ST8402-CS 890615 (3) GINN, INC. June 15, 1989 CONSULTING Mr. Russ~ Doyle, P.E. __ City of P.O. Coppe TX 7501 Re: Tap From Sandy Lake ;reet Flooding to Denton ~ek Station JL} I t5 1989 Dear Mr. Despite the measures as per my letters dated May 17, 1989 and copies attached, flooding of the outside lane of the new southbound pavement between Stations 176+50 and 177+80 has continued during the recent persistent thunderstorms. We have found it to be necessary for the protection of the lives, safety and property of the traveling public on Denton Tap Road to order the Contractor to expose lateral D-13a and install an "X" inlet and connecting piping along with a relief berm and swale diverting some of the excessive runoff from the modified inlet and temporary berm at Station 176+50. In addition to the previous modifications to the inlet at Station 176+50 this should greatly reduce the amount of runoff getting onto the road and reduce the hazard to the traveling public. The pipe and inlet work will be paid for at the applicable Contract unit Prices, and the required earthwork will have to be paid for in accordance with extra work provisions of the Contract. On Friday, June 9, 1989, I met with the Contractor and one of the owners of the adjacent property, Mr. Glen Hincktey, to discuss the immediate construction of this proposed storm drainage relief system. Mr. Hinckley, has been extremely helpful and cooperative in allowing this work to proceed as soon as possible. Mr. Hinckley did request that we stipulate that the improvements mentioned herein are temporary and that he may cause them to be either removed or modified when his property is developed. We have assured Mr. Hinckley that when his property develops, he may remove or modify the storm sewer "X" inlet and the swale and berm in order to extend the storm sewer system as necessary for the development of his property and any adjacent roadways. It should be noted that Mr. Hinckley's property, in its current condition, drains to Denton Tap Road and as such, its developed runoff can be accommodated in the Denton Tap Road storm sewer system. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 GINN, INC. CONSI LTING ENGINEERS June 15, 1989 Mr. Russ~ city of P.O. Coppe] Re: Doyle, P.E. )ell TX :on Tap( rom Sandy\Lake reet Flooding :,ad to Denton ,ek Station Dear Mr. ~: Despite the measures as per my letters dated May 17, 1989 and copies attached, flooding of the outside lane of the new southbound pavement between Stations 176+50 and 177+80 has continued during the recent persistent thunderstorms. We have found it to be necessary for the protection of the lives, safety and property of the traveling public on Denton Tap Road to order the Contractor to expose lateral D-13a and install an "X" inlet and connecting piping along with a relief berm and swale diverting some of the excessive runoff from the modified inlet and temporary berm at Station 176+50. In addition to the previous modifications to the inlet at Station 176+50 this should greatly reduce the amount of runoff getting onto the road and reduce the hazard to the traveling public. The pipe and inlet work will be paid for at the applicable Contract unit Prices, and the required earthwork will have to be paid for in accordance with extra work provisions of the Contract. On Friday, June 9, 1989, I met with the Contractor and one of the owners of the adjacent property, Mr. Glen Hinckley, to discuss the immediate construction of this proposed storm drainage relief system. Mr. Hinckley, has been extremely helpful and cooperative in allowing this work to proceed as soon as possible. Mr. Hinckley did request that we stipulate that the improvements mentioned herein are temporary and that he may cause them to be either removed or modified when his property is developed. We have assured Mr. Hinckley that when his property develops, he may remove or modify the storm sewer "X" inlet and the swale and berm in order to extend the storm sewer system as necessary for the development of his property and any adjacent roadways. It should be noted that Mr. Hinckley's property, in its current condition, drains to Denton Tap Road and as such, its developed runoff can be accommodated in the Denton Tap Road storm sewer system. 17103 Preston Road ® Suite 100 · lB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214,248-4900 We suspect that the excessive runoff which is flowing across the Hinckley property may be partially a result of the increased runoff from Skaggs shopping center, the inadequate drainage system for Shady Dale Estates, and some filling of old gravel pits on the adjacent property. The box culvert which is to be extended south from the high school site may provide the solution to this flooding problem. We recommend that this situation be addressed in the on-going efforts to have the abovementioned box culvert constructed. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the abovementioned modifications to the drainage system and attempt to ascertain the principal sources of the excessive stormwater runoff. