WA9903-CN 991214 (2)CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION PROJECT NO. WA99-03 BID NO. Q-119902 T: e t?;~'y W:th A Beoutifu! Fu+ure PREPARED BY SHIM]EK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I),,~LLAS, TEXAS CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 AT THE VII.LAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION Project No. WA99-03; Bid No. Q-119902 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 (Raised) INTENT OF CHANGE ORDER The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract entered into between the City of Coppell, Texas and Architectural Utilities, Inc., P.O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110, for the Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station, dated December 14, 1999. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This change covers the installation of ~" tap in 3 6" pipe for pressure transmitter, and the modification of the suction piping required for Pump No. 4. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT AMOUNT This change order will have the following effect on the cost of this project: Item Previous Quantity Revised Unit Amount No. Description Quantity This C.O. Quantity Unit Price of Change 5 Install W' tap in 36" pipe for 0 1 1 L.S. $227.00 $227.00 pressure transmitter 6 Field Adjustments to Suction 0 1 1 L.S. 765.00 765.00 Piping (Pump No. 4) Total: $992.00 Original Contract Amount Amount, Change Order No. 1 Amount, Change Order No. 2 Revised Contract Amount $346,000.00 10,684.00 992.00 $357,676.00 EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT TIME The contract time shall not be affected by this change order. AGREEMENT By the signatures below of duly authorized agents, the City of Coppell and Architectural Utilities, Inc., do hereby agree to append this Change Order No. 2 to the original contract betwean them_selves dated December 14, 1999. Cop e_ T_e_lls''' j:~ti~al~l~Z999-113~t~a~hsng~o~o-2.a~: (04/19/00) Date: Attest: Architectural Utilities Inc. Page I of 1 CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ADDITION OF PUM2P NO. 4 AT TIlE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION Project No. WA99-03; Bid No. Q-119902 CHANGE ORDER NO, 1 INTENT OF CHANGE ORDER The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract entered into between the City of Coppell, Texas and Architectural Utilities, Inc., P.O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110, for the Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station, dated December 14, 1999. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This change covers the adjustment of the contract price due to the difference in the amount of the successful pump and motor bid from the $75,000.00 pump and motor allowance included in the contractur's bid for this project. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT AMOUNT Oslin Nation Company of Dallas, Texas submitted the successful pump and motor bid, in the amount of $85,684.00. Accordingly, the amount of the contract is to be increased by $10,684.00. Original Contract Amount Amount, Change Order No. 1 Revised Contract Amount $346,000.00 10,684.00 $356,684.00 D. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT TIME The contract time shall not be affected by this change order. E. AGREEMENT By the signatures below of duly authorized agents, the City of Coppell and Architectural Utilities, Inc., do hereby agree to append this Change Order No. 1 to the original contract between themselves dated December 14, 1999. City of CopSe Te~ By: -t ~ Architectural Utilities, Inc. Attest: fl~,'/_ - - - (12/15/99) Page 1 of 1 OSLIN NATION CO. - WATER, WASTEWATER PUMPS AND EQUIPMENT 5440 REDBIRD CENTER DR. · DALLAS, TX 75237 · (2'14) 631-5650 · 1-800-293-2506 * FAX (214) 333-2785 "FAX (972) 988-1446 December 3, 1999 To: Successful Contractor Coppell, Texas Village Parkway PS Pump No. 4 Gentlemen; Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Co., is pleased to offer pumps and accessories as described on the following pages and in accordance with the following commercial conditions. The price is valid for an order within 30 days from the bid date and firm for shipment based on the following schedule: If notified by December 15, 1999 delivery will be around April 15, 2000. The conditions of sale are as per Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Co's terms and conditions of sale form L-102 and as follows: Payment: 95% Net 30 days from shipment or notification of readiness to ship 5% Upon start-up or acceptance not to exceed 90 days from shipment. Warranty: IDP's standard warranty will be provided to cover the equipment for a period of 24 months from start-up or acceptance but not to exceed 30 months from shipment. Prices are based on FOB our plant and being allowed to ship and invoice upon readiness to ship. Any delays in the release to manufacturer or shipment by parties other than IDP or its agems may result in the escalation of the quoted prices at the rate of 1% per month or part thereof. Sincerely, Nabll Azzam Manager, W&WW NTA/jmo We propose to furnish equipment as described and referenced below. Any additional or different terms and ,_ conditions included in any acceptance of this offer are expressly objected to in advance and, unless there is prior mutual agreement otherwise, shall not become a pan of any contract resulting from this offer. ff our offer is otherwise attractive, we are confident that a mutually satisfactory set of conditions can be negotiated. Equipment: (1) Model 300LNN-575 with 600 lIP 1800 RPM WP-1 motor " Spare Parts: One set of mechanical seal kits One set pump beatings ' Accessories: None Service: For inspection of completed installation and training -1 man 2 days 1 trip. Specification Sections: Civil Section SC.33 ,, Comments and Clarifications: ,_ The pump and base will be painted with one coat of rust inhibitive primer, TNEMEC series 37H. This is a universal primer. We will coordinate with the contractor so the primer iS compatible with the finish coat. ,, The motor will be finished with the manufacturer's standard finish. -- Motor efficiency canbe guaranteed at one point. The guaranteed efficiency at full load is 95.0%. Pricing: FOB Taneytown, MD with freight allowed to nearest curb at the project ....... $ m DEC 02 ;99 16:10 FR [DP ~ MARKE IN 0 iNGERSOLL-DRESSER PUMPS 1. General The Terms end Conditions d Sale auUin~d herein shall apply to the sale by Ingers~li-Oressor Pump Company ~" ("Company") of products, equipmelt and parts (Equipment), When these Terms and Conditions am used in a propmini, the proposal shell be construed as an offer, and any cadtlcUng or additionst mmerial provisions contained in any purolmse order ' t~tl~d I~ the Purchaser me expressly objected to In advance. When used as part of an acknow~dgment to a pun:he~e effief, tha acknowledgment ~ expmly c~nditionN upon assent to these Terms and CondiBans as comprising '"' the eetusive rights and remedies of the parUes. Any resulting contract shall 7De governed by the laws of the State of De'mvare. Carnptinnc~ ~4th a~/local ,-- governments1 laws or regutations relating to the ~. use or operation of the Equipment, or its use in conJunc~an with other equipment, shait be the sole reeponsibility of Purchaser. 2. TitkaandRir, koft.oss T'ffie and risk of loss or damage to the Equipment shall pass to the Pu~.~,em.' upon tender of ddhmP/F.O.B. m~nufagtUdng facility unless atheA~ise egree~ upon by the 3. Aeslgnmm Neither party sit assign or transfer this CCqY, Ea.~ Without the pdor written oansent of the other party. The Company however sh~t be permitted to assign or transfer, wf~m,'t the prior written ¢~msent of the Pum,,haesr, the Compeny's right to receive all or any pc~jon of the payment due from the " Purchaser unde thl.~ eontmc~ 4, Delivery a~d Dellray de~es shall be interpreted as estimated and the Company shaft not be liable far any lass or delay due to causes beyond the reasonable control of the Company. ~L Thxes The price does net include any present or future federal, sta~ or local taxes or assessments which may be applicable to or resuit from this transe~-vdon or any enh4ees'performed in cenneetjon therewith. The Company warram that the Equipment will be free of deflcts in material end Werkmtmhip for a perk)d ot twelve months from the date of placing the Equipment in operation or eighteen months from the date d shipment, whl~nem' sh~ll firat occur, The Pur~;-~ier Shall promptly report any failure to conform to this wartant'y, in w~a'ng t= the Company within ~id period, whereupon the Company shall, st ~ option, repair the Equipment or furnish a replacement pert F.0.B. point of shipment, provided the Purchaser ha~ stored, instEIled, maintained and operated the Equipment in (2~ 10 56 22? TO 1214-3332785 P.05/08 TERMS AND CONDITIONS EQUIPMENT SALE ac~ordarme with good industry pra~es. The Company shall nat be liable for any repairs, raplacem.~¢,% ar adjuements to the Equipment or any ccat~ of labor performed by the Purchaser or {}them or for any m'noval, reiestalhffion The effects cf com0sl~t, eraalan and normal wear and tear 8re speeifKally exoluded. THE COMPANY MAKE8 NO QTHER WN:IRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EY, CEPT THAT QF TITLE, AJqD ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILrTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AJIE DISCLNMED. CozTeetlon by the COmpany of defaC~ in the m~nner and for the p~ed of time provided above shall constitute fulfillmerit of all liabilltlen of the Company for such 1. Umlf.~tlon of Lfability THE REMEDIE6 OF THE PURCHASER SET FORTH HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE, AND THE TOTAL UA~tUTY OF IHE COMPANY WITH REEPECT TO THIS CONTRACT OR THE EQUIPMENT ~ SERVICES FURNISHED HEREUNDER, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, INDEMNITY, STRICT LIABIUTY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT F..XCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE UNIT OF EQUIPMENT UPON WHICH SUCH LIABILITY t6 BASED. THE COMPANY AND I'll SUPPLIERS SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER, ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OR ANY $ENEFIGtARY OR ASSIGNEE OF THIS CONTRACT FOR ANY CONSEQUF_.NTIAL INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR PUNfTIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT OR ANY BREACH THEREOF, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH I..O88 OR DAMAGE 18 BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, INDEMNITY, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, g, Nuofeat Ll~bil~ In the event thest the Equipment sold herenncler i~, to be used In a nuolear facility, the Purofmser ~hell, arrange for insurar~e or governmartiN in~lemnlty and hereby releases and agrees to indemnify tha C~npeny and its suppriam for any nuclear damage, Inc~uding k~s d u~e, in any manner arising out of a nuclear incident, Wilethin' 4Mleged to be dtle. in Whole or in ped to the negiigence ar dhe'wise of the Company or itS suppliers. Prior to the C4xnpany's performing warranty coffec~ or any gther work, 'the Pumhaser shall. ~t Its own expense, pefol?n all ne~ dec~ntaminet~n. INGERSOLL-,DRE~$EER PUMP COMPANY (L-102) 1/99 BID AFFIDAVIT The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in this bid have been carefully reviewed and are submitted as correct and final Bidder further certifies and agrees to fumish any and/or all commodities upon which prices are extended at the price offered, and upon the conditions contained in the Specifications of the Invitation to Bid. The period of acceptance of this bid will be 150 calendar days from the date of the bid opening. (Period of acceptance will be ninety (90) calendar days unless otherwise indicated by Bidder.) STATE OF TIF__y,I~,5 COUNTY OF 3)JM. uI~,S BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of T~ , on this day personally appeared Nabil T. Azzam/Oslin Nation Co. who after being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: 'I, klj, r.~t.. -r . ~h~Ir.r.-J,b,I/O~,t-u,i l,l~.'X%e,~ e~o. am a duly authorized office/agent for (Name) ~k~(~,~ tt -- ~Ii~[~{:1~ ~l)l~t p ~lp~14'~ and have been duly authorized to execute the foregoing on behalfofthe said I hereby certify that the foregoing bid has not been prepared in collusion with any other Bidder or individual(s) engaged in the same line of business prior to the official opening of this bid. Further, I certify that the Bidder is not now, nor has been for the past six (6) months, directly or indirectly concerned in any pool, agreement or combination thereof, to control the price of services/comrnodities bid on, or to influence any individual(s) to bid or not to bid thereon." Name and Address ofBidder: t, II~BIL"r.~.ZZI~IA~/~)~'~I..I!4 Telephone: ( ~14 ) 6gf 56~ by: ]~h'l~ll,.-- qtllX0 Signature: Title: ~(~h'l'lQ)~.~, ~h~l~ ~0 Pn/) SUBSCKIBED AND SWO1LN to before me by the above named on this 2nd day of December, 1999. Notary Public in and for the State of 19 c q. T ~r r ;} N~.~ Public STATE OF TEXAS My Cram. Expires 06-04-2003 If BIDDI~R B~ - Bu~n~ adda~ Phenc No. A Par~ar~bip phnn= No. CSe~ A Corporation: By: Babtex Inc., dba Oslin nation Co (s~l) ~l==e) ' ' (^a6.==} ,-- 1-19 The following items are HOt included in this proposal. Installation, field test'rag or field painfrog Piping-suction, discharge, gauge, vent, drain, seal etc. Water sealing units or accessories Valves, petcocks, or other miscellaneous fittings Motor control centers, starters, level controls, variable speed Controls. wiring or coordination with equipment not supplied by dresser Standard tools Ternplates, soleplates, sub-baseplates, or anchor bolts Gauges, RTD's, vibration detectors (provision for) Concrete or metal structural work or analysis Air release valves Material List REF NO. 101.00 102.00 109.00 161.00 161.01 202.00 218.00 231.00 231.01 235.00 241.00 251.00 252.00 280.01 301.00 302.00 311.00 321.00 321.01 351.00 363.00 363.01 374.00 378.00 379.00 401.00 401.01 401.04 401.05 414.00 420.00 500.01 NOTES: MATERIAL LIST ORDER NO. QUANTITY 1 CERTIFIED BY SIZE & TYPE 300LNN575 D.O. NO. DATE SECTIONAL DRAWING SSLNN06 NO. OF NAME OF PART PIECES I CASING LOWER HALF I CASING UPPER HALF 2 CASING SPLIT GASKET 2 CASING WEARING RING 2 CASING RING PIN 2 BEARING HOUSING I THRUST WASHER I THRUST BEARING I SHIM SET I CIRCLIP 1 LINE BEARING 1 END COVER 2 BEARING COVER 2 GREASE FITTINGS I SHAFT 1 IMPELLER KEY I COUPLING KEY I IMPELLER 2 IMPELLER WEARING RING 6 IMP RING LOCKING SCREW 2 SLEEVE 2 SHAFT NUT 2 SHAFT NUT LOCKING SCREW 1 BEARING LOCKNUT 2 SLEEVE 'O' RING I INNER SEAL RING 1 OUTER SEAL RING 2 STUFFING BOX HOUSING 2 PLUG I STUFF BOX HSG PIN I STUFF BOX HSG PiN 2 'O' RING SEAL 2 MECHANICAL SEAL ASSEMBLY 2 FLUSH UNE ASSEMBLY MATERIAL CAST IRON/AS'TM A48 CLASS 30 CAST IRON IAS'i'M A-48 CLASS 30 CELLULOSE REINFORCED COMPOSITION FIBER BRONZE IAS'fM B-584 ALLOY C90700 STN STL / 302 SS CAST IRON / ASTM A-48 CLASS 25 STEEL I ASTM A-576 GRADE 1020 STEEL MILD STEEL SPRING STEEL STEEL STEEL / RUBBER CAST IRON I ASTM A-48 CLASS 28 STEEL STEEL I ASTM A-576 GRADE 1045 STEEL / ASTM A-576 GRADE 1040 STEEL I ASTM A.-578 GRADE 1040 BRONZE / ASTM B-584 ALLOY C90500 BRONZE I AS'TM B-584 ALLOY C90700 STN STL 1316 SS BRONZE I ASTM B-505 ALLOY C90300 BRON.~.E / ASTM B-584 ALLOY C90700 STN STL 1316 SS STEEL NITRILE NITRILE NITRILE CAST IRON I ASTM A-48 CLASS 25 STEEL STNSTI. 1302SS NITRILE STAINLESS STEEL W/CONTROL VALVE SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 5 1. CASING IS DOUBLE VOLUTE. 2. WITH GASKET ADHESIVE, RTV SILlCONE OR EQUAL, APPLIED TO LOWER HALF OF CASING ON WALL SECTION BETWEEN SUCTION AND DISCHARGE SIDES. 3. WITH LIQUID SEALANT, RTV SILICON OR EQUAL, APPLIED BETWEEN COMPONENT AND MATING PART. 4. SHAFT DIAM~' I ~-R AT COUPLING, 2.56 IN. 5. MECHANICAL SEAL FACES -CARBON VS. SILICON CARBIDE. 6. BEARING LIFE 100,000 HR MIN. L-10 AFBMA. 7. CASING HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURE 150 PSI. THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL Candy Sheehan, Mayor Marsha Tunnell, Mayor Pro Tem (Place 4) Greg Garcia (Place 1) Jayne P. Peters (Place 2) Pat Keenan (Place 3) Doug Stover (Place 5) Larry Wheeler (Place 6) Bill York (Place 7) CITY MANAGER Jim Witt DEPUTY CITY MANAGER Clay Phillips DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5 - Bidding and Contract Documents Notice to Bidders .................................................................................................................1-2 Instructions to Bidders ......................................................................................1-3 thru 1-10 Proposal/Bid Schedule & Prevailing Wage Rates ..........................................1-11 thru 1-23 Standard Form of Agreement (Contract) ........................................................1-24 thru 1-28 Performance Bond ...........................................................................................1-29 thru 1-30 Payment Bond .................................................................................................1-31 thru 1-32 Maintenance Bond ............................................................................................................1-33 City of Coppell's Supplementary Conditions to the NCTCOG Standard Specifications for Public Works ConsWuetion, General Provisions .............. 1-34 thru 1-39 For this contract, the following standards, provisions, amendments, etc., are APPROVED as the official specifications: "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas, 2nd Edition, 1987, including latest Amendments." Specific Project Requirements .........................................................................2-1 thru 2-6 Special Provisions to Standard Specifications for Construction ................. 3-1 thru 3-4 For this project, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction - North Central Texas, as prepared by the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Coppell Standard Construction Details shall govern all work to be done, together with any additional Special Specifications or Specific Project Requirements included herein. Special Conditions · General ..........................................................................................................................4-2 · Civil .............................................................................................................................4-11 · Electrical ......................................................................................................................4-36 Project Photos D e: SECTION 1 BIDDING AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1-1 CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Addition of Pump Number 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station ADDENDUM NO. 1 November 29, 1999 Plans and specifications for the Addition of Pump Number 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station project, for the City of Coppoll, Texas, on which bids are to be received until 2:00 p.m., Friday, December 3, 1999 are hereby modified as follows: 1) Refer to Sheet C5 of the construction plans, Existing Pipe and Fitting Legend. Under the General Description column for Item 14, concrete pipe support, change the word "Proposed" to "Existing" and strike the words "See Detail". This is an existing concrete pipe support. 2) Refer to Sheet E3 of the construction plans. a) Revise the power supply to the proposed soft start motor control from 2400v to 4160v. b) Revise the horsepower rating ofthe motor from 700HP to 600HP 3) Refer to Sheet E4 of the construction plans, Elevation of Existing Instr. Panel. The level indicator and recorder for the Elevated Storage Tank (LIR-1), is to be removed and replaced with a Chessell Model 392 dual pen chart recorder, or equal. The new chart recorder shall indicate and record the level of Elevated Storage Tanks 1 and 2. This work is included in the instrumentation proposal from I & C Sales, Inc. and shall be incorporated into the appropriate lump sum bid item. 4) Referto SC.33ofSection4, Special Conditions ofthe Specifications a) Section SC.33.C.2)f),BIaI:iBg~ second paragraph, page 4-19. Revise 300,000 hours to 100,000 hours. b) Section SC.33.F) Painting. Add the following clause to the end of the furst sentence of this section: "...in accordance with NSF - 61 suitable for potable water." c) Section SC.33 .G) Balance, last sentence. Change all references in this sentence of 2 mils to 3 mils. d) Section SC.33.H) Shop Acceptance Test -Pump. Strike the last sentence of this section in its entirety. e) Section SC.33 I) Motor Test -Testing Strike Paragraph 4) concerning witnessing of the motor test in its entirety. 5) Refer to SC.34, INSTRUMENTATION, of Section4, Special Conditions ofthe Specifications. a) The Proposal to the Successful Bidder from I & C Sales, Inc. is attached to this Addendum Number 1 and is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications. The scope of services to be provided by I & C Sales, Inc. is identified in the proposal and shall be included in the appropriate lump sum bid item. This scope is in addition to the work outlined in paragraph D of this subsection. b) Fill the blank in the 3rd paragraph of SC.36.A. 5cope, with the mount of $33,800.00 6) Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1 in the space provided in the Proposal, on the outer envelope of their bid, and by faxing back the "Transmittal of Addendure Acknowledgment Sheet" to Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.L,P. at (214) 361-0204. StHlVIEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS i I -3- Addendure No. ~ I Hov ~9 99 01:49p Jsson MoHiol 972-245-6450 "Proposal to Successful Bidder" ADDITION OF PUMP NO.4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION / PROJECT NO. WA99-03 BID NO. Q-119902 I & C Sales scope of work is as follows: I & C Sales will supply and integrate panel material required for the addition of the Pump 4 to the Instrumentation Panel. This will include the local Annuciator (as denoted on "Construction Plans Pg.E-4. Note 1"); HOA, pilot lights. and pushbuttons (as denoted on "Construction Plans Pg.E-4, Note 2 and Detail 01"); and relays, terminal stdps, and power supply (as denoted on "Construction Plans Pg.E-4"). This does not include the Local Control Panel denoted on the same page. 2. I & C Sales will supply and install a new 7" Chessell 392 chart recorder to incorporate the new EST level onto pin 2. I & C Sales will supply, pull. and terminate all conduit and wire specified for connections between the MCC and the instrument panel. This will include communications wire for the Multilens 369 to the MOSCAD RTU. I & C Sales will supply, pull, and terminate all low voltage wire specified for connections between the new MCC, the Local Pump Control Panel, and the Space Heater / RTD Motor J-Box. This will include low voltage wires for termination of the Valve limit switch to the Local Control Panel. This does not include any High or Medium Voltage wires, conduit tuns from the MCC to pump or valve, or supplying/installing the limit switch on the valve. I & C Sales will supply and install all MOSCAD communications equipment at the Village Pkwy RTU i=or communications to the Multilens 369, supplied and installed by the Contractor. 6. I & C Sales will re-terminate the existing wires to the new Transit Time Flow Meter supplied and installed by the Contractor. I ! -4- .4ddendum No. 1 I poa 7. I & C Sates wilt perform all necessary programming in the MOSCAD system, HMI software 0NonderVVare), and Report Package to incorporate Pump 4 and the Transit Time Flow Meter into the existing SCADA. LUMP SUM PRICING: TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE = $33,800.00 Invoicing shall be progressive and inctude payment for matedal and services provided. Payment terms to be net thirty (30) days. Sales tax is not included in pricing if applicable. Warranty shatl be for a period of two (2) years from system acceptance and shall inctude cost to repair or replace returned damaged products which are found to be defective due to a manufacturing defect and/or improper workmanship. As to all goods sold, no imptied statutory warranty of merchantability or of fitness for particular purpose shalt apply. I & C Sates shalt onty be liable for rapair/replacement of defective products and/or work provided by I & C Sales and in no event shall t & C Sales be tiabte for consequential, incidentat, or liquidated damages that may occur as a result of improper workmanship from another contractor other than I & C Sates. I & C Sales shatl not be responsible for any equipment failure or malfunction resulting from uncontrollable outside sources inctuding but not limited to lightning, vandatism. etc.. For any questions regarding this proposal please contact David Smith with I & C Sates, Inc. at 972-245-4350. NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION Project No. WA99-03 The City of Coppell is accepting bids for Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station. The project includes fumishing and installing a 600 horsepower pump, motor and motor control center, along with all necessary piping, valves and fittings into the vacant space provided within the existing pump station. In addition, 24-inch isolation butterfly valves are to be furnished and installed in existing Pump Nos. 1, 2 and 3. A 36-inch diameter windowed spool piece transit-time meter is to be furnished and installed in the existing meter vault, together with all necessary appurtenances. The Sealed bids addressed to the Purchasing Agent, City of Coppell, Texas, for Village Parkway Pump Station Addition will be received in the Purchasing Office at the City of Coppell Town Center, 225 Parkway Boulevard, until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, December 3, 1999, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Each Bidder shall submit two identical copies of this bid with the City of Coppell Bid No. Q1199-02, designated clearly on the' exterior of the bid envelope. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or state bank, or savings and loan in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of Coppell, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance bond and payment bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. The notice of award of contract will be given by the Owner within sixty (60) days following the opening of bids. The successful bidder must furnish performance bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price and a material and labor payment bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety, or other surety or sureties acceptable to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. Unreasonable or unbalanced unit prices will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of any bid or bids. NO BID TRANSMITTED BY FAX WILL BE ACCEPTED. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding local conditions and conditions under which the work is to be done. Complete sets of bidding documents must be used in preparing Bids; the City of Coppell assumes no responsibility for errors or misinterpretatious resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be purchased from the office of Shimek, Jacobs & Finldea Consulting Engineers, L.L.P., 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, Texas 75225, for the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per set (non-refundable). 1-2 I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Def'med Terms Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction - North Central Texas, latest addition, as prepared by the NCTCOG, and the Supplementary Conditions of Agreement, have the meanings assigned to them in these General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid directly to Owner, as distinct from a sub-bidder, who submits a bid to a Bidder. The term "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible Bidder to whom the Owner (on the basis of the Owner's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of bids). Specific defined terms are: Owner: Wherever the word "OWNER" is used in the specifications and Contract Documents, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Coppell, Texas. .F, ngill~: Wherever the word "ENGINEER" is used in the specifications and Contract Documents, it shall be understood as referring to the City Engineer or his authorized representative, City of Coppell, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 75019. ~: The authorized representative of the City of Coppell assigned to observe and inspect any or all parts of the work and the materials to be used therein. Scope of Work This project is generally located at the intersection of Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Boulevard. The project includes furnishing and installing a 600 horsepower pump, motor and motor control center, along with all necessary piping, valves and fittings into the vacant space provided within the existing pump station. In addition, 24-inch isolation butterfly valves are to be furnished and installed in existing Pump Nos. 1, 2 and 3. A 36-inch diameter windowed spool piece transit-time meter is to be furnished and installed in the existing meter vault, together with all necessary appurtenances. The work shall be as shown on the construction plans and shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessaxy to complete the work, including but not limited to: excavations, backfills, pipe, disposal of waste materials, etc. as described in the plans and specifications. Copies of Bidding Documents 3.1 Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be purchased ~'om the office of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, Consulting Engineers, 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820, Dallas, Texas 75225, for the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per set (non-refundable), Plans and specifications may be inspected at the office of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea during normal business hours. A. No bidding documents will be issued later than two (2) days prior to the bid opening date. B. After award of the Contract, the successful Bidder will be furnished five (5) sets of Contract Documents at no charge. Additional sets over five (5) will be furnished for $15.00 per set. C. Bidding documents may be examined free of charge at the office of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820, Dallas, Texas 75225. 1-3 3.2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing Bids; the City of Coppell assumes no responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. No partial sets of plans, specifications or proposal forms will be issued. 3.3 The Owner, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, does so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and does not confer a license or grant for any other use. Qualifications of Bidders The Bidder shall submit within five (5) days of the Owner's request such evidence as the Owner may require to establish his financial responsibility, experience and possession of such equipment as may be needed to prosecute the work in an expeditious, safe and satisfactory manner. The required information to be submitted shall consist of, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following: Current Project Experience A list of all projects presently under construction by the bidder including approximate cost and completion date shall be submitted upon request. Past Project Experience The Bidder shall submit a list of five completed projects which have been in successful service for a minimum of three years. The projects shall be similar in nature to the scope of work required by this project. C. Equipment The Bidder shall provide a list of equipment which will be used on this project. The Bidder shall demonstrate that he has adequate equipment to complete this project, properly and expeditiously and shall state what additional equipment, if any, that he must rent/lease as may be required to complete this project. Financial Each Bidder shall be prepared to submit upon request of the Owner a current balanced financial statement with no evidence of threatening losses as evidenced by a current audited certified financial statement. This information will be used to confirm that the Bidder has suitable financial status to meet obligations incidental to performing the work. Technical Experience The Bidder shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Owner that he has the technical experience to properly complete this project. F. Certification signed, dated and sealed by an Officer of the Bidder that Items A, B, C and E above are true and correct. Conflict of Interest City Charter states that no officer or employee of the City shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City of any land, or rights or interest in any land, materials, supplies or services. This prohibition does not apply when the interest is represented by ownership of stock in a corporation 14 involved, provided such stock ownership amounts to less than one percent (1%) of the corporation stock. Any violation of this prohibition will constitute malfeasance in office. Any officer or employee of the City found guilty thereof should thereby forfeit his offme or position. Any violation of this prohibition with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the persons or corporations contracting with the City shall render the contract voidable by the City Manager or the City Council. The Contractor represents that no employee or officer of the City has an interest in the Contractor. Examination of Contract Documents and Site 6.1 Access to the site shall be from Village Parkway off of MacArthur Boulevard. Prospective Bidders shall respect all improvements. It is the responsibility of each Bidder before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work, (c) consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. Failure to make these examinations shall in no way relieve any Bidder from the responsibility of fulfilling all of the terms of the contract, without additional cost to the OWNER. 6.2 Information and data reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based upon information and data furnished to the Owner by Owners of such underground Facilities or others, and the Owner does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof. All existing structures, improvements, and utilities shall be adequately protected, at the expense of the Contractor, from damage that might otherwise occur due to construction operations. Where construction comes in close proximity to existing structures or utilities, or if it becomes necessary to move services, poles, guy wires, pipe lines, or other obstructions, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify and cooperate with the utility or structure owner. The utility lines and other existing structures shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the City to be complete or accurate as to location and/or depth. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify locations and depths sufficiently in advance of construction such that necessary adjustments may be made to allow for the proper installation. The Contractor shall be liable for damage to any utilities resulting from the construction of this project. 6.3 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder will, at Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surface, subsurface and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work and which Bidder deems necessary to determine its Bid for performing and furnishing the Work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.4 On request in advance, Owner will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct explorations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. Bidder shall fill all holes, clean up and restore the site to its former conditions upon completion of such explorations. 6.5 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract documents. 1-5 6.6 The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 6, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of constntction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. Interpretations and Addenda 7.1 All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by the Design Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda mailed to all bidders recorded as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than two days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Each Bidder shall acknowledge on the bid proposal that all Addenda issued have been received. 