ST8402-CS 881212 GINN, INC. December 12, 1988 Mr. Tim Brancheau TU Electric P.O. Box 819061 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9061 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Re: Denton Tap ~oad Improvements, Coppell, Texas. Dear Mr. Brancheau: I am returning your proposed street lighting plans for the above project marked with my comments. The comments are shown on the drawings in red and are as follows: 1. I have requested that the lighting assembly at approximate Station 110+12 to be relocated on your plans to a point 10 feet south from the current location in order to provide room for any future traffic signal installation at the Bethel Road intersection. 2. I have added 2 - 2" PVC Conduits to our plans to accommodate the power service you show at approximate Station 198+80. 3. I have added additional street lighting conduits and traffic signal interconnect conduits under the median opening at approximate Station 202+00 in order to allow for lighting of the remainder of the project north of the current location shown on your plans up to the south end of the bridge over Denton Creek. You should revise your lighting plans to reflect street lights between approximate Station 202+00 and Station 206+29 (the south end. of the south approach slab for the bridge at Denton Creek). For this purpose we have enclosed a marked print of the paving plans of the area north of Station 202+00. Please revise your lighting plans in accordance with our comments and prepare a cost estimate for installation of the Coppell standard double Kim light fixtures, and an alternate cost estimate for the use of the double GE Decashield II luminaire fixtures as per the September 12, 1988 letter from Mr. Parsons to Mr. Goram. We appreciate your prompt response to our initial inquiry and your cooperation on this project. Please call me if you have any questions. JoMn C. Karlsruher, P.E Project Engineer cc: Russell Doyle, P.E.// 17103P~'cstonl(o:ld® Stiitcl0()* tBIIg el)~tllas,'l%xas7524g ®Pht)~cl14/24g-4900