ST8402-AG 890411S~BMISSION DEADLINE: 5:00 - m. Monday - 8 Days Precedinm C~y Council Meeting AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 1 I. REF/FILE NUMBER : 379 ~ II. ITEM CAPTION :Discussion and consideration of aooroval of a ChmnFm (Change Order No. 2) for adding three additional median openings and five additinnm] turn lanes; and the west turnout of Parkway Boulevard at Denton TaD: to Denton Tap I~rovements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek as reauested by ABO Devm]orm~nt and Univest Development Corp. (See attached reduced xero~raohig renorductions of pavln~ plans marked with median and left turn laneS).staff III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : recomnends aDmroval contingent on receipt of financial co~nittments from the adjacent nroDertv owners within S work~n~ after Cit~ Council approval. IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STAFF - .Russell R. Doyle. P.E.. City Fm~ineer B: OTHER - Ginn, inc, v. NOTIFICATION TO : METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : See attached memo 1. BUDGETED ITEM 2. BUDGET AMOUNT 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM 4. AMOUNT OVER 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS (Series or year authorized) OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) OTHER : YES : -0- X NO : $16,806.90 : $16,806.90 : N/A YES NO City of Coppell CO's :Dallas Cmmty Bond Funds :1987 fCopp~11]: 19R~ (nn~ Po.) APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM NUMBER _~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM April 3, 1989 Memorandum To: From: Subject: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager FrankTrando, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director~ Change Order #2 to the Denton Tap CIP Change order #2 is in the amount of $52,081.27. The bulk of the change order will be absorbed by ABQ Development in the an~unt of approximately $26,594.74 and Univest will contribute $8,679.63. The City's portion of this change order will be $16,806.90. This item was not a budgeted item for the West side turn out at the intersection of Denton Tap and Parkway Boulevard. The funding of $16,806.90 will have to come out of the contingency funds that were originally budgeted. It would therefore be incorrect to say that this item was budgeted, but, there are sufficient funds for this project included in the total amount budgeted. I believe that Russell Doyle is in the process of obtaining letters of intent from both ABQ and Univest stating that they will pay their pro-rata share of the change order. FT/lr DENTNTAP.003 April 3, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager Russell R. Doy/~., City Engineer REQUESTS FOR MEDIAN CUTS AND LEFT TURN LANES ON DENTON TAP ROAD - CIP - SANDY LAKE ROAD TO DENTON CREEK (Memos of 2-6 & 2-21-89) In response to requests from property owners along Denton Tap Road, we have prepared a change order for installing both median openings and left turn lanes at the total expense of those requesting the work, including the construction costs, engineering, testing and inspection. Also included in this change order is the work needed to connect Parkway Boulevard West with Denton Tap Road ($16,806.90). The summary of costs and how they will be shared between ABQ Development Company ($29,254.21), and Univest Development Company ($9,547.60), the property owners, is attached. We have requested commitment letters from these two property owners who have committed to submit their funds within five (5) working days of the approval of this change order by the City Council. This action will accomodate the requests of these two property owners, and in no way obligates the City of Coppell to limit land use or traffic planning around these requested median openings. Having the City's Contractor do this work now, provides a most efficient and cost effective way of getting this work done with the C.I.P. Project, and not have to interrupt and detour traffic at a later date, when this six (6) lane thoroughfare is open to traffic. The location of the median openings and left turn lanes are depicted in the attached drawings, and are located as follows: Station 178 + 17.77 (Median Opening Part of Project Design) Location of the High School construction Site Haul Road, identified as Lot 2 of the Coppell High School Addition Plat, and the location of Coppell Plaza Drive, the main access for the Coppell Health Care Center. Station 182 + 44 (New Opening) Unidentified location just north of an existing drive on the west side of Denton Tap Road. Station 186 + 98 (New Opening) Location of existing drive just across from Town Center on the west side of Denton Tap Road. Station 195 + 28 (New Opening) A desired optim~un location selected hy ABQ Development for their properties on both sides of Denton Tap Road, north of Parkway Boulevard. Please note that the total amount for this item, $52,081.27, on the agenda request sheet, is a construction figure only and is arrived at by adding $35,274.37 (total construction costs to be received from ABQ and Univest), and $16,806.90 (the construction costs for connecting Parkway Boulevard West Extension), for a total construction cost of $47,773.30. Also, please note that the figure "Amount Over Budget", or $40,207.73 on the agenda request sheet is not solely related to this change order, but is related to the project being previously under budget, $11,873.97. Attached is Ginn, Inc.'s recommendation memo. RRD/lsg MEDOPEN xc: John Karlsruher, P.E., Ginn, Inc. Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Troy Glidewell, Fire Marshal Tom Griffin, Police Chief GINN, INC. March 29, 1989 Mr. Russell R. Doyle, City Engineer City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 from Sandy Lake Road To Denton Change Order No. 2 - Revised. Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements Creek, Dear Mr. Doyle: We are transmitting herewith six (6) copies of Change Order No. 2 (Revised) which has been recommended by the Engineer and approved by the Contractor. We recommend that you place this Change Order No. 2 on the agenda of the April 11, 1989 City Council meeting for their approval. We are also enclosing 10 exhibits for the City Council packets, as requested, showing the location of the median openings and left turn lanes covered by Change Order No. 2. As you recall, we had previously prepared Change Order No. 2 for the same items as those included herein, but the Contractor, after having the proposed Change Order in his possession for a period.of about one month, elected not to approve the Change Order for the reasons stated in his February 27, 1989 letter, copy attached. We subsequently requested that the item be removed from the February 28, 1989 City Council meeting agenda. After reviewing both the Contractor's request for revision of the Change Order, and his Contract with the City of Coppell, we have determined that he is within his rights under the Contract to request pricing other than the Contract Unit Prices for work added to the Contract. The basis of his claim is that this is new work being added to the scope of work of the Contract, as opposed to an error in estimated quantities, which would have been covered by the existing Contract Unit Prices provided the error did not constitute more than a 20% deviance in the bid quantities for a major item. We have also determined that his proposed price for the "hand work" is reasonable for this type of work. In fairness to all parties concerned, we have revised Change Order No. 2 to allow the Contractor to perform the required "hand work" placements of 8"-3000 psi reinforced concrete for the subject median openings and left turn lanes at the new unit price of $ 16.68 per Square Yard, as measured in place. Any of the concrete placements for the subject median openings and left turn lanes which are done by slip-form methods will be paid for at the existing Contract Unit Price of $ 13.68 per Square Yard. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB II8 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/2484900 The total costs shown in the attached Cost Estimates and Summary and Distribution of Construction Costs are based on the $ 16.68 per S.Y. unit price. The new costs reflect an increase of $4,307.97, or 14%, over the initial estimated construction cost for the subject median openings and left turn lanes. ABQ Development's and Univest Development's construction costs increased by the same 14% resulting in increases in construction costs of $3,226.14 and $1,081.83 respectively. The costs for Engineering, Testing and Inspection associated with the subject median openings and left turn lanes increased by 14% also. As you had requested, we have informed both ABQ Development and Univest Development of the situation. We recommend that approval of this Change order No. 2 by the City Council be contingent upon the upon receipt of the financial commitments of ABQ and Univest as originally agreed upon. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer attachments cc: H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. ABQ Development Univest Development J-379/280 (a:rd379co2) J379C02 DENTON TAP ROAD T#PROVENENTS from SANDY LAKE RD. to DENTON CREEK ESTIMATED COST OF ABQ DEV. AND UNIVEST DEV. REQUESTED MEDIAN OPENING AND LEFT TURN LANES 3 - 17 - 1989 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 STATION 178+17.77 - SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR UNIVEST DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEH I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY ~ UNIT PRICE J AMOUNT BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEHENT 110 160 16~ 260 26~ 26&.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 330.1 6?2 676.1 676.2 610.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation ICy PLace Topsoil · Median (6" thick) lay Broadcast Seeding (Conmon Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in piece lay Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 22.5 #/ay ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 3& #/sy C9# Thick) ITON 0" conc. pavement 3000 psi lay 6" HonoIithtc Curb (3000 pst) ~LF 8" conc. pavement 3ooo psi (flon-slipform) lay 6" conc. IOriveuaya & Median Noses) laY 6"x6" JiggLe Bar (reft.)(Type 1'C) IEA 4" Traffic Button, Uhite(Non-Reft.)CP-7-V) lEA 4" Traffic Button, UhiteCsiflg.-Reft.)