7.2 Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by the Owner. Contract Time 8.1 Time is of the essence on this project. If a favorable bid is received, it is fully expected that a work order will be issued on Monday, January 3, 2000. On this basis, the contract time is established as follows: a) Notice to Proceed: January 3, 2000. b) Completion of isolation valves for Pumps 1, 2, & 3 (Bid Item No. 3) and transit time meter (Bid Item No. 4): March 3, 2000. c) Completion of the installation of Pump No. 4: June 1, 2000. If the Notice to Proceed is not issued on January 3, 2000, one calendar day will be added to the completion time for each segment of work identified above, for every day afier January 3, 2000, until the date the Notice to Proceed is actually issued. 8.2 Prior to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed by the Owner, the Contractor shall submit a detailed Progress and Schedule chart to the Owner for approval. 8.3 Extension of the contract time shall be based on a Change Order or written amendment as specified in Item 1.36 of the General Conditions. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Item 1.36.1, General Provisions of the Contract and modified by Item 1.36 of the City of Coppell's Supplementary Conditions to the North Central Texas Council of Governments General Provisions. 1-6 10. Substitute or "Or-Equal" Items The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. No substitutions should be considered during the bidding process. 11. Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others 11.1 If the Owner requests the identity of any Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other persons or organizations to be submitted to the Owner in advance of the specified date prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement, the apparent Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested, shall within seven (7) days after the request submit to the Owner a list of all such Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work for which such identification is requested. Such list shall be accompanied by an experience statement with pertinent information regarding similar projects and other evidence of qualification for each such Subcontractor, supplier, person or organization if requested by the Owner. If the Owner, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization, may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute in which case the apparent Successful Bidder shall submit an acceptable substitute. Bidder's Bid price may be increased (or decreased) by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution, and the Owner may consider such price adjustment in evaluating Bids and making the contract award. If the apparent Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the Owner may award the contract to the next lowest Bidder that proposes to use acceptable Subcontractors, Suppliers, other persons and organizations. The declining to make requested substitutions will not constitute grounds for sacrificing the Bid security of any Bidder. 11.2 No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization against who Contractor has reasonable objection. 12. Bid Proposal 12.1 Two (2) completed Bid Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope as described in Item 15. The blank spaces in the Bid Form shall be filled in for each item for which a quantity is given and the Bidder shall state the price for which he proposes to do each item of work. All blanks on the bid form must be completed in ink or typed. No substitutions, revisions, or omissions from the plans and/or specifications will be accepted unless authorized in writing by the Owner. 12.2 The legal status of the Bidder, that is, as a corporation, partnership, or individual, must be stated on the Bid Form. A corporation Bidder must name the state in which the organization is chartered. Bids which are signed for a corporation shall have the correct corporate name thereof, its post office address, and the signature of the president or other authorized officer of the corporation, manually written below the corporate name in the following manner: "By " 1-7 If the bid is made by an individual, his post office address shall be given. Bids which are not signed by the individuals making them shall have attached thereto a power of attomey evidencing authority to sign the bid in the name of the person for whom it is signed. If the bid is made by a finn or parmership, the name and post office address of the managing member of the firm or partnership shall be given or the bid may be signed by an attorney-in-fact. If signed by an attorney-in-fact, there shall be attached to the bid a power of attomey evidencing authority to sign the bid, executed by the members of the finn or partners. 13. Provision Concerning Escalator Clauses Bids containing any condition which provides for changes in the stated bid prices due to increase or decrease in the costs of materials, labor, or other items required for this project, may be rejected and returned to the Bidder without being considered. 14. Estimates of Quantities The quantities listed in the Bid Form will be considered as approximate and will be used for the comparison of bids. Payments will be made to the Conlnctor only for the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished in accordance with the contract. The quantity of work to be done and the materials may be increased or decreased as provided for in the Contact Documents. 15. Submission of Bids Bids (pages 12-21) will be received by the Purchasing Agent, and shall be submitted to the Purchasing Agent, City of Coppell, at the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 75019 until 2:00 p.m. on December 3, 1999, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Two identical copies of the bid enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope and marked with the Project title, City of Coppell Bid No. Q1199-02, and the name and address of the Bidder shall be submitted. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED: ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION" on the face of it and addressed to the Purchasing Agent, City of Coppell, Texas. 16. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 16.1 Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 16.2 If, within twenty-four hours after the Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed written notice with the Owner and promptly thereafter dernonstmtes to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of the Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his bid. Thereafter, that Bidder will be disqualified from further bidding on the work. 17. Rejection of Bids Bids may be rejected if they show alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional bids, incomplete bids, erasures or irregularities of any kind. The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the bids as received and to reject any and all bids without qualification(s). More than one bid from an individual, firm or partnership, corporation or association, under the same or different names, will not be considered. Reasonable grounds for believing that a Bidder is interested in more than one such bid may cause the rejection of all bids in which said Bidder is interested. Bids in which prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected. 18. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of the Bid opening, but the Owner may, in its sole discretion, release any Bid prior to that date. 19. Award of Contract 19.1 The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all formalities except for the time of submission of the Bid and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder. The Owner also reserves the right to reject all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, the Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if the Owner believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or has doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by the Owner. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 19.2 In evaluating Bids, the owner will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, unit prices, completion time, and other data, as may be requested in the Bid form or prior to the Notice of Award. 19.3 The Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of any Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other persons or organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations must be submitted as requested by the Owner. The Owner also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 19.4 The Owner may conduct such investigations as the owner deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial stability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to the Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 19.5 If contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest and best qualified Bidder whose evaluation by the Owner indicates to the Owner that the award will be in the best interests of the Project. 19.6 If the contract is to be awarded, the Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within ninety (90) days after the date of the Bid opening. 20. Execution of Agreement Within ten (10) days after written notification of award of the contract, the Successful Bidder shall execute and furnish to the Owner five (5) original signed contracts, including bonds, and Certificates of Insurance. 1-9 21. Affidavit of Bills Paid Prior to final acceptance of this project by the Owner, the Contractor shall execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, materials, and incidentals incurred in the project construction have been paid in full, and that there are no claims pending. 22. Bid Compliance Bid must comply with all Federal, State, county and local laws. Contractor shall not hire nor work any illegal alien. 23. Notice to Proceed Upon execution of the Contract, the Owner will issue a written Notice to Proceed to the Contractor requesting that he proceed with the construction. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days aRer the date of Notice to Proceed. 24. State and City Sales Taxes The Contractor's attention is directed to State of Texas, Tax Code, Section 151-311. This section provides that all items used or consumed by a Contractor can be purchased flee of State and City sales tax if necessary and essential for the performance of the contract and completely consumed at the job site and when the project is being performed for an agency exempt under State of Texas, Tax Code, Section 151.309. This contract is issued by an agency which qualified for exemption pursuant to the provisions of State of Texas, Tax Code, Section 151.309. 25. Silence of Specification The apparent silence of these specifications as to any detail or to the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail. All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement by Owner or their authorized representative. 26. Change Orders No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the terms, conditions or specifications stated in the resultipg contract. All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by the Owner. 27. Assignment The Successful Bidder shall not sell, assign, transfer or convey this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Owner. 28. Venue This agreement will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas. agreement is performable in Dallas County, Texas. This 29. Maintenance Bond The Contractor shall provide, on the form provided, a two year Maintenance Bond at the completion of the project. The bond must be provided prior to final payment by the City. I 7 PROPOSAL PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station in Coppell, Texas. BID OF Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors (NAME OF FIRM) DATE: December 14, 1999 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City ofCoppell (hereinafter called OWNER) c/o Purchasing Agent 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 CITY OF COPPELL BID NO: Ql199-02 The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Notice to Bidders and Instructions to Bidders. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of Bid opening. BIDDER will sign and submit the Agreement with other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: (a) BDDER has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda (receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged): No: 1 Date: 11/29/99 Rec'd: 11/29/99 (b) BIDDER has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. (e) BIDDER has studied carefully all reports and drawings of subsurface conditions contained in the contract documents and which have been used in preparation of the contract documents. CONTRACTOR may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or for the completeness thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indicated in the immediately preced'mg sentence, CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility with respect to subsurface conditions at site. BIDDER has studied carefully all drawings of the physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures on the site, which are contained in the contract documents and which have been utilized in preparation of the contract documents. CONTRACTOR may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data comained in such drawings, but not for the completeness thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indicated in the immediately preceding sentence, CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility with respect to physical conditions in or relating to such structures. (d) BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in (c) above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions at the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as BIDDER considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests reports or similar information or data are or will be required by BIDDER for such purposes. (e) BIDDER has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to exisfmg Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by BIDDER in order to perform and fumish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (f) BIDDER has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (g) BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER. (11) This bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not direc~y or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, finn or corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. (i) It is understood and agreed that the following quantities of work to be done at unit prices are approximate only, and are intended principally to serve as a guide in evaluating bids. 1-12 6) It is understood and agreed that the quantities of work to be done at unit prices and materials to be furnished may be increased or diminished as may be considered necessary in the opinion of the OWNER to complete the work fully as planned and contemplated, and that all quantities of work, whether increased or decreased, are to be performed at the unit prices set forth, except as provided for in the Contract Documents. It is understood and agreed that all work under this contract will be completed within the bid calendar days. Completion date will be established in the Notice to Proceed. 5. BIDDER will complete the Work for the following price(s): 1-13 CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station Project No. WA99-03; Bid No. Q-119902 BID SCHEDULE Iltem [ No. Estwnated Quantity Unit Price m Description and Price in Words Figures Extended Amount 1 Ea. 1 L.S. 3 Ea. For Furnishing a 9,000 Gallon per Minute, 215- Feet Total Dynamic Head Horizontal Split Case Pump and 600 Horsepower, 4160 Volt Motor, complete to the Job Site the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand and No Cents per Each Dollars $ 75,000.00 $ 75 000.00 For Installing One Horizontal Split Case Pump and Motor, and Furnishing and Installing all necessary Electrical Equipment, Control Valves, Piping, Fittings, Wiring, Conduit Pump Pads, Valve Supports, Painting, SCADA Connections, and all other Equipment to make Pump No. 4 Fully Operational complete in place, the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand and No Cents per Lump Sum Dollars $ 220,000.00 For Furnishing and Installing 24-Inch Butterfly Valve in the Discharge Piping of Existing Pump Nos. 1, 2 and 3 complete in place, the sum of Eight Thousand and No Cents per Each Dollars $ 220,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 24,000.00 *Bid Allowance Item 1-14 No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount 4 1 L.8. For Removing the Existing Ventaft Meter and Pressure Transmitter in the Existing Meter Vault and Replacing with a 36-Inch Windowed Spool Time Transit Meter, including all Electrical and SCADA Connections complete in place, the sum of Twenty-Seven Thousand and No Cents per Lump Sum Dollars $ 27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to perform all work of whatever nature required in strict confon, aance with the plans and specifications, and to furnish and construct the Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station, complete in place, together with all necessary appurtenances, and to complete all items of work within the time set forth in the Contract Documents. *Bid Allowance Item 1-15 t. f f f f f f- f- f BID SUMMARY TOTAL AMOUNT BID (Items 1 Through 4): Total Price Bid $346,000.00 Total Price Bid In Words: Three Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Dollars and 00/100 BIDDER agrees that all Work awarded will be completed within the dates established in the Contract Documents. Contract time will commence to run as provided in the Conn'act Documents. Communications concerning this Bid shall be addressed to the address of BiDDER indicated on the applicable signature page. BIDDER understands that the Owner is exempt from State Limited Sales and Use Tax on tangible personal property to be incorporated into the project. Said taxes are not included in the Contract Price (See Irmtmctions to Bidders). The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The City of Coppell reserves the fight to delete any portion of this project as it may deem necessary to stay within the City's available funds. Should the City elect to delete any portion, the contract quantities will be adjusted accordingly. SUBMITFED on December 3, 1999 f -16 QUESTIONNAIRE Each Bidder shall write in the name, where indicated, of the manufacturers of equipment which Bidder proposes to furnish and the subcontractors the Bidder plans to utilize. Not more than onemanufacturer's or subcontractor's name shall be listed for each item of equipment. Upon award of a contract, the named equipment shall be furnished. Substitutions will be permitted only if named equipment or subcontractor does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents, the manufacturer or subcontractor is unable to meet the requirements of the construction schedule, or the manufacturer or subcontractor is dilatory in complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Substitutions shall be subject to concurrence of the Owner and shall be confirmed by Change Order. Preliminary acceptance of equipment listed by manufacturer's name shall not in any way constitute a waiver of the specifications covering such equipment; final acceptance will be based on full conformity with the Contract Documents. Failure to fumish all information required may be cause for rejection of the Bid. Equipment Manufacturer _ Motor Control Equipment Pump Control Valves Isolation Valves Discipline Subcontractor -- Electrical Instrumentation I & C Sales: 1411 Lemay, Suite 207, Carrollton, Texas 75007 -- (972) 245-4350, David Smith, Vice President Painter j:~clericalMzoppell\99-153~3ecs\conWact~sec-lb. doc l - 17 The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in this bid have been carefully reviewed end are submitted as correct and final. Bidder further certifies and agrees to furnish any and/or all commodities upon which prices are extended at the price offered, and upon the conditions contained in the Specifications of the Invitation to Bid. The period of acceptance of this bid will be calendar days from the date of the bid opening. (Period of acceptance will be ninety (90) calendar days unless otherwise indicated by Bidder.) STATE OF Texas COUNI~ OF Tarrant BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas , on this day personally appeared B. Boucr Alumbauc~h who after being by me duly swom, did depose and say: "I, B. Doug Alumbaugh am a duly authorized office/agent for (Na~) Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors and have been duly authorized to execute the (Name of Firm) foregoing on behalf of the said Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors (Name of Firm) I hereby certify that the foregoing bid has not been prepared in collusion with any other Bidder or individual(s) engaged in the same line of business prior to the official opening of this bid. Further, I certify that the Bidder is not now, nor has been for the past six (6) months, directly or indirectly concemed in any pool, agreement or combination thereof, to control the price of services/commodities bid on, or to influence any individual(s) to bid or not to bid thereon." Name and Address of Bidder: Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors P. O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Telephone: Title: ( 817 ) 926-4377 by: Executive Director of Operations Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by the above named B. Doug Alumbaugh onthisthe 21st dayof December 19 99 Not Public in an~/e S~te of Texas If BIDDER IS: An Individual By doing business as Business address (Individuars Name) Phone No. (Seal) A Partnership By Business address (Firm Name) (General Partner) Phone No. (Seal) A Corporation By Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors (Corporation Name) By Texas By B. Doug Alumbaugh, S o o (N )t' Executive Director o ns Copeland (Title) (Corporate Seal) Attest Mike Business address P.O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 300 W. Ramsey, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Phone No. A Joint Venture By (Name) (Address) By (Name) (Address) (817) 926-4377 (SeaD (Seal) (Seal) (Each joint venture must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a partner to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) AFFIDAVIT OF SAFETY RECORD (I) (We) the undersi ed do declare and affirm that (my) (our) firm or Corporation (has) (have) received Zero (g~) citation from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) within the past two (2) years and (I) (We) do further declare and affirm that (my) (our) firm or corporation (has)(have)experienced Thirty (30) worker injuries related to construction safety on projects within the past two (2) years. NAME OF SUBCONTRACTOR OFFICER'S NAME & TITLE SIGNATURE OF OFFICER DATE Architectural Utilities, Inc. NAME OF FIRM B. Doug Alumbaugh, Executive\'3irector of Operations SIGNA ~ t December 21, 1999 DATE STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF Tarrant } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day appeared B. Doug Alumbaugh, Executive Director of Operations for Architectural UtilRies, Inc., dba AUI General Contractors known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) (they) executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed as the act and deed of said firm or corporation, and in the capacity therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS2 ~ st DAY OF Deceraber 19 99,A.D. JANE N~ ~ate of Texas j:'~krIcal~ltx~9-153xslg~'~wac43a~-lb.do~ 1 PREVAILING WAGE RATES General Decision Number TX980045 Superseded General Decision No. TX970045 State: TEXAS Construction Type: HEAVY HIGHWAY County(ies): COLLIN GRAYSON ROCKWALL DALLAS JOHNSON TARRANT DENTON KAUFMAN WICHITA ELLIS PARKER Heavy and Highway Construction Projects in Wichita County Only. Highway Construction Projects Only for Remaining Counties Modification Number 0 Publication Date 02/13/1998 SUTX2043A 11/18/1991 Rates Air Tool Operator .................................$7.554 Asphalt Raker .......................................8.565 Asphalt Shovelet ..................................8.255 Batching Plant Weigher ........................9.371 Batterboard Setter .................................8.920 Carpenter ..............................................9.447 Concrete Finisher (Paving) ...................9.345 Concrete Finisher (Structures) ..............9.058 Concrete Rubber ...................................7.773 Electrician .............................................12.761 Flagget ..................................................5.598 Form Builder (Structures) .....................8.717 Form Liner (Paving and Curb) .............8.913 Form Setter (Paving and Curb) .............8.686 Form Setter (Structures) .......................8.427 Laborer, Common ................................6.402 Laborer, Utility .....................................7.481 Manhole Builder ...................................11.000 Mechanic ..............................................10.656 Oiler ......................................................8.698 Painter (Structures) ...............................10.913 Piledriver ..............................................7.500 Pipelayer ...............................................8.509 Setricer .................................................8.104 Power Equipment Operators: Asphalt Distributor Operator .................8.404 Asphalt Paving Machine .......................9.053 Barricade Servicer Zoned Work ...........6.402 Blaster ...................................................11.333 General Decision No. TX980045 Fringes 1-21 Rates Broom or Sweeper Operator .................7.908 Bulldozer, 150 HP and Less .................8.703 Bulldozer, Over 150 HP .......................9.160 Concrete Paving Curing Machine ........ 8.213 Concrete Paving Finishing Machine .... 9.453 Concrete Paving Form Grader ..............8.500 Concrete Paving Joint Machine ............9.042 Concrete Paving Joint Sealer ................7.350 Concrete Paving Float ..........................7.875 Concrete Paving Saw ............................9.290 Concrete Paving Spreader ....................9.750 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel {Less than 1~ CY) .. 9.513 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, ShoVel (l~ CY& Over) ..... 10.517 Crusher or Screening Plant Operator .....9.500 Form Loader .........................................12.000 Foundation Drill Operator (Crawler Mounted) ............................................10.000 Foundation Drill Operator (Track Mounted) ...........................................11.138 Front End Loader (2~ CY and Less) .... 8.823 Front End Loader (Over 2 ~ CY) ......... 9.311 Hoist (Double Drum) ............................8.917 Milling Machine Operator ....................6.650 Mixer (Over 16 CF) .............................9.000 Mixer (16 CF and Less) ........................7.913 Mixer (Concrete Paving) ......................9.500 Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade ..... 10.346 Fringes . Rates Motor Grader Operator ......................... 9.891 Mounted Sign Installer Permanent Ground ...............................................6.402 Pavement Marking Machine ................. 6.402 Paving Sub-Grader ............................... 9.000 Post Hole Driller Operator .................... 9.000 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) ......... 9.218 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Structures) .... 11.548 Roller, Steel Wheel (Plant-Mix Pavements) .........................................8.339 Roller, Steel Wheel (Other, Flat Wheel or Tamping) ........................................7.963 Roller, Pneumatic (Self Propelled) ....... 7.403 Scrapers (17 CY and Less) ................... 8.138 Scrapers (Over 17 CY) ......................... 8.205 Side Boom ............................................7.793 Sign Erector ..........................................11.436 Slipform Machine Operator .................. 9.000 Spreader Box Operator ......................... 6.988 Fringes Rates Fringes Steel Worker (Slmctoral) ..................... 12.866 + 3.440 Tractor (Crawlcr Type) 150 ItP& Less ....................................................8.448 Tractor (Crawlar Type) Over 150 lIP .. 8.873 Tractor (Pneumatic) ..............................7.735 Traveling Mixer ....................................7.615 Trenching Machine, Light .................... 8.188 Trenching Machine, Heavy .................. 12.498 Wagon-Driller, Boring Machine .......... 9.000 Truck Drivers: Lowboy-Float .......................................9.653 Single Axle, Light ................................7.465 Single Axle, Heavy ...............................8.067 Tandem Axle or Semi-Trailer .............. 7.816 Transit-Mix ...........................................7.507 Vibrator Operator .................................7.000 Winch ...................................................8.200 Welder ..................................................10.459 Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added al~er award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29 CFR 5.5(a) 1 (v)). In the listing above, the "SU" designation means that rates listed under that identifier do not reflect collectively bargained wage and fringe benefit rates. Other designations indicate unions whose rates have been determined to be prevailing. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be · an existing published wage determination · a survey underlying a wage determination · a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter · a conforming (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis-Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2) and 3) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U. S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 General Decision No. TX980045 1-22 I Y 2) If the answer to the question in 1) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Wage and Hour Division U. S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U. S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 4) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. Genial Decision No. TX980045 1-23 i · I I STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 14m day of December in the year 1999 by and between the CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, a municipal corporation (hereinafter called OWNER) and Architectural Utilities, Inc. dba AUI General Contractors (hereinafter Called) CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. - WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: The project includes furnishing and installing a 600 horsepower pump, motor and motor control center, along with all necessary piping, valves and fittings into the vacant space provided within the existing pump station. In addition, 24-inch isolation butterfly valves are to be furnished and installed in existing Pump Nos. 1, 2 and 3. An Additive Alternate Bid will be evaluated for the installation of a 30" windowed spool piece transit4ime meter. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION PROJECT NO. WA99-03 Article 2. - ENGINEER The Project has been designed by: Shimek, Jacobs & Finldea Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas. Contract administration will be provided by the City of Coppell Engineering Department who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Docttments. Article3. - CONTRACT TIME 3.1 Time is of the essence on this project. If a favorable bid is received, it is fully expected that a work order will be issued on Monday, January 3, 2000. On this basis, the contract time is established as follows: a) Notice to Proceed: January 3, 2000. b) Completion of isolation valves for Pumps l, 2, & 3 (Bid Item No. 3) and transit time meter (Bid Item No. 4): March 3, 2000. 1-24 Article 4. = c) Completion of the installation of Pump No. 4: June 1, 2000. If the Notice to Proceed is not issued on Januaxy 3, 2000, one calendar day will be added to the completion time for each segment of work identified above, for every day after January 3, 2000, until the date the Notice to Proceed is actually issued. 3.2 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the time specified in the Contractors proposal and in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Item 1.36 of the General Provisions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that liquidated damages is not considered as a penalty, but shall be deemed, taken and treated as reasonable damages on a dally basis. CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER as specified in Item 1.36.1 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES of the General Provisions for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for Completion until the Work is complete. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds subject to additions and deductions by Change Orders as provided in the contract documents in accordance with the unit prices listed in Section 1 - Proposal and Bid Schedule. The contact sum shall be the amount of Three Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($346,000.00). The total tangible personal property cost (items ineo orated into the project - nontaxable) included in the contract sum is $ 142,2~BP~ 00 Article 5. - PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Item 1.51 of the General Provisions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Provisions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, on or about the 251h day of each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in Item 1.51 of the General Provisions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Provisions. 5.1.1. Prior to Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated in Item 1.51.2 RETAINAGE of the General Provisions, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with Item 1.52 of the General Provisions. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with Item 1.51.4 FINAL PAYMENT of the General Provisions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said Item 1.51.4. Article 6. - Article 7. - INTEREST No interest shall ever be due on late payments (see Item 1.5 1.4 of the Gefieral Provisions). CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce the OWNER to enter into this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 7.1 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in Item 1.3 of the General Provisions, and accepts the determination set forth in Item SC-1.3 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the technical data contained in such reports and drawings upon which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely. 7.2 CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obta'ming and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those refex-zed to in paragraph 7.1 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance, or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or fumishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of Item 1.3 of the General Provisions.; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies, or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 7.3 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies, or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of Items 1.3 and 1.21 of the General Provisions. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.4 7.5 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 8. - CONTRACTOR DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the following: 8. I This Agreement (pages 24 thru 28, inclusive). 8.2 Exhibits to this agreement. 8.3 Certificate of Insurance. 8.4 Notice of Award. 8.5 Part I: General Provisions of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), latest addition. 8.6 Supplementary Conditions to the NCTCOG, Part 1: General Provisions (pages 1-35 thru 1-40). 