ST8402-CS 881222 (3) GINN, INC : CONSULTING I;N(.INEERS December 2~8 Dallas W~r_utilities Engineer~hg Department 320 E. ~efferson, Rm. 211 DallaT~exas 75203 Atte~tio~Mr.' M~ m W ~'-'=~ , Me~ -~__~_Water & Sewer Design Re:I/Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake ..... Roa~ to D~nton~ ~ Creek, Coppell, Texas. Dear Mr. Stewart: / We are transmitting herewith a marked blue line copy of Sheet 22 of 56 of the Drawings for the subject project showing a conflict between the proposed storm sewer and Dallas Water Utilities' 30" Flower Mound Treated Water Line . During previous correspondence with Mr. A. V. Almeida of Dallas Water Utilities, copies attached, we had requested and received review comments of our preliminary plans in order to avoid occurrences such as this. Based on the comments received by this office we proceeded with final design and construction began on June 15, 1988. On December 5, 1988 we received notification of a conflict between storm sewer lateral D-22 and the 30" water line from L. H. Lacy Company, the City of Coppell's Contractor for the project. A copy of their letter and attached field data is attached. Ginn, Inc., as the Project Engineer, has done some investigation of alternate paving and storm sewer construction to alleviate the situation. We have not found a practical solution other than lowering the 30" water line. The alternate solutions investigated to date would not allow sufficient cover between the water line and proposed paving and storm sewer to provide adequate protection to the water line. In light of the fact that the Denton Tap Road Improvements project is currently under construction, we hereby request that you review the information included herewith and contact us as soon as possible in order to set up a meeting between Dallas Water Utilities, the city of Coppell and Ginn, Inc. to discuss the situation. Please call me if you have any questions. sincerely, / John ~. Karlsruher, P. E. enclosures cc: ~~.Y, Engineer Project Engineer 17103 Prcstlm Road ® St, itc 100 · LB liS · l)allas, Tcxas75248 · Phlmc214/248-4900 August 26, 1987 John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Otnn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road Suite 100 - LBl18 Dallas, Texas 7~248 Re: Oenton Tap Road Pavtng and Ora(nage Improvements Coppe11, Texas Dear Mr. Karlsruher: Per D.W.U.'s review of the subject plans and as indicated in your letter dated August 7, 1987, there are se~ areas of conflict between proposed drainage improvements and t#e extsttng 30" water main. It is m~ understanding that lateral 0-8 wtll be redesigned and lateral 0-7 will be deleted to eliminate conflicts with the 30' R.C. water main in Denton Tap Road. Also, ! reiterate that the piers for the proposed bridge at Cottonwood Branch Creek are to cle~J~--~ the outside diameter of the existing 30" R.C. water main by a eintmUm of 3~ n~the area of the shallow water at Station 185+00, please advtse the contractor to work with caution to avoid damage to the 30" R.C. water m~in. There is an existing 3" air valve on the 30" R.C. water main at paving station 206+00+ which may require adjustment by D.W.U. City Forces. Please contact Mr. MtlEe Parsley, ~nager of City Forces, at 670-8692 at least 40 hours prior to working in this area. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Rick Zohne or Jt~m~y Rogers at 940-4590. A. V. Almetda, Manager Water & Sewer Oestgn Division eh c: Mike Parsley File FILE COPY GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Auc~l. at 7, 1987 &. V. &l~eid&, P.E. Dallas Water Utilities 320 E. JeEfer~onBlvd., 1~. l)~lles, 'X~ 75203 211 Re: ~enton Tap Ro~d Paving and Drainage X~prove~ents Coppell, Texas Dear In preparing engineering plans Eot the above mentioned project we have encountered~ potential conflicts between your existing 30-inch water tranlmiasion line to Flower Mound, and our proposed paving and drainage il~rovelaents, we have enclosed two sets of preliminary plans for the proposed paving and drainage improve~enta for your use in determining which of your existing facilities mast be either relocated, lowered, or protected in other ways ahead of the proposed construction of Denton Tap Road north of Sandy Lake Road. In your review of our plans you will see that we will have a conflict at ator~se~er lateral number D-7 and also at the bridge widening location at Cottonwood Branch. We have also exposed the pipe in the proximity of paving station 185+00 where it appears that the cover provided by our future paving may be inadequate for your transmission line. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss a plan of action in determining how and when the Proper relocations and lc~eringa can be collated in advance of our construction. We anticipate advertising this project for bid in September and ~eginning construction in late November. We a~e currently designil~g t~e. propOsed construction sequence ana, therefore, are in a position to try to accommodate the water line relocation/lowerings in the most reasonable manner. 17103 Preston Ro~d ® Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas. Tex,,,s 7~248 · ~ 214/248-4900 Mr. A. V. Almeida, P.E. August 7, 1987 Page 2 We appreciate y~ur cooperation with matter. Sincerely, John C, Karlsruher, P.E. cc: Alan D. Ratli£f, City ~ H. Wayne Ginn, P.E., City Engr. the City of Coppe11 in this December 5, 1988 Ginn, Inc., Consulting Engineers 17103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB-118 Dallas, Texas 75248 Attn: John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Project: Denton Ta~ Road Improvements From Sandy Lake To Denton Creek Project 379 RE : City of Dallas 30" Water Line Dear John: While attempting to install lateral D-22 on Monday, November 28, 1988, our subcontractor, American Developers, uncovered the 30' City of Dallas Water Line. It's at offset 167+32 and on the plans shows to be approximately at 44' right of centerline, we have a field shot that shows it to be at 42.7' right of centerline. The horizontal location is not a problem; however, the vertical location of the 30" water line on the plans shows to be at an elevation of 488.5 at 44' right of centerline. The actual field ties show the 30" water line to be at an elevation of 492.21 at 42.7' right of centerline. This interferes directly with the lateral pipe and there would only be three or four tenths clearance below the bottom of paving at this station. With the existing drainage structures and existing intersection at Sandy Lake, there may be no recourse other than that the City of Dallas lower their 30" water line. Per our most recent schedule, we show Phase II excavation to start in the third week of January, 1989 and we show Phase II subgrade, preparation to start in the second week of February, 1989. We have some time to solve the problem, but that window will close rapidly. It is L. H. Lacy's intention to pave Phase II on the North Project before we pave Phase II on the South Project. As we have stated before, it is our intention to finish the North Project as soon as possible. This will allow us to concentrate our efforts on the completion of the South Project. L. H. Lacy Company General Contractors 214/357-0146 'Qualily Construction Io~ over 65 Years" 10888 Shady Trail P.O. Box 541297 Dallas, Texas 75354-1297 TAP OOA~ :~PNOVEflENTS P~OJEC1 - SANDY LAKE 10 OENION CREEK 30-N~v-88 ~tAI~ON OFFSET OFFS[! (ACTUAL) [i'L~S) (ACTUAL) (PROJECTE~ (AS 5iIUWN DIFFERENCE FOO~ ~CIUAL) ON PLANS) ~AC)UAL~PLANS) i?z + 05 40.00 4§5.80 45~.00 I.BO ]87 + 57 40.UO 451.58 ~SO.O0 4 (0.42) 18& ~ ~ ~9.00 40.00 457.~9 457.99 :~ + 54 aO.O0 45%30 ~59.70 4 10,40) 182 ~ 31 40.00 ~O.ub 459.85 q59.85 l~l ~ 02 40.00 462.11 qbl.~O !79 + ~6 4O.Ou 465.56 466.00 178 + 34 38,S0 40.00 466.82 466.82 464.§D i 2,32 lyf { 77 4u.00 470.44 467.50 17! + )0 40.90 476.{3 474.50 1,63 16't 32 42.70 44.00 472.2! 492.21 488.50 166 t 58 LA1 ~-4 LAT 0-4 LR1 0-8 LAI I)-1.2 LAY O-J6 LAI D-22 KNOWN ELEVRT!ON AS SHOWN ON PLANS NIIH lflE §EN£R~iEO INFO~AI]ON t. AIEfiALO b-4. ~-14, & 0-16 CDULO X~¥£ JKILSFESRENCE. LAIEN~: ~-2~ ~EFINAIEL¥ ll~ AN INTLI(FE88EN~ PROBLEm. I;)E ~dnlN~L CL£AOaNCE IN THE D-22 LaIER~L R~ER IS ~EFI~RIEL¥ A POOBL£R. I&q ,; ]~Z+~t 5-_.. It. ~,,v~.~_~ I