¢P-15-V) lEA 2# PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF IPuiiboxea lEA 29.9 -147.09 -147.09 179.48 0 3.05 0 15.14 179.41 -32.31 10 0 0 -14.48 -7.24 -7.24 0 S6.60 S0.50 $0.42 S1.05 S67.00 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 $16.68 S24.00 S5.OO S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 S197.34 (S7~.55) (S61.78) S188.45 SO.O0 S192.15 S0.00 S15.14 S2,992.56 (S775.44) S50.00 S0.00 S0.00 (S34.75) (S21.72) (S27.01) SO.O0 SUBTOTAL S2,641.40 STATION 102-44 - MEDIAN OPENING FOR UNIVEST DEV. AND ABQ DEV. ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS i QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation IcY IPLsce Topsoil · Median (6" thick) lay Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) IST Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 22.5 #/sy ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/ay (9# Thick) ITON 8" coflc, pavement 3000 psi ISY 6" Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8N conc. pavement 3000 pst Cnon-slIpform) laY 6#conc. (Orlvewaya & Median Noses) IsY 6Mx6" JiggLe Bar (refi.)CType I-C) lEA 4# Traffic Button, ~hlte(Non-Reft.)(P-7-U) lEA CN Traffic Button, Uhlte(aing.-RefL.)CP-15-~) lEA 2N PVC conduit (ach. 40) 3" PVC conduit (Sch* 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF PuttboxeB lEA 28.33 -239.79 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 0 -179.84 181.2 58.57 0 -16 -16 119 119 119 S6.60 S0.50 S0.42 S1.05 $67.00 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 S16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 $127.oo s~88.3o ($119.90) CS100.71)1 S176.26 so.oo $179.55 so.oo (s179.a4) S3,022.42 Sl,405.68 s0.00 (S32.00) (S96.00)1 $285.6o S35T.00 $443.87 S508.00 SUBTOTAL S6,038.E3 J379C02 STATION 182-44 - NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR ASQ DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEK ~ DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AKOUNT I BASE BID 6 LANE PAVE#EaT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Rooduoy Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Kedion (6" thick) ISY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) IsY Lime treatment, mot. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/my ITO. Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/sy (9" Thick) ITON 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 6" KoflotJthJc Curb (3000 psi) ILF S" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-siJpform) laY 6N conc. (Driveways & Kedian Noses) IsY 6"x6" Jiggle 8or (refi.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, ghiteCNon-Refi.)(P-T-U) lEA 14" Traffic Button, Vhite(sJng.-RefL.)(P-15-g) I 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) {LF I 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF I 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF IPutiboxes lEA 33.44 -226.87 -226.87 200.68 o 3.41 o -44.7 2oo.61 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6.60 $0.50 S0.42 $1.05 S67.00 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 s16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 s22o.7o I (Sl13.44)l (S95.29)I S210.71 S0.00 S214.83 SO.O0 (S44.T0) S3,346.17 s63o.24 $50.00 S0.00 SO.OO S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 SO.O0 SUBTOTAL S4,419.24 STATION 186.98 - KEDIAN OPENING FOR UNIVEST DEV. AND ABQ DEV. ITEK I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AKOUNT t BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEKENT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Hedlan (6" thick) ISY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mot. iff place ~SY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/ay ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/By (9" Thick) ITON 8" coflc, pavement 3000 psi IsY 6" Konotithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stipform) IsY 6" conc. (Driveways & KedJan Noses) lay 6"X6" Jiggle Bar (refL.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, ~hite(#ofl-aeft.)(P-7-g) lEA 4# Traffic Button, ~hite(slng.-Refi.)(P-15-g) lEA 2" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 4# PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF PutLboxeo lEA 28.53 -239.79 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 0 -179.84 181.2 58.57 0 -16 -16 119 119 119 $6.60 S0.50 S0.42 S1.05 S67.00 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 $16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 $6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 SlBB.30 (Sl19.90) (S100.71) S176.26 S0.00 S179.55 SO.O0 (S179.84)! S3,022.42 S1,405.68 SO.O0 (S32.00) (S96.00) S285.60 S357.00 S508.00 SUBTOTAL s6,038.23 J37gC02 STATION 186+98 · NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR ABQ DEV. (100s STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 22.5 #/sy ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/sy (9" Thick) ITOH 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi ISY 6# Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stlpform) ISY 6N conc, (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6"x6" JiggLe Bar (reft.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, Uhtte(Nofl-Refi.)CP-7-U) lEA 4" Traffic Button, UhiteCsing.