8.7 Specifications bearing the title: "Specifications and Contract Documents for Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station, City of Coppell". 8.8 Drawings entitled: "Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station". 8.9 The following listed and numbered addenda: Addendure No. 1 dated Addendum No. 2 dated Addendum No. 3 dated 11/29/99 Received 11/29/99 Received Received 8.10 CONTRACTOR's Bid Proposal and Bid Schedule of Section 1 - Bidding and Contract Documents. (pages 1-12 thru 1-21) 8.11 DocumentationsubmittedbyCONTRACTORpriortoN0ticeofAward. 8.12 The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to Item 1.37 and Item 1.38 of the General Provisions. 8.13 The documents listed in paragraphs 8.2 et seq. above are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). The Contract Documents may only be mended, modified, or supplemented as provided in Items 1.37 and 1.38 of the General Provisions. Article 9. - MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Item 1.0 of the General Provisions will have the meanings indicated in the General Provisions. 9.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the patty sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent 9.3 (expect to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. Article 10. - OTHER PROVISIONS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 By: ~ Title: Architectural Utilities, Inc., dba AUI General Contractors P. O. Box 11586 300 W. Ramsey Fort Worth, Texas 7~'110 sy: b augh Title: $,lfecufive Director of Operations Attest: Address for giving notices: P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Attn: Ken Griffin, P.E. Director of Public Works Address for giving notices: P. O. Box 11586 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Attn: B. Doug Alumbaugh Executive Director of Operations (If CONTRACTOR is a corporation, attach evidence of authority to sign.) PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF DALLAS } BOND NO. 3-482-128 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Architectural Utilities, Inc., dba AUI General Contractors whose address is P.O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 , hereinafter called Principal, and WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas , and fully licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF COPPELL, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called "Beneficiary", in the penal sum of Three Hundred Forty-Six Thousand and 00/100 DOLLARS ($ 346,000.00 ) in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Dallas County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This Bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which increases the Contract price, but in no event shall a Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which reduces the Contract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. TF!I~ OBLIGATION TO PAY SAME is conditioned as follows: Whereas, the Principal entered into a certain Contract with the City of Coppell, the Beneficiary, dated the 14th day of December 19 99 , A.D., which is made a part hereof by reference, for the construction of certain public improvements that are generally described as follows: Addition of Pump No. 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station Project No. WA99-03 Bid No. Q-119902 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform and fulfill all of the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Contract in accordance with the plans, specifications and Contract Documents during the original term thereof and any extension thereof which may be granted by the Beneficiary, with or without notice to the Surety, and during the life of any guaranty or warranty required under this Contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the Surety being hereby waived; and, if the Principal shall repair and/or replace all defects due to faulty materials and workmanship that appear within a period of two (2) year from the date of final completion and final acceptance of the Work by Owner; and, if the Principal shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Beneficiary from all costs and damages which Beneficiary may suffer by reason of failure to so perform herein and shall fully reimburse and repay Beneficiary all outlay and expense which the Beneficiary may incur in making good any default or deficiency, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, exclusive Venue shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. O:PERFBOND.FRM/CP (Revised 9/92) 1-29 AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the Work or to the Specifications. This Bond is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of Vemon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and any other applicable statutes of the State of Texas. The undersigned and designated agent is hereby designated by the Surety herein as the Resident Agent in Dallas County or Denton County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship, as provided by Article 7.19-1 of the Insurance Code, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS VffIEREOF, this instrument is executed in rrv~ deemed an original, this, the 17TH day of DECEMBER copies, each one of which shall be , 19 99 ATTEST: PRINCIPAL ie: ~~lumb~ugh Title: Executive Director of Operations ATTEST: SURETY Name: DAVID C. OXFORD Title: ATTORNEY-IN-FACT The Resident Agent of the Surety in Dallas County or Denton County, Texas, for delivery of notice and service of the process is: K & S GROUP, INC STREET ADDRESS: 9400 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 950, DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 (NOTE: Date of Performance Bond must be date of Contract. If Resident Agent is not a corporation, give a person's name.) O : PERFBO ND. FRM/CP (Revised 9/92) 1-30 PAYMENT BOND STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF DALLAS } BOND NO. 3-482-128 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Architectural Utilities, Inc., dba AUI General Contractors whose address is P.O. Box 11586, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 , hereinafter called Principal, 811d WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas , and fully licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF COPPELL, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafier called "Owner", and unto all persons, rirms, and corporations who may furnish materials for, or perform labor upon the building or improvements hereinafier referred to in the penal sum of Three Hundred Forty-Six Thousand and 00/100 DOLLARS ($ 346,000.00 ) in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Dallas County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This Bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which increases the Contract price, but in no event shall a Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which reduces the Contract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. THE OBLIGATION TO PAY SAME is conditioned as follows: Whereas, the Principal entered into a certain Contract with the City of Coppell, the Beneficiary, dated the 14th day of December 19 99 , A.D., which is made a part hereof by reference, for the construction of certain public improvements that are generally described as follows: Addition of Pump No. 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station Project No. WA99-03 Bid No. Q-119901 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties and make prompt payment to all persons, rirms, subcontractors, corporations and claimants supplying labor and/or material in the prosecution of the Work provided for in said Contract and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modification to the Surety is hereby expressly waived, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effecL PROVIDED FlIRTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, exclusive Venue shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. AND PROVIDED FURI'H I~;R~ that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to Contract, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the Plans, Specifications, Drawings, etc., accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the Work to be performed thereunder. This Bond is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of Vemon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and any other applicable statutes of the State of Texas. O : PERFBOND.FRM/CP (Revised 9/92) 1-31 The undersigned and designated agent is hereby designated by the Surety herein as the Resident Agent in Dallas County or Denton County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship, as provided by Article 7.19~1 of the Insurance Code, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WltF. REOF, this instrument is executed in FIVE deemed an original, this, the 17TH day of DECEMBER, 1999. copies, each one of which shall be ,1999 PRINCIPAL Architectural Utilities, Inc., dba AUI General Contractors N me B D gh : Title: Executive Director of Operations SURETY WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ~aY:me: DAVID C. OXF~ Title: ATTORNEY-IN-FACT The Resident Agent of the Surety in Dallas County or Denton County, Texas, for delivery of notice and service of the process is: K & S GROUP, INC S~I~EET ADD]~kESS: 9400 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAy, SUITE 950, DALLAS, TEXAS 75~7 (NOTE: Date of Performance Bond must be date of Contract. If Resident Agent is not a corporation, give a person's name.) O:PERFBOND.FRM/CP (Revised 9/92) I F Ii 1-32 MAINTENANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF DALLAS } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BOND N0.3-482-128 THAT Architectural Utilities, Inc., dba AUI General Contractor and West American Insurance Company the laws of Indiana acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Coppell the sum of Three Hundred Forty-Six Thousand and No Cents ($ 346,000.00 will and truly be made unto said AUI General Contractor hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors jointly and severally. , as Principal, , a Corporation organized under , as sureties, do hereby expressly , a Municipal Corporation, Texas, Dollars ), for the payment of which sum , and its successors, said principal and sureties do THIS obligation is conditioned; however, that whereas, the said City of Coppelt, Texas has this day entered into a written contract with the said Architectural Utilities, Inc. to build and construct Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station which contract and the plans and specifications therein mentioned, adopted by the are hereby expressly made a part thereof as through the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the plans, specifications, and contract, it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair, the work herein contracted to be done and performed, for a period of two (2) years from the date of the acceptance of said work, and to do all necessary repairs and/or reconstructing in whole or in part of said improvements that should be occasioned by settlement of foundation, defective workmanship or materials furnished in the construction or any part thereof or any of the accessories thereto constructed by the Contractor. It being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective material and charge the same against the said Contractor, and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sineties hereon shall be subject to the liquidation damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its' part to comply with the terms of said provisions of said contract. Now, therefore, ff the said Contractor shall keep and perform its' said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void, and have not further effect, but ff default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its' contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said shall have and receive from the said Contractor and its' principal and sureties damages in the premises, as provided; and it is further agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sineties, hereon, and that successive recoveries may be and had hereon for successive branches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is Ruther understood that the obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the said West American Insurance Company has caused these presents to be executed by David C. Oxford and the said West American Insurance Company has caused these presents to be executed by its' Attorney in fact and the said Attorney in fact David C. Oxford , has hereunto set his hand, the 17TH day Of n-~ow~BER , 19 99 SURETY: . PRINCIPAL: ATTESTS, ~_ t Secretary/ NOTE: DateofMaintenanceBondmnstnotbepriortodateofContract. !neral Contractor ~ctor of Operations CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY David C. Oxford, Steve Rickenbacher, Helen Zook, Rudolph Norris, Clinton Norris or Rebecca S. Thacker of Dallas, Texas it~ and m~CO~rCtZANCES, not exc~dinS in any single instance IqFrEEN MILLION ($15,000,000.00) DOLLARS, exeindinS. howo~, any bend(s) or undertaking(s)gusrant~ingthepaym~ntofnotesandint~nmtthoreon Nota~ Publi~ in and for County of Buffer, Stat,: of Ohio My Commia~'on ~ September 25, 200~. This pov~r of attozncy is granted under and by authority of Article VI. S~tion 7 of the By-Laws of The Ohio Casualty Insunnc¢ Company and Atomlean Fir~ & Casualty Cosr~any and Article VI, Section I of West Am~iean Insurance Company, extracts flora which ~ad: Article V~ Section 7. APPOINTMENT OF A~FORNEYS-IN-F ACT, ETC. '~11~ chairman of the board, the preaidenl, any vicedent, the secr~'ta~ or any assistsat secreta~y~feach~ftheseC~mpainesshaHbeandisherebyv~t~dwithfu~p~werandauth~dtytoapp~intatt~mt`ys-in-th~tfixthepurp~fsignin~thenam~oft~C~ir~anin~ surety te, and to execute, attach the corporate s~al. aclmowl~dg~ and dellve~ any and all bonds, t~inzan~s, stipulations, und~klngs tar oth~ instnlmcnls of su~tyship and polieins of insurance to be given in favor of any individual, finn, corporaflea, or the official, ~p. ~..~ntstiv~ ~f, or to any county Ix state, or any official beard or beards of cotmty or stete. or the Uinted Stetes of Ametica, or to any other peliti~al subdlvision." Afilcle VI, Section 1. APPOINTMENT OF RESu)ENT O~ICERS. "The Chaimum of the Board, the President, any Vi~ P~sidimt. s S~sry or any Assistant ~cretery sha~ b~ and is her~by v~sted with fu~ p~v~r and auth~dty te app~int au~mey~ in faet fix tb: pmp~s~ ~f ~i~nin8 th~ nan~ of the c~q>~ration ~ sur~ty Ix guatantor~ and w =xe~ut~ attach the corporate seal, acknowl~dSc and deliver any and all bonds, ~cognizan~cs, stipulatiom, uade~akinp or other instnsmcnls of surety.ship Ix guarantee, and polici. ofinsa'anectobegi"eninfavorofanindividual, finn, eotP°rati~n~orthe~cia~tept"~ntativ~her~f~ixtoanyc~ntyixstate~ixany~ci~b~ardixb~ards~fanyc~unty~r stete, or the United States of America, or to any other politial subdivision." This instrmncnt is si~ncd and sealed by thcsimil~ as authcriz~ by tbe following Rcsointion adop~l by tbe rmpe~tiw di~ct~n of the Companies (adolm:d May 27, 1970-Tbe Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, adopted April 24, 1980-W~st Amcxicsn Inswancc Company; adopted May 21, l~)8-Am~ican Fire & Casualty Company): "RESOLVED that the siptot~ of any offi~r of the Company authetized by the By-Laws to appeint attomc~ in fact, th~ siSnato~ of the S¢~xeta~ or any Mistant S~:r~ty~e~ifyingt~thc~tm.~cto~"s~fany~pyofap~w~r~fatt~ncyandth~sca~f~C~mpanymaybea~x~dbyfacsimi~toanyp~w~f~ttomcyore~pythet¢~fissu¢don behalfoftbe Company. Such signatoms and seal ar~ bet~by adopted by the Con~any as original siptin. and ,eal, to be valid and binding upon tbe Company with the san~ and ~ffect as though manually affix~." CERTIFICATE I, the tradersigned Assistant Vice P~sid~nt d The Ohio Casualty Insuranc~ Company, Arabian Fiz~ & Casualty Company and West American Insurance Company, do hw:by c~tifythattl~foregoinSpoworofattorncy,therder~nc~dBy-LswsoftheComPank*andthcab~v¢R~s~ufi~n~ftheirBeardsofDiz~:t~rsar~tru~andc.~rr~ct~Pi"andar¢in fidl fo~c and effect on this date. ~NW~TNE~WHERE~F~haveh~unu>sctmyhandandthega~s~fth~C~mpaniesthisJ~2-TJ:I~dayof DI~('~.M~I~I~ 3.999 u30o 3/99 Assistant Vice President i ACORD., CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE PRODUCER C214)691-5721 FAX C214)691-4961 K & S Group, Znc. Southwest Assurance Group, Tnc. 9400 N. Centra3 Expwy. # 950 Dal]as, Texas 75231 Insured: Architectural Utilities, Inc. Ext: DATE (MINDDr(y) 12/20/1999 THIS CERTIFICATE 18 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEI~ THffii CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE "~""""'~PF~'~"'~"~'~'~'~E~"'C'~i~; ........................................... A nNSUP~ Architectural Utilities, Znc. dba B AUT Genera3 Contractors P,O, BOX Z~586 ~PA~ C Fort Worth, ~ 76ZZ0 D ........ ~ ...............................................................~ .......................................................................................................~ ................................~. ...................................................................................... :. X i COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIIJ'TY i ~:::::::i O.A,USMADE i:~::i OCCU. ~PP3299755 A ;; ~ OWNEITS & CONIgACTOI~S PROT i X i ANY^~O i' '~"~ NON-C)VVNED ALrrG~S i"i .......................................... ~ i ANY^um i......~i ................................................... A F~"iUMeRELLAFORM CU1299756 A :: kC:129975704 iiRders R~sk - A33 R~sk ~TZM893837406 Bi DATE(MMmOrtYI i ~ATE(MMmOtr~ pRoDucTs, CCMP~OP AGG i S i 000 000 PERSON~&AOViNJURY !s 1~000 000 05/01/1999 ~ 05/01/2000 ...... ~ ................. ~ ~ ~ .~. z, o~...9oo F~A~.m) ~S 300wOO0 ~ ~ 1,000,~0 ~) ~ S 05/01/1999 ~ 05/01/2000 ....................................................................................... ~ ~ ~R~ ~ S 10 ~ 0~ ~ 000 . ~ S 10~ 000,000 05/01/1999 /01/20~ L~ ............................................................... ~SZR ~ s 10 000 ~s~ ~; 5~000 05/0Z/Z999 05/0Z/2000 s ..............................................~ ....................................... ~s~-~ ~s 500 000 ~ s~-~ s 500,000 Any One Locatton-$3,~0,0~ ~05/0~/~999 05/0~/2000 Flood/Quake L~mit - S 250,000 roject: A°Pde~n ~PPump No. 4 at V~ltV~age Parkway Pump Stat~on,Coppe11, TX. Blkt Waiver of Subrogation --app3~cabqe on Work Comp,Gen. L~ab, Auto L~ab, & Umb L~ab ~f contractua13y requ~ red. Blkt Add'3 Znsured Entdts appl~cabqe on Gen. L~ab. Auto L~ab, & Umb L~ab. ff contractua~ly required. C~ty of Coppe33 c/o Purchasing Department 255 Parkway B3vd. PO Box 478 Coppe13, TX75019 CITY OF COPPELL SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS GENERAL PROVISIONS THESE SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AMEND THE STANDARD GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS, LATEST ADDITION, PREPARED BY THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AS INDICATED BELOW. ALL PROVISIONS WHICH ARE NOT AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. ALL PROVISIONS AMENDED REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS AMENDED. ITEM 1.0 - ITEM 1.15 - DEFINITIONS SC-1.0 Engineer: The word "Engineer" in these contract documents and specifications shall be understood as referring to CITY ENGINEER, City of Coppell, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, TX 75019, Engineer of the Owner, or such other representatives as may be authorized by said owner to act in any particular position. Owner: The word "Owner" in these contract documents and specifications refers to the CITY OF COPPELL acting through its authorized representatives. Shop Drawings: Add the following language after the second reference to CONTRACTOR: "after his review and approval of same". Calendar Day: Add the following sentence to the end of the working days definition: Hours worked before 8:00 a.m. after 5:00 p.m., all weekends and holidays are subject to overtime. Overtime request must be made in writing and approved by the City of Coppell. Seventy-two hours notice required. All overtime incurred by the City for inspection services shall be paid by the Contractor. If not paid, such cost may be deducted from partial payments. All other terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Provisions shall have the same meanings used in the General Provisions. SURETY BONDS SC-1.15 Add following sentence to Item 1.15 (A): "Maintenance Bond shall be required in the mount of the cost of the public improvements for a 2 year period." j Xciedcal~ppetl\99-153~sp~cs~tech_sp~i~ldoc 1-34 Supplementary Conditions of the ,~greement ITEM 1,16- NOTICE TO PROCEED SC-1.16 Add following sentence to end of Item 1.16. Before Contractor starts the Work at the site, a conference attended by Contractor, Engineer and others as appropriate will be held to discuss the schedules referred to in Items 1.22.5, 1.28 and 1.51.1, to discuss procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. ITEM 1.19 - PRIORITY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SC-1.19 Add the following language at the end of the Item 1.19: "If there is any conflict between the provisions of the Contract Documents and any such referenced standard specifications, manuals or codes, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence over that of any standard specifications, manuals or codes." ITEM 1.20. -CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS SC-1.20.1 Amend the first sentence of Item 1.20.1 by changing "such copies" to be "five copies". SC-1.20.5 Add the following new Item 1.20.5 immediately at~er Item 1.20.4: 1.20.5 Existing Utilities and Sewer Lines: The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all existing utilities or service lines crossed or exposed by the construction operations. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken or damaged, the CONTRACTOR shall replace the utilities or service lines with the same type of original construction, or better, at his own cost and expense. If it is necessary to change or move the property of any owner or of a public utility, such propert~j shall not be moved or interfered with until authorized by the ENGINEER. The right is reserved to the owner of any public utility to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or rspalrs of their property that may be made necessary by the performance of this contract. ITEM 1.22 -CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES SC-1.22.5 Amend the first sentence of Item 1.22.5 by adding the following at the beginning of the sentence: "If requested by Owner, Engineer or Contractor". j:Xcl~calXct~pelt\~9-1~3~i~ca\~h-spx~p-I d~c 1-35 Supplementary Conditions of the Agreement ITEM 1.24 - PROTECTION OF WORK AND OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY SC- Add the following new Item immediately after Item 1.24.2: Should CONTRACTOR cause damage to the work or property of any separate Contractor at the site, or should any claim arising out of CONTRACTOR'S. OWNER, ENGINEER, Consulting Engineer or any other person, CONTRACTOR shall promptly attempt to settle with such other Contractor by agreement, or to otherwise resolve the dispute by arbitration or at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold OWNER, ENGINEER and Consulting Engineer harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising directly, indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equitable, brought by any separate Contractor against OWNER, ENGINEER or Consulting Engineer to the extent based on a claim arising out of CONTRACTOR'S performance of the Work. Should a separate Contractor cause damage to the work or property of CONTRACTOR or should the performance of work be any separate Contractor at the site give rise to any other claim, CONTRACTOR shall not institute any action, legal or equitable, against OWNER, ENGINEER or Consulting Engineer or permit any action against any of them to be maintained and continued in its name or for its benefit in any court or before any arbiter which seeks to impose liability on or to recover damages from OWNER, ENGINEER or Consulting Engineer on account of any such damage or claim. If CONTRACTOR is delayed at any time in performing or fumishing Work by any act or neglect of a separate Contractor and OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to the extent of any adjuslment in Contract Time attributable thereto, CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an extension of time in accordance with Item 1.36. An extension of the Contract Time shall be CONTRACTOR's exclusive remedy with respect to OWNER, ENGINEER and Consulting Engineer for any delay, disruption, interference or hindrance caused by any separate Contractor." ITEM 1.26 - INSURANCE SC-1.26.6 Add the following new item: 1.26.6 If OWNER requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the property insurance policy, CONTRACTOR shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof will be charged to OWNER by appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. Prior to commencement of the Work at the site, CONTRACTOR shall in writing advise OWNER whether or not such other insurance has been procured by CONTRACTOR. j~l~cll~copp~ll\99-153xsp~\ttch-,pX~-ldoc 1-36 Supplementary Conditions of the Agreement SC-1.26.7 Add the following new item: 1.26.7 CONTRACTOR intends that any policies provided in response to Item 1.26 shall protect all of the parties insured and provide coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. Accordingly, all such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any loss or damage the insurer will have no rights of recovery against any of the parties named as insured or additional insured, and if such waiver forms are required of any Subcontractor, CONTRACTOR will obtain the same. ITEM 1.27 - MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP; WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES SC-1.27.4 Amend the first sentence of Item 1.27.4 to change the words "one year" to "two years". ITEM 1.32 - WORKING AREA; COORDINATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS; FINAL CLEANUP SC-1.32.1 Delete Item 1.32.1 in its entirety and insert the following in lieu thereof: "Vertical control has been established as shown on the conslxuction plans. Horizontal control can be established ~'om existing inlets, street intersections or other utilities indicated on the construction plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing all lines and grades, and the precise location of all proposed facilities. The ENGINEER may make checks as the Work progresses to verify lines and grades established by the Contractor to determine the conformance of the completed Work as it progresses with the requirements of the construction documents. Such checking by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform all Work in connection with Contract Drawings and Specifications and the lines and grades given therein." ITEM 1.33 - OTHER CONTRACTORS; OBLIGATION TO COOPERATE SC-1.33 Delete the last sentence of the second paragraph and substitute the following in lieu thereof: "In such event, Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of working time only for unavoidable delays verified by the Engineers, as provided in Item 1.36; however, no increase in the contract price shall be due the Contractor." Insert the following sentence at the end of the second paragraph of Item 1.33: "The ENGINEER shall coordinate such other work with the CONTRACTOR and schedule events to minimize delay caused to the CONTRACTOR. No additional time shall be given to the CONTRACTOR for such related work except as provided in Item 1.36." j:Xci~catXcopp~tl\99-153xspecs~h-,p~-I doc 1-37 Supplementary Conditions of the Agreement ITEM 1.36 - DELAYS; EXTENSION OF TIME; LIQUIDATED DAMAGES SC-1.36 1.36.1 Eliminate the chart describing amount of liquidated damages based on the contract amount and add the following: a) For Pay Items 3 and 4, liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000.00 per day will apply. b) For Pay Items 1 and 2, liquidated damages in the amount of $2,000.00 per day will apply. c) If all Pay Items are in default, the liquidated damages shall be additive. Add the following at the end of the last paragraph in Item 1.36: "No extension of the contract time shall be allowed unless the CONTRACTOR can demonstrate the delay caused an adverse impact to the critical path and that loss of time can not be made up by revising the sequence of the work of the project." ITEM 1.37 - CHANGE OR MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT SC-1.37 1.37.1 Amend the last sentence in Paragraph two of Item 1.37.1 to delete the following "except of Provided below." Add the following sentence to the end of paragraph two in Item 1.37.1. "The unit price of an item of Unit Price Work shall be subject to re-evaluation and adjustment under the following conditions: ITEM 1.49. -OWNER'S OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS SC-1.49-2 Replace Item 1.49.2 with the following new paragraph: 1.49.2 Conflict of interest City Charter states that no officer of the City shall have a fmancial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City of any land, or rights or interest in any land, materials, supplies or services. This prohibition does not apply when the interest is represented by ownership of stock in a corporation involved, provided such stock ownership amounts to less than one percent (1%) of the corporation stock. Any violation of this prohibition will constitute malfeasance in office. Any officer or employee of the City found guilty thereof should thereby forfeit his office or position. Any violation of this prohibition with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the persons or corporations contracting with the City shall render the contract voidable by the City Manager or the City Cotmcil. The Contractor represents that no employee or officer of the City has an interest in the Conlxactor. j:~l,~rical~.o~..ll\99-153~p~n~Kh-sp~I~-I~loc 1-38 Supplementary Conditions of the Agreement ITEM 1.58 - STATE AND LOCAL SALES AND USE TAXES SC-1.58 Delete Item 1.58 and substitute the following in lieu thereof: 1.58 Recent legislation has removed the sales tax exemption previously provided by Section 151.311 of the Tax Code covering tangible personal property purchased by a contractor for use in the performance of a contract for the improvement of City- owned realty. It is still possible, however, for a contractor to make tax-free purchase of tangible personal property which will be incorporated into and become part of a City construction project through the use of a "separated contract" with the City. A "separated contract" is one which separates charges for materials from charges for labor. Under such a contract, the contractor becomes a "seller" of those materials which are incorporated into the project, such as bricks, lumber, concrete, paint, etc. The contractor issues a resale certificate in lieu of paying the sales tax at the time such items are purchased. The contractor then receives an exemption certificate from the City for those materials. (This procedure may not be used, however, for materials which do not become a part of the finished product. For example, equipment rentals, from materials, etc. are not considered as becoming "incorporated" into the project). Utilization of this "separated contract" approach eliminates the need for bidders to figure in sales tax for materials which are to be incorporated into the project. The successful biddcr's bid form will be used to develop the "separated contract" and will determine the extent of the tax exemption. Upon execution of the construction contract, the contractor shall furnish a breakdown (per item) of 1) materials incorporated into the project; and 2) labor, equipment, supervision and materials not incorporated into the project. 1-39 Supplementary Conditions of the Agreement SECTION 2 SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 2-1 SECTION 2 SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The construction specifications which apply to this project are the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction - North Central Texas with latest Amendments prepared through the North Central Texas Council of Governments (C.O,G.). The following Specific Project l~equimments contain general and specific project requirements applicable to this project in the City of Coppell. These individual specifications control for this project. Additional amendments to the N.C.T.C.O.G, Standard Specifications are contained in Section 3 - Special Provisions to Standard Specifications for Construction. In the event that an item is not covered in the Project Drawings and these Specifications, then the Standard Specifications for the City of Coppell, Texas shall apply. 2-2 SECTION 2 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 OV, rNER: The "Owner" as referred to in these Specifications is the City of CoppelL P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 57019. ENGINEER: The "Engineer" as referred to in these Specifications is the City Engineer, City of Coppell, Engineer of the Owner, or such other representatives as may be authorized by said owner to act in any particular position. CITY OF COPPELL: All improvements described in this Proposal and Construction Drawings shall be done in accordance with the Project Drawings and Specifications. In the event that an item is not covered in the Project Drawings and Specifications, then the Standard Specifications for Construction for the City of Coppell, Texas shall apply. SITE: The Contractor shall limit his work to the area shown on the Project Drawings as within the project site. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This Contract consists of the construction of the Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station, as shown in the consu'uction plans (WA99-03). CALENDAR DAY COUNT: Calendar days shall be counted by the Engineer on the basis of the definition set out in the General Conditions of Agreement. The calendar day count shall be suspended upon receipt by the Engineer of a written request for final inspection. The calendar day count shall resume upon receipt by the Contractor of a written list of items necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. This process shall continue until such time as the project is accepted by the Engineer, and the Owner. The calendar day count will not be suspended or otherwise affected by use of completed portions or "substantial completion" of any of the project. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws including the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, ordinances, rules, regulations and order of any public authority have jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property to protect them from damage, injury or loss. He shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities. SURVEY AND FINISHED GRADES: The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of the water lines to plus or minus 0. 10-foot of the elevations shown on the construction plans. Horizontal and vertical control is provided by the owner as shown on the plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for layout and staking of all grades and lines for consreaction. The Contractor shall preserve all stakes or markings until authorized by the Engineer to remove same. The Contractor shall bear the cost of the re-establishing any control or construction stakes destroyed by either him or a third party and shall assume the entire expense of rectifying work improperly constructed due to fallare to maintain established points and marks. 