550.00 $550.00 $2,720.00 $1,024.80 $4,074.80 BLOCK-OUTS, REDNOOD HEADERS & FINEGRADE 128 BLADE 16.0 HR $55.00 950 LOADER 16.0 HR $50.00 WATER TRUCK 16.0 HR $40.00 FORM TRUCK 16.0 HR $6.00 MISC MATERIALS 1.0 LS $1,500.00 CREN 8-MEN 20.0 HR $88.76 MOVE-IN 5.0 EA $165.00 $1~500.00 $880.00 $800.00 $640.00 $96.00 2 DAYS $1,775.20 $4~5.00 $1,995.00 $2~416.00 $1~775.20 $6,18~.20 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 50" WATER LINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS REINFORCING STEEL #5 BARS b,220.0 LBS $0.20 CREW 7-MEN 20.0 HR $b2.44 2 DAYS $1,244.00 $1,248.80 $1~244.00 $0.00 $1,248.80 $2,4~2.80 MIX & PLACE CONCRETE SLIPFORM l&.O HR CURE MACHINE lb.O HR CONCRETE 5~2.0 CY CREW 15-MEN 20.0 HR MOVE-IN 2.0 EA FINISH CONCRETE TYNE MACHINE CREW 9-MEN $110.00 $5.00 $55.00 $15,720.00 $15b.b4 $1&5.00 $1,7b0.00 $80.00 2 DAYS $2,752.80 $550.00 $14,050.00 $1~840.00 $2,752.80 $18,~22.80 16.0 HR $50.00 $800.00 20.0 HR $~7.72 2 DAYS $1,954.40 $0.00 $800.00 $1,~54.40 $2,754.40 SAW & SEAL CONCRETE SAW l&.O HR SEAL POT 8.0 HR SEAL MATERIAL 1.0 LS CREW 2-MEN 20.0 HR 2 DAYS $5.00 $80.00 $&.O0 . $48.00 $450.00 $450.00 $51.~2 $~58.40 $450.00 $128.00 $&58.40 $1~21~.40 CLEAN-UP 128 BLADE 40.0 HR ~50 LOADER 40.0 HR BOX BLADE 40.0 HR BROOM 40.0 HR DUMP TRUCKS 80.0 HR CREW 5-MEN 50.0 HR MOVE-IN 4.0 EA $55.00 $2,200.00 $40.00 $1,~00.00 $50.00 $1,200~00 $55.00 $1,400.00 $58.50 $5,080.00 $55.20 $1~5.00 5 DAYS $2,~0.00 $660.00 $660.00 $~,480.00 $2,660.00 $12,800.00 DIRECT FIELD OVERHEAD PAVING SUPT 1.0 LS FIELD ACCT 1.0 LS PROJECT MGR 1.0 LS BLUE TOP 1.0 LS SURVEY 10.0 HR BARRICADES 2.4 MO $870.80 $15g.g5 $5,115.70 $200.00 $65.00 $754.40 $650.00 $1,77~.77 $870.80 $15g. g5 $5,115.70 $200.00 DENTON TAP ROAD PAVEMENT OVER 50" WATER LINE LOWERING DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE MATERIALS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS FIELD OFFICE 1.4 MO $250.00 $550.00 $2,776.~7 $0.00 $4,52&.45 $7,105.22 SUMMARY TOTALS PAYROLL TAXES AND INSURANCE 50% OF DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL 15% MARKUP TOTAL $24,514.27 $28,544.00 $20,505.25 $75~1&1.52 $6,090.~8 $79,252.50 $11,887.87 $~1,140.57 ~URRENT CONTRACT UNITS 24" RCP 27.0 LF $2~.00 LIME SUBGRADE 1,7&8.0 SY $1.05 HYDRATED LIME 1~.~ TN $&7.00 CONC PAVEMENT 1,555.0 SY $15.68 CURB 825.0 LF $1.00 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COST TO PERFORM REMAINING & CURRENT PRICES $785.00 $1,85&.40 $1,555.50 $21,272.40 $825.00 $2&,O&8.10 $~5,072.27