-RefZ.)CP-lS-U) lEA 2N PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4# PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF PuLIboxes IEA 33.44 -226.87 -226.87 200.68 0 3.41 0 -44.7 200.61 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6.60 S0.50 S0.42 S1.05 S67.00 S63.00 S16.68 $1.00 S16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 s3.73 $127.oo S220.70 (S113.44) (S95.29) S210.71 S0.00 S214.83 $0.00 S3,346.17 $630.24 S50.00 $0.00 SO.OO S0.00 S0.00 SO.O0 SO.O0 SUBTOTAL S4,419.24 STATION 195+28 - MEDIAN OPENING AND LEFT TURN LANES FOR ABQ DEV. ITEM [ DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I BASE BIO 6 LANE PAVEHENT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation ICY PLace Topsoil · Median (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) lay Lime treatment, mat. in place JSY Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 22.5 #/sy ITON Lime slurry, Ty A., 52 34 #/sy (9# Thick) ITOH 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 6# Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-siipform) ISY 6" conc. (Drlveueys & Median Noses) ISY 6"x6" Jiggle Bar (reft.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4# Traffic Button, Uhlte(Non*Reft.)(P-7-U) lEA 4# Traffic Button, UhlteC$1ng.-RefL.)¢P-15-g) lEA 2# PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3N PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF Pultboxes lEA 82.17 -545.49 -545.49 479.78 3.39 3.03 0 -210.72 492.96 52.52 18 -16 '16 111 111 111 $6.60 S0.50 S0.42 $1.05 S67.00 s63.oo s13.68 S1.00 S16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 S542.32 (s272.75) (s229.11) S503.77 S227.13 $190.89 $0.00 (S210.72) S8,222.57 Sl,260.48 $90.00 (S32.00) ($96.00) S266.40 S333.00 $414,03 S508.00 SUBTOTAL Sll,718.02 J]79C02 SU##ARY AND DISTRIBUTION OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS: NEDIAN OPENINGS: STATION 182+&4 STATION 186+98 STATION 195+28 SUOTOTAL NEDIAN OPENINGS LEFT TURN LANES: STATION 178+17,77 STATION 182+~4 STATION 186+98 STATION 195+28 NORTH BOUNO STATION 195+28 SOUTH BOUND SUBTOTAL LEFT TURN LANES ABO DEV. UNIVEST OEV. TOTAL S3,019.12 S3,019.12 S6,038.23 S3,019.12 S3,019.12 s6,o3s.23 s~,235.61 SO.OO s~,235.61 $10,273.84 $6,038.23 S16,312.07 SO.O0 S2,641.40 S2,641.40 S4,419.24 SO.O0 S4,419.24 S4,419.24 $0.00 S4,419.24 S3,986.54 SO.O0 S3,986.54 $3,495.88 S0.00 S3,495.88 $16,320.90 S2,641.40 S18,962.31 TOTAL ESTINATED CONSTRUCTION COST S26,594.74 S8,679.63 S35,274.37 ENGINEERING, TESTING ARD INSPECTION g 10~ $2,659.47 $867.96 S3,527.¢4 GRAND TOTAL S29,254.21 $9,547.60 S58,801.81 I,:'d' t.'ti:'d:, ).r'If'F,'L, VLr'I£:.I'IT FROH SAI'qJ}'/ L. AK[;': 1'IrI DE.N'FON I.F~E,.t.. II. I ;:',t"Y Ni'L,.L AI~F¢[F£= I'13 .,F.IAN:~E OI~I}ER ", · ~., PR'I3'.}IDED [:;]'NN, INC. THC [:]:*l"i' I:'}~: l:;CIf:'l':'El.L lajll.L Af]RI:]:E 'tO THE F'" '* ' 'OLLOWING. I) ~l!::~ yFl[i 5FAFLD IN ¥1:')UR L..r~71'FER, 1HIS CHANGE ORDER INCREASES 'II. IE SCOPE ~Jl= WORK. THAT INCREASED S~OPE OF WORK IS AN fNCRF:ASE i')F 2.66%. C(~LCIJtA-rED }:P/ ES'['IMAfED D[ILLAR VOLIJMES L~S'l'l~ig ON THE FAIl!:. OF THE I~HANGE OI'~DER. FOR TH~5 SCOPE OF NI]RK I.. Il. t. ACY NEEDS )O L]ALENDAR DAYS ADDED TO '1'HE I]()MTF(AC'T' '1' 1 HE. ? ) TH,I:!-; INCRE:A!::~E'j) 'GCI)PE I]f:' I,JORK ALSO CHANGES THE SCOPE Of WORK I:':(_lF~ "IHE L.. H. LACY COMPANY. OUR iNITIAl.. BID PRICE FOR I-IIC ]TEN XL, O. :1 tS" CIJMC. F>AVEMEN'F 5(,00 PS1) Iff Flfit~l~l} ON A Fd:'FEL:IE:II I.iI':'I:'['~EC~t~F;i.y. Alii] L. H. LACY ]'3~E])~ ADDI'I'IONAL., OR A LIlY, Il' PR]CE OF $16.68~S~Y, FOR ]'HE 1456' SY L. H. "'" h., CI. IMFAr4y F.'EL:I.S I'HIS A FAIR, AND EDUITABt. E ,, [~ ~ .., ~ ~ J:~tl?~ ,'s ~ ', .... . f.A~( IE:~ INVOI_VED. }:F WE CAN AGREE ON .,I-I 4r Ibb I]lt DI]:I'~ ~ L. H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 l_(I "Oualily Conslruction for over 65 Years" 10888 Shady Trail P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 Illslluclimm o. icvcr~c CIIANGI( OIU)KII N.. 2 I'ROJI':CI': Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek OWNER: City of Coppell (Name. P.O. Box 478 Address) Coppell, TX 75019 I)A'r F, OF ISSUANCI{: March 17, 1989 CONTRACrOR: L.H. Lacy Co. OWNF. I{'s I'rqj¢cl No. P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75354-1297 EN(;INFJ:J~: Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100 CoN'rI{ACr FOR: Denton Tap Road Improvements Dallas, TX 75248 from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek ENGINEI{IFs I'rojcct No. ~79 I)c~criplion: See Attachment "A" See Attachment "A" See Attachment "A" CIIANC;E IN CONTI(ACr I'RICF.: ()rigi.al Cofll H,cl I'~ icc $ 1,789,363.03 (estimated) I'revi.us Clmn~ Onlcrs No 1 I. N(, 1 · and Field Changes No. 1 to No. 5 $ 2,126.03 [estimated) COOtl'aCt Price pri.r to thi~ CIm.g¢ Order $.