2.9 2.10 2.11 2,12 2.13 No separate pa,vment shall be made to the Contractor for construction staking which shall be considered incidental to the project and payments made under specific Pay Items shall be considered as full compensation for these requirements. CONFORMITY WITH DRAWINGS: All work shall conform to the lines, grades, cross- sections, and dimensions shown on the Drawings. Any deviation from the Drawings which may be required by the exigencies of construction will be determined by the Engineer and authorized by him in writing. SUSPENSION OF WORK: If the work should be stopped or suspended under any order of the court, or other public authority, the Owner may at any time during suspension upon seven days written notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contract. In such an event, the Owner shall be liable only for payment for all work completed plus a reasonable cost for any expenses resulting from the t~nnination of the Contract, but such expenses shall not exceed $5,000. PRESERVATION OF TREES: Permission of the Engineer must be obtained for removal of trees on the property that obstruct the installation of the improvements as outlined in this project. Penalty for destruction of a tree without permission shall be $500.00 each payable to the Owner. If damage is continuous, tree guards shall be erected when so directed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. COOPERATION OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall have on the project at all times, as his agent, a competent Superintendent capable of reading the plans and specifications and thoroughly experienced in the type of work being performed. The Superintendent shall have full authority to execute orders or directions and to promptly supply such matedais, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as may be required. Such superintendence shall be furnished irrespective of the mount of work contracted. The Superintendent and the Contractor shall be responsible for supervision of all work performed by the subcontractor at all times during construction. WARNING DEVICES: The Contractor shall have the responsibility to provide and maintain all waming devices and take all precautionary measures required bylaw to protect persons and properly while said persons or property are approaching, leaving or within the work site or any area adjacent to said work site. No separate compensation will be paid to the Contractor for the installation or maintenance of any warning devices, hanicades, lights, signs or any other precautionary measures required by law for the protection of persons or property. The Contractor shall assume all duties owned by the City of Coppell to the general public in connection with the general publie's immediate approach to and travel through the work site and area adjacent to said work site. Where the work is carried on, in, or adjacent to, any street, alley, sidewalk, public right-of-way or public place, the Contractor shall at his own cost and expense provide such flagmen and watchmen and fumish, erect and maintain such warning devices, barricades, hghts, signs and other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property as are required by law. The Contractor's responsibility for providing and maintaining flagmen, watchmen, warning devices, barricades, signs, and lights, and other precautionary measures shall not cease until the project shall have been accepted. If the Engineer discovers that the Contractor has failed to comply with the applicable federal and state law (by failing to furnish the necessaxy flagmen, waming devices, barricades, lights, signs or other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property), the Engineer may order such additional precautionary measures as required by law to be taken to protect persons and property, and to be reimbursed by the Contractor for any expense incurred in ordering such additional precautionary measures. In addition, the Contractor will be held responsible for all danaages to the work and other public or private property due to the failure of waming devices, barricades, signs, lights, or other precautionary measures in protecting said property, and whenever evidence is found of such damage, the Engineer may order the damaged portion immediately removed and replaced by and at the cost and expense of the Contractor. If the damages are not corrected in a timely fashion, then the City shall have the right to repair the damage and charge the cost back to the Contractor. All of this work is considered incidental and shall not be separate pay item. 2.14 EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND OTHER PROPERTY: a) Prior to any excavation, the Contractor shall determine the locations of all existing water, gas sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph, television, and other underground utilities and structures. b) After commencing the work, use every precaution to avoid interferences with existing underground and surface utilities and structures, and protect them fxom damage. c) Where the locations of existing underground and surface utilities and structures are indicated, these locations are generally approximate, and all items which may be encountered during the work are not necessarily indicated. The Contractor shall determine the exact locations of all items indicated, and the existence and locations of all items not indicated. d) The Contractor shall repair or pay for all damage caused by his operations to all existing utilities, public property, and private property, whether it is below ground or above ground, and he shall settle in total cost of all damage suits which may arise as a restfit of this operations. e) To avoid necessary interferences or delays, the Contractor shall coordinate all utility removals, replacements and construction with the appropriate utility company. 2.15 DRAINAGE: The Contractor shall maintain adequate drainage at all times. 2.16 2.17 PROJECT MAINTENANCE: The Contractor shall maintain, and keep in good repair, the improvements covered by these plans and specifications during the life of the contract. CLEANUP: During Construction. The contractor shall at all times keep the job site as free from all material, debris and rubbish as is practicable and shall remove same from any portion of the job site when it becomes objectionable or interferes with the progress of the project. Final. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove from the site all plant, materials, tools and equipment belonging to him and leave the site with an appearance acceptable to the Engineer and the Owner. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equipment In a bright, clean, polished and new-appearing condition. 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 INSPECTION: The word "Inspection" or other forms of the word, as used in the contract documents for this project shall be understood as meaning an Owner's agent will observe the construction on behalf of the Owner. The agent will observe and check the construction in sufficient detail to satisfy himself that the work is proceeding in general accordance with the contract documents, but he will not be a guarantor of the Contractor's performance. Contract time by workday, Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; hours worked before 8:00 a.m. after 5:00 p.m., all weekends and holidays is subject to overtime. Overtime request must be made in writing and approved by the City of Coppell. Seventy-two hours notice required. All overtime incurred by the City for inspection services shall be paid by the Contractor. Such cost may be deducted from partial payments, if payment not made by Contractor. DISPOSAL OF WASTE AND SURPLUS EXCAVATION: All trees, stumps, slashings, brush or other debris removed firom the site as a preliminary to the construction shall be removed from the property. Any required burning and disposal permits shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. All excavated earth in excess of that required for backfilling shall be removed fxom the job site and disposed of in a satisfactory manner. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION: The City shall make available water to the Contractor. The Contractor shall obtain a temporary meter fi'om the City. GUARANTEE: All work shall be guaranteed against defects resulting fi'om the use of inferior materials, equipment or workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of final completion and acceptance of the project. 2-6 SECTION 3 SPECIAL PROVISION TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION 3-1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION These Special Provisions, modify, or supplement the Standard Construction Specifications of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications. All provisions which are not so modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect, except payment shall be as established in Section 1 entitled "Proposal and Bid Schedule". PART II: MATERIALS - DIVISION 2 ITEM 2.1.5. TRENCH BACKFILL: Co) Types "B" and "C" (4) Additional Requirements (B) Additional Requirements for Type "C" backfill when used in streets: Insert the following paragraph at the beginning of this subsection: "All trench backfill shall be compacted to between 95 percent and 100 percent of Standard Proctor Density as determined by ASTM D-698 at, or up to five (5) percentage points above, optimum moisture content, using mechanical compaction methods unless otherwise specified in the Plans. Water jetting may be used only with specific written permission of the Engineer." ITEM 2.1.6. KIPRAP OR STONE MASONRY: (b) Materials and Dimensions (4) Mortar Riprap. Add thesentence: Mortar or concrete type shall be appm~/ed by the Engineer and shall conform to A.S.T.M. C 387-83. ITEM 2.1.7. PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL FOR STORM SEWERS: (a) General: Amend the first sentence, by striking the words "requirements for earth bedding" and replace with "recommendations of the pipe manufacturer, and shall be approved by the Engineer". (b) Earth Bedding: Add the following sentence at the beginning of this paragraph: "Earth bedding will not be permitted without written approval of the Engineer." 3-2 ITEM 2.2.2. CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES: (d) Mineral Admixtures. Delete paragraph (d) in its entirety. The use of Fly Ash as an admixture in any Class of concrete is specifically prohibited without written approval of the Engineer. PART IH DIVISION 3 - SITE PREPARATION ITEM 3.1.2. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Add the following sentence after the second sentence: The method of protection shall be 2 inch by 4 inch wood railing unless otherwise shown on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. ITEM 3.7.3. DENSITY: Strike the first sentence and replace with the following: "Earth embedment and select material shall be compacted to between 95 percent and 100 percent of Standard Proctor Density as det~mdned by ASTM D-698 at, or up to five (5) percentage points above, optimum moisture content, using mechanical compaction methods, unless otherwise specified in the Plans or Specifications." PART IV: DMSION 4 - SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES ITEM 4.8.4. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: (b) Compaction Amend the last sentence of the tint paragraph, by striking the words: "90 percent of the maximum dry density of such material." and replace with the words "95 percent of the maximum dry density of such material, or as directed by Engineer. PART V: DIVISION 5 - PAVEMENT AND SURFACE COURSES ITEM 5.8.2. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (e) Joints (1) Expansion Joints: Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following: "Expansion joints shall be installed perpendicularly to the surface and centerline of the pavement. Expansion Joint material shall be redwood boards, 3/4~inch in width, and extended through curbs. Expansion joints are to be installed at each end of radius at street intersections. Expansion joints shall be equally spaced between intersections with not less than one every 3-3 (c) (2) (h) (1) (2) 200 linear feet of pavement, unless othenvise specified on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. Proximity to Existing Structures: Add to end of sentence, "or as directed by the Engineer". Contraction Joints. Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph and insert the following: "Contraction or dummy joints shall be sawed to 1-1/4 inches in depth, and 1/4 inch in width, and installed every 20 linear feet of pavement, and extend through curb, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer." Joint shall be filled with silicone joint material to within 1/4-inch of pavement surface. Finishing. Machine. Add the following paragraph at the and of this subsection: "Fog sprays powered by pressure pumps, and capable of covering the entire area of fleshly placed concrete with a fine mist, shall be used if water is needed for finishing operations." Hand. Add a new paragraph after first paragraph which reads as follows: "Fog sprays powered by pressure pumps, and capable of covering the entire area of freshly placed concrete with a fine mist, shall be used if water is needed for finishing operations." PART VI: DMSION 6 - UNDERGROUND CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION ITEM 6.2.9. BACKFILL: (b) Compaction. (2) Densities - Areas Not Subjected to or Influenced by Vehicular Traffic. Amend the second sentence by striking the words "to a density comparable with adjacent undisturbed material" and replacing with "to a density between 95 percent and 100 pement Standard Proctor Density as determined by ASTM D-698 at, or up to five (5) percentage points above, optimum moisture content, unless otherwise specified in the Plans or directed by the Engineer." SECTION 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS GENERAL ITEMS OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC.01 SC.02 SC.03 SC.04 SC.05 SC.06 SC.07 SC.08 SC.09 SC.10 SC.11 SC.12 SC.13 SC.14 SC.15 SC.16 SC.17 SC.18 SC.19 SC.20 SC.21 SC.22 SC.23 SC.24 SC.25 SC.26 SC.27 SC.28 SC.29 SC.30 Page No. 4-3 Engineer ............................................................................................................................................. 4-3 Location of Project ............................................................................................................................. 4-3 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................... 4-3 Forms, Plans and Specifications ........................................................................................................ 4-3 Time Allotted for Completion ............................................................................................................ 4-3 Addenda ............................................................................................................................................. AwardofContractandCommencementofWork .............................................................................4-4 4-4 Disqualification of Bidders ................................................................................................................ 4-5 Trench Safety Systems ....................................................................................................................... 4-6 Permits and Right-of-Way ................................................................................................................. Construction Schedule .......................................................................................................................4-6 Property Lines and Monuments .........................................................................................................4-6 Fences, and Drainage Channels .........................................................................................................4-6 Public Utilities and Other Properties to be Changed .........................................................................4-6 Existing Utilities and Services Lines .................................................................................................4-7 Use of Explosives ..............................................................................................................................4-7 Construction in Public Roads and Private Drives ..............................................................................4-7 Barricades, Lights and Watchmen .....................................................................................................4-7 Lines and Grades ................................................................................................................................4-7 Concrete Mix Design .........................................................................................................................4-8 Contractor to Furnish Cost Breakdown .............................................................................................4-8 Wage Rates ........................................................................................................................................4-8 Antitrust .............................................................................................................................................4-9 Small Claims for Damages or Injury .................................................................................................4-9 Testing and Quality Control ...............................................................................................................4-9 Shop Drawings .................................................................................................................................4-10 Coordination and Notification .........................................................................................................4-10 Copies of Plans and Specifications Furnished ..................................................................................4-10 Disposal of Waste and Surplus Excavation .....................................................................................4-10 Service ofManufacturer's Representative .......................................................................................4-10 CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS (O~VNER) VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION ADDITION SPECIAL CONDITIONS - GENERAl, SC.01 SC.02 SC.03 SC.04 ENGINEER The word "Engineer" in these specifications shall be understood as referring to Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, Consulting Engineers, 8333 Douglas Avenue #820, Dallas, Texas 75225, Engineer of the Owner, or such other representatives as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular position. LOCATION OF PROJECT This project is located in the eastern portion of the City of Coppell. A location map is included in the plans. SCOPE OF WORK The project includes furnishing and installing a 600 horsepower pump, motor and motor control center, along with all necessary piping, valves and firings into the vacant space provided within the existing pump station. In addition, 24-inch isolation butterfly valves are to be furnished and installed in existing Pump Nos. 1, 2 and 3. A 36-inch diameter windowed spool piece transit-time meter is to be furnished and installed in the existing meter vault, together with all necessary appurtenances. FORMS. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS Forms of Proposal, Contract and Bonds, and Plans and Specifications may be purchased from the office of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, Consulting Engineers, 8333 Douglas Avenue #820, Dallas, Texas .75225, for the price of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per set. SC.05 TIME AI.LOTTED FOR COMPLETION SC.06 All items of work shall be completed within the time established in Paragraph 8.1 of Section I of the bidding and contract documents. This time shall commence on the tenth (1 0th) day after issuance of the work order. The work order shall consist of a written request by the Engineer for the Contractor to proceed with the construction of the project. ADDENDA Bidders desiring further information or interpretation of the plans and specifications must make request for such information to the Engineer prior to forty-eight (48) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given in writing to all bidders in addendum form and all addenda will be bound with and made a part of the contract documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the plans, specifications, or contract documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he is requested to notify at once the Engineer in order that a written addendum may be sent to all bidders. Any addenda issued prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of bids will be mailed or delivered to each Contractor contemplating the submission of a proposal on this work. The proposal as submitted by the Contractor will be so constructed as to include any addenda if such are issued by the Engineer prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of bids. SC.07 SC.08 AWARD OF CONTRACT AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK Delete Item 1.12 of the Special Provisions and Item 1.13 of the General Provisions in their entireD' and substitute the following: ITEM 1.13 AWARD OF CONTRACT AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK It is the intention of the Owner to award one (1) contract for the work on basis of the lowest responsible bid or bids submitted by qualified bidders as determined by the Owner. Award will be based upon evaluation of the following: a) Lowest responsible bid. b) Past experience with similar type projects. c) Past experience with similar size ($) or larger projects. d) Reference checks on completed projects. e) Analysis of current financial condition of the company. A composite evaluation of all the above factors will be utilized by the City in determining the lowest qualified bidder. The right is reserved, as the interest of the Owner may required, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. The Owner will notify the successful bidder or bidders of the City's acceptance of Proposal in writing within ninety (90) days after the date of opening bids. The Contractor shall complete the execution of the required Performance and Payment Bonds and contract within ten (10) days of such notice, or the Owner shall be entitled to the proceeds of the proposal guaranty in accordance with Item 1.5 of the General Provisions. Following award and execution of the contract and required surety bonds, the Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) days from the date specified in a written Work Order to be issued by the Owner. No work shall commence prior to the issuance of such work order or before the required insurance has been obtained by the Contractor, with certificates filed with the Owner evidencing the required coverage to be in force. Should the Owner unreasonably delay the issuance of the work order through no fault of the Contractor, the ConUactor shall be entitled only to an equitable extension of contract time, the contract amount to remain unchanged. Time shall commence on the tenth (10th) day after issuance of the work order or on the day work actually begins, whichever is earlier. The work order shall consist of a written request by the Engineer for the Contractor to proceed with the construction of the projeet. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Add the following to Item 1.11 of the General Provisions: Within five (5) working days after bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall submit such evidence as the Owner may require to establish the bidder's qualifications to satisfactorily perform the work included in this project. Information that may be required shall include the following: a) Current Financial Statement. b) Letter of Auditor's opinion if available. c) Previous years Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Change of Financial Position. SC.09 d) List of projects that have been satisfactorily completed by the Bidder that are of the same general type as included in this contract, together with names, addresses and phone numbers or person familiar with this work. e) Other information that may be pertinent to the Bidder's Qualifications. Should the bidder fail to produce evidence satisfactory to the Owner on any of the foregoing points he may be disqualified and the work awarded to the next bidder so qualifying. TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS The work performed under this section of the specifications consists of providing trench safety systems consisting of shoring, sheeting, trench shield, and/or laid back slopes to meet the trench safety requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as required for this project and specified herein. a) General Trench safety systems shall be provided by the Contractor as provided in Subpart P - Excavation, Trenching and Shoring, Part 1926 of the Code of Federal Regulations which describes safety and health regulations as administered by the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.). The standards specified by the O.S.H.A. Regulations shall be the minimum allowed on this project. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provides design and install adequate trench safety systems for all trenches excavated on this project. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner for review, after award of the contract by the City Council and prior to execution of the contract by the City, a Trench Safety System and Plan for the entire project. Each system and plan shall include a waiver claim for delay time and cost. The trench safety plan must be prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas with professional experienc~ in soil mechanics and structural design. In addition, all trench safety systems utilized in this project must be designed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas. The Contractor shall be totally responsible for the safety of all persons involved in the construction of this project. Changes in the excavation safety plan after initiation of construction may not be cause for extension of time or change order, and will require the same review process. Contractor accepts sole responsibility of compliance with all applicable safety requirements. The review is only for general conformsnee with OSHA safety standards. Release of the excavation safety plan by the City Engineer does not relieve Contractor from any or all construction means, methods, techniques and procedures; and any property damage or bodily injury (including death) that arises from use of the excavation safety plan, from Contractor's negligence in performance of contract work, or from City's failure to note exceptions to the excavation plan, shall remain the sole responsibility and liability of Contractor. b) Core Borings Any core borings and soil data fumished by the Owner, are for the convenience of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional soil or geotechnical information required. The Contractor shall be responsible for properly designed trench safety systems to be utilized for any type of subsurface condition found on this project. The furnishing of soil information by the Owner in no way relieves the Contractor of this obligation. If no core borings or soil data are furnished by the Owner, it shall be the Contraetor's responsibility to obtain whatever geotechnical information required for preparation of the trench safety systems. c) Inspections In addition to the inspections of the trench and trench safety systems required of the Contractor by the O.S.H.A. Regulations, the Owner may further inspect the work. The Owner shall have the right to reject any trench safety systems which he finds to be inadequate, and the Contractor shall immediately improve the system to comply with this specification. d) Details The standard detail plans for Sheeting, Trench Shield, and Trench Jacks as shown in the O.S.H.A. Regulations previously referenced are included as part of this specification, as well as Table P-l, approximate angle of repose for sloping of sides of excavations, and Table P;2, Trench Shoring- Minimum Requirements. The design of the members shown in Table P-2 is the minimum acceptable on this project. e) Measurement and Payment Measurement and Payment of Trench Safety Systems and Plan shall be on a lump sum basis. The payment shall be full compensation for all engineering, planning, materials, equipment, fabrications, installation, recovery and all incidental work required. All excavation and backfill in addition to that specified elsewhere in these specifications shall be considered subsidiary to this bid item. SC.10 PERMITS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY The Owner will provide rights-of-way for the purpose of construction without cost to the Contractor by securing permits in areas of public dedication or by obtaining easements across privately owned property. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, prior to the initiation of construction of easements through private property, to inform the property owner of his intent to begin construction. Before beginning construction in areas of public dedication, the Contractor shall inform the agency having jurisdiction in the area forty-eight (48) hours prior to initiation of the work. SC.11 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Prior to starting work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule for the work included herein and shall submit any major revisions to this schedule as the project progresses. This schedule shall provide for completion of the project within the time provided in the specifications. SC.12 PROPERTY LINES & MONUMENTS SC.13 The Contractor shall protect all property comer markers, arid when any such markers or monuments are in danger of being disturbed they shall be properly referenced and if disturbed shall be reset at the expense of the Contractor. FENCES & DRAINAGE CHANNELS Boundary fences or other improvements removed to permit this construction shall be replaced in the same location and left in their original condition of grade and cross section after the construction is completed. SC.14 PUBLIC UTILITIES & OTHER PROPERTY TO BE CHANGED In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any Owner or of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until authorized by the utility company or approved by the Owner. The right is reserved to the Owner or public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of their property that may be made necessary by the performance of this contract. SC.15 SC.16 SC.17 SC.18 SC.19 EXISTING UTILITIES & SERVICE LINES The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all existing utilities or service lines crossed or exposed by his construction operations. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut. broken. or damaged, the Contractor shall replace the utilities or service lines with the same type of original construction, or better, at his own cost and expense. USE OF EXPLOSIVES Use of explosives will not be allowed. CONSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC ROADS AND PRIVATE DRIVES No public road shall be entirely closed overnight. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to build and maintain all weather bypasses and detours, if necessary, and to properly light, barricade and mark all bypasses and detours that might be required on and across the roads involved in the work included in this contract. The Contractor shall make every effort to complete construction and allow immediate access to adjacent property at driveway entrances located along the roadways. Owners or tenants of improvements where access and/or entrance drives are located shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time the construction will be started at their drive-ins or entrances and informed as to the length of time driveways will be closed. The Contractor shall be responsible for all road and entrance reconstruction and repairs and maintenance of same for a period of one year from the date of such reconstruction. In the event the repairs and maintenance are not made immediately to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and it becomes necessary for the City to make such repairs, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for the cost of such repairs. The Contractor shall, at all times, keep a sufficient width of the roadway clear of dirt and other material to allow the free flow of traffic. The Contractor shall assume any and all responsibility for damage, personal or otherwise, that may be 'caused by the construction along roads and private drives. BARRICADES, LIGHTS AND WATCHMEN The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricadeS, fences, lights and danger signals, shall provide such watchman, and shall provide such other precautionary measured for the protection of persons or property and of the work as are necessary. Barricading and detouring shall be in strict conformance with Part IV, Construction and Maintenance, of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Street and. Highways, latest revision. From sunset to sunrise, the Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least one light at each barricade and sufficient numbers of barricades shall be erected to keep vehicles from being driven on or into any work under construction. The Contractor shall furnish watchmen in sufficient numbers to protect the work. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, lights and watchmen to protect it and whenever evidence is found of such damage the Contractor shall immediately remove the damaged portion and replace it at his cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for the maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights, and for providing watchmen shall not cease until the project has been accepted by the Owner. LINES AND GRADES In accordance with Item 2.9 on Pages 2-3 and 2-4 of Section 2, control and benchmarks are as shown on the plans. SC.20 SC.21 SC.22 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN The Contractor shall submit proposed concrete mix design for each class of concrete to the Owner for review and acceptance. The mix designs shall be proportioned in accordance with the requirements of A.C.I. 318-83 and include data from field experience and/or trial mixtures with the results of confirmation cylinders. The mix designs and supporting data shall be submitted and accepted at least 10 days prior to placing concrete. CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH COST BREAKDOWN The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a breakdown of any lump sum bid suitable for use in the preparation of progress estimates of the job. Such a breakdown shall be in sufficient detail so as to permit its use in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. It shall not be unbalanced. Progress payments for materials on hand and equipment delivered will be based on invoices. Cost breakdown, as above described, shall be subject to approval by the Engineer and shall no._~t include individual line items for bonds, insurance or move-in costs. The Engineer will not recommend approval of a progress estimate for payment until a satisfactory cost breakdown of the project has been submitted by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit an estimate of monthly payment requests based on the target construction schedule and the cost breakdown. The estimate of monthly payment request shall be reviewed and updated each three months. WAGE RATES All employees of the Contractor on the work to be performed under this contract shall be paid the prevailing wage scale in this locality for work of a similar character, and in no event less than the minimums prescribed in the schedule following the Proposal & Bid Schedule in Section 1 of these specifications, Pages 1-23 through 1-24. The "prevailing rates" shown will be the minimum wages acceptable on this project. If the construction project involves the expenditure of federal funds in excess of $2,000.00, the minimum wages to be paid various classes of laborers and mechanics will be based upon the wages that will be determined by the Secretary of Labor to be prevailing for the corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on the project of a character similar to the contract work in the City of Coppell or the rate given above, whichever is higher. Except for work on legal holidays, the "general prevailing rate of per diem wage" for the various crafts or type of workers or mechanics is the product of (a) the number of hours worked per day, except for overtime hours, times (b) the above respective Rate Per Hour. For legal holidays, the "general prevailing rate of per diem wage" for the various crafts or types of workers or mechanics is the product of (a) one and one-half time the above respective Rate Per Hour times (b) the number of hours worked on the legal holiday. The "general prevailing rate for overtime work" for the crafts or type of workers or mechanics is one and one-half times the above respective Rate Per Hour. Under the provisions of Article 5159a Vemon's Annotated Texas Statutes, the Constructor shall forfeit as a penalty to the entity on whose behalf the Contractor is made or awarded, Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, worker or mechanic is paid less than the said stipulated rates for any work under the contract, by him, or by an subcontractor under him. SC.23 SC.24 ANTITRUST The Contractor hereby assigns to the Owner any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States 15 U.S.C.A.. Sec. 1 et seq (1973). SMALL CLAIMS FOR DAIVlAGES OR INJURY Item 1.24.3 SMALL CLAIMS FOR DAIVlAGE OR INJURY is amended to read as follows: If any person files a claim against the OWNER or CONTRACTOR for personal injury or property damage resulting from, arising out of, or caused by, the operations of the Contractor, or any work within the limits of the project, the Contractor must either submit to the Owner a duly executed full release within thirty (30) days from the date of written claim, or immediately report the claim to his liability insurance carrier for their action in adjusting the claim. If the Contractor fails to comply with this provision within the stipulated time limit, it will be automatically deemed that the Contractor has appointed the Owner as its irrevocable Attorney-In-Fact authorizing the Owner to report the claim directly with the liability insurance earlier. This provision is in and of itself a Power-of-Attorney from the Contractor to the Owner which authorizes the Owner to take said action on behalf of the Contractor without the necessity of the execution of any other document. If the Contractor fails to comply with the provisions of this item the Owner, at its own d~cretion, may terminate this contract or take any other actions it deems appropriate. Any payment or portion thereof due the.