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer JCK/dsp cc: Glen Hinckley Scott Balch H. Wayne Ginn, Randy Fleming File 379/280 enclosures GINN, INC. May 17, 1989 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City Engineer City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - Handwritten Memorandum dated 5-3-89. Dear Mr. Doyle: This letter is in response to your Handwritten Memorandum dated May 3, 1989, copy attached. During the recent rains resulting from heavy thunderstorms our resident project representative observed the lane flooding situation in the vicinity of the storm water inlets along the west curb line at project stations 176+50 and 177+80. Based on the field reports we have received and your verbal and written inquiries, we have been studying the situation in search of both long and short term solutions to the lane flooding recently experienced. We will address the specific issues raised in your Memorandum, and then cover the critical elements of the potential solutions identified. As you are aware, intense rainfalls are usually associated with the frequent heavy thunderstorms typically experienced in this locality at this time of year. Street flooding occurs both during the rainfall and until the resulting significant run-off subsides. This lane flooding cannot practically be eliminated in most cases. Typically, as in the City of Coppell, the enclosed storm sewer systems are designed to handle the stormwater run-off from a 100-year storm and the on-grade inlets are designed to remove stormwater run-off generated from a 5-year storm from the gutters. During more intense storms the inlet capacity is temporarily exceeded and storm water is allowed to pond in the designated traffic lanes for the duration of the event which produces stormwater run-off in excess of the design capacity of the inlets. The subject roadway has been designed in accordance with the City of Coppell Standard Construction Details, and as such has a standard cross slope of 1/4" per foot in the area of concern. The longitudinal slope (gutter slope) is essentially 0.5%. It should be noted that a grade change occurs at station 176+50, the location of the more southerly of the two inlets in question. This partioular inlet was located at the grade change in order to remove as much gutter flow as possible before it reached the lower gutter capacity of the paving section immediately downslope of the grade change. 17103 I'rcaton Road · Suite 100 · I.B 118 · I)all;c~,'l'cxa,'; 75248 · I'honc 214/248-4900 The current problem appears to be related to the fact that portions of the adjacent properties which were not originally included in the drainage area for this project may have been recently graded in such a fashion that they now contribute run- off to this project. Additionally it appears that the run-off 'flow is concentrated in a couple of areas, rather than being a sheet flow condition for which the storm drainage system was originally designed. Compounding the above, the slopes behind the property line of the adjacent property cause the run-off to flow further out into the roadway than originally anticipated. The long term solution to this problem is related to the fact that the adjacent property in the area of concern is currently undeveloped. In anticipation of the ultimate development of the property, a storm sewer lateral stubout (lateral D-13a) has been provided from the main Denton Tap Road storm sewer system, as a part of the original project design, to provide for the developed storm water run-off from the adjacent properties. In order to accomplish this long term solution, the adjacent property owners must design and build an onsite extension of the existing storm drainage system as a part of the development of their properties. This morning we were notified of the closure of Denton Tap Road between Sandy lake Road and Parkway Blvd. as a result of the recurrence of the lane flooding due to the heavy thunderstorms experienced last night and this morning. .After traveling to the site this morning and observing the lane flooding situation, we directed the Contractor to create openings at the rear of the inlet at station 176+50 and grade the slope immediately behind the inlet to the bottom of the openings. We also had the Contractor deposit excavated materials in such a way as to collect the run-off at the property line and funnel it into the back opening of the inlet. The work and street cleanup was completed by 2:30 P.M. this afternoon and the road opened to traffic at that time. If the above method of temporarily controlling the run-off discharges from the adjacent property is successful we may have a concrete riprap flume constructed at the rear of the inlet as a temporary measure until the property develops. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer attachment H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming File 379 (A:DENFLOOD) HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM GINN, INC. June 5, 1989 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Scott Balch, P.E. L.H. Lacy Co. P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, TX 75354-1297 Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - Outside Lane Flooding Southbound Lanes from Sta. 176+50 to Sta. 177+80 Dear Mr. Balch: During yesterday morning's thunderstorms I observed flooding in the southbound lanes between the inlet at Station 176+50 and the one at 177+80. The runoff which was entering the street was from the "overflow channel" which was constructed immediately north of the inlet at Station 176+50 as a part of your efforts on May 17, 1989. The rear openings in the inlet at Station 176+50 worked very well and will handle the additional flow if the "overflow channel" is closed. Please have the "overflow channel" filled as soon as possible in order to prevent excessive ponding of water on the roadway in this area in future thunderstorms and rainfall events. While observing the above, I also noticed what appears to be an indication of deviation from the profile grades shown on the Drawings in this area. Some stormwater runoff flows south into the inlet at Station 176+50 instead of going north as it should in accordance with the plans. Also, the ponding width indicates that the pavement crossfall from the median to the outside curbline may be too flat. Please have your surveyor check your profile and crossfall grades in this area and submit your findings in writing to us for review. Please refer to the attached marked blueline print of Sheet 13 of 56. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project Engineer JCK/dsp enclosure cc: Russell Doyle, P.E. H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Randy Fleming File 379 17103 Prcaton Road ·Suitc 100 · LB 118 ·Dallas, Tcxas 75248 · Phonc 214/248-4900