~,791,489.06 (estimated) Net I.crcase (~umr~ .r this Cha.g¢ Onlcr $ 52,081.Z7 (estimated) Colllract Iqicc with all al,l,rovcd Ch;rage ()nlc,s $_ 1,845,570.33 (estimated) CI IANGE IN CON'rI{ACr 'rlMl{: (h igi.al (_'o.lrad 365 calendar days Colllracl Time I'rior to this (~ll;logc Oidcr 365 calendar days CollllacI 'l'..c w~ Il all; ppr( vcd CI ge ()rdcrs 375 calendar days ^ITROVEI): ~TTACHNENT 'A' DESCRIPTION: Construct: Median openings at stations 182+44, 186+98 and 195+28; northbound left-turn lanes with the median openings at stations 182+44, 186+98 and 195+28; southbound left-turn lanes with the median openings at stations 178+17.77 and 195+98; and the west turnout for Parkway Blvd.; all in accordance with the drawings in the attached Drawing List and the Specifications. PURPOSE OF CHANGE ORDER: To provide access to properties. planned developments on the adjacent ATTAC~ENTS: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) (List documents supporting change) Estimated Costs of Construction Drawing List Transmittal letter for drawings issued to Contractor on 1/17/89 L.H. Lacy Co. letter to Ginn, Inc. dated 2/27/89 Ginn, Inc. letter to L.H. Lacy Co. dated 3/17/89 J379C02 DENTON TAP ROAD INPROVE#ENT$ from SANDY LAKE RD. to DENTON CREEK ESTIMATED COST OF ABQ DEV. AND UNIVEST DEV, REQUESTED MEDIAN OPENING AND LEFT TURN LANES 3 - 17 - 1989 CHARGE ORDER NO. 2 STATION 178+17.77 - SOUTNBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR UNIVEST DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNiT PRICE I AHOUNT I BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY Piece Topsoil - Median (6" thick) ]ST Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime sLurry, Ty A., 5% 22.5 #/ST ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 5% 34 #/ST (9" Thick) ITOH 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IS¥ J6" MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-siipform) IsY 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6#x6" JiggLe Sar (refi.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4# Traffic Button, Uhite(Non-Refi.)(P-7-u) lEA ~" Traffic Button, ghite(sing.-Refl.)(P-15-u) lEA 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) JLF 3" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF Pultboxes lEA 29.9 -147.09 -147.09 179.48 0 3.05 0 15.14 179.41 -32.31 10 0 0 -14.48 -7.24 -7.24 0 $6.60 $0.50 $0.42 S1.05 $67.00 $63.00 S13.68 S1.00 S16.68 $24.00 $5.00 S2.00 $6.00 S2.40 $3.00 S3.73 S127.00 $197.34 ($73.55) ($61.78) $188.45 $0.00 $192.15 $0.00 $15.14 $2,992.56 (S775.44) $50.00 S0.00 $0.00 (S34.75) ($21.72) (S27.01) $0.00 SUBTOTAL $2,641.40 STATION 182+44 - MEDIAN OPENING FOR UNIVEST DEV. AND ARQ DEV. iTEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY Place Topsoil - Median (6" thick) Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5% 22.5 #/sy ITON Lime sLurry, Ty A., 5% 34 #/sy (9" Thick) JTON 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi lay 6" Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stipform) 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) ISY 6"x6" Jiggle Bar (refL.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4# Traffic Button, White(Non-RefL.)(P-7-g) lEA 4" Traffic Button, WhJte(sing.-Refl.)(P-15-~) lEA 2" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) 4" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF Putlboxes lEA 28.53 -239.79 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 0 -179.84 $6.60 $0.50 $0.42 $1.05 $67.00 $63.00 $13.68 81.00 181.2 S16.68 58.57 S24.00 0 $5.00 -16 $2.00 -16 $6.00 119 52.40 119 $3.00 119 $3.73 4 $127.00 $188.30 ($119.90) ($100.71) $176.26 $0.00 $179.55 $0.00 ($179.84) $3,022.42 Sl,405.68 S0.00 ($32.00) ($96.00) S285.60 $357.00 S443.87 $508.00 SUBTOTAL $6,038.23 J379C02 STAT%ON 182+4& - NORTHBOUNO LEFT TURN LANE FOR ABQ DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEM ] OESCRIPTION BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roadway Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) JSY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) lay Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/sy ITOM Lime slurry, Ty A., 5Z 34 #/ay (9# Thick) ITOB 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 6'" Monolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-siipform) ~SY 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Noses) IsY 6'x6' JiggLe Bar (refi.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, whJte(#on-RefL.)(P-7-w) 4" Traffic Button, White(sing.-Refl.)(P-15-U) lEA 2# PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (ach. 40) ILF PuLIboxes lEA 33.44 -226.87 -226.87 200.68 0 3.41 0 -44.7 200.61 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 $6.60 S0.50 $0.42 S1.05 $67.00 $63.00 $13.68 SI.00 S16.68 $24.00 S5.O0 $2.00 S6.00 S2.40 $3.00 $3.73 $127.00 S220.70 (S113.44) ($95.29) S210.71 S0.00 S214.83 S0.00 ($44.70) S3,346.17 S630.24 S50.00 SO.O0 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 SO.O0 SUBTOTAL $4,419.24 STATION 186+98 - MEDIAN OPENING FOR UNIVEST DEV. AND ABQ DEV. ITEM I DESCRIPTION BASE BIO 6 LANE PAVEMENT 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) IST Lime treatment, mat. in place Lime slurry, Ty A., 5Z 22.5 #/sy ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 34 #/sy (9" Thick) pon 8# conc. pavement 3000 psi lay 6" MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stipform) lay 6" conc. (Oriveways & Median Hoses) ISY 6#x6' JiggLe Bar (refl.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, ghite(#on-RefL.)(P-7-g) lEA 4" Traffic Button, ~hite(sJng.-Refi.)