~gntraetor, whether it is a final payment, progress payment, payment out of retainage or refund payment m"iy be withheld by the Owner as is authorized by Item 1.52. Bankruptcy, insolvency or denial of liability by the insurance eartier shall not exonerate the Contractor from liability. SC.25 TESTING AND QUALITY CONTROL a) Testing of Materials Observation of the Contraetor's work to determine compliance with the plans and specifications will include testing of material installed on the project. Testing of work performed and materials furnished shall be done by an engineering testing laboratory employed by the Owner. The Contractor shall use only materials in the work which meet the requirements of the specifications. The City will employ the services of an engineering testing laboratory to make certain inspections and to sample and test the materials to be used in the work. The Contractor shall furnish, at his own expense, all necessary specimens for testing of the materials and when requested, shall furnish a complete written statement of the origin, composition, and/or manufacturer of any or all materials that are to be used in the work. All materials not conforming to the requirements of the specifications will be rejected. b) Quality Control During the construction, the Owner will retain the engineering testing laboratory to perform services related to checking the quality of the work being performed by the Contractor to determine if the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. THIS QUALITY CONTROL SERVICE DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF HIS RESPONSIBILITY WITH REGARD TO CONSTRUCTING THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT. If the Contractor fails to meet specified conditions by the first test, further tests to demonstrate compliance with the connet shall be at the expense of the Contractor, and payment for the test can be withheld permanently from the Contraetor's total compensation. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE THE ON-SITE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER SUFFICIENT NOTICE OF HIS INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, OR HOT MIX ASPHALTIC SC.26 SC.27 SC.28 SC.29 SC.30 CONCRETE TO ASSURE THE ADEQUATE QUALITY CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. c) Testing and Quality Control Services Testing and Quality Control Services shall include but are not limited to the following: 1 ) Embankment · Moisture - Density Curves. · Field Compaction Test: Test Method ASTM D698-90 Method A. 2) Structural Concrete · Mix Design · Batch Plant Weight and Moisture Checks · Slump and Air Tests · Compresslye Strength Tests SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall furnish for review and acceptance shop drawi.ngs on all specified items in the bidding documents, addendures, change orders and field changes. COORDINATION & NOTIFICATION All construction shall be performed in a manner and sequence to minimize the disruption of traffic whenever possible. Coordination with and approved from the Owner shall be required prior to any rerouting, detouring, blocking, or disruption of traffic and permit obtained from the City of Coppell. COPIES OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED Five (5) sets of plans and specifications shall be furnished without charge to the Contractor for construction purposes. Additional copies may be obtained from the Engineer at actual reproduction costs. DISPOSAL OF WASTE AND SURPLUS EXCAVATION All excavated earth in excess of that required for backfilling shall be disposed of in a satisfactory manner in locations approved by the Owner's representative. SERVICE OF MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE The contract price for the project shall include the cost of furnishing competent and experienced representatives from the manufacturers involved. Such representatives shall assist the Contractor, when required, to install, adjust, and test the equipment in conformity with the contract documents. After the equipment is placed in permanent operations by the Owner, such representatives shall make all adjustments and tests as specified or required to comply with the contract documents, and shall instruct the Owner in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. CIVIL SECTION OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS Pale No. SC.31 Painting (Civil, Mechanical, Structural and Electrical) ..................................................................4-12 SC.32 Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals .....................................................................................4-14 SC.33 Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal Pump and Motor .......................................................................4-17 SC.34 Valves .............................................................................................................................................4-29 SC.35 Transit Time Meter .........................................................................................................................4-33 SC.36 Instrumentation ...............................................................................................................................4-35 4-11 CIVIL SC.31 PAINTiNG (CIVIL, MECHANICAL, STRUCTURAL & ELECTRICAL) A. General The work to be performed under this Special Condition of the specifications shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for motors, exposed pipe, valves and fittings, supports, metal work and equipment as specified herein. All metal surfaces to be painted shall be sound, clean and free of harmful scale, rest, dirt. oil, grease, moisture, or any other foreign matter which might, in any way, lessen the life or usefulness of the coating. All metal shall be smooth and free from blisters, rough comers, pits, dents, or other imperfections before painting. Pits and dents shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Owner prior to painting. Wood surfaces shall be sanded smooth and dust removed. Knots or sap spots shall be sealed with shellac. Nail and screw holes shall be puddied after prime coat and sanded smooth. Shop coated surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and touched up before the application of subsequent paint coats in the field. Parts inaccessible after assembly or erection shall be given two coats of shop paint. Each coat of shop paint shall be a different color. Surfaces which are to be welded after erection shall, where practicable, not receive a shop coat of paint. If painted, such paint shall be removed before field welding, for a distance of at least 2 inches on either side of the joint. Heads of bolts, surfaces which are unpainted because of welding, and any other areas of structural steel on which the shop coat has been abraded or otherwise damaged shall be touched up with the specified primer after erection. Provide a sufficient quantity of paint specified for touch up at project site. Paints and similar materials shall be mixed in vessels of adequate capacity. All paints shall be thoroughly stirred before being taken from the containers, shall be kept stirred while using, and all ready-mixed paints shall be applied exactly as received from the manufacturer without addition of any kind of a drier or thinher except in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved by the Engineer. All painting at the site of the work is hereby defined as field painting and the Owner's Representative shall determine where and when painting may be done. All surfaces to be painted shall have their readiness for painting approved by the Owner before work is started. Surfaces of exposed members inaccessible after erection shall be cleaned and painted before erection. No painting shall take place unless the atmospheric temperature is at least 40°F and rising, or when the surface temperature is below the dew point, or when relative humidity is above 75%, unless approved by the Owner. Painting also shall not proceed if the temperature is expected to fall below 45° F before the paint has dried. Painting found defective shall be removed and the surface repainted as directed by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. Before final acceptance of the project, any damaged painted surfaces shall be touched up or repainted, as directed by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. B. Shop Painting All equipment, valves, piping, motors, structural steel and miscellaneous metal shall receive one (1) shop coat of a primer compatible with the field coat specified. C. Field Painting It is the intent of this section of the specifications that all metal workbe prope~y painted whether or not specific mention is made hereinafter of each individual part of the work. D. Compatibility All primers, inter coats if used and top coats applied to any given surface shall be furnished by the same manufacturer and shall form a compatible coating system, as approved. E. Coatings and Paint Schedules Items to be painted includes, but not limited to, the following: All pumps, motors, valves, cast iron, ductile iron, steel pipe, fittings, mechanical equipment, steel members, appurtenances and the like shall receive one coat ofValspar Chromox Primer (13-F-28 Light Gray), 2 mils dry film thickness throughout, and two coats ofValspar Urethane Enamel 40 Series, 2 mils dry film thickness throughout each coat. Colors to be selected by Owner. Alternative paint manufactures with equal products can be utilized upon written acceptance. Contractor shall furnish necessary data sheets and experience record on alternate manufacturers. All coating systems prime and top coats shall be of a single manufacture. Top coat colors shall be selected and color coded by the Owner. Aluminum, PVC, and brass shall not be painted. F. Payment No separate payment will be made for work performed in accordance with this section of the specifications, and the cost thereof shall be included in the appropriate bid item in the Proposal and Bid Schedule. SC.32 STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALS A. General Structural steel and miscellaneous metals covers all ferrous and non-ferrous metals, except castings. including beams, columns, lintels, frames and covers for openings, angle frames and supports for floor gratings, checkered plates, treads, ladders, hand mils, pipe supports and hangers, inserts, pipe sleeves, bolts, nuts, washers, firings, bar gratings, trussed tees, and similar work. B. Materials The work described in this section, unless otherwise noted on the drawings or herein specified, shall be governed by the following codes or specifications: 1) Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges - AISC 2) Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of STructural Steel in Building - AISC 3) General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and Bars for structural Use - ASTM A6 4) Applicable Material Specifications - ASTM 5) Code for Welding in Building Construction - AWS D 1.0 6) Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts as approved by the Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints of the Engineering Foundation C. Workmanship The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct fitting of all structural members and for the elevation and alignment of the finished structure. Shop Drawings Shop drawings, including erection sequences, procedures and diagrams, schedules, welding procedures and welding qualifications, and complete details, shall be submitted prior to fabrication. Welding Qualification of welders and welding operators, filler metal, welding techniques and procedures shall be in accordance with AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, AWS Code for Welding in Building Construction. All shop and field welders shall be certified by the Owner's testing laboratory to make groove and fillet welds in all positions. Certifications shall not be more than six months old during the time of welding in the erection period, Erection Ternplates and/or drawings shall be provided by the Manufacturer that can be used by the Contractor to preclude misplaeements of anchor bolts, and the bolts shall be installed at locations and with projections established by Manufacturer steel drawings. Temporary bracing and guy lines shall be provided to adequately protect all persons and property and to insure proper alignment of equipment during erection at the project site. Painting After inspection and approval and before leaving the shop, all structural steel shall be cleaned of all loose mill scale, rest, spatter, slag or flux deposit, oil. din and other foreign matter by: 1) Solvent Cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 1-63, or 2) Hand Cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 2-63. All steel work shall be given one coat of the specified metal primer, applied by brush or spray thoroughly and evenly. Paint shall be applied only to clean, dry surfaces. Parts inaccessible after assembly or erection shall be given two coats of shop paint, preferably of different colors. Surfaces which are to be welded after erection shall, where practicable, not receive a shop coat of paint. If painted, such paint shall be removed before field welding, for a distance of at least 2 inches on either side of the joint. Heads of bolts, surfaces which are unpainted because of welding, and any other areas of structural steel on which the shop coat has been abraded or otherwise damaged shall be touched up with the specified primer after erection. Provide a sufficient quantity of paint specified for touchup at proj eel site. Fabficator shall certify on shop drawing that the shop coat of paint used is as specified above. Galvanizing Galvanizing shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the ASTM A-123, latest edition, for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars and their Products. Damaged areas or field-welded areas shall be repaired after erection by applying a liquid cold- galvanizing compound conforming to U. S. Navy galvanizing repair specification MIL-P-21035, such as Z.R.C. as manufactured by the Sealube Company, or approved equal. Grating Floor and platform grating and stairs shall be aluminum, GAL-225, as manufactured by McNichols Company, or equal. Size and material to be as noted on the manufacturers drawings in his proposal. Provide standard clips or bolts to make all grating sections fully removable. Anchor Bolts Anchor bolts shall be of the size shown on the plans. Anchor bolts shall be galvanized or stainless steel unless otherwise specified. High Strength Bolts High strength bolts shall conform to ASTM A325-X. Castings Iron castings shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A48, Class 30 or Class 40. Castings shall be as detailed or specified on the drawings. They shall be of uniform quality, free fromblow holes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage defects, cracks or other injurious defects. Castings shall be manufactured true to pattern and with satisfactory fit of component parts. Items with covers shall have machined beating surfaces so fitting parts will not raffle or rock under traffic. Aluminum Aluminum structural shapes shall be 6061-T6 alloy. All aluminum structural shapes embedded in or attached to concrete shall be coated with a 5.0 mil minimum coverage of coal-tar epoxy before embedment or attachment (see Section G4.24 of these specifications). All wielding shall be in accordance with the AWS Structural Welding Code of the American Welding Society. Welds shall be made only by welders, tackers, and welding operators who have previously qualified by tests as prescribed in the AWS Structural Welding Code, to perform the type of work required. Filler alloys for welding shall be ER-4043. Frames and Covers The frame and cover for the conduit runs shall be Neenah R-4990 with Type 2 frame or equal. Changes to North Central Texas Standard Specifications for Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals and Concrete Structural Forms 1) Division 2, Item 2.2.6 - STEEL REINFORCEMENT, Page 98, Paragraph 6(b)(1) shall be deleted and replaced with the following: "New Billet Steel: Deformed and plain billet steel bars for concrete reinforcement, ASTM designation A615, Grade 60." Also 6(b)(2) and 6(b)(3) shall be deleted from this project. 2) Division 2, Item 2.21 - PERFORMED FLEXIBLE JOINT SEALANT, Page 220. This item shall also apply to sealing of construction joints in concrete walls and the like. 3) Division 2, Page 223 add the following section: "Item 2.25 - BACKWALL DRAIN Backwall drains to be Miradrain 6000 as manufactured by Mirafi, Inc., or accepted equal." 4) Division 7, Item 7.6.7 - FORMS, Page 388, add the following subparagraph: "(e) Forms for structural FLOM PAN-JOIST shall be commercial steel or new plywood forms equal to these manufactured by CECO Corp., or accepted equal." Steel forms shall be straight and true to line. Bent or dented forms, in the opinion of the City, will be rejected. 5) Division 7, Item 7.6.11 - CURING CONCRETE, Page 397, subparagraph "c" shall be deleted from this project. No membrane curing allowed. Payment The materials and labor required for furnishing and installing the items specified in this section of the specifications shall not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the appropriate item in the Proposal and Bid Schedule. SC.33 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP & MOTOR A. Description The equipment to be furnished under this Special Conditions of the specifications shall consist of one (1) split case horizontal high service pump, complete with electric motor and appurtenances as specified herein. Selection of Pump and Motor The pumps and motors furnished shall be subject to approval of the Owner. Pump suppliers desiring to furnish this equipment shall address their proposal to the "Successful Contractor" for the City of Coppell Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station. Sealed proposal shall be received by the Owner at the time and place designated for bids on the general contract for construction of the Addition of Pump No. 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station. Proposals shall include performance curves, efficiency, and descriptive data in sufficient detail to fully describe the pumping equipment the supplier proposes to furnish. In addition, suppliers will be expected to furnish each bidder whatever information may be needed to allow him to determine his installation COSTS. Proposals shall include delivery of pump and motor F.O,B. the job site and services of the manufacturer's representative to assist the General Contractor in the installation, adjustment and testing of the installed equipment. A bid allowance of $75,000.00 has been established in the Proposal and Bid Schedule as the cost of Pump No. 4 delivered to the job site. The Contractor shall include this amount in his bid proposal. The cost of handling and installation, including Contraetor's profit, shall be included in the Bid Item No. 2 and shall be in addition to the above specified amount. The Owner will make an adjustment in the contract price for any difference betwean the estimated cost and the actual cost by increasing the contract price for Bid Item No. 1 by the amount of the difference if the cost exceeds the amount herein-before specified, or by decreasing the contract price by the amount of the difference if the cost is less. After proposals from the pump suppliers are opened, they will be tabulated for comparison of prices and other factors investigated. The Owner reserves the right, in selecting the pumping equipment specified herein, to give full weight to efficiency, cost, availability of maintenance and service facilities, and other characteristics that may be material factors in the selection of the equipment best suited to the Owner's interest. After the pumps are placed in service 6 sets of actual pump performance curves shall be supplied to the Owner. C. Pumps and Motors The pumps and motors to be furnished shall be in accordance with the following: 1) Pumping Conditions Pump No. 4 Rated Capacity - GPM 9,000 Rated Head - TDH in Feet 210 Maximum Efficiency at Rated Capacity and Head 89% Shut-Off Head-Feet 270 2) Pump No. 4 Maximum Allowable Pump Speed - RPM Minimum Horsepower Electric Motor Minimum Discharge Flange Size - Inches Minimum Suction Flange Size - Inches Minimum Size Bowl Shaft - Inches 1,200 600 12" 16" 2¼" The above information shall be included as part of the submittal package. System head curve for this station, for both present and ultimate conditions, along with proposed pump curves, have been included at the end of this Special Condition. Pump curves shown are for general guidance for suppliers and exact conformance with the curves shown is not required. However, consideration will be given to suppliers offering units with the highest average efficiencies when operating in the head range shown on system head curve. All pumps shall be designed to operate satisfactorily through the range of heads indicated. Pump Construction a) Casing The casing shall be double volute, double suction cast iron conforming to ASTM A48, Class 30. The upper and lower casing halves shall be flanged bolted and doweled together with tapered dowels. The upper half casing flange shall have tapped holes for jacking screws and lifting lugs or eyebolts. Supporting feet, bearing arms, and nozzles shall be either cast integrally or bolted and doweled on the lower casing half casing. The feet shall provide for bolting and doweling to the baseplate. The suction and nozzles shall be drilled and faced to match ANSI 125 lb. flanges. Flanges shall withstand maximum thrust against a closed valve. Pipe tapped openings shall be provided for draining, priming, and venting the casing for draining the stuffing box leakage. Suitably valved connecting lines or passages shall be provided on the upper half casing leading from the discharge volute to the stuffing box for lubricating the stuffing boxes with the liquid being pumped. To minimize hydraulic radial thrust, the discharge volute shall be of the double or dual type. b) Impeller The impeller shall be a one piece, Bronze B584, C90500 casting completely machined on all exterior surfaces and dynamically balanced. The impeller water passages shall have uniform sections, smooth surfaces, and be free from cracks and porosity. Impellers shall be statically and dynamically balances to prevent whipping and vibration throughout the operating range, from shutoff head to run out. The impellers shall be mounted on the shaft with a single key, which extends beyond the impeller hub, locking the impeller and shaft sleeves against rotation on the shaft. c) Shaft and Shaft Sleeves i. Pump shafts shall be made of alloy steel, equivalent to ANSI 1045. stress relieved~ machined to true dimension, accurately ground and polished over the entire length. All parts shall have polished surfaces. ik Shafts, where exposed to water or passing through glands and stuffing boxes, shall be protected by renewable (removable) bronze shaft sleeves ASTM B 505-C90300. The sleeves shall be secured in place for both directions of pump rotation, whit shaft nuts incorporating set screws for locking purposes. The sleeves shall be provided with O-rings to prevent leakage between the shaft and sleeves. Shaft diameter shall be sized to prevent torsional and flexural deflection~ which would cause whipping and vibrating under any condition. The first critical speed shall be at lest 125% of operating speed. iii. Small fittings and accessories inside the pump and around the shaft sleeves and packing glands, such as set screws, bolts, and nuts that are exposed to water or water spray, shall be made of non-corrosive materials such as bronze or stainless steel. d) Wearing Rings The impeller shall be fitted with removable bronze wearing rings. The casing wearing rings shall be labyrinth type and designed to provide smooth flow of water into the impeller eye and be provided with a positive means of preventing rotation. Casing and impeller wear rings shall be bronze. Wearing rings shall be designed and machined to close tolerances to minimize leakage. The diametrical clearance shall be not less than 0.001 inch per inch of ring diameter. e) Stuffing Box The stuffing box shall be designed to prevent leakage and exclude air from the casing. Each stuffing box shall be fitted with a single mechanical seat with carbon vs. Silicon carbide faces. All internal metal parts shall be stainless steel and the spring shall be Hastelloy. The gland shall be stainless steel. The seal shall be flushed with water from the discharge volute. The seat pipes shall be brass or stainless steel and furnished with a control valve. Bearings Bearings may be either grease or oil lubricated antifriction type or oil lubricated ball or roller bearing. Antifrication bearings shall be an AFBMA B-10 rating of 300,000 hours at specified operating conditions. The pump shaft speed shall not exceed the bearing manufacturer's limitations. Bearing housings shall be designed to maintain shaft alignment and optimum life of bearings and lubricant. Housing shall have labyrinth type running clearances and throwers to retain the lubricant and keep out contaminants. Ample clearance for stuffing box maintenance shall be provided between the bearing housings and the stuffing box glands. The bearing sensing element shall be a resistance temperature detector (RTD). The RTD shall be 10 ohms, three lead type. RTD shall be installed with compression fittings 3) mounted on the exterior of the bearing housing for easy removal. RTD shall be installed such that no leakage or oil damage to the lining will occur. g) Flexible Coupling The pump coupling shall be a Faulk Flexible Coupling, or equal. h) Accessories Each pump shall be provided with lifting eye bolts or lugs, 1/2-inch plugged gage cock connections at the suction and discharge flanges, tapped and plugged openings for casing and bearing housing vents and drains. Grease lubricated units shall be provided with pressure relief fittings. Constant level oilers shall be provided for oil lubricated units. i) Baseplate Baseplates shall be structural steel and provided with adequate openings to facilitate grouting and openings for electrical conduits as needed or shown on the drawings. Electric Motor a) General i. Motors shall be designed and constructed in accordance with NEMA MG-1 and MG-2. ii. Motors shall be horizontal induction types, suitable for continuous operation on a three-phase, sixty hertz system rated 4160 volts. iii. Motors shall be designed to operate at rated load in a maximum ambient temperature 0f40oC at a maximum altitude of 1,000 meters. iv. The location of installation will be indoors. v. Motor shall have a minimum rated horsepower of 600 HP. Design Requirements i. General Motors shall be capable of withstanding all normal forces which may be imposed upon them during the course of normal operation, including starting and stopping, Motors shal} be suitable for full voltage starting. Motors shall be capable of continuous operation at full load and rated frequency with a voltage variation of+ or - 10%. Motors shall be capable of continuous operation at full load and rated voltage with a frequency variation of + or - 5%. Motor starting current shall not exceed a value equal to that for NEC code letter G. Motor service factor shall be 1.15. Each motor shall be capable of producing a starting torque as required by the pump manufacturer. Pumping system will be started against a closed valve to minimize surges. b) Motor shall have guaranteed efficiency of 95% at full load. Efficiency shall be determined by IEEE 112, Test Method B. ii. Enclosure Motors shall be furnished with weather protecte& Type I (WP-I) enclosure with low noise treatment. Openings on Weather Protected designs shall be covered with metal guard screens having a mesh size no larger than 1/2-inch square. Air filters shall be provided on air inlets. Furnish Air Rite or equal removable aluminum filters. Enclosures shall be of fabricated steel or cast iron construction in accordance with the manufacturer' s standard design. iii. Stator Construction Stator laminations shall be of fully processed steel. Each lamination surface shall be given the necessary treatment so as to have core plate Type C-5 insulation. Stator windings shall be form wound of rectangular copper magnet wire. Aluminum magnet wire is not acceptable. Individual coils shall be insulated with mica bearing tape prior to insertion. Coil extensions shall be blocked and braced sufficiently to minimize movement during normal starting and running conditions at fully rated voltage. Insulation system shall be Class F. Insulation systems shall receive a minimum of two vacuum pressure impregnation treatments using a 100% solids epoxy resin. Temperature rise shall not exceed the limits defined by NEMA for Class B insulation systems while operating at full load and at nameplate frequency and voltage. Stator RTD's shall be used to determine temperature rise. Hot-test RTD value shall be used, not the average. Rotor Construction Rotor shall be of cast or fabricated aluminum in accordance with manufacturer's standard design. Rotor shall be dynamically balanced. Bearings Bearings supplied shall be of type and size sufficient to satisfy thrust loading requirements for each motor in accordance with pump manufacturer. Bearings shall be rated for an in service AFBMA B-10 life of 100,000 hours. Bearings shall grease lubricated, ball bearing type. vi. Noise Level Sound pressure levels shall be measured according to IEEE 85 and shall not exceed 83 decibels as measured on the A-weighted Scale at a distance of three (3) feet from any motor surface under no load, free field conditions. 4-21 vii. Nameplates Motor nameplates shall be of stainless steel and shall be securely fastened to the motor frame with pins of a like material. The following information shall be contained on the motor nameplate as a minimum: · ' Rated Horsepower · Full Load Speed · Frequency · NEMA KVA Code and Design Letter · Rated Voltage · Manufaeturer's Serial Number · Service Factor · Insulation Class · Maximum Ambiem · Full Load Current at Nameplate voltage · Frame Size Designation · Bearing Numbers · Space Heater Volts and Watts viii. Terminal Boxes Terminal boxes shall be of east iron construction, diagonally split and capable of rotation in 90° increments. Boxes not suitable for rotation must be capable of bottom entry. Conduit box shall have pipe threads for entry of conduit as shown on the electrical plans. The area on which the main terminal box is connected with the motor frame shall be fully gasketed in order to prevent entrance of foreign matter into the motor and to provide support for the stator leads where they pass through the motor frame. A grounding terminal shall be mounted in the main terminal box and sized for conductor as shown on the electrical plans. The main terminal box shall be 24" wide x 30" tall and with adequate depth to accommodate the use of 3M 5620K Series termination kits. Shop drawings shall clearly illustrate box size provided to accommodate cable terminations. ix. Leads Main motor leads shall have EPDM or equal type jackets and shall be permanently tagged for identification. The relationship between lead markings and the direction of rotation shall be indicated on a separate motor nameplate. c) Accessories i. Space Heaters Motors shall be furnished with space heaters to provide sufficient wattage to maintain the internal temperature of the motor at a level approximately 10oC above the ambient temperature while the motor is not in operation. Space heaters shall be of the silicone robber strip type attached to the stator end turns. The leads shall be brought out to an auxiliary cast iron terminal box and wired to terminal blocks. Space heaters shall be rated for operation on a single phase, 60 hertz, 120 volt system. ii. Protective Devices Stator winding protection shall consist of six 3-lead, 100 ohm platinum resistance- type temperature detectors (RTD's) embedded in the stator windings, two (2) per phase. Each detector shall have its leads wired to a terminal block located in an auxiliary cast iron terminal box. Bearing protection shall consist of two (2) three lead, 100 ohm platinum resistance- type temperature detectors CRTD's), one (1) per beating, mounted as closely as possible to the outer surface of each bearing. Each detector shall have its leads wired to a terminal block located in an auxiliary cast iron terminal box. Workmanship, Guarantee & Quality Assurance The workmanship throughout shall be of the highest grade and all equipment furnished shall be guaranteed against defects in workmanship or materials for a period of not less than two (2) year from date it is placed in operation. 1) The pumps shall be the product of an American pump manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of pumps have similar service and of equal size for a minimum period of five years. The following manufacturers are acceptable: · IDP - Worthington Pump Corp., Division Dresser Industries · De Laval · Peerless Pump, Division Indian Head · Ingersoil - Rand 2) The motors shall be the product of a single American motor manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of motors having similar service and of equal size for a minimum period of five years. The following manufacturers are acceptable: · Reliance Electric Co. · General Electric Co. · SiemensElectrical · TECO Westinghouse 3) Inclusion of a Manufacturer in the above list does not imply that a manufacturer's standard product is acceptable. The successful manufacturer will be required to conform to all ,~Titten and implied specifications. 