ST8402-CS 890407COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS Al=ril 7, 1989 Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Dana Kamp, Signs/Signalization Technician~ Brid~e Markings @ Denton Creek & Cottonwood Creek on Denton Tap I've investigated tho above mentioned areas for bridge markings and eenterline striping. The striping on tho road should be upgraded for better visability. As f~r tho bridge markings, I currently have two type 3 object markers (one from each direc- tion) on tho Cottonwood Creek brid~e. Th~ markers are on my list to be changsd out from black and white in color to yellow and black. However, those two locations are in tho construction zone and tho verticalpanels, signs, and barricades partially, if not totally, block tho view of tb~ markers. Some of the vertical panels and signs need to be cleaned. These items fall to tho Contractors responsibility and thoy should ho informed. If you have any questions, please advise. DFK/bb