(P-15-g) lEA 2" PVC conduit (ach. 40) 3" pvc conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF PuLlboxes lEA 28.53 -239.79 -239.79 167.87 0 2.85 0 -179.84 181.2 58.57 0 -16 -16 119 119 119 $6.60 $0.50 $0.42 $1.05 S67.O0 $63.00 S13.68 S1.00 $16.68 S24.00 $5.00 $2.00 $6.00 S2.40 S3.O0 S3.73 $127.00 s188.30 ($119.90) ($100.71) $176.26 $0.00 $179.55 $0.00 (S179.84) S3,022.42 Sl,405.68 $0.00 (S32.00) (S96.00) S285.60 S357.00 S443.87 S508.00 SUBTOTAL S6,O38.23 J379C02 STATION 186+98 - NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE FOR ABQ DEV. (100' STORAGE) ITEM r DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT SASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 624 Roaduay Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) IsY Lime treatment, met. in pLace Lime sLurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/sy ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 5% 34 #/sy (9" Thick) ITOH 8#conc. pavement 3000 psi ISY 16# MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-sltpform) IsY 6" conc. (Driveways & Median Roses) IsY 6#x6" JiggLe Bar (ref(.)(Type 1-C) 4" Traffic Button, Uhite(gon-RefL.)(P-?-W) lEA 4" Traffic Button, Uhite(sing.-RefL.)CP-15-U) lEA 2# PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3'* PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) PuLtboxes lEA 33.44 -226.87 -226.87 200.68 0 3.41 0 -44.7 200.61 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 $6.60 S0.50 S1.05 $67.00 S63.00 $16.68 $1.00 $16.65 S24.00 $5.00 S2.00 S6.00 $2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 022o.?o I (S113.44)I (095.29)1 S210.71 I so.oo I 0214.83 I so.oo I (S44.?0)I S3,346.17 S630.24 $50.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL S4,419.24 STATION 195+28 MEDIAN OPENING FOR ABQ DEVELOPMENT ITEM ~ DESCRIPTION [ UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE ~ AMOUNT 110 160 164 260 264 264.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.2 618.3 624 IaASE 81o 6 LANE PAVEMENT IRoeduay Excavation ICY IPlece Topsoil - Median (6" thick) ISY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ]SY Lime treatment, mat. in place ISY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 22.5 #/sy ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A.o 5X 34 #/sy (9" Thick) ITOH 8' conc. pavement 3000 psi ISY 6" MonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) 8# conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stipform) IsY 6" conc. (OrJvevays & Median Noses) ISY 6#x6" JiggLe Bar (reft.)(Type 1-C) lEA 4" Traffic Button, White(Non-Refi.)(P-?-U) lEA 14'* Traffic Button, Uhite(sing.-Ref[.)(P-15-~) lEA 2', PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ILF 4" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) puLLboxeS lEA 26.67 -160 '160 146.67 1.65 0 0 -120 160 0 0 -16 -16 111 111 111 S6.60 $0.50 S0.42 $1.05 $67.00 S63.00 S13.68 $1.00 S16.68 S24.00 $5.00 S2.00 $6.00 S2.40 S3.00 $3.73 $127.00 $176.02 (S80.00) (S67.20) S154.00 $110.55 $0.00 S0.00 (0120.00) S2,668.80 so.oo so.oo (S32.00)1 (S96.00) S266.40 0333.oo S414.03 s5o0.oo SUBTOTAL $4,235.61 J379C02 STATION 195+28 NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE (80' STORAGE) FOR ABQ DEVELOPMENT ZTE# I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY I UNIT PRZCE I A#OUNT SASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 16~ 260 26~ 26~.1 360.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 62~ Roadway Excavation ICY PLace Topsoil - Hedian (6" thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5X 22.5 #/sy ITOH Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 3~ #/sy (9" Thick) ITOH 8#conc. pavement 3000 psi ISY 6" Honolithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF 8#conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-slipform) ISY 6#conc. (OriveHays & Median Hoses) IsY 6'x6' JiggLe Bar (refl.)(Type 1-C) lEA ~" Traffic Button, ghite(Non-Refi.)(P-7-g) lEA &# Traffic Button, Uhite(sing.-RefL.)(P-15-~) lEA 2" PVC conduit (sch. 40) ILF 3" PVC conduit (Sch. ~0) ILF ~" Pr( conduit (Sch. 40) ILF IPuiLboxes lEA 29.74 -204.65 -204.65 178.46 0 3.03 0 -45.36 178.38 26.26 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6.60 S0.50 $0.42 S1.05 S67.00 S63.00 S13.68 Sl.00 $16.68 S24.00 $5.00 S2.00 S6.00 S2.40 S3.00 S3.73 S127.00 S196.28 ($102.33) (S85.95)' $187.38 S0.00 S190.89 SO.O0 (S~5.~6)I S2,975.38 S630.2~ S40.00 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 SO.O0 SO.O0 S0.00 SUBTOTAL S3,986.5~ STATION 195+28 SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE (100' STORAGE) FOR ASQ DEVELOPMENT ITEM I DESCRIPTION I UTS ] QUANTITY ] UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT BASE BID 6 LANE PAVEMENT I 110 160 16& 260 26& 26~.1 560.1 360.2 360.6 530.1 672 676.1 676.2 618.1 618.2 618.3 62~ Rosdffay Excavation IcY PLace Topsoil - Median (6# thick) IsY Broadcast Seeding (Common Berm) ISY Lime treatment, mat. in place IsY Lime slurry, Ty A., 5% 22.5 #/sy itoh Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 3~ #/sy (9" Thick) ITOH 8" conc. pavement 3000 psi IsY 16" NonoLithic Curb (3000 psi) ILF I 8# conc. pavement 3000 psi (non-stipform) ISY I 6" conc. (Orive~ays & Median Noses) ISY 16"x6'' JiggLe Bar (reft.)(Type 1-C) lEA I &'' Traffic Button, Uhite(gon-Refl.)(P-7-g) lEA I~" Traffic Button, ~hite(sing.-RefL.)