ST8402-CS 881118TO GINN, INC. ~ Consulting Engineers ~ 17103 Preston' Road Suite 100, LB-II8 DALLAS. TEXAS 75248 (214) 248-4900 T.U. Electric 1015 Hutton C~rrollton~ Texas 75006 18, 1988 ~r. Tim Brancheau Denton Tap Road I~prov~nt.~s ~r~ Belt Line ]kl. to ])~mton '(~k~ C~ppell, Texas the following items: [] Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached [] Under separate cover via DeliY~l~' [] Shop drawings [] Prints ~ Plans [] Samples [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Jan. '88 t9, 22 Drainage Plans-Denton Tap Road Improvements ~rom Sandy Lake ~d. to ~hru 29 Denton Creek. :~t~ 56 I Dec. '87 I7 -53/[02 ~rainage Plans - Denton Tap 'load I~provenents tmom Belt Line Rd. to Sandy Lake Rd. [] For approval ~] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment I-I FOR BIDS DUE THESE ARE TRANSMIlq'ED as checked below: [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19__[] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ' REMARKS AS Der Your reouest I am se~&ine You these ~lar seeias in o~der f~r'vou to revise your street lighting layout for the project. As youcan see vehaveprovidedthe~ad~ttonal 4" conduits £or your power services as per your latest reqDest. Please complete your revised layout as soon as you can and call me if you have any questions.