ST8402-CS 891027 COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 27,1989 TO: John Karlsruher, Ginn, Inc. FROM: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works RE Denton Tap Road Improvements Change Order Number ,~ As requested in your October 19, 1989 letter signed by 8anford Case, P.E., transmitted herewith are four (4) executed copies of subject change order //4. Please let us know ff you need anything else for this item. Thank you. RRD/SO3/pd xc: Frank Trando, Finance Director Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary ~-' CIIANGE ORI)I.~I{ ~ (hlstl'tJctiollS o~1 revel'aC Mdc) Ntt. 4 I'ROJI:'Cr: Denton Tap Road Improvements i)ATF,()irlSSUANCI[: October 3, 1989 from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek ()WNFA~.: City of Coppell (Nn,,~, P.O. Box 478 Addrcss) Coppell, TX 75019 CONTRACI'OR: L.H. LaCy CO. OWNI~.R's I's'(tject No. P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75354-1297 F.N(HNIiI[R: Oinn, Inc. Consulting Fngi.neers 17105 Preston Road, Suite 100 CO. NTRACI' FOR: Denton Tap Road Improvements Dallas, TX 75248 from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek I'~NGINI[I[R's I'rojec! No. 579 You arc direclcd to mnkc Ibc fi(llowing cha.gcs in thc Conlrnc! I)ocllmcnls. Furnish all labor, equipment and materials required to refinish the existing Dcscril,lion: steel columns supporting part of the Cottonwood Branch Bridge in accordance with TSDHI~ 1982 Standard Specifications, Item 446 Cleaning, Paint and Painting, Rrotection System 5 - Al~mlinum. The columns shall be refinished from 1 foot beneath final channel Ihlrlm.~cofChnngcOrder: g-cade to the top. As requested by the City of Coppell fillachlncnl.,i: (I.iM docllnicnls 5uppor, lhlg change) 1 2. CI IANGF. IN CONTItACI' I'ItlCF.: Origilml COltlrllcl Price $ 1.789.363.03. festimated~ . I'rcvlotl~ Chnngc Ol¢lel's Ntt. $ 52,081,27 1 Io No.. 3 Conlracl I'ricc prim' lo this Change Order Ncl Increase ~1~/1'o~) of Ihis Change Order $ 3,680.00 Conlrn¢l Price with a|l approved Change Orders $ 1,845,124.50 8/9/89 lett6r from City of Coppell t;o G]nn, I,nc; 8/2~/89 letter from Ginn, ~nc..to L.H. Lacy Eo. 9/21/R9 letter from TZH. T~c~.'.Co. to ~inn; tee, CIIANGI[ IN CONTRACr TIMF.: Originnl Conlract 'rimc 365 Ncl change from i)rcviotl.~ Change Orders 24 days (.ontrnc! Time I rior to Ihis Change Order 389 Ncl Increase ((l~F~re) of lids Chnnge Order 7 Contract Tinm wilh all nl)prov,:d Change Ordcrn GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 23, 1989 Mr. Scott Belch, P.E. L.H. Lacy Co. P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Dear Mr. Belch: We have been instructed by the City of Coppell to negotiate a Change Order with L.H. Lacy Co. for the refinishing of the steel columns beneath the Cottonwood Branch Bridge. It is our request that you furnish a proposal to perform the work required under the TSDHPT 1982 Standard Specifications, Item 446, Protection System 3 - Aluminum. The scope of work shall include refinishing all columns from a point 1 foot below the final grade of the Cottonwood Branch Channel (see sheet 31 of 56 of the Contract Drawings) to the top of each column. Your proposal should include a lump sum price for this work with a labor and' material breakdown and a schedule indicating a proposed duration for the work referenced herein. We request that you submit your proposal on or before Friday September 8, 1989. Please call me if you have any questions. sincerely, Project Engineer Steve Goram Russell Doyle, P.E. Stan Reed, P.E. H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming File 379 17103 I'resto. Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Della% Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 F~he City With A Beautiful Future August 9, 1989 Mr. Wayne Ginn Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75248 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 RE: Bridge on Denton Tap at Cottonwood Creek Dear Wayne: Staff has met with John Karlsruher and Stan Reed at the bridge on Denton Tap which crosses Cottonwood Creek. Their purpose was to identify and dismiss bridge rating concerns noted by the SDHPT BRINSAP Report. All but one item as identified by Mr. Reed was acceptable. This item is that the steel pilings are "rusting at ground line". The recommendation by Mr. Reed was to clean and paint the piles as necessary. Public Works at this time does not have the resources to address this matter and requests a change order by submitted to the Denton Tap project. The change order is being requested because the scope of work being performed to that bridge involved improving it and therefore all facets of that improvement should be covered. This change order should complete the improvement and provide the city with a product which should require little maintenance in the near future. Pleaseoffice. advis~iadd i t i°nalp '" S~even G. Goram Director of Public Works. information is required from this SGG/sm cc: Russell Doyle, City Engineer Per Birdsall, Street Superintendent COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS I~EHORAI~UI4 October 23, 1989 TO: Alan Ratliff, City Manager /~ FROM: Steve Goram, Director