(P-15-~) lEA I 2" PVC conduit (Sch. &O) ~LF I 3# PVC conduit (Sch. &O) ]LF I ~'' PVC conduit (Sch. ~0) ILF IPuLLboxes lEA 25.76 -180.84 -180.84 154.65 1.74 0 0 -45.36 154.58 26.26 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 $6.60 S0.50 S0.42 S1.05 $67.00 S63.00 S13.68 S1.00 S16.68 S24.00 S5.00 S2.00 $6.00 S2.~0 S3.00 $3.73 $127.00 S170.02 I (S90.42)I (S75.95) S162.38 S116.58 SO.O0 $0.00 (S~5.36) S2,578.39 $630.2~ S50.00 S0.00 $0.00 SO.O0 S0.00 $0.00 SO.O0 SUBTOTAL S3,495.88 J379C02 ESTIHATED COST OF ADDITION OF WEST SIDE TURNOUT AT THE DENTON TAP RD./PARKWAY BLVD INTERSECTION (CITY OF COPPELL) ITE# I DESCRIPTION I UTS I QUANTITY ] UNIT PRICE I AROUNT I 100 110 131 133 260 266.1 360.2 360.3 360.6 530.1 530.2 530.3 618.2 626 666.1 BASE BID 6 LANE PAVE#ENT I Prepare R.O.W. ISTA Roadway Excavation ICY Borrow (DeLivo)(d.c.),Type B, CL.] IcY Remove/RepLace unstable material IcY Lime treatment, mat. in place IS¥ Lime slurry, Ty A., 5~ 36 #~sT (9" Thick) ]TON 6" #onoLithic Curb (3000 psi) Concrete street header ES" Conc. Pavement Int. Streets ~SY 6" conc. (Driveways & Hedian Noses) IST IBrick pavers (Uni-Decor) IsY IBrick pavers (HolLand I) IST 3" PVC conduit (Sch. 40) ~LF IPuLtboxes lEA 118" Stop Bar ILF 0.35 0 0 0 385 6.6 60 370 17 168 898 10 $6,051.00 S6.60 $0.10 $5.00 $1.05 $63.00 $1.00 S3.00 S16.00 S26.00 $21.00 $21.00 S3.00 S127.00 S5.00 $1,417.85 $0.00 $0.00 SO.O0 S604.25 S415.80 S62.00 S180.00 S5,920.00 S608.00 S3,528.00 s357.00 S2,69~.00 $1,270.00 S170.00 SUBTOTAL S16,806.90 Sheet ~Oo 3 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 DRAWING LIBT DENTON TAP ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FROM B/~NDY L~KE RO~D TO DENTON CREEK CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 Description Sheet Index and Summary of Quantities Paving Sta. Paving Sta. Paving Sta. Paving Sta. Paving Sta. Drainage Sta. 174+00 to 179+00 174+00 to 179+00 179+00 to 184+00 184+00 to 189+00 189+00 to 194+00 194+00 to 199+00 184+00 184+00 to 189+00 189+00 to 194+00 194+00 to 199+00 Drainage Sta. 179+00 to Drainage Sta. Drainage Sta. Drainage Sta. Revision No. 5 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 6 GINN. INC. Consultln~ Engineers 17103 Preston Road Suite IOO, LB-II8 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 248-4900 [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter n Prints /[~'Plans [] Samples [] Change order ' [] the following Items: [] Specifications · TI~'sE ARE TRANSMIttED as checked below: · .,,.: [] FOr approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval · 7 ' For your use [] Approved as noted E:] Submit copies for distribution ', ' [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return corrected prints ' · [] For review and comment [] · I'1 FOR BIDS DUE 19 [3 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US · ::.?:,~,./,'~',;..~,,,./ i//~.,.A,,,, ~.x.: .,/ ,; ,./ : .. ,....-/, .../,,' ~:,,~ /,,,.,,.., :....~...~ ,~,.,~ (/~';~.,:,~,,,~ /.,,~ /~,., /,/, 4,,,, ~,,,~: '. ?>?~',./,,~ ,,'U.:zu,/~: ~:/.,/'/,/ /:4.,/,/F..:.-/.:.~ ,., v,/;., 'z .4. ,-4'. .... .... ~/4zz~,,,.X'-/4z .. /A r'F :,~. ,t:. ...~/;,,,,.// ../.. ~ r,,,~-:-,,,+'/X.,.. ,~,~,.~ ~:.'~.~.,,,//'..//z:... ,. ,.. . ,.. /,~,.,._r- /~/t ?,,,,,~ /,~,,.,.. x,~'. ,:&t,',v,~. ~* In~"z ~,~.~....'/,/,.,,;,72, ?'::.: :.,.v~,~ z~.~ F,,#, ~,,,,/), z:~ ~z,~,,.,,,,,§ ~F~,'.~,/, ,~,....,.0~ ,,.,,',~,.'~. :COPYTO ' ~"~.,~,...t':.~..'! rz,,~y'~e..,~.., .f ./- .,o/'7 _1 . . ....*~ / ~ / '- ." ~ ..... O' C/ / ~ ...... J Sl~.ED,'"' // /~ ,/~.~ ~,---/. t d['IHN f:. ''' ,~, t-' ~.,F';'!t~'t'J l;':f' t.",:;'d:, IPff"R",?/L PIE:.NT FF¢OM SAND~ LAKE TO DENrONF'~RI~.EK- L. II. I Pd."Y N[Li Pdl;Fd:i'[-, Iii CHANGE ORDER ~;~ PROVIDED 13INN~ IN~., AND TI.lIT J;I/'Y OF E;(JI'r'F'£~L..I_ WILL AOREZE TO THE: FOLLOWINGj 1) ~.% YOU !~,l"ArEI) IN '!OiJrJ L.ETrER, 1HIS CHANffiE ORDER INCREASES I"HE SC;OPLL i~F; l,J£]f:(J.-'~. I'HAT INCREASED SCOPE OF WORK IS AN H'.~CF~FY~f~E J'J~ ?.~,%. CALCULATED BY ~SIIMA'I'ED DOLLAR VOLUMES L. ISTE~ ON 1'HE FACE F;F' THE CHANGE ORDEr, ~OR TH~S INCREASED St.':t)I'.~E OF: I,JORK L.. ti. t. ACY N~EL)S ~0 CALENDA~ DAYS ADDED TO THE C[.~HIRACT TIME. I'HJ;~ INf]F::EAt:~ED SCLI~-'E OF DIORK ALSO CHANGES THE SOOPE OF WOF~K [:0~'~ 'lH~/ L.. H. LACY COMPANY. OUR INITIAL. BIO P~IOE rJtF )'FI-:'FI .'q~.,O. ~ ~8" C'OJ~C. PAVEMENT 5000 PSI) IS BASED ON A NAT10 i.]~~ hlAE;HINE ~'JRK ]'0 HAND WORK. THIS ~ATIO HAS Fd":'FEt'~JE:D AI'~Fq'~E:L:IAi'~.y, A~lO L.. H. LACY NEEDS $5.00/SY ADE)ZI'iONAL., OF~ A t.~;II' PF:tlCE Of $16,68)~Y~ F'OI~ THE 14.]6~ SY L. Ft. l ~-,,. CL~MF4~NY FEEl S THIS /-'~ FAIR, AND EQUITABLE AF~F,:,qI~IGtJM[:]q[ J-'Ch~:: AL.I. F"A~'I'IES INVOLVED. IF HE'. CAN AGREE ON ,RESPECTFIJLLY SUBMII"[ED L DAVID H. S . P~OJECT MANAGER F:[I~I P.,-~,.(J~. 'J. l... I .. £ 7,10 L F,.