4) One fully assembled pump, which shall be selected by the Engineer. shall be tested at the factory for capacity, power requirements. and efficiency at minimum head, rated head. maximum head, and at as many other points as necessary for accurate performance curve plotting. All tests shall be made in conformity with the requirements and recommendations of the Hydraulic Institute. The Engineer will witness shop tests end inspect the testing equipment used. The Contracior shall furnish the Engineer a plan end elevated sketch of the test setup showing the piping and instrumentation and shall notify the Engineer at least ten days in advance of the time that shop tests will be made. Certified copies of a report covering the test, and capacity, power, end efficiency curves based on shop test results shall be prepared by the pump menufaeturer and delivered to the Engineer not less then ten days prior to shipment of the equipment from the factory. The test reports shall include calculations showing the head losses in all portions of the piping not included in shop tests. Test reports shall include all pump and test information as summarized in the Hydraulic Institute Test Code and description of the test set-up. 5) Upon completion of the pump installations on site, each pumping unit shall be~eld tested. The Contractor shall make arrengements with the Engineer and the pump manufacturers to witness the field pump test. Installation 1) Each pumping unit shall be leveled, aligned, and wedged into position to fit the connecting piping. All pumps shall be installed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer, the Hydraulic Institute, end as shown on the drawings. 2) Grouting shall be as specified in the grouting section. The pump base shall be grouted after initial firing and alignment, but before final bolting of the connecting piping. Special care shall be taken to maintain alignment of pumping unit components. No stress shall be transmitted to the pumping unit flenges. After final alignment end bolting, pump connections shall be tested for applied piping stresses by loosening the flenge bolts. If eny movement or opening of the joints is observed, the piping shall be adjusted to proper fit. Couplings shall be realigned after grouting. Shimming between machined surfaces will not be permitted. 3) Field test shall not be conducted until such time that the entire installation is complete and ready for testing. 4) A certificate from each equipment manufacturer stating that the installation of his equipment is satisfactory, that the equipment is ready for operation, and that the operating personnel have been suitably instructed in the operation, lubrication and care of each unit shall be submitted prior to the request for Certificate of Substantial Completion. Painting All iron and steel parts which will be in contact with water after installation shall be shop cleened by sendblasting and painted with an epoxy coating system. The coating shall have a dry film thickness of at least 10 mils and shall consist of a prime coat and one or more finish coats. At least one quart of the finish coat material shall be furnished with each pump for field touchup. All other surfaces shall have primer and finish coatings as required in the General Equipment Stipulations and the painting section. G. Balance All rotating parts shall be accurately machined and shall be in as nearly perfect rotational balance as practicable. Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. The mass of the unit and its distribution shall be such that resonance at normal operating speeds is avoided. In any case, the vibration displacement (peak to peak) as measured at any point on the machine shall not exceed 2.0 mils and that of the shaft measured at the face of the stuffing box shall not exceed 2.0 mils. At any operating speed, the ratio ofrotative speed to critical speed of a unit or components thereof shall be less than 0.8 or more than 1.3. H. Shop Acceptance Tests - Pump Copies of the test logs, a description of the test piping, equipment and setup, and a test procedure shall accompany certified test performance curves. The curves shall include head, bhp, efficiency, rpm and test NPSHA plotted against capacity, The curves shall be easily read and plotted to scales consistent with performance requirements. Certified copies of a report covering each test, and capacity, power, and efficiency curves based on shop test results, shall be prepared by the pump manufacturer and delivered to the Engineer not less than 10 days prior to shipment of the equipment from the factory. The test reports shall include calculations showing the head losses in all portions of the pump column and elbow and thrust and line shaft bearing losses not included in shop tests. If performance tests are not conducted on the motor, certified test reports of an identical motor shall be included. Motor Tests ~ Testing 1) The motor shall be given a complete initial testing in accordance with IEEE 112 Method B and shall include the following items: a) Current Balance b) High Potential Test c) Vibration Test d) Winding Resistance e) Locked Rotor Current f) No Load Running Current g) Full Load Heat Run h) Full Load Percent Slip i) Efficiency at 100%, 75% and 50% Load j) Power Factor at 100%, 75% and 50% Load 2) Noise test shall be performed on the motor in accordance with IEEE Standard 85. 3) Five (5) copies of certified test reports shall be submitted to the purchaser upon completion of all required tests. 4-25 Engineer reserves the right to witness any or all of the tests specified to be performed. Prices for this shall be included as a separate item in the seller~s quotation. Drawings and Data Complete assembly, foundation, and installation drawings, together with detailed specifications and data covering materials used, pans, devices. and other accessories forming a part of the equipment furnished, shall be submitted in accordance with the submittals section. The data and specifications for each unit shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 1 ) Pumps · Name of manufacturer. · Type of Model. · Design rotative speed. · Type of pump bearings. · Type of Coupling. · Size of discharge outlet. · Size of suction inlet. · Weight. · Complete performance curves showing capacity, head, NPSH requirements, pump efficiency, wire to water efficiency, and bhp requirements. ·Data on shop painting. Motors · Name of manufacturer. · Type of model. · Type of bearings and lubrications. · Rated size of motor hp. · Temperature rating. · Full load rotative speed. · Net weight. · Efficiency at full load and rated pump condition. · Full load current. · Locked rotor current. · Space heater wattage. Complete Pumping Unit · Maximum overall dimensions. · Total weight. 2) 3) K. Service The pump Supplier shall furnish the services of a competent serviceman to check completed installation and be present during initial start-up of unit. He shall also instruct operating personnel in the proper care and maintenance of the equipment after it is placed in operation. The cost of such service shall be borne by the Supplier and included in the price of the equipment. A minimum of two (2) eight-hour working days shall be included in pump supplier's bid for this service. Bidder shall include descriptive literature, outlining dimension prints,pump performance curves and data sheets in sufficient detail to fully describe equipment being offered. Failure to supply sufficient information to evaluate bid will be cause for rejection of bid. Bidder should furnish weights for pumping units as follows: 1) Pumping Unit complete 2) Discharge Head 3) Pump Base Connection Assembly 4) Column and Shaft Assembly 5) Electric Motor 6) Heaviest piece to be handled during erection Bidder shall furnish the following electric motor data: 1) Efficiency Guaranteed to Full Load, 3/4 Load and 1/2 Load 2) Power Factor at Full Load, 3/4 Load & 1/2 Load 3) Outline Dimension Drawing 4) Locked Rotor Amps 5) Full Load Amps 6) Motor Weight 7) Rotor Weight 8) Full Load RPM 9) Frame Size 10) Pictorial cuts of motor construction; ventilation system; bearings L. Spare Pans and Tools 1 ) Furnish one set of all special tools required for the proper servicing of all equipment supplied under these specifications, packed in a suitable steel tool chest with a lock. 2) Furnish the manufacturer 's standard set of spare parts including at least the following: a) Complete set of packing rings for each pump. b) One set of stuffing box bearings for each pump. I 1 11/17/99 I I I 1 '1 1 1 1 1: I 1 } 1 1 . 1 1 350, , 300 -- 250 . ,/" 200, City of Coppell Village ParkwayPump Station System - Pump Head Curves - 1999 Maximum Day Demand I Msxim,m System ~u,~, k [ / · . I Minimum System Cun/e 150 / 100. Existing Pump 1, 2 or 3 Proposed Pump 9,000 gpm (~ 210 (6{;0 HP) Existing Pumps 1 & 2 ~ I Existing Pumps 1, 2 & 3 50 0 I 5,000 I Flow Rate (gpm) 20,000 25,000 30,000 SC.34 VALVES A. Description Of Work The work to be performed under this specification shall consist of furnishing and instal!ing all valves on this project. Butterfly Valves Butterfly valve shall be of the tight-closing, rubber-seated type with cast-iron or ductile-iron bodies and rubber seats which are cemented and clamped into the valve disc. All valves shall be furnished in strict accordance with AWWA rubber-seated butterfly valves Specification C-504. the latest edition. Wafer-type valves will not be accepted. The body shall be cast iron ASTM A126, Class B and shall have face-to-face dimensions in accordance with AWWA Standards for short body, Class 150-B. The butterfly valve shall have a floating body seat ring to compensate for change in direction of flow to assure bottle-tight seal in either direction. The valve shaft shall be an 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel and shall be of stub design. Valve disc and shaft shall be attached by means of an "O" ring sealed taper pin withlocknuts. Valve shaft seal shall consist of "O" rings in a removable bronze cartridge. The valve disc shall be ductile iron ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Valve disc shall be of the offset design providing 360 degrees uninterrupted seating. The resilient seat shall be natural rubber bonded to an 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel retaining ring secured to the disc by an 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel set screws. Resilient seats in all sizes shall be adjustable and replaceable in the field. All butterfly valves shall be spray coated with a two component epoxy to cover all interior ferrous surfaces that come in contact with water. Interior coating shall be factory applied to a nominal thickness of 3-4 mils. Exterior coatings shall be in accordance with the Painting Specifications described elsewhere in these specifications. The interior coating shall be a two part thermosetting epoxy protective coating and shall function as a physical, chemical and electrical barrier between the base metal to which it is applied and the surroundings. The coating shall be non-toxic and shall not impart taste to water. The coating must be formulated from materials deemed acceptable per the Food and Drug Administration Document Title 21 of the Federal Regulations of Food Additives, Section 121.2514 entitled, Resins and Polymeric Coatings. The coating shall have a stain finish and shall be suitable for fieldovercoating and touchup with same coating material without sanding or special surface preparation, or application of heat in excess of room temperature. The coating shall have a successful record of performance in valves, pipe or other allied equipment for a minimum of two years. The interior coating adhesion to the substrata shall exceed cohesion of the coating film as demonstrated by the following tests: a) Prepare test panel and apply coating per manufacturer' s recommendation. b) d) After sample has properly cured per manufacturer's recommendation, scribe an "X" using a sharp knife or scalpel through the coating to the metal substrata. With the point of the knife at the junction of two scribes, attempt to lift off coating. Coating should not lift off substrata or between coats readily, but should break up leaving coating material on the substrata of this damaged area. No disbondmcnt of the film shall be noted as tested above after immersion in tap water for 1500 hours at 100 degrees F. A falling sand abrasion test using ASTM D968 shall produce an abrasion coefficient of 25-30 liters/rail. As an alternative, a Tabor Abrader Test should find 3.5 - 3.7 milligrams coating loss per 100 cycles when using a CSF 10 Wheel (1000 gram weight). Valve discs shall set at 90 degrees to the axis of the valve and revolve through 90 degrees from full open to closed. Valve operator shall be capable of seating and unseating valves and operating through their full stroke based on operating pressures and sized for a Class 150B valve. Manual operator shall be the worm-gear or traveling nut type. having permanently grease-lubricated totally enclosed gearing with operating nut and gear ratio design to require not more than 80 pounds pull at the valve. Operator shall be provided with adjustable limit stops on the input shaft to the operator. Limit stops on output shaft of operator will not be permitted. Operator shall be designed for direct burial service and a valve manhole shall be provided over the valve operator as shown in the plans. The valves shall be mounted horizontally unless shown otherwise on the plans. All valves shall be a Class 150 B unless otherwise shown in the plans. Gate Valves 1 ) Resilient Wedge Gate Valves Resilient wedge gate valves shall be furnished and installed in sizes 2 through 12 inches and shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest AWWA C-509 and cast iron shall conform to the latest ASTM A-126 standards. Gate valves furnished under these specifications, shall be of the solid wedge, resilient seat type with cast iron body and bronze stem designed for 200 pounds per square inch working pressure. All gate valves shall be tested hydrostatically to 300 pounds per square inch. Gate valves shall meet the latest AWWA standard specification (C-509). The seat shall be made of Stryrene Butadiene rubber and provide a positive water tight seal. The seat shall be permanently bonded or mechanically attached to the wedge with stainless steel screws. If bonded, ASTM P-429 requirements shall be followed. Non-rising stem gate valves shall be equipped with "O" ring type packing gland consisting of at least two "O" rings. The thrust collar shall work in an "O" ring seal lubricant reservoir or against bearings or washers, above and below constructed of Delrin or approved equal material. Gate valve stems, 2 inches through 12 inches shall be fabricated from solid bronze rod having a tensile strength of not less than 60,000 pounds per square inch, and a minimum yield strength of 30,000 pounds per square inch. Cast iron body shall be of iron with an even grain and shall possess a tensile strength of not less than 32,000 pounds per square inch. All bronze castings, except the stem, shall have a tensile strength of not less than 30,000 pounds per square inch. The entire internal valve body surfaces shall be coated with a factory applied 2-component epoxy system or approved equal. The seating surface shall be machined or otherwise constructed to provide a smooth, even surface for the resilient seat. All valves shall open left (counter clockwise) and have a 2-inch square wrench nut unless specified otherwise. 2) Manufacturer All gate valves shall be as manufactured by Mueller Company, Clow Corporation, American Darling or approved equal. Titled Disc Pump Control Check Valve 1 ) Scope a) This specification is intended to cover the design, manufacture, and testing of the 20-inch Titled Disc® Check Valves suitable for pressures up to 400 psig (2750 kPa) water service. b) Check Valves shall be of the Titled Disc®, metal seated, full boxy type capable of accepting a top mounted oil dashpot. 2) Connections a) The valves shall be provided with drilled flanges in accordance with ANSI B 16.1 for Class 125 iron flanges and ANSI B16.42 for Class 150 ductile iron flanges. Iron flanges shall be flat faced. b) Flanged inspection ports shall be provided upstream and downstream of the valve disc for inspection or use with optional dashpots on 6-inches and larger valves. 3) Design a) The valve body shall consist of two sections bolted together as a central diagonal flange inclined at an angle of 55 degrees. The inlet body section shall contain a seat ring positioned and captured by the diagonal flange. The outlet body section shall accept eccentrically located pivot pin tnmnions with sealed covers and lubricated grease fittings. b) The eccentric pivot trunnions shall be located to divide the disc into approximately 1/3 and 2/3 proportions and also allow the seating surface of the disc to rotate away from the seating surface of the seat ring without contact. Clearance shall be provided between the pivot pin and bushing when the disc is seated to prevent binding and to ensure a tight seal. c) The flow area through the valve body inlet and outlet shall be equal to the nominal pipe size and gradually increased to an area 40% greater at the valve seat. d) A position indicator shall be supplied on 6-inch and larger valves and visually show disc position at all times. e) The valve disc and seat shall have a seating surface finish of 32 micro-inch or better to ensure positive seating at all pressures. The leakage rote shall not exceed one-half of the allowable rate allowed by AWWA Standard C508 or 0.5 oz (15 ml) per hour per inch (mm) of valve size, The valve flow way shall be contoured and unrestricted to provide full flow areas at all locations within the valve. Full flow shall be based on the open stroke of 40 degrees to assure stabilization of the disc when open. Cv flow coefficients shall be equal to or greater than 3600 and verified by an independent testing laboratory. 4) Materials a) The valve body shall be constructed of ASTM A126 Class B cast iron for Class 125 valves. b) The disc in sizes up to 10-inch (250 mm) shall be one-piece construction with integral seat and constructed of ASTM B271 Alloy C95400 aluminum bronze. 12-1rich (300 mm) and larger disc shall be ASTM A126 Class B cast iron. Discs furnished for 12-inch (300 mm) and larger valves with Top Oil Dashpots shall be constructed of ASTM A536 Grade 65- 45-12 ductile iron. The disc seating ring shall be ASTM B271 Alloy C95500 centrifugaliy cast aluminum bronze. The mating seat ring located in the body shall be ASTM B271 Alloy C95400 centrifugally cast aluminum bronze. c) The pivot pins shall be ASTM B505 Alloy C95500 aluminum bronze and shall be guided by a bushing constructed of ASTM B505 Alloy C95400 aluminum bronze (12-inches and larger valves). d) A Nema-4 machine tool type limit switch with DPDT contacts shall be provided. The switch shall be mounted to the inspection cover and have an adjustable trip arm for sensing the closed position. e) A Bottom Mounted Oil Dashpot shall be factory installed in the upstream inspection port to provide independent hydraulic control of the valve closing strokes to reduce water hammer normally associated with pump operation. The dashpot shall consist of a high pressure hydraulic cylinder with internal cushion adjustment, two external flow control valves, a pressurized oil reservoir, a stainless steel non-pressurized reservoir, and piping. The closing stroke shall be two-stage with the last 10% of closing travel dampened with the internal cylinder cushion. A dashpot spacer which connects the cylinder to the valve shall have an air gap to prevent hydraulic fluid from antering the valve and contaminating the water system. A connecting rod fitted with O-ring seals and rod wiper scrapers shall be linked to an integrally cast clevis on the disc. The connecting rod shall be attached to the cylinder rod with a quick change coupling constructed of 17-4 PH stainless steel. The cylinder rod, connecting rod, and coupling shall be held in place by coupling retainer to allow decoupling of the cylinder while the check valve is under pressure. 5) Manufacture a) The valves shall be hydrostatically tested at 1.5 times their rated cold working pressure. Additional tests shall be conducted per AWWA, ANSI, MSS or API standards when requested. When requested, the manufacturer shall provide test certificates, dimensional drawings, pans list drawings, and operation and maintenance manuals. b) The manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in the manufacture of Titled Disc® Check Valves. A 20-inch valve or larger shall be proof of design cycle tested through 250,000 cycles in the horizontal position and leak tested at the rated pressure. The leakage rate shall be less than one fluid ounce per hour per inch of valve size after the test. c) The exterior of the valve shall be coated with a universal alkyd primer. The valve interior shall be coated with an epoxy coating approved for potable water. d) Titled Disc® Check Valves shall be Series #9000T (with bottom mounted oil dashpot) as manufactured by Val-Matic® Valve & Mfg. Corporation, Elrnhurst, IL, USA, or approved equal. Flanges Flanges shall be cast solid and faced accurately at right angles to the axis of the casting. Dimensions and drilling of flanges shall be in accordance with the American Standard Association for a working pressure of 125 pounds per square inch. Special drilling shall be provided where necessary. Payment The valves will not be paid for separately, but the cost thereof shall be included in the proper bid items of the Proposal and Bid Schedule. SC.35 TP,3.NSIT TIME METER A. General A transit-time uitrasonic flowmeter shall be installed on the piping system as shown in the plans and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The meter shall consist of a set of acoustic transducers, interconnecting cable, remote microprocessor-based electronic transmitter and accessories as required for the installation. B, Acoustic Sensors and Mounting Requirements Two flow sensors shall be permanently mounted to the pipe to ensure accurate and stable measurement of flow. The sensors shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and factory approved methods. The mounting hardware and transducers shall have sufficient integrity to maintain accurate sensor placement withstanding normal pipe vibration and shall be capable of operating over a temperature range of -30° to 150° F. In addition, the sensors shall be so designed as to operate under submerged conditions indefinitely. The acoustic sensors shall alternately transmit and receive acoustic energy pulses propagated along the centerline of the fluid. Only transit-time method of operation will be accepted. Fabricated Spool Design The meter body installed in the piping shall be 36-inches intemal diameter with a laying length of 36-inches or longer to accommodate site conditions. It shall be constructed from AWWA C200 epoxy lined welded steel pipe material with ranged connections. A windowed sensor design shall be supplied by the manufacturer that allows sensor removal without dewatering of the line. The sensors and windows shall be constructed of Ultem® thermoplastie and shall have a temperature rating of 150°F. The sensor shall be replaceable without alewatering the pipe. Transmitter Requirements The transmitter shall contain all the circuitry necessary to produce a 4-20 mA DC signal linear with the flow rate. The transmitter shall be capable of measuring and totalizing forward and reverse flow. It shall be microprocessor-controlled. The microprocessor shall be of a single chip design using at least 8K bytes of ROM, 512 bytes of EEROM, and 512 bytes of RAM. The transmitter shall be housed in a foam-molded polycarbonate enclosure suitable for wall/panel mounting, rated NEMA 4X. The display on the enclosure will be a 24-character, 2-line alphanumeric LCD clearly indicating instantaneous flow rate and totalized flow information with the engineering units and multiplier as specified. The transmitter shall utilize menu-driven sequencing of the internal meter functions via five front panel switches. The meter shall be capable of performing the following functions from the front panel switches without the need or use of special external test equipment. · Rate hdication · Totalization · On-Line Meter Status · Self-Test · Meter Identification and Tag Number · Span Adjustment · Zero Adjustment · Flow Damping · Meter Rescale · Meter Recalibration Meter output shall be an isolated 4-20mA DC signal linearly proportional to flow rate operating into a maximum of 1000 ohms. The power requirements for the meter shall be a maximum of 5 watts operating on 117 VAC 50/60 Hz. It shall be capable of operating off 12 VDC continuous or battery back-up. The temperature range for the transmitter shall be from (32° to 140° F) or (0° to 60° C). The transmitter shall be equipped with a serial communication port capable of interactive communication with hand-held microcomputers or mainframe machines. Performance Specifications The flowmeter shall measure, indicate and totalize the flow to within the following parameters: · Accuracy equal to or better than +/- 3% of actual flow above 1 fps velocity for field mounted Sensors. · Accuracy +/-1% of actual flow above 1 fps velocity for spool piece mounted sensors. · Linearity of the units shall be + / - 0.5%. · Repeatability to within + / - 0.25%. · Sensitivity of+ / - 0.005 ft./see. Flowmeter Maintenance The flowmeter manufacturer shall incorporate troubleshooting guides with the instruction manuals. In addition, the meter shall be so designed as to provide a continuous on-line indication of meter status via the LCD display. Through the front panel menu, a user operated, self-test program can be activated that assesses the health of the meter by checking the EEROM, signal strength, transmission status, as well as the electronic circuitry to assure reliable operation of the meter. SC.36 INSTRUMENTATION A. Scope This section covers the instrumentation at Village Parkway Pump Station, supervisory control. and data acquisition (SCADA) system modifications. I & C Sales, Inc. is the SCADA System Integrator for the City of Coppell. All instrumentation connections and SCADA System modifications described below and required to complete the installation of Pump No. 4 and the transit time meter are to be performed and provided by I & C Sales, Inc., 1411 LeMay, Suitee 207, Carrollton, Texas 75007, Phone: (972)-245-4350. The scope of services provided by I & C Sales, Inc. required to complete this work is shown in the "Proposal to the Successful Bidder" for the addition of Pump No. 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station at the end of this section. The Contractor shall include $ in the bid for Item No. 2 to cover the scope of services provided by the City's SCADA Contractor. ~ubmittals Submit catalog literature, specification material and installation and operation manual for each instrument and device specified herein. Submit outline and dimensional drawings and wiring diagrams to Engineer for review. Submit shop drawings for new instrumentation and control panels, SCADA system panels, and modified instrument panel and for the wiring changes at the pump station. System Responsibility The contractor shall assume complete "SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITY" for the instrumentation system and modifications. "System Responsibility" shall mean that the Contractor is responsible for the overall operation, satisfactory performance, and integration of the individual components into the whole system so that the entire system functions in whole and in its parts as intended by the Contract Documents. Modifications To Existing Pump Station Instrumentation Panel Field verify the existing I/O and modify to accommodate the new pump and flow meter. Modify the PLC programming and the human-machine-interface computer screen and add a sub panel as required to control the new pump. Provide complete witnessed testing on a loop-by-loop and circuit-by-circuit basis. Provide personnel to stand by and assist during all startup and testing activities. Operations and Maintenance Manuals Six (6) weeks prior to the completion of the project, compile an Operations and Maintenance Manual on the instrumentation equipment. These manuals shall include detailed instructions, periodic calibration requirements, and maintenance, as well as recommended spare parts lists. Provide complete documentation including point-to-point wiring diagrams and complete annotated print outs of all PLC program logic. 4-35 ELECTRICAL Page No. SC.37 Electrical General Provisions ..........................................................................................................4-37 SC.38 Raceways ........................................................................................................................................4-43 SC.39 Wire and Cable ...............................................................................................................................4-50 SC.40 Miscellaneous Electrical .................................................................................................................4-55 SC.41 Medium Voltage Motor Control .....................................................................................................4-57 SC.42 Underground ...................................................................................................................................4-66 SC.43 Grounding Systems .........................................................................................................................4-69 SC.37 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS A. General The General Conditions end Requirements, Special Provisions, are hereby made a part of this Section, The Electrical Drawings and Specifications under this Section shall be made a pan of the Contract Documents. The Drawings and Specifications of other sections of this contract. as well as supplements issued thereto, information to bidders and pertinent documents issued by the Owner's Representative are a part of these Drawings and Specifications end shall be complied with in every respect. All the above documents will be on file at the office of the Owner's representative and shall be examined by all the bidders. Failure to examine all documents shall not relieve the responsibility or be used as a basis for additional compensation. Furnish all work, labor, tools, superintendence, material, equipment, and operations necessary to provide for a complete and workable electrical system as defined by the Contract Documents. Be responsible for visiting the site and checking the existing conditions. Ascertain the conditions to be met for installing the work and adjust bid accordingly. It is the intent of the Contract Documents that upon completion of the electrical work, the entire system shall be in a finished, workable condition. All work that may be called for in the Specifications but not shown on the Drawings, or, all work that may be shown on the Drawings but not called for in the Specifications, shall be performed by the Contractor as if described in both. Should work be required which is not set forth in either document, but which work is nevertheless required for fulfilling of the intent thereof, then the Contractor shall perform all work as fully as if it were specifically set forth in the Contract Documents. The definition of terms used throughout the Contract Documents shall be as specified by the following agencies: 1. Underwriters Laboratories 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association 3. American National Standards Institute 4. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association 5. National Electrical Code 6. National Fire Protection Association The use of the terms "as (or where) indicated", "as (or where) shown", "as (or where) specified", or "as (or where) scheduled" shall be taken to meen that the reference is made to the Contract Documents, either on the Drawings or in the Specifications, or both documents. The use of the words "furnish", "provide", or "install" shall be taken to meen that the item or facility is to be both furnished and installed under the electrical section, unless stated to the conlrary that the item or facility is to be either furnished under another section or under another Contract, furnished under this section and installed under another section or under another Contract, or furnished and installed under another section or under another Contract. B. Permits and Codes Secure all permits, licenses, end inspection as required by all authorities having jurisdiction. Give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinences, rules, regulations and contract requirements bearing on the work. The minimum requirements of the electrical system installation shall conform to the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, as well as state and local codes. Codes and ordinances having jurisdiction and specified Codes shall serve as minimum requirements. but, if the Contract Documents indicate requirements which are in excess of those minimum requirements, then the requirements ofthe Contract Documents shall be followed. Should there be any conflicts between the Contract Documents and codes, or any ordinances, report these with bid. Product Standards All materials and equipment shall conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. They shall be new, free from defects, and they shall conform to the following standards where these organizations have set standards: 1. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 2. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 3. American National Standards Association (ANSI) 4. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) All material and equipment of the same class shall be supplied by the same manufacturer, unless specified to the contrary. All products shall bear UL labels where standards have been set for listing. When the Contractor provides a product for this project he shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and he shall agree to warrant and to be liable for the merchantability and fitness of his product to the applications to which his product is applied under the Contract Documents. D. Shop Drawings and Submittals Shop drawings and submittals shall comply with General Conditions and as specified herein. Shop drawings shall be taken to mean detailed drawings with dimensions, schedules, weights, capacities, installation details and pertinent information that will be needed to describe the material or equipment in detail. Submittals shall be taken to mean catalog cuts, general descriptive information, catalog numbers and manufaeturer's name. Submit for review all shop drawings and submittals as hereinbefore called for. Review of submittals or shop drawings shall not remove the responsibility for furnishing materials or equipment or proper dimensions, quantity and quality, nor will such review remove the responsibility for error in the shop drawings or submittals. Failure to process submittals or shop drawings on any item and/or items specified shall make the Contractor responsible for the suitability for the item and/or items, even though the item and/or items installed appear to comply with the Contract Documents. Assume all costs and liabilities that may result from the ordering of any material or equipment prior to the review of the shop drawings or submittals, and no work shall be done until the shop drawings or submittals have been reviewed. In case of correction or rejection, resubmit until they are accepted by the Owner's Representative, and such procedures will not be cause for delay. Submittals and shop drawings shall be compiled from the manufacturer's latest product data. Should there be any conflicts between this data and the Contract Documents. report this information for each submittal and/or shop drawing. Shop drawings and submittals will be returned and unchecked if the specific items proposed are not clearly marked, or if the General Contractor's approval stamp is omitted. When requested, furnish samples of materials for acceptance review. If a sample has been reviewed and accepted, then that item of material or equipment installed on the job shall be equal to the sample; if it is found that the installed item is not equal, then replace all such items with the accepted sample equivalent. Acceptance and Substitutions Of Products All manufacturers named are a basis as a standard of quality and substitutions of any equal product wilt be considered for acceptance. The judgment of equality of product substitution shall be made by the Engineer. Substitutions after award of Contract shall be made only within sixty (60) days after the notice to proceed. Furnish all required supporting data. The submittal of substitutions for review shall not be cause for time extensions. Where substitutions are offered, the substituted product shall meet the product performance as set forth in the specified manufacturer's current catalog literature, as well as meeting the details of the Contract Documents. The details on the drawings and the requirements of the Specifications are based on the first listed material or equipment. If any other than the first listed material or equipment is furnished, then assume responsibility for the correct function, operation, and accommodation of the substituted item. In the event of misfits or changes in work required, either in this section or other sections of the Contract, or in both, bear all costs in connection with all changes arising out of the use of other than the first listed item specified. Substitutions of products under other sections may occur. Make necessary adjustments and additions to work under other sections to accommodate those substitutions. Such adjustments and additions shall be performed in compliance with the electrical specifications, Energy efficiency of each item of power consuming equipment shall be considered one of the standards for evaluation. Cutting and Patching Cutting and patching required under this section shall be done in a neat workmanlike manner. Cutting lines shall be uniform and smooth. Use concrete saws for large cuts in concrete and use core drills-for small round cuts in concrete. Where openings are cut through masonry walls, provide lintel or other structural support to protect the remaining masonry. Adequate support shall be provided during the cutting operation to prevent damage to masonry. Where large openings are cut through metal surfaces, attach metal angle around the opening. Patch concrete openings that are to be filled withnonshrinking cementing compound. Finish concrete patching shall be toweled smooth and shall be uniform with surrounding surfaces. 