ST8402-CS 881130Jerry Parch Consulting Engineers November 30, 1988 ! Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City Engineer City o$ Coppell P O B~x 478 . ~ ~- ~ Cop~ll, Texas 75019 --~1 h~ ~t 214/ 1 2251' - R~. OP ~o. $$0097 Proposed M~d~an Openings, Dear Mr. Doyle: Enclosed are two sets of one-half scale reductions of Sheet Numbers 14, 15 and 16 of the Denton Tap Road improvement plans showing proposed Median OpeninGs and left turn lanes between Parkway Boulevard and Mills Lane. ABQ Development Corporation and Parks of Coppell Joint Venture (PCJV) , owners of adjacent property to be served by these median openings on the west and east sides of Denton Tap Road respectively, request that the City of Coppell include construction of these median openings in the current Denton Tap Road Improvement Project. Denton Tap Road centerline stations of the two proposed median openings are 182+44 and 186+98. Median openings are sixty foot wide. In addition to the median openings, please include left turn lanes to permit north-bound traffic to access the ABQ property, as shown on the enclosed plans, in the current construct±on project. PCJV does not desire to have left ~urn lanes constructed at this time to allow south-bound traffic to access property owned by PCJV on the east side of the road. It is our understanding that ?CJV and ABQ are responsible for the costs of the median openings and left turn lanes. Therefore please provide me an itemized cost estimate for this construction. Please separate the cost of the median openings from the cost of the left turn lanes since ABQ and PCJV will jointly pay for the median openings while each owner will solely pay for construction of any left turn lanes to serve his property. 320 ~/estway Place, Suite 501 · Arlington, Texas 76018 · Metro (817) 467-2418 · (817) 465-0259 dp Jerry Parch Consulting Engineers November 30, 1988 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City En/ineer City of Coppell P O B/x 478 RE: JP No. 88009; Proposed Median Openings; Denton Tap Road; Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Doyle: Enclosed are two sets of one-half scale reductions of Sheet Numbers 14, 15 and 16 of the Denton Tap Road improvement plans showing proposed Median Openings and left turn lanes between Parkway Boulevard and Mills Lane. AB~ Development Corporation and Parks of Coppell Joint Venture (PCJV), owners of adjacent property to be served by these median openings on the west and eas~ sides of Denton Tap Road respectively, reques~ 5ha~ the City of Coppell include cons5ruction of these median openings in 5he current Denton Tap Road Improvemen5 Project. Denton Tap Road centerline stations of 5he two proposed median openings are 182+44 and 186+98. Median openings are sixty foot wide. In addition to the median openings, please include left ~urn lanes to permit north-bound traffic to access the ABQ proper~y, as shown on the enclosed~ plans, in the current construction project. PCJV does no~ desire to have left turn lanes constructed a% this time to allow south-bound traffic ~o access property owned by PCJV on the eest side of the road. It is our understanding that PCJV and ABQ are responsible for ~he costs of the median openings and left £urn lanes. Therefore please provide me an i~emized cos~ estimate for this construcnion. Please separane the cost of the median openings from ~he cost of the left turn lanes since ABQ and PCJV will jointly pay for the median openings while each owner will solely pay for construction of any left turn lanes to serve his property. 320 Westway Place, Suite 501 · Arlington, Texas 76018 · Metro (817) 467-2418 · (817} 465 0259 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. November 30, 1988 JP No. 88009 Page 2 of 2 Please advise me as soon as possible of any funding committments that the City may require from the property owners before authorizing engineers to proceed with this work. If you need any other information, please call. Si_ncerely, /'% ~e~rry Parche, P.E. JP:ch Enclosure: Sheet Numbers 14, 15 and 16 - Denton Tap Road Plans (2 Sets) cc: Mr. Jay Chester, P.E./ABQ Development Corporation w/encl. Mr. Mike Allen/Parks of Coppell Joint Venture w/encl. Mr. John Karlsruher/Ginn, Inc. w/encl. TAP ROAD #. DOII~L4~ A~I{IILf ~rtt l~,WCUT E×,S~ CO.~ I REPLACE w/6" REINF. J CONC. DRIVE [PAY ITEMS 104.1, 5t0. 31' ONLY IF NE{ ITEM I00 /z/ TBM ELEV 498.82