of Public Wo RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements fro~L/Sandy Denton Creek - Change Order #4 Lake Road to Attached is change order #4 for your consideration in regard to the above referenced project. This change order was brought about because of the SDHPT BRINSAP Report. Since the improvements of Denton Tap should encompass the upgrading of the bridges, staff felt it was appropriate for the Contractor to perform work concerning this issue at this time. Our Consulting Engineers, Ginn, Inc. have prepared the necessary documents for execution and our City Engineer has provided his signature below the line where the City Manager's needs to be placed. By the Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando's initials below where his name is identified indicates his review of this item. If you have any questions please let me know. SGG/sm cc: Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Russell Doyle, City Engineer october 25, 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager, Finance Dlrector~ Funding for change order #4 for Denton Tap Funds are available for change order # 4 from savings for Streetlighting. The original amount budgeted for Streetlights was $217,500.00. $100r000 was transferred to Beltline E-W. The actual cost for the Streetlighting will be $88,440.00. Therefore, there will be a savings of $29,060.0~. I have no problem with transferring the funds from Streetlights to cover change order ~ 4. GINN, INC. CONSUIiI'I NG I£N(;INI EI{S DR~FT PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM BELT LINE ROAD TO SANDY LAKE ROAD; FROM SANDY LAKE ROADTO DENTON CREEK AND CONSTRUCTION (6 LANE w/St'd. RAILROAD CROSSING CONOCO PIPELINE STREET LIGHTS LANDSCAPING TRAFFIC SIGNALS RIGHT - OF - WAY ENGINEERING INSPECTION & TESTING TRENCH SAFETY CONTINGENCIES Bridge Rail) $ 5,161,131.83 * $ 206,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 217,500.00 $ 213 000.00 $ 170 000.00 $ 100 000.00 $ 443 402.66 $ 154 833.95 $ 26 763.39 $ 367 368.17 TOTAL $ 7,100,000.00 (-) TOTAL AVAILABLE CITY FUNDING ($ 4,500,000.00) (=) NECESSARY FUNDING FROM DALLAS COUNTY $ 2,600,000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE DALLAS COUNTY '85 BOND FUNDS $ 4,250,000.00 (-) NECESSARY FUNDING FROM DALLAS COUNTY ($ 2,600,000.00) (=) REMAINING '85 DALLAS COUNTY BOND FUNDS $ 1,650,000.00 REVISED APRIL 6, 1988 * REVISED APRIL 18, 1988 The estimated construction costs have been revise~ to include the only TOTAL BASE BID(6 LANE) for each pro3ect. Initially this item also included the Contractor proposed $ 40,000.00 reduction in estimated Contract Price; the alternate bid item for a retaining wall (which is no longer needed); and the additional cost of the Contractor's proposed Alternate Trench Safety System. After further consideration, these costs have been deleted from Construction and added to the Contingencies. 1710.1 I';t~l;,. R~;mtl · .%uit¢ I(lO · 1.1~ IIX · I)allaa, Tcxa~ 752,1R · I'l..w 214/241~-4~x}O GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 19, 1989 Mr. Steve Goram city of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - Change Order No. 4 Dear Mr. Goram: We are enclosing six copies of Change Order No. 4 to the subject Contract. If you agree with the proposed change in the scope of work as requested by your department, please forward these to the City Manager for approval. Upon execution by the City Manager, please transmit four copies of Change Order No. 4 with original signature to this office for our files and transmittal to the Contractor. The city should keep the remaining two copies for its files. Please call me if you have questions. Sincerely, ~/ // / /; John C. Karlsruher, Project Engineer cc: Russell Doyle, P.E. Per Birdsall Stan Reed, P.E. H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming File 379 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 ~eptem~er ~1, ~S~ Mr. John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Ginn, Inc. 17105 Preston Road, Suite 100, Dallas, IX 75248 LB 118 RE: Denton Tap Road Improvements Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek Refinishing Steel Columns Dear Mr. Karlsruher: We propose to furnish ail labor, equipment and materials required to perform the following additional work in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Sinn, Inc. and specifications as noted for the considerations shown: Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 44~.1 Protection System III 1.00 LS $5,~80.00 $5,~80.00 equipment & Materials Labor $2,210.00 $1,470.00 $~80.00 The price quoted is based on a ~ield change being issued to perform the work by October ~, 1~8~ and will require 7 working days to complete. The price includes refinishing all columns(8) to elevation 450.0. All terms, conditions, etc., as apply to this addendum. If you necessary to issue a field change, outlined in our current contract would should require additional information please call. Respectfully, Scott J. Balch, P.E. Senior Project Manager L H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 'Quality Construclion for over 65 Yearn" 10888 ShadyTmil P.O. Box 541297 Dallas. Texas75354-1297