4-39 G. Waterproofing Provide waterproof flashing for each penetration of exterior walls and roofs. H. Construction Requirements Except where specifically noted or shown, the locations and elevations of equipment are approximate and are subject to small revisions as may prove necessary or desirable at the time the work is installed. Locations changed substantially from that shown on the drawings shall be continned with the Engineer in advance of construction. Where equipment is being fumished under another Division, request from Engineer an accepted drawing that will show exact dimensions of required locations or connections. Install the required facilities to the exact requirements of the accepted drawings. All work shall be done in the best and most workmanlike manner by qualified, careful electricians who are skilled in their trade. The standards of work required throughout shall be of the first class only. Unless shown in detail, the Drawings are diagrammatic and do not necessarily give exact details as to elevations and routing of raceways, nor do they show all offsets and firings; nevertheless, install the raceway system to conform to the structural and mechanical conditions of the construction. Holes for raceway penetration into sheet metal cabinets and boxes shall be accurately made with an approved tool. Cutfrog openings with a torch or other device that produces a jagged, rough-cut will not be acceptable. Cabling inside equipment shall be carefully routed trained and laced. Cables so placed that they obstruct equipment devices will not be acceptable. Equipment shall be set level and pli~mb. Supporting devices installed shall be set and so braced that equipment is held in a rigid, tight-fitting manner. I. Equipment Protection Provide suitable protection for all equipment, work, and property against damage during construction. Assume full responsibility for material and equipment stored at the site. Conduit openings shall be closed with caps or plugs during installation and made watertight. All outlet boxes and cabinets shall be kept free of concrete, plaster, dirt, and debris. Equipment shall be covered and tightly sealed against entrance of dust, dirt, and moisture. All dry-type transformers prior to energization shall be protected against moisture and din absorption by a suitable covenng. Also, maintain heat inside the covering by means of 100-watt minimum lamps. Interiors of and motor control centers shall be kept clean and dry prior to energization. Maintain heat inside each unit with one (1) 100-watt lamp located at bottom of each vertical section or energize section space heaters. J. Cooperation With Work Under Other Divisions Cooperate with all other trades to facilitate the general progress of their work. Allow all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work and the storage of their materials. The work under this section shall follow the general building construction closely. Set all pipe sleeves. inserts, etc., and see that openings for chases, pipes, etc., are provided before concrete is placed or masonry installed. Work with other trades in determining exact locations of outlets, conduits, fixtures, and pieces of equipment to avoid interference with lines as required to maintain proper installation of other work. Make such progress in work that will not delay the work of other trades. Schedule the work so that completion dates as established by the Engineer are met. Furnish sufficient labor or work overtime to accomplish these requirements if directed to do so. Installation Of Work Under Another Sections Except as otherwise indicated, details of control and signal winng required for plant instrumentation are not shown; however, ascertain the requirements and install wiring as required under that division. If wiring and requirements differ from that shown under the electrical sections, request clarification from the Engineer prior to installation of work. Verify the electrical capacities of all motors and electrical equipment furnished under other sections, or furnished by the Owner, and request wiring information from the Engineer if wiring requirements are different from that specified under this Section. Do not make rough-ins until equipment verification has been received. Install all motors, controllers, terminal boxes, pilot devices, and miscellaneous items of electrical equipment that are not integrally mounted with the equipment furnished under other divisions, All such equipment shall be securely mounted and adequately supported in a neat and workmanlike manner. Change Orders In the event change orders are prepared, they shall each be itemized as to quantifies in addition to labor, materials, and overhead. Pricing of change orders shall be done in compliance with the latest edition of "Means Electrical Cost Data" and pricing shall not exceed values tabulated therein. M. Continuous Service OfExisting Circuits and Systems Continuous service shall be maintained on all existing circuits and equipment affected by the work shown on the Contract Documents, except where the Owner will permit outage for a specific time. Obtain Owner's written permission before removing any circuit from continuous service. Where duration of proposed outage cannot be tolerated by the Owner, provide temporary connections as required to maintain service. N. Clean-Up Remove all temporaW labels, dirt, paint, grease, and stains from all exposed equipment. Upon completion of work, clean equipment and the entire installation to present a first class job suitable for occupancy. No loose parts or scraps of equipment shall be left on the premises. Equipment paint scars shall be repaired with paint kits supplied by the equipment manufacturer or with an approved paint. Clean interiors of each item of electrical equipment. At completion of work, all equipment interiors shall be free from dust, dirt and debris. O. Painting All exposed conduit, fittings, supports, and junction boxes in finished indoor areas shall be painted. Motor control centers, transformers. and conduit and fittings in storage areas are not required to be painted. Color shall match wall onto which conduit or junction box is mounted. Reference section SC.31 for requirements. P. Tests Test all systems furnished under electrical section and repair or replace all defective work. Make all necessary adjustments to the systems and instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation of the system. Make all circuit breaker and protective relay adjustments and settings. Make the following minimum tests and checks prior to energizing the electrical equipment: 1. Check all wire and cable terminations for tightness. 2. Test all wiring as specified in SC.39 3. Test grounding system as specified in SC.44 4. Set all transformer taps as required to obtain the proper secondary voltage. 5. Carefully check all interlocking, control and instrument wiring for each system to ascertain that the system will function properly as indicated by schematics, wiring diagrams, or as specified herein. 6. Mechanical inspection of all low voltage circuit breakers, disconnect switches, motor starters, control equipment, etc. for proper operation. 7. Provide all instruments and equipment required for the above tests. Q. Record Drawings At the start and during the progress of the job, keep one separate set of blue-line prints for making construction notes and mark- ups. Show conduit routing and wiring runs as constructed and identify each. Record all deviations from the Contract Documents. Submit set of marked-up drawings for review. The final payment will not be made until the review is complete. R, Operations and Maintenance Manuals Six (6) weeks prior to the completion of the project, compile an Operations and Maintenance Manual on each item of equipment. These manuals shall include detailed instructions and maintenance as well as spare parts lists. Submit copies for review as hereinbefore specified. Preliminary Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be included with the initial shipments. SC.38 RACEWAYS A. Scope This section shall include raceways, enclosures, supporting devices ancillary fittings and appurtenances. Furnish and install the complete raceway systems as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Raceway is a broad-scope term that shall be defined by the National Electrical Code under Article 100. B. Applications Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, or otherwise specified, all underground and ir~slab conduit raceways shall be of the following type: 1. Except as otherwise specified all power and control underground conduit runs shall be made with schedule 40 PVC. Bends to grade shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. 2. All instrumentation underground conduit runs shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, or otherwise specified, all above grade conduit raceways shall be of the following type: 1. Indoor exposed power and control conduit shall be rigid aluminum conduit. Instrumentation, signal, and communication conduit shall be rigid steel conduit in the control room and plastic- coated rigid steel conduit in the pump room. 2. In outdoor locations, exposed power, control, instrumentation, signal, and communication conduit shall be rigid aluminum conduit, except where areas are denoted as corrosive or NEMA 4X. In those, areas furnish plastic-coated rigid steel conduit, fittings, and boxes. 3. Conduit concealed in masonry shall be with plastic coated rigid steel. 4. Conduit in underground vaults shall be aluminum, except conduit caring instrumentation, signal, and communication conduit shall be plastic-coated rigid steel conduit. Submittals And Shop Drawings Process catalog submittals for the following: 1. Rigid Metallic Aluminum Conduit 2. Plastic Jacketed Rigid Steel Conduit 3. Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit 4. Liquid-tight Flexible Conduit 5. Liquid-tight Fittings 6. Conduit Bushings 7. Conduit Bodies 8. Conduit Sealing Fittings 9. Expansion-Deflection Fittings 10. Expansion Fittings 11. Cast Metal Boxes 12. Tape Products 13. Wiring Devices 14. Supporting Devices 15. Labels 16. Grounding Devices I7. Foam Sealant Samples Process samples for the following: 1. Plastic coated rigid metallic steel conduit (12" long with coupling for 3/4" C) 2. Liquid fight flex (12" long with box connector for 3/4" C.) Submit samples along with submittals. Raceway Products Rigid metallic aluminum conduit shall be manufactured of 6063 alloy, T-1 temper, with no more than 0.02% copper content. All conduit couplings shall be threaded aluminum. All such conduit shall be listed with UL and comply with UL-6 and ANSI C80.5. Aluminum conduit shall be New Jersey Aluminum, or equal. Rigid metallic steel conduit shall be hot-dip galvanized inside and outside and over threads. All such conduit shall comply with U.L. Standard UD6, Federal Specification WWC-581 -D, ANSI C90.1, and NEMA RNl-1980. Furnish Triangle, Republic or equal. Plastic coated rigid steel conduit shall consist of rigid steel body that complies with above specifications for rigid metallic steel conduit, plus conduit shall have 40 mil thick heat-fused PVCover outside and 2-mil coat of fully catalyzed phenolic inside. The inside coat shall have the chemical resistance of the outer coating and shall not dissolve in lacquer thinner. All couplings shall be equipped with PVC sleeves that extend one pipe diameter or 2", whichever is less, beyond the end of the coupling. All plastic coated conduit shall conform to NEMA Standard #RNI-1974 (Type A) and such conduit shall be Robroy "Plastibond Red-Hot", or equal. Non-metallic rigid conduit shall be Schedule 40 PVC. Such conduit shall be UL listed for 90 degrees C and shall conform to NEMA TC-2 and UL-651 standards. Furnish CarInn, Sedco, or equal. Furnish manufacturer's approved solvent for joining couplings. Liquid-tight flexible conduit shall consist of hot-dipped galvanized, flexible interlocking steel core with therrnoplastic cover, integral copper ground wire (through 1-1/4" trade size) and shall be OZ/Gedney "Flexi-Guard", or equal. Conduit Fittings NEMA 4 locknuts for rigid metallic conduit shall consist of galvanized steel body with neoprene sealing ring. Furnish Crouse- Hinds, T&B, or equal. NEMA 1 locknuts for rigid metallic conduits shall be galvanized steel for use with galvanized steel conduit and hardened aluminum for use with aluminum conduit. Conduit field-applied hubs for sheet metal enclosures shall be aluminum body with recessed neoprene sealing ring, threaded NPT insert, and shall be, T&B 370 AL series, or equal products by O7_/Gedney. Conduit hubs for non-metallic enclosures shall be fiberglass polyester reinforced with galvanized steel core, complete with locknut and grounding bushing. All such hubs shall be Crouse-Hinds Type NHU, or equal. Rigid metallic conduit chase nipples, split couplings. slip fittings, unions~ reducers. and enlargers, shall be hot-dip or mechanically galvanized malleable iron. Rigid metallic conduit short ells and long ells shall be hot-dip galvanized malleable iron with NPT threaded hubs and male ends. Throats shall be smooth and flee from burrs. All such fittings shall be OZ/Gedney Type "9" Series, Appleton, or equal. Rigid metallic conduit split couplings shall have threaded body with split tightening shelves with neoprene sandwich. Furnish malleable iron mechanically galvanized body. Such fittings shall be OZ type "SSP", or equal. Rigid metallic conduit grounding bushings shall be aluminum body with threaded hub, Bakelite insulated throat, and tin-plated copper ground lug. Furnish OZ/Gedney type ABLG, or equal. Liquid-tight flexible conduit f~ings shall be hot-dip galvanized steel body with internal locking ring and ground cone plus external ground wire fitting. Furnish straight or angle connectors as required. All such connectors shall be OZ/Gedney 4Q series, or equal. Rigid metallic conduit expansion/deflection firings shall consist of galvanized malleable iron hubs with heat-fused epoxy coating, flexible neoprene joining sleeve banded to hubs with stainless steel bands, and with internal bonding jumper and guide cones. Furnish Crouse-Hinds type "XDHF" or equal. Rigid metallic conduit expansion fittings shall consist of metallic barrel joined m hubs at each end. One hub shall be threaded to barrel and other hub shall have slip fit m allow up to four (4") inches of conduit lateral movement. Provide external bonding jumper for each expansion joint. FurnishCrouse-Hinds type "XJ", OZ Type "AX", or equal. Conduit water stops for sealing inside of conduit runs shall consist of aluminum pressure discs with sandwiched neoprene seal and with 316 stainless steel hardware. Fumish OZ/Gedney type "CS" series products, as indicated. Conduit Bodies and Boxes Conduit bodies such as "C", "LB", "T" and the like pulling fittings shall be zinc coated with malleable iron or aluminum (material shall match conduit). Covers for damp and/or wet location use shall be gasketed cast metal with "wedge-nut" clamps. Covers for dry locations shall be cast aluminum and hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. All covers shall be equipped with clamp type clevises. Furnish Crouse-Hinds Form 7, or Appleton Form "FM7" products. Conduit bodies for use in corrosive areas shall be as specified above but shall have 40 rail plastic coated PVC jacket and 2 mil interior coating as specified for plastic coated rigid steel conduit. FurnishRobroy Plasti-bond red fittings or equal. Conduit bodies such as "GUA", "GUAT", "GUAL", and the like pullingsplicing fittings shall be cast aluminum with threaded cast aluminum covers. All such conduit bodies shall be Killark "GE" series, or equal products by Crouse-Hinds or Appleton. Cast metal outlet boxes, pull boxes, and junction boxes whose volume is smaller than 100 cubic inches, and cast metal device boxes, shall be sand-cast, copper-free aluminum or zinc coated sand-cast malleable iron. All boxes shall have threaded hubs. Furnish Crouse-Hmds "FD" style condulets, Appleton "FD" style Unilets, or equal. 4-45 H, Covers for cast metal boxes shall be gasketed cast metal covers with 316 stainless steel screws and shall be suitable for use in wet or damp locations. Pull and Junction Boxes Pull boxes adjunction boxes whose volume is less than 100 cubic inches shall be furnished as specified hereinbefore except where sheet metal type is shown, in which cases, furnish such sheet metal enclosures in NEMA 4X 304 stainless steel construction with gasketed covers of same material. Pull boxes and junction boxes whose volume is 100 cubic inches and greater shall be NEMA 4X304 grade stainless steel type with gasketed stainless steel covers. Provide print pocket and interior back panel for mounting of terminal strips where terminal strips are called for on the drawings. Furnish sheet metal boxes as manufactured by Hoffman or equal. Covers for sheet metal pull boxes and junction boxes over 100 cubic inches (and for smaller sized where shown) shall have hinged doors. All hardware shall be stainless steel. Cast metal junction boxes shall be cast aluminum type with gasketed, cast metal covers and with stainless steel cover screws. Furnish Crouse-Hinds, Appleton, or OZ Gedney products. Labels Buried conduit marking tape for marking path of secondary buried conduits shall be four (4") inch nominal width strip of polyethylene with highly visible, repetitive marking "BURIED CONDUIT" or similar language, repeated along its length. Voltage waming labels for cabinets shall be waterproof vinyl strips with adhesive back and shall have "DANGER (VOLTAGE) - DISCONNECT ALL SOURCES OF POWER BEFORE ENTERING". Letters shall be highly visible red color on white background. Supporting Devices Mounting hardware, nuts, bolts, lock washers, and washers, and shall be Grade 304 stainless steel. Unless otherwise indicated, channel framing and supporting devices shall be manufactured of ASTM 6063, TO6 grade aluminum; 1-5/8" wide x 3-1/4" deep (double opening type). Clamp nuts for use with channels shall be grade 304 stainless steel. Where indicated, furnish grade 304 stainless steel slotted channel members 1-5/8" wide x 1-5/8" deep or 15/8" x 3 1/4" deep, double- faced type. All hardware and conduit clamps shall be grade 316 stainless steel. Conduit clamp supports for terminating conduits onto cable trays shall be mechanically galvanized malleable iron with adjustable angle clamp. Fittings shall be provided with 316 stainless steel hardware. Furnish OZ/Gedney type CTC products. All such channel members and ~ttments shall be B-Line, Unistmt, or equal. Conduit straps, and associated nuts, lock washers and bolts for use with channels shall be 304 stainless steel with 316 stainless steel hardware. Furnish B-Line products or equal. After-set concrete inserts (drilled expansion shields "D.E.S.") shall consist of two types. For anchors to accommodate 5/16" diameter bolts and smaller, provide HILTI "HDI" series 304 stainless steel anchors. For anchors to accommodate 3/8" diameter and larger bolts, provide HILTI "HVA" series with 316 stainless steel threaded inserts. Hanger rod shall be 3/8" minimum diameter Type 304 stainless steel all-thread. Nest-back or clamp-back conduit supports shall be two-piece hot- dip galvanized malleable iron devices. Furnish Crouse-Hinds "MW+CB", OZ/Gedney 140NG Series, or equal. One-hole conduit clamps shall be hot-dip galvanized malleable iron type, Crouse-Hinds Type "MW". T&B 1270/1280 Series, OZ/Gedney "14G" Series, or equal cast aluminum products. Conduit beam clamps shall be hot-dip galvanized malleable iron and shall be as follows: 1. Right Angle - OZ/Gedney Type "UBCG", or equal. 2. Parallel - OZ/Gedney Type "UPCG", or equal. 3. Edge - OZ/Gedney Type "UECG", or equal. Hanger rod beam clamps shall be clamp type with hardened steel, bolt, Steel City "500" Series, Crouse-Hinds type "MW", or equal. Furnish swivel stud for each rod make-up. Conduit "J" hangers shall consist of steel slraddle with detachable bolt. Finish shall be electro-galvanized. Furnish Kindorftype "C-149", Unistrut "J-1200" Series, or equal. Conduit "U" bolts shall be hot~dip-galvanized steel with 304 stainless steel hex-head bolts. Equipment stands for supporting devices such as control stations, device boxes and the like, shall consist of a welded structural steel c-channel and plate steel floor plate as detailed on the drawings. Equipment stands shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication. K. Miscellaneous Material Double bushings for insulating wiring through sheet metal panels shall consist of mating male and female threaded phenolic bushings. Phenolic insulation shall be high-impact thermosetting plastic rated 150 degrees C. Furnish OZ Type "ABB", or equal. Conduit pull-cords for use in empty raceways shall be glass-fiber-reinforced tape with foot-marked identification along its length. Furnish Thomas, Greenlee, or equal products. Conduit thread coating compound shall be conductive, non-galling, and corrosior~inhibiting. Furnish Crouse-Hinds Type "STL", Appleton Type "ST", or equal. Plastic compound for field-coating of ferrous material products shall be PVC in liquid forms that setsup semi-hard upon curing. Furnish Rob Roy "Rob Kote", Sedco "Patch Coat", or equal. Zinc spray for coating galvanized steel threads shall be Research Laboratory type "LPS", Mobil "Zinc-Spray" or equal conductive zinc-rich spray enamel product. Foam sealant for waterproofing uses shall be as manufactured by Products Research & Chemical Corporation of Woodland Hills, California or approved equal. L. Raceway Installation Install the conduit system to provide the facility with the utmost degree of reliability and maintenance free operation. The conduit system shall have the appearance of having been installed by competent workmen. Kinked conduit, conduit inadequately supported or carelessly installed, does not give such reliability and maintenance free operation and will not be accepted. Raceways shall be installed for all wiring runs, except as otherwise indicated. Conduit sizes. where not indicated, shall be N.E.C. Code-sized to accommodate the number and diameter of wires to be pulled into the conduit. Unless otherwise indicated, 3/4" trade-size shall be minimum size conduit. Unless otherwise noted, conduit runs shall be installed exposed. Such runs shall be made parallel to the lines of the structure. Conduit shall be installed such that it does not create a tripping hazard or an obstruction for headroom. All runs of rigid conduit shall be threaded, and all male threads shall be coated with nor~galling thread compound prior to assembly. Plastic coated metallic conduit lengths shall be joined with threaded metallic coupling that shall be each equipped with a 40 mil thickness sleeve that shall extend over the threads of the joined conduit. Each joint shall be watertight. Field-cut threads in runs of plastic coated metallic conduit shall be cut with a special die that has rear reamed out oversize to slip over plastic coating. Do not attempt to cut threads on plastic coated conduit with regular dies, whereby plastic coating is skinned back to allow the incorrect die to be used. Coat all field-cut threads with cold-galvanizing spray; use two coats to provide 1-mil minimum coa~ing thickness. Conduit runs made in concrete pours or surface-mounted runs that are attached to the structure, shall be equipped with an expansion/deflection fitting where they cross an expansion joint, or at every 100 feet. Unless otherwise shown, conduit penetrations through floors located below enclosures, shall be made each with couplings set flush with the outside faces of the concrete pour. Each pair of couplings shall be joined with a threaded spool piece. Use coated aluminum or galvanized steel couplings. Rigid metallic conduit runs shall have their couplings and connections made with screwed fittings and shall be made up wrench-tight. Check all threaded conduit joints prior to wire pull. Coat all male threads with Crouse-Hinds "STL" or equal, conductive lubricant prior to joining. All conduit rims shall be watertight over their lengths of run, except where drain fittings are indicated. In which cases, install specified drain fittings. Plastic jacketed flexible steel conduit shall be used to connect wiring to motors, limit switches, bearing thermostats, and other devices that may have to be removed for servicing. Unless otherwise indicated, maximum lengths of flex shall be six (6') feet. Where plastic jacketed flex is installed, make up terminal ends with liquickight flex connectors. In wet locations, install sealing gaskets on each threaded male connector. Each flex connector shall be made-up tightly so that the minimum pull-out resistance is at least 150 lbs. Install external spirally-wrapped ground wire around each run of liquid-tight flex and bond each end to specified grounding-type fittings. Empty conduits shall have pull-tapes installed. Identify each terminus as to location of other end and trade size of conduit. Use blank plastic waterproof write-on label and write information on each label with waterproof ink. Cap exposed ends of empty conduit with plastic caps. Conduit runs into boxes, cabinets and enclosures shall be set in a neat manner. Vertical runs shall be set plumb. Conduits set cocked or out of plumb will not be acceptable. Conduit entrances into equipment shall be carefully planned. Cutting away of enclosure structure, torching out sill or braces, and removal of enclosure structural members, will not be acceptable. Use approved hole-cutting tools for entrances into sheet metal enclosure. Use of cutting torch or incorrect tools will not be acceptable. Holes shall be cleanly cut and they shall be tree Ii-om burrs. jagged edges, and tom metal. All raceways shall be swabbed clean after installation. There shall be no debris left inside. All interior surfaces shall be smooth and free from burrs and defects that would injure wire insulation. M. Installation OfConduit Bodies and Boxes Conduit bodies such as "LB", "T", "GUAT", etc., shall be installed in exposed runs of conduit wherever indicated and where required to overcome obstructions and to provide pulling access to wiring. Covers for such fittings shall be accessible and unobstructed by the adjacent construction. GUA series pulling bodies rather than LB fittings and the like shall be used for splicing purposes as well as pulling access. Covers for all conduit bodies shall be installed with gasketed cast metal type where located in damp or wet locations. All conduit boxes installed who's inside volume is less than 100 cubic inches shall be cast metal type with gasketed cast metal cover, unless otherwise indicated. All conduit boxes whose inside volume exceeds 100 cubic inches shall be sheet metal type except where gasketed cast metal type, stainless steel or fiberglass reinforced polyester are indicated. N. Raceway Support All raceway systems shall be adequately and safely supported. Loose, sloppy, and inadequately supported raceways will not be acceptable. Supports shall be installed at intervals not greater than those shall set forth by the NEC, unless shorter intervals are otherwise indicated, or unless conditions require shorter intervals of supports. Multiple runs of surface mounted conduit on concrete or masonry surfaces shall be supported off the surface by means of aluminum channels. Attach each slotted channel support to concrete surface by means of two (2) 1/4" diameter stainless steel bolts into drilled expansion shields. Single runs of surface mounted conduit on concrete or masonry surfaces shall be supported with hot-dipped malleable iron conduit clamps and nest-back spacers. Furnish plastic coated malleable iron conduit clamps and nest backs where corrosive areas are called out. Conduit runs that are installed along metallic structures shall be supported by means of hot-dipped galvanized beam clamps as specified herein. O. Labeling In addition to labeling requirements as specified throughout this and other Sections, install wiring and raceway labeling as follows: 1. Apply write-on identification to empty conduits I~ identify each conduit as to terminus of other end and to identify trade size of conduit. 2. Where active conduits terminate into bottoms of motor control centers, install label on each conduit terminus and show number and size of wiring and function of circuitry and trade size of conduit. SC.39 WIRE AND CABLE A. Scope This section shall include wire and cable, terminating devices, splice kits. labeling, and appurtenances. Submittals and Shop Drawings Process catalog submittals for the following: 1. Power and control cable 2. Instrument cable 3. Conductor Connectors 4. Tape Products 5. Labels Wire and Cable Products All conductors shall be soft-drawn annealed copper, Class B stranding that meets ASTM B-8. Copper conductors shall be uncoated, except as otherwise specified. Medium voltage cables shall be one-conductor shielded power cable that shall have ethylene propylene (EPR) insulation with insulation screen-extruded Simi conducting EPR, 5 rail bare copper tape shield and PVC outer jacket. Cable shall be rated for wet or dry applications. EPR insulation shall meet or exceed requirements of AEIC CS-6, ICEA S-68-516, and UL 1072. Such cable shall be Okonite Product Group #114-23-3819, type MV-105, 115 rail insulated (133% for 5 kV), iq4 AWG compact stranded per ASTM B-496, with strand screen-extruded Simi conducting EPR. Single conductor cable for power, control, and branch circuits shall have cross-linked polyethylene insulation, rated for 600 volts. Cable shall be NEC type XHHW. All such cable shall be rated for wet or dry use. Cable insulation shall be color coded with factory-pigmented colors below size #6 AWG. Color-coding shall be as specified under Part 3 of this section. Cable shall be as manufactured by Southwire or equal. Instrument cable for analog circuits, shall be #16 AWG, twisted shielded pairs or triads with overall Mylar shield, 100% coverage and 7-strand copper drain wire. Cable assembly shall be rated for 600 volts, wet, or dry locations. Furnish Okonite "Okoseal-N Type P-OS" or approved equal. Cables for 24-volt dc control circuits shall be single conductor with type XHHW 600 insulation. Cable for connection of motor and bearing RTDs shall be #16 AWG, twisted triad with overall Mylar shield, 100% coverage and 7-strand copper drain wire, with PVC insulation and overall jacket. Cable assembly shall be rated for 300 volts, wet, or dry locations. Fumish Okonite "Okoseal-N Type P-OS" Type PLTC Instrumentation cable or approved equal. Ground mat and associated up comers and grounding conductors shall be tin-plated stranded copper. Connector Products Connectors for 5 kV cable shall be crimp type compression connectors. Each connector shall be long-barrel tin-plated copper products. Furnish Blackburn 'CTL" series products, or equal. Insulated spring wire connectors, "wire-nuts", for small buildingwire taps and splices shall be plated spring steel with thermoplastic jacket. Connector shall be rated at 150oC continuous. Furnish 3M "Hyflex", T&B "PT", or equal. Mechanical connectors for 600V class wiring shall be tin-plated copper alloy bolted pressure .type with bronze tin-plated hardware. Furnish connectors as fullows: 1. Single conductor to flat plate - Blackburn LH 2. Multiple conductor to flat plate - Blackburn L2H, L3H~ L4H 3. Split-bolt connector - Blackburn HPS 4. Flush ground connector - OZ Type "VG" Connectors for control conductor connections to screw terminals shall be crimp-type with vinyl insulated barrel and tin-plated copper ring-tongue style connector. Furnish T&B "Sta-Kon", 3M "Scotchlok", or equal. Terminal strips for miscellaneous field terminations of control and instrumentation circuits shall consist of 12-point box lug terminals with marking surface. Terminal assembly shall accept # 18 to # 12 AWG and shall be rated 600 volts. Furnish Allen- Bradley #1492-HJ812 terminal blocks. E. Insulating Products All 5 kV-shielded cable shall be terminated with 3M 5620K series cold shrink rubber termination kits for indoor use and 3M 5630 K series cold shrink rubber termination kits for outdoor or wet location use. Tape products shall be furnished as hereinafter specified and shall be Plymouth, Okonite, 3M, or equal. General purpose electrical tape shall be 7 mil thick stretchable vinyl plastic, pressure adhesive type, "Slipknot Grey", 3M Scotch 33+, or equal. Insulating void-filling tape and high voltage bedding tape shall be stretchable ethylene propylene rubber with high-tack and fast fusing surfaces. Tape shall be rated for 90°C continuous, 130oC overload, and shall be moisture-proof. Void filling tape shall be "Plysafe", 3M Scotch 23, or equal. High temperature protective tape shall be rated 180oC continuous indoor/outdoor, stretchable, self-bonding silicone rubber. High temperature tape shall be Plysil #3455, 3M Scotch 70, or equal. Insulation putty filler-tape shall be Plymouth #32074, 3M Scotchfill, or equal. Arc and fireproofing tape shall be Plymouth #3318, 3M Scotch #70 or equal. F. Labeling Products Colored banding tape shall be 5-mil stretchable vinyl with permanent solid color. Colors shall be as hereinafter specified. Tape shall be Plymouth "Slipknot 45", 3M Scotch #35, or equal. Numbered wire marking labels shall be machine-printed PVC sleeve-type markers, T&B, Brady, Ray- Chem, or equal. Labels requiring any type of adhesive are not acceptable. Cable identification ties shall be machine-printed weather resistant p01yester with blank writonn space, T&B, Brady, or equal. Labels requiring adhesives are not acceptable. G. Miscellaneous Material and Products Cable grips shall be grip-type wire mesh with machined metal support. Furnish Kellums, Appleton, or equal products. Wire pulling compound shall be non-injurious to insulation and to conduit and shall be lubricating, non-crumbling, and non- combustible. Furnish Gedney "Wire-Quick", Ideal "Yellow" or equal. 