-.t...4 L. H, Lacy Company 2t 4/357-0146 "Quality Construction for over 85 Yeer~' 10888 Shady Trail P.O. Box 54~1297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 GINN, INC. CONSUl.TING ENGINEERS March 17, 1989 Mr. David M. Snyder, P.E. L. H. Lacy Company P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - Change Order No. 2 - Revised. Dear Mr. Snyder: We are enclosing six (6) copies of Revised Change Order No. 2 to the subject Contract. This Change Order No. 2 increases the scope of work of the subject Contract to include the construction of the following: A. One southbound left turn lane at the median opening located at Station 178+17.77. One northbound left turn lane and a median opening at Station 182+44. One northbound left turn lane and a median opening at Station 186+98. One northbound and one southbound left turn lane and a median opening at Station 195+28. E. The west turnout of Parkway Boulevard. This work is to be accomplished in accordance with the Drawings transmitted to you on January 17, 1989, list attached, and the Contract specifications. Payment for the work included in this Change Order No. 2 for items A. through E., above, shall be in accordance with the Unit Prices in the Contract, with the exception of Pay Item 360.1, for items A. through D. above. We concur with your letter of February 27, 1989, copy attached, that the existing Contract Unit Price for Item 360.1 - 8" Concrete Pavement (3000 PSI) should apply to the work included in the original scope of work of the Contract and the left turn lanes and median openings added to the project by this Change Order No. 2 which would be slip-formed. Therefor, we propose the establishment of a new Pay Item, No. 360.6, 8" Concrete Pavement (3000 PSI) (For Additional Left Turn Lanes and Median Openings placed by other than slip-form paving machines), at the Unit Price proposed in your letter of February 27, 1989 of $ 16.68 per Square Yard (measured in place). Pay Item No. 360.6 shall only apply to construction of the left turn lanes and median openings, included in items A. through D. above, by methods other than slip-form. 17103 Preston Road · Suite I00 · LB II8 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/2484900 In preparation of the estimated construction costs accompanying the subject Change Order, we have used the price for proposed Pay Item No. 360.6. This sets the anticipated upper limit of costs associated with this Change Order No. 2. If some of the work included herein is done by the slip-form method the lower price for Pay Item 360.1 will be applied and the total construction cost associated with this Change Order No. 2 will be reduced accordingly. As we have previously discussed, the work included this Change Order No. 2 shall not be allowed to proceed until the city of Coppell has received the financial commitments pledged by the property owners who have requested these additional median openings and left turn lanes. Therefore, we will notify you of the City Council approval or disapproval of this Change Order as soon as possible after the Council meeting at which it is considered; and we will notify you to proceed with the work once the adjacent property owners fulfill their financial obligations with the city. This revised Change Order No. 2 shall also include the addition of 10 calendar days to the Contract time to allow for the construction of items A. through E. above. If you are in agreement with the terms of this Change Order No. 2, please execute all six copies and return them to this office. We must require your response to this proposed Change Order No. 2 by Monday, April 3, 1989 in order to have it placed on the agenda for the April 11, 1989 City Council meeting. Once approved by the city, we will return two copies with original signatures to you. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer enclosures CC: H. Wayne Ginn, Russell Doyle, Randy Fleming File J - 379 a:lhlco2n2 PoEo GINN. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 9, 1988 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. city Engineer City of coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: I 11988 Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - ABQ Median Opening Request Dear Mr. Doyle: This letter is in response to your letter concerning the above. The design of the requested median opening north of Parkway Blvd. can be included in the scope of our work covering overall design of the project, and therefore you will not have to go through the work authorization process. The procedure for accomplishing this is as follows: 1. Obtain a letter of Financial Commitment from ABQ Development Company stating that they will pay for the Engineering, Testing, Inspection, and Construction of the Median Opening. This letter should state that they will deposit the funds with the city within 5 days after the City Council approves a Change Order covering the construction of the Median Opening. 2. Upon receipt of the above letter of Financial Commitment, you can authorize Ginn, Inc. to prepare a Change Order for city Council consideration. We have enclosed cost estimates for the Change Order and additional engineering costs. We are prepared to seek the Contractor's approval of the necessary Change Order, and revise the drawings accordingly upon receipt of your authorization. We have also enclosed a letter of response for your signature on city of Coppell letterhead to Jerry Parche' Consulting Engineers which covers the above. Please call me if you have any questions. enclosures cc: John C. Karlsruher, P.E. 17103PrcstonRoad ® Suitel00 · LBII$ · Dallas. Texas75248 ® Ph0n¢214/2489900