ST8402-CS 860429UNIVEST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY May 29, 1986 Mr. Ed Powell City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mr. Powell: As per your direction, this letter is a request the City of Coppell to provide Univest with a copy of the Sentry Insurance Company policy issued to C. R. Shaw and Sons for the construc- tion of the 16" water line in Denton Tap Road from Sandy Lake Road to Cottonwood Creek. Since this work was performed under City contract, I presume the City required the contractor to submit proof of insurance. Univest sustained substantial dam- age to irrigation and landscaping due to this contractor's work. We have attempted to recover our losses through an in- surance claim. I have received notice from Sentry that Shaw's policy does not cover the areas of damage to property and have refused payment on our claim. Univest would like to review their policy to ascertain what avenues we may have to recover our losses. Since this process has taken over one year to come to this con- clusion, given the delays within the City staff in reaching a decision on this contract dispute, we would appreciate a prompt response to our request so that we may proceed without further delay. If you should have further questions regarding this request, please contact me. Respectfully submitted, Chris~fopher T. Chisholm Planning Director Univest Development Company CTC/ldf 12770 COlT RD. - SUITE 1215. DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 - 214/233-5771 ? atup( r ur. .tp :orporation 1221 RIVER BEND DRIVE, P.O. BOX 47480, DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 GENEILA. L FORM ~~~~1 CITY OF COPPELL P.O.BOX 478/616 S. COPPELL RD. COPPELL,TEXAS Contractor: C. R. ' JUN 5 '1986 Our Bond No._NSC 300167 Reinsured', No. SHAW & SON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Address: FORT WORTHtTX. Description of Contract: Install the Denton Tap Waterline Project Contract Pric,~ $ 130,280.00 Bond(,) $130r280-00ERective Date 10/15/84 Without prejudicing your Hght or aRecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate such of the following information as is now available. Very truly yours, Harriet Mitchell 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery} Approximate acceptance date__ Final Contract Price $ IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material (Check) Yes No __ 4. Remarks: (if anyl Date 1 PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL OF THIS INQUIRY TO Signature Title ADDRESS ATTENTION Return Address LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION 1221 RIVER BEND DRIVE P.O. BOX 47480 DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 77810 Latuper5 uretp <orporation - SECOND REQUEST 4/2/86 GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY CITY OF COPPELL P.O.BOX 478/616 S. COPPELL RD. COPPELL,TEXAS Contractor. January 21 19 Our Bond No. NSC 300167 Relnsured's No C.R. SHAW & SON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 86 Addre,s: FORT WORTH r TX. Desc,~ption of Contract. Install the Denton Tap Waterline Project Contract Prlc,~ $ 130,280.00 Bond(s) $130r280'00Effective Date 10/15/84 Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we wou~d appreciate such of the following information as is now available. Very truly yours, Harriet Mitchell 1. IF CONTRACT COh~PLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate date of completion of work (or final delivery} Approximate acceptance date Final Contract P,ice $ 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: Approximate percentage or dollar amount of contract completed or delivered 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material JCheck) Yes 4. Remarks: (if any). Date 19 PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL OF THIS INQUIRY TO Signature Titl~ ADDRESS ATTENTION