ST8402-CS 871104GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATE: November 4, 1987 TO: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works /~ _ , FROM: John C. Karlsruher, P.E., Ginn, Inc. SUBJECT: DannenbaumEngineering Request We have reviewed the attached memo and the subject re~est. As discussed in our telephone conversation this afternoon, we have no objection to Dannenbaum's request, as described in their letter dated October 28, 1987 to Mr. Alan Ratliff, to core the deck of the Denton Tap Road bridge over Denton Creek in order to determine its strength. cc: Alan D. Ratliff H. Wayne Ginn Kevin Peiffer 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 COPPELL PUBLIC NORKS October 30, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: H. Wayne Ginn, City Engineer Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Dannenbaum Engineering Request Attached is the request from Dannenbaum Engineering Corp. for permission to obtain three concrete core samples from the bridge crossing at Denton Creek. Please review 'this and respond back by November 5, 1987 if possible. By copy of this memorandum I am referring this matter to Mike Sharp, Superintendent Dallas County District #1 for comments also.. Thank you for your assistance. SGG/bb cc: Alan Ratliff, City Manager Mike Sharp, Dallas County District #1 Attachment DANNENBAUM ENGINEERING CORPORATION October 28. [987 Allan Ratltffy Director of~blic Works City of~pell P.O.~x 478 C,gF)~ell, Texas 75019 Ret Denton Tap Road Bridge Concrete Strength Evaluation Dear Sir: We request your approval to obtain three concrete core samples from the deck of the existing Denton Tap Road Bridge over Denton Creek. This work is required to determine the strength of the existing bridge in anticipation of the proposed widening of the bridge by the Denton County Road Utility District No. 1. The three core samples will be four inches in diameter by three inches deep and will be located along the bridge deck centerltne. Following the completion of the coring operations, holes will be patched and repaired with high strength epoxy grout. Your approval will be most helpful in assisting us with the design of the proposed bridge improvements. Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. PD:cr:04071 )734-01 Sincerely. DANNENBAUM ENGINEERING CORPORATION Phil Deaton, P.E. Project Manager