ST8402-CS 890519 HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM THE CITY WITH A GINN, INC. May 17, 1989 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City Engineer City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 CONSULTING Re: Denton Tap Road Improvements from Belt Line Road to Sandy Lake Road, and from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek - FEMA Approvals. Dear Mr. Doyle: This letter is in response to your Handwritten Memorandum of May 10, 1989, copy attached. Attached you will find additional documentation including the Conditional Letter of Map Revision for the Denton Tap Road bridge structures over Grapevine Creek, which should complete your files regarding to the floodplain aspects of the subject projects. Please note that the Conditional Letter for the Grapevine Creek bridge structures requires that as-built drawings, HEC-2 hydraulic models and supporting data must be prepared and submitted to FEMA for verification of compliance with the Conditional Letter as soon as construction is completed. It is our intention to furnish these services under special servi~ for ~h~ Droject, however you may contract directI~--~i-~imT~-Horn and Ass~o6ia~s, Inc. for this if you wish. Please let us know your intentions regarding the foregoing as soon as possible. On the advice of our Floodplain Hydraulics/Hydrology Consultant, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., there was no submittal prepared or made for the widening of the Cottonwood Branch bridge structure. Their opinion of the plans to widen the existing bridge structure was that since the hydraulic cross section of the bridge was not being changed, the affects on the floodplain and base flood elevations would be negligible. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, John C. Karlsruher, Project Engineer PoEo attachment H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Ron Morrison, P.E. - Kimley-Horn and Associates, File J-378, 379 (a:denfema) Inc. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 coppoll, Texas - 81988 Dear Nayor Dugqan: ~is is ~n reference to a letter ],,~ o~p~ ~5, ;~. 7, s~mitt~ Hr. H. ~a~ne G~nn, P.E., C~t~ En~neer [or ~e C~ty off Cop~l, ~ch ~as Eo~arded ~ us b~ our Req~on VI offff~ce, in ~h~ch ~e r~uest~ ~at ~e F~era~ ~e~ency ~naqement A~ency (F~) rev~e~ a [~pla~n st~ ffo~ ~e pr~s~ br~d~e ~ep~acement projec~ at ~nton Tap Road over Gra~v~ne Cre~ a~ ~e propos~ E~o~pla~n rec~at~on project on Grapevine Cre~ just ups~eam of ~nton Tap Road. ~s letter addresses ~e pro~s~ bridge replacement project ~le ~e upstre~ reclamation project is ~dress~ a serrate ~etter, ~[~ h~s.[etter, ~r. G~nn s~m~tt~ a fflo~p[a~n stud~ ent~t~ .F~la~n H~drau[[cs Stud~, Crater[ne Creek, Cop~ll, T~,~r~ dat~ Sept~er 22, 1987, prepar~ b~ PAHA-~e~mann & ~soc~ates, Incor~rat~ (no~ ~m~ey-Horn and ~soc[ates, ~ncor~rated), ~[ch ~ncl~ ~e ffo~[n~ ~t~s~ a description o~ ~e ~odol~es us~ H~-2 h~draul~c ~els · apsl p~ott~ cross sections7 a cr~s-sect[on location ~p~ a~ p~ott~ ~ater- s~face prorates, We also rece~v~ a ~etter dat~ Janua~ 12, 1988, a~ ~ley~Horn a~ ~soc~ates, ~nco~orat~. ~s ~o~at~on ~dress~ ou~ concer~ as ~scuss~ ~n our Janua~ 8, 1988 phone conversa~on H~. ~derson. After reviewing the submitted data, we have determined that the proposed bridge replaceeent project mee~s the minimum floodplain management criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). If the project is completed as proposed, a revision to the Flood Insurance Study {FIS), Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM) for the City of Coppell would be warranted. This revision would show a decrease in the Base (100- year) Flood Elevations (BFEs), the regulatory floodway width, and the 100-year floodplain of Grapevine Creek in the vicinity of Denton Tap Road. Future revisions ~o the FIe, FIRM, and FBFM for the City of Coppell or future restudies of the flood hazards in these areas could modify this deteL~uina~ion. This determination is based on the 100-year flood discharges computed in the effective FIe for your coomunity, and does not consider subsequent changes in watershed characteristics that would tend to increase flood discharges. The development of this project and other projects upstream could result in increased flood discharges, which, in turn, could result in increased 100-year flood elevations. Future rest~adies of your coumunity,s flood hazards, w~ich would take into acco~ult the cumulative effects of development on flood discharges, could establish higher 100-year flood elevations in this area. Please note the requireuents for floodway revisions as outlined in Parc 65 of the NFIP regulations, Sect~Lon 65.7 (copy enclosed). The prol~sed floodway represents a decrease in w~dth at several cross sections with respoct to the current regulatory floodway in the City of Coppoll. When a floodway change is proposed, a copy of a public notice distributed by the community stating the community's intent to revise ~he floodway or a statement by the community that it has notified all affected property owners and affected adjacent jurisdictions must be submitted to FEMA. This requirement will have to be addressed when requesting a map revision to reflect the effects of the completed project. This coD~itional Letter of Map Revision is based on ~inimum floodplain ~an- agement criteria established under ~he NFIP. Your community is resEonsible for approving all proposed floodplain developments, including this request, and for assuring that necessary ~e~nits required by Federal or State law have been received. State and community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, may set higher standards for con- struction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If the State of Texas or the City of Coppell has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria, these criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements. NFIP regulation 44 CFR 60.3(b)(7) requires co~munities ~artici~ating in the Program to 'assure that the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated ~ortion of any watercourse is maintained.= Without proper mainte- nance, such as the regular clearing of a channelized stream, channel madifi- cation projects will, in time, fail to function as designed, thereby recreating the flood hazard that they were intended to mitigate. Therefore, u~on com- pletion of the project, your community must uphold its responsibility for assuring that the modified channel i~ maintained in order to preserve its design function. Upen completion of the proposed bridge replacement project, your community may request a revision to the effective F~S, FII~M, and FBFN. The revision request must include supporting da~a as outlined in the enclosed documents, Conditions and Criteria for Ma~> Revisions and Conditions and Criteria for Floodway Revi- sions and must address the requirements of NFIP regulation 65.7 as outlined earlier. Compliance with the criteria outlined in these documents will expedite FEMA~s review process, thus allowing the FIS, FI~M, and FBFM for your community ~o be revised as appropriate, in a timely manner. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Chief, Natural and Technological Hazards Division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Denton, Texas, at (817) 898-9127 or members of our Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 646-2754. Sincerely, Chef, Risk Studies Division Federal Insurance Administration Enclosu~e~ cc~ ~. Carl V. AndeFson, P.E. Mr. H. Wayne ~inn, P.E. Hro John Co ~arls=uher, p.E., Giun, Incorporated