4-51 Power and Control Cable Installation Power and control conductors shall be sized as shown and where no size is indicated, the conductor size shall be #12 AWG for power circuits, #14 AWG for 120 volt control circuits and #16 for 24 volt dc control circuits. Equipment grounding conductors shall be installed with type XHHW or THHN insulated stranded copper conductors and the insulation color shall be green in sizes up to and including #10 AWG. \ Color-coding shall be as follows. Non-factory color-coded cables shall be marked with specified color tape. Use the following colors: Conductor 120/208V Systems 4140V Systems Phase A or L1 Black Brown Phase B or L2 Red Purple Phase C Blue Yellow Neutral White N/A Ground Green Green Branch circuits may be spliced for receptacle, lighting and small appliance load inside appropriate junction boxes. Feeders shall be installed without splice. Except as otherwise specified, taps and splices with #10 AWG and smaller, shall be made with insulated spring wire connectors. Such connectors in damp or wet locations shall be waterproofed by filling interstices around wires with silicone rubber and further insulating with an envelope of stretched piece of EPR tape around each wire. Then, apply one~half lapped layer of electrical tape over all. Motor connections made with #10 AWG and smaller wire shall be made up with set-screwed copper lugs with threaded-on insulating jacket. After make-up of each connector, install two (2) layers half-lapped, of high temperature tape over connector barrel and down one (1 ") inch over wires. Taps, splices, and connections in #8 AWG and larger wires shall be made with copper alloy bolted pressure connectors. Each such connector shall be insulated by means of applying insulation putty over sharp edges to presem a smooth bonding surface. Next, apply at least four (4) layers, half-lapped each layer of EPR tape. Then, make final wrapping of at least three (3) layers, half-lapped each layer of electrical tape. Control wiring connections to stud type and screw type terminals shall be made with ring-tongue type crimp connectors. Label each terminal jacket with wire marking ,label at each connection. Each wire connection shall be made up tightly so that resistance of connection is as low as equivalent length of associated conductor resistance. Numbered marking labels shall be installed to identify cimuit numbers from panel boards. Install labels on each wire in each panel board, junction, and pullbox and device connection. Label each wiring run with write-on waterproof labels inside motor control center. Install write-on label ties around wire group at conduit entrance and write-on label the wire size, conduit size, and service. Install PVC sleeve type numbered marking on each control wire termination at each terminal strip and at each device. Do this in motor control center, terminal cabinets, safety switches, remote controllers, pilot operators, and instrumentation equipment. Number selected shall correspond to number on terminal strip. All wiring inside equipment enclosures shall be neatly trained and laced with nylon tie-wraps. Terminate ends of each 5 kV cable with stress relief kits as specified. Connectors for 5KV cables shall be made with the specified crimp type connectors. 5 KV cable shall be handled in a manner to prevent damage to the insulation. Inspect each run prior to installation. Do not install any cable that is damaged but replace with new cable that is in first class condition. Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended values of bending radii and pulling tension in the installation of the 5KV cable. Keep ends of cable sealed until time of make-up to prevent the wicking of moisture into the cable. Instrumentation Wiring Installation All 4-20mA analog pairs shall have shields grounded at the instrumentation panel and insulated on the field end unless otherwise required by instrument supplier. Single point grounding shall be maintained. J. Ground Wiring Installation Each item of equipment shall be adequately and thoroughly grounded. Comply with Article 250 of N.E.C., except where higher standards of grounding have been specified. In addition to requirements as specified under Section E 10, install grounding for general wiring systems as follows. Equipment grounding conductors (EGC) shall be installed in each run of power and control conduits. These wires shall be green colored in size #6 AWG and smaller and green banded in sizes larger than #6 AWG. Ground wires shall be type THHN or XHHW insulated copper wires. EGC runs into equipment shall be grounded to equipment bus where available, or to equipment ground lugs. Where grounding type bushings are installed, bond EGC to bushing lug and ground each bushing lug to equipment ground bus ground lug, or ground rod. In each motor terminal box, install equipment ground lug and connect EGC thereto. Labeling In addition to labeling requirements as specified throughout this Section, install wiring and raceway labeling as follows: Apply numbered wire-marking labels to control wiring terminations for each termination in each item of equipment. Use PVC sleeve type machine-printed labels. Labels using any type of adhesive are not acceptable. Apply numbered machine-printed wire-marking labels to power and control wiring terminations in motor control centers, panel boards, and at outlets to identify circuit numbers. Use PVC sleeve type labels. Labels using any type of adhesive are not acceptable. Apply numbered machine-printed wire-marking labels to each signal wire termination in each instrument junction box, and in each item of equipment served by instrumentation circuits. Use PVC sleeve type labels. Labels using any type of adhesive are not acceptable. 4. Apply machine-printed identification labels to wiring sets in each motor control center, and in each pull box and junction box. Show wire size, conduit size, and line and load information. Use waterproof plastic write-on labels with nylon tie-wraps. Labels using any type of adhesive are not acceptable. Testing Each run of 5 KV class shielded cable shall be tested after all terminations are made but prior to connection of any equipment. Test shall be a 15 minute dc high potential test performed by a qualified testing company normally engaged in the testing of medium voltage or high voltage cable. Obtain and pay for services of testing company. The de high-pot test shall be 300 volts per mil but shall not exceed 80% of factory de tests. Cable shall be raised to test voltage per AEIC and ICEA S-66-524 and leakage current readings shall be recorded at each interval. After test voltage is reached, leakage current shall be recorded at one-minute intervals. Provide certified test report including test equipment used. All tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer. Provide two weeks written notice of test date. Each run of 600V class power and control wiring shall be tested prior to connection of line and load. Make tests with 1000V de hand-crank or motor driven ohmmeter. Each run of wiring shall be tested phase-to-phase and/or phase-to-neutral, and phase-to- ground. Test results for each test shall be equal to or greater than 25,000,000 ohms with 1000V dc applied. All tests shall be made in the presence of the Owners representative or Engineer. Test all runs of signal wiring with 250V dc megger. Insulation values shall meet or exceed 1,000,000 ohms per 100 feet (cable to shield). Should any cable or circuit fail to meet the above tests, replace wire, and retest. SC.40 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL A. Scope This section shall include winng devices, remote pilot operator (RPO) devices. control stations. equipment stands, and electric operated louvers. Furnish and install all such devices and completely connect and wire each device. B. Submittals and Shop Drawings Process catalog submittals for the following: 1. Wiring Devices 2. Wiring Device Covers 3. Wiring Device Boxes 4. RPO Devices 5. Control Stations 6. Terminal Strips C. Wiring Devices All wiring devices shall be specification grade and shall meet NEMA WD-1 requirements. Color shall be brown, unless otherwise indicated. Cover plates for wiring devices shall be Appleton FSK series. Furnish integral mounting feet where called for on the drawings. Boxes shall be Appleton type FD, cast metal, raised-lid type. Weatherproof/GFCI receptacle shall each consist of the following: 1. 2-gang FDB cast metal box with raised lids and integrally cast mounting feet. 2. Arrow-Hart 20A/120V corrosion resistant duplex receptacle #5362CR-GRY. 3. Arrow-Hart #GF2091MI GFCI device with Killark FCL-GFI weatherproof flip lid cover. Furnish the following miscellaneous wiring devices: 1. Single-pole, single-tl'trow, 20A toggle switch shall be Arrow-Hart #1221, or equal. 2. Single-pole, double-throw (three-way) 20A toggle switch shall be Arrow-Hart #1223, or equal. D. RPO Devices Remote pilot operators shall consist of pushbuttons, pilot lights, selector switches and the like where indicated. All such devices shall be NEMA 4X and equal to Allen-Bradley type 800H. Contact blocks for 120VAC circuits shall be rated NEMA A300. Pilot lights shall be transformer type with push to test feature. E. Control Stations Control stations shall each have NEMA 4X non-metallic enclosures. Each enclosure shall contain NEMA 4X pilot devices as called for on the drawings. Furnish Allen-Bradley Rosite control stations or approved equal. F. Terminal Strips Terminal strips for installation injunction boxes and the like shall be 600 volt, rated for 25 amps with tin-plated copper box lugs. Furnish Allen-Bradley type 1492-HJ812 or equal in quantities as required. G. Heat Tracing Electric heat tracing shall be self-limiting type, 120 volts ac, and shall be rated 5 watts per foot or 3 watts per foot as indicated on the drawings. Furnish Thermon PSX-5-1 or PSX-3-1 cable. Secure heating tape to piping with Thereon aluminum tape. Furnish thermostats, power connection boxes, and end-of-line indicator light assemblies as shown on the drawings and install per manufaeturer's instructions. Thermostats shall be ambient sensing, open at 40 degrees F and shall be Thermon ~,1-7-E-40. Each thermostat shall be installed in a Thermon #PCA-1 power connection box. End of line indicator lights shall be a Thermon #VIL-6C-1. Insulation blankets shall be removable and shall be secured onto itself with Velcro. Insulation blankets shall be O'Brien "Flexpac" and shall be specifically made for the runs indicated on the drawings. H. Installation Of Wiring Devices Install wiring devices where shown and support each box to wall with stainless steel hardware into typical drilled expansion shields. Set each wiring device with axis plumb and install with yoke screws to adequately support each device. I. RPO Devices Install remote pilot operator stations where shown. Each RPO device shall be equipped with engraved metal surround to identify functions. Each conduit penetration into enclosures shall be made with watertight hubs. Provide grounding bushing inside and bond to enclosure ground lug. Contractor shall match the existing devices where available. J. Terminal Strips Install terminal strips as hereinbefore specified. Mount to enclosures or backpans with stainless steel hardware. Label each terminal directory with numbers corresponding to wire numbers landed. 4-56 SC.41 MEDIUM VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL A. Scope Of Work Provide a medium voltage (4160 volt) motor control center (MCC) with solid-state starter(s) as shown on the drawings and/or as specified herein. The line up shall have an 800 amp horizontal bus with a main lugs only incoming line section and constructed to arrange the bus to match the existing Westinghouse switchgear. The Contractor shall field-verify prior to bidding and include all costs in the Contact Price. The solid-state starter shall be microprocessor controlled suitable for use with three phase induction motors rated 4,200 VAC or less. It shall provide a closed loop current ramp for smooth and step less motor acceleration and deceleration. The starter shall have switched power factor correction capacitors sized to correct the motor power factor to 90 % or better. The Contractor shall provide all settings to include but not limited to alarm, control, and protection setfrogs for both the soft starter and the Multilin 369 motor protective relay. The Contractor shall adjust all time delay devices or relays to provide coordination in the control scheme. System Description and Qualifications The solid-state starters shall be the product of a manufacturer who has produced medium voltage solid- ' state starters for a minimum of 10 years (consecutive). The solid-state starters shall be manufactured by: Benshaw, Inc., Big Ben Series. The solid-state starter shall be U.L. labeled where U.L. has such a listing. The solid-state starter shall be designed, manufactured, and tested to conform, where applicable, to the following industry standards and specifications: 1. ANSI 2. CSA 3. IEEE 4. UL NEC 6. EEMAC 7. NEMA 8. OSHA Solid-state starter performance requirements: 1. Nominal operating ambient temperatures: 0 - 40 deg C (32 deg F to 104 deg F) with a relative humidity of up to 95% (non-condensing). 2. Power: Operate with three-phase AC power at nominal voltage of 4160V. 3. Frequency: operates on 60 Hz. 4. Meet Uniform Building Code on Non-building structures, section 2338 for zone 1, 2, 3, and 4 requirements. Design Criteria: Description Horsepower Power Ratings PIV Ratings Starting Torque Ramp Time Deeeleration Time Nominal ratings Standard Insulation Test Rated Short Circuit Amps SCR Voltage Drop or Voltage Drop 'T' to "T' Overall Efficiency SCR Firing Technique Transient Voltage Protection Diagnostics and LED's Under voltage Protection Control Input Fault level as a Fused (E2) controller (4.6 KV) Specification tIP: 600 hp 500% for 30 sec. and 125% cont. 4,200 VAC: 12,000 V. 0 to 100% 0 to 120 seconds 0 to 60 seconds Up to 4,160 VAC. 4,200 VAC 50 KV RM SYM V without bypass 1 V with bypass Average 99.7% without bypass 99.94% with bypass Hard Drive with "picket fence" DV/DT circuits / phase Power On SCR Gate Drive Power Micro Computer Fault Shorted SCR LCD display (16 char. x two lines.) 80% Pickup 60% Dropout 120 VAC or dry contact, 2/3 wire. NEMA/EEMAC 250 MVA SYM Submittals The following drawings/information shall be supplied by the solid-state starter manufacturer with the shipment of each starter or for approval before releasing the starters for production. 1. Elementary wiring diagrams. 2. Wiring and interconnect diagrams. 3. Enclosure frontal elevation and dimension drawings. 4. Internal component layout diagrams. 5. Available conduit entry and exit locations. 6. Manufacturers product data sheets. 7. Instruction manuals required for proper operation of the solid-state starters. 8. All settings for the soft starter based on manufacturer 's motor data. 9. All settings for the Multilin 369 motor protective relay. Submittals shall be in accordance with General Conditions of Bidding part 45. D, Quality Assurance Manufacturer Qualification: the manufacturer of the solid-state starter shall be experienced in manufacturing the equipment as specified herein for this project and have a record of successful in- service performance. Controllers shall be designed, manufactured, assembled, and tested in accordance with NEMA ICS2. E. Delivery, Storage, and Handling Handling and shipment of the equipment shall be in such a manner to prevent internal component damage, breakage, and denting and scoring of the enclosure finish. F. Equipment Field Service It shall be required that the services of a competent, factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the MCC provide field services as follows: 1. Two (2) hours service time at time of receipt of equipment to instruct on installation and to inspect the equipment and to advise on its care during site storage. 2. Two (2) days serwce time at time of start-up to make the MCC ready and to program all solid state devices. 3. Eight (8) hours service time prior to completion of job to instruct the Owner's personnel on the operation, care and maintenance of the equipment. G. Starters Provide solid-state starters where and as specified herein and as shown on the attached drawings as manufactured by Benshaw, Inc. Construct to comply with NEMA Part ICS 2-324 as Class E1 controller. Disconnect section shall conform to Class E2 controller. Basic structure shall be welded type conslruction utilizing minimum 11GA sheet metal. 1. Doors shall be minimum 11 GA sheet metal, pan type with flanges formed to provide sturdy, rigid' structure. 2. Door latches and hinges capable of holding door closed during maximum fault condition. 3. Ventilation openings where required with protective barrier behind them. 4. Provide door interlocks to keep doors from being opened with power applied. 5. Doors shall be hinged to allow 120 deg swing. The solid-state starter enclosure shall be constructed as NEMA 1. 1. The dimensions of the enclosure shall be 92H x 36W x 30D (inches) for each starter. 2. If a line reactor is required, it shall be supplied loose for customer mounting to the top of the enclosure. 3. Provide removal-lifting provisions. Finish: 1. Metal parts to be given thorough rust resistant treatment. 2. Paint with one coat of Cardinal Text Beige (Benshaw standard finish), or ANSI 61 , or ANSI 49 medium gray enamel. Enclosure Layout: 1. Medium voltage or power section: Locate in main body. 2. Low voltage section: Locate behind main door in an isolated compartment, contains control logic. 3. Optically and magnetically isolated control signal from medium voltage signals. 4. Load terminals at bottom. Provide front accessibility to electrical components. Power and Ground Bus Main Bus: 1. Locate at top of enclosure. Mount in common horizontal plane to provide maximum short circuit capability and better heat distribution. 2. Tin plated copper with minimum ampacities per manufacturers standard for rated horsepower or as indicated herein or as indicated on the drawings. 3. Minimum continuous current carrying capacity per manufacturers standard for rated horsepower or as indicated herein or as indicated on the drawings. 4. Support on 5 KV fiberglass polyester insulators. Ground Bus: 1. Continuous ¼ in. by 1-in. bear copper along entire length of control line up. 2. Locate in bottom of each vertical section. Bus ratings shall be in accordance with UL 347. Bus Bracing: 1. Brace and test bus bars and cables to withstand, without damage or deformation. 2. Comply with NEMA/iEMAC ICS 2-324 through ICS 2-325, and UL 347. 3. Short circuit ratings are 250 MVA symmetrical at 5000 volts as defined by NEMA/EEMAC and UL. Bolted bus joints shall have a minimum of two bolts. Provide suitableboltholes to facilitate future extension of motor control center on either side. Wiring Complete with internal power and control wires including terminations for external connections. Phase sequencing shall have proper identification and wires shall have suitable markings at terminations. During installation of the starter, Stress cones shall be utilized for Sky-insulated cable. Main Bypass and Power Factor Capacitor Switching Contactors Provide three-phase inline (main) contactor, bypass contactor, and power factor capacitor switching contactors shall be provided. 1. Vacuum break type, fixed mounted style. 2. Current rating: manufacturer standard for horsepower rating. 3. Voltage rating: Up to 4,600 VAC. 4. The main and/or bypass contactor shall be sequenced by the manufacturer for proper operation of the solid-state starter. 5. The bypass contactor shall bypass the SCRs after starting and while the starter is in the run (full voltage) mode. 6. The power factor correction capacitor switching contactor shall be sequenced to be energized when the soft starter is bypassed. Medium Voltage Combination Starter Enclosure: 1. Metal enclosed freestanding dead front vertical steel assembly containing: a) Tin-plated copper horizontal power bus. b) Bare copper ground bus. c) Main load break and fault make isolating switch. d) Vacuum inline and bypass contactors. e) Low voltage control panel. f) Space for necessary auxiliary control and metering devices 2. Each structure shall be suitable for future expansion on each end. 3. Each structure shall also have non-removable base channel and removable lifting angles for each installation. Main Isolation Switch: 1. Externally operable 3 pole, ganged, load break, fault make unit, and provides the following features: a) Isolates power bus compartment from power cell by means of shutter mechanism. b) It shall interrupt no-load current of control circuit transformer supplied in controller. c) In off position, it shall ground some medium voltage power components, bleeding off hazardous stored energy, thus providing safer operation and maintenance. d) Rating size is 400 amp. e) One N.O. and one N.C. auxiliary contact will be available. NEMA/EEMAC contact rating: AC-A600, DC - P300. f) It shall remain connected to external operating handle at all times and be fully interlocked with inline contactor. g) It shall have a provision to be padlocked with up to three locks in open position. 2. The disconnect switch shall be mechanically and~or electrical interlocked to provide the following safety features: a) During manual operation of the disconnect to open incoming power, the disconnect removes power to coil of inline and bypass contactor before removing line power. b) Prevents opening of medium voltage door when isolating switch is in the closed position. c) Prevents closing of the isolating switch when medium voltage door of starter is open. Power Fuses 1. Integral part of medium voltage compartment. 2. Vertically mounted in front for ease of inspection and removal without special tools. 3. Current limiting type with 3-ph symmetrical interrupting ratings 400 MVA at maximum 5,000 v. 4. Blown fuse indication. 5. Fuse size shall be manufacturer standard or Bussmann. Power Fuse Holders 1. Controller shall have fixed power fuse holders that are part of power cell. 2. Fuse holders shall be clip in style with option for bolt in style. 3. Fuse clips shall be designed to accept current limiting fuses for Class E2 operation. Low Voltage Control Panel: Controller shall have a separate low voltage control compartment, which is totally isolated from power cell and power bus compartment for increased safety. The low voltage compartment shall provide following features: 1. Space for low voltage control devices, including metering. 2. Necessary terminal blocks. 3. Front accessibility without shutting down controller before opening low voltage panel door. 4. Allows remote low voltage cable to enter from top, bottom or side. 5. 120 VAC test plug with selector switch. Control 1. Control Power Transformer Mounted separately in the medium voltage power section. Oversize the CPT to provide the additional capacity for motor space heaters and loads shown. 2. Fuse control transformer on primary and secondary for proper coordination. Supply two fuses on primary and on fuse on secondary side with one leg grounded. Disconnect primary of control transformer from power supply with isolating switch in open position. 3. Control Wires: Minimum 14 GA stranded, rated for 600 v. 4. Terminal Strips: Rated for 600 v and suitable for terminating 10 GA wire. Mark both ends of control wires for identification. 5. Push buttons, pilot lights, and control relays. Heavy duty, rated to 600 v. 6. Controller shall include 120 VAC test to power and adjust microprocessor control when isolating switch is in open position. a) Test circuit shall consist of receptacle and plug mounted in low voltage compartment and accessible only when low voltage door is open. b) In test position, plug may be removed from receptacle end connected to external 120-v source of power. c) This shall isolate control transformer and prevent energizing control transformer secondary from test voltage source. 7. Identify devices mounted in low voltage compartment. M. Solid Stat~ Starter Logic Control Configuration 1. Description The solid-state starter shall be supplied standard with programming buttons and local startJstop buttons on one main keypad with LCD display. Standard starter control logic shall be located on a microprocessor-based PC card that provides the sequential logic for the starter and gate signals to the power card and then to the pulse cards that are used to drive the SCRs. Design control logic to perform timing required for operation of the solid-state starter, inline contaetor, and bypass contactor while continuously monitoring motor and starter for faults. If a fault is detected, the control logic of the solid-state starter shall provide fault indication viaan LCD display. In the event of a fault condition, the control logic shall safely shut down the starter to disable the motor. The PC cards of the solid-state starter shall be interchangeable with other control logic cards on starters of a similar design. h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) S) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) Low Voltage Compartment Locate low voltage section behind separate door and physically separated from medium voltage section by an insulated Lexan mounting chassis which allows only visual access to medium voltage section. Door to permit access to control logic with out exposure to medium voltages. Customer interlocking and control are interfaced in this section as well as metenng, relays, and pilot devices. Optically- isolate main control PC card located in low voltage section from medium voltage pulse generator cards on power poles. Electrical The logic control of the solid-state starter shall incorporate a micro computer which consists of all circuitry required to drive the power semiconductors and provide motor and starter monitoring functions. The solid-state starter logic shall provide the following standard features: a) Adjustable Ramp Time (0-120 seconds) b) Adjustable Initial Current (50-400% of motor FLA) c) Adjustable Max Current (200-600% of motur FLA) d) Dual Ramp Capabilities (both selectable and programmable) e) Kick Start (adjustable. 1 - 10 seconds) f) Adjustable Deceleratinn Profile for Pumps g) Over/Under Current Fault Protection (used in pumping applications for indicating blocked pump feed or pump jam) Line Phase Loss Detection Adjustable Line Current Imbalance Detection (10-40%) Adjustable Over/Under Line Voltage Protection (10-30%) Up To Speed Indication Line Phase Sequence Sensitivity or Insensitivity Selectable Solid State Overload Class (10, 20, 30) Selectable Motor Service Factor (1.0, 1.15, or 1.25) Adjustable Motor Full Load Amperes Adjustable Current Transformer Ratio Battery "Backup" of Set Starter Parameters Real Time Clock Selectable Pass code Protection of Set Starter Parameters Line Voltage Independent Operation Line Frequency Tracking (50Hz Through 60Hz) Over / under Line Frequency Protection Instantaneous Over current Detection Shorted SCR Detection Machine Ground Fault Protection Starts / Hour Limiter (Via LCD display) 4-64 aa) Elapsed Time Meter (Via LCD display) bb) Time between Starts Limiter cc) Power Factor Monitor dd) Watt and Watt / Hour Meter ee) Emergency Restart Capabilities on Lockout f0 Software Selectable (Via LCD) Relay Outputs gg) "Revolving" Event Recorder with time and date stamp (99 most recent events) hh) LCD Status Display Standard features shall operate concurrently. Provide a Multilin Model 369 motor protection relay. The relay shall be used to: a) Monitor 100 ohm platinum winding and bearing RTDs. b) RS485 Communications Capabilities via the Solid State Starter computer PC Card. c) Capability to Communicate with Modbus protocol. d) Provide motor protection. e) Provide indication of motor operation parameters. The Contractor shall provide all settings for the Multilin Relay based on motor nameplate data. Software Selectable Relay Outputs a) Three selectable relay outputs shall be provided with each solid-state starter. b) Relay outputs shall be selectable via LCD display. c) Selectable relay outputs shall be from the following menu: 1) Run 2) Up To Speed 3) Shorted SCR Trip 4) Motor Thermal Overload Trip 5) Motor Thermal Overload Warning 6) Motor Thermal Overload Lockout 7) SHT Fault Relay 8) Electronic Shear pin Trip 9) Under Current Trip d) The selectable relay outputs shall be in addition to one fixed general fault relay output. This general fault relay shall indicate any of the following faults: 1) Line Phase Loss 2) Line Phase Imbalance 3) Low Three Phase Line 4) Line Phase Sequence Change 5) Motor Thermal Overload Trip 6) Battery Backup Failure (Computer PC Card) 7) Instantaneous Over current 8) Shorted SCR Fault 9) Three Phase Line Frequency Deviation 10) Control Power Failure 4-65 11) Computer Error 12) Up To Speed Fault (Stall Time Has Expired) 13) High / Low Frequency Trip Contact ratings for output relays shall be rated 5 Amps inductive and 10 Ampsresistive. LCD Status Display a) Each solid-state starter shall have a keyboard/LCD display assembly designed to: 1) Set or examine operating parameters. 2) Provide starter status information. 3) Provide real-time information about line current, voltage, and frequency. 4) Provide a means to start and stop the solid-state starter. b) The LCD display for the solid~state starter shall be mounted on the door of the starter's low voltage section for viewing from the outside of the enclosure. LED Indicators The following LED indicators shall be provided for advisory status and fault annunciation: a) Power On b) Micro Computer Fault c) SCR Gate Drive Power d) Shorted SCR Line Reactors Line reactors shall be supplied with the medium voltage starter where deemed appropriate by the starter manufacturer. The following information is provided to aid the starter manufacturer in determining whether or not a line reactor is required. 1. Application: Water pumping. 2. MVA rating of transformer feeding power to the starter. 1.5 to 2.0 MVA (provided by TXU; fmal size has not been determined.) 3. Symmetrical short circuit capacity of power source feeding the starter assumes the utility transformer is a NEMA standard impedance with an infinite bus on the primary. 4. Length of power cable to be run from the starter to the motor during installation will be: 120 feet 5. 1 (number) of conductors will be used per phase and each conductor will be 1/0 (wire size). 6. The power cable from the starter to the motor will be shielded cable. If a line reactor is supplied with the starter, it shall be located in separate a enclosure to be mounted on top of starter enclosure. Line reactor shall be shipped loose for field mounting by party responsible for installation of the starter. Adequate length of 5KV rated cable, power cable lugs, and associated mounting hardware shall be supplied by the starter manufacturer to be used by the installer to wire from the starter to the line reactor. On drawing supplied with the starter, the starter manufacturer shall show the wiring of the line reactor as reference for the installer. SC.42 UNDERGROUND A. Scope Of Work Furnish and install a system of underground raceways and wiring as shown on the drawings. B. Applications Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, or otherwise specified, all underground and in-slab conduit raceways shall be of the following type: 1. Except as otherwise specified all power and control underground conduit runs shall be made with schedule 40 PVC. Bends to grade shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. 2. All instrumentation underground conduit runs shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. C. Submittals Process submittals for the following: 1. Non-Metallic conduit 2. Metallic conduit 3. Grounding Bushings 4. Buried conduit marker tape 5. Conduit supporting saddles D. Related Work Specified Under Other Sections 1. Refer to Section SC.39 for raceways. 2. Refer to Section SC.40 for wiring. 3. Refer to Section SC.45 for grounding. E. Raceways Raceways shall be as specified in Section SC.39. F. Miscellaneous Gravel for under bedding of conduits shall be washed type pea gravel. Plastic saddles for spacing and supporting conduits shall be interlocking types as manufactured by Cantex. Plastic marker label tape for buried conduits shall be yellow background with black letters with repetitive marking "ELECTRIC LINE" on yellow background, continuous along its length. Furnish T&B ~1qA-0608, or equal tape. G. Excavation and Backfilling Do all excavating and backfilling necessary for the installation of the work. This shall include shoring and pumping in ditches to keep them dry until the work has been installed. All excavations shall be made to proper depth. with allowances made for floors. forms. beams. piping. finished grades, etc. Ground under conduits shall be undisturbed earth or if disturbed, mechanicall3' compacted to a density ratio of 95% before conduits are installed. All backfilling shall be made with selected soil. free of rocks and debris and shall be pneumatically tamped in six (6") inch layers to secure a field density ratio of 95%. Field check and verify the locations of all underground utilities prior to any excavating. Avoid disturbing these as far as possible. In the event existing utilities are broken into or damaged, they shall be repaired so as to make their operation equal to that before the trenching was started. Raceways Install plastic coated conduits for bends to grade. Apply liberal amounts of specified thread coating compound to threads. Conduits shall be watertight over the entire length of the underground run. Install all power, control, and signal wiring. Label each single conductor wire at each connection with PVC sleeve type wire labels, Label each signal cable at each end withplastic waterproofwrite-on type label to identify terminal connection and function and device served. Where empty conduits terminate into equipment install blank "disc" under grounding bushing and bring specified foot-marked pull tape through disc. Label each end of each pull tape with waterproof plastic label to identify terminus of other end and show conduit size. Concrete Encasement Furnish concrete encasemerit for the relocated 4160-volt service as detailed on the drawings. Wiring All underground wiring runs shall be installed from line to load without splice. SC.43 GROUNDING SYSTEMS A. Scope Furnish and install complete grounding systems in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Provide ground mat grounding electrode system as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. B. Submittals Submit manufacturers' catalog sheets with catalog numbers marked for the items furnished, which shall include: 1. Ground well casings 2. Ground rods 3. Terminal lugs and clamps 4. Exothermal welding materials 5. Ground cable 6. Ground connection hardware C. Grounding Electrodes All ground mat grounding electrodes and grounding electrode conductors shall consist of tin plated stranded copper. All ground rods shall be copper clad steel products, 5/8" diameter x 8 feet long, unless otherwise indicated. Ground rods shall be Blackburn #6258, or equal. Provide heavy duty ground rod clamps equal to Blackburn #GG58 where vertical connections are installed and #GUV where U-bolt connectors are installed to serve horizontal connections. D. Grounding Devices Connectors shall be furnished as specified under Section SC.40 Conduit grounding bushings shall be furnished as specified under SC.39 Equipment grounding conductors shall be furnished as specified under SC.40. Flush cast metal grounding plates shall consist of bronze body with fiat plate on top and bolted clamp connector on bottom. Furnish OZ type "VG", or equal flush connectors. Each such connector shall be furnished with silicon bronze connector bolts for installation of top-mounted grounding connectors. Exothermal welding kits shall be "Cadweld" products as manufactured by Eftco. Molds, cartridges, powder, and accessories shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. E. Ground Test Wells Ground test wells shall be furnished for each ground rod for field-testing the ground mat system. Ground test wells shall each consist of ground rod with connector attached to a g4 up comer from the ground mat and contained within an access well with labeled top. Ground test well enclosures shall be Brooks product #3RT series, or equal. Enclosures shall be 10 1/4" diameter and shall include cast iron cover with integrally cut "GROUND TEST WELL" in top of cover. 4-69 F. Ground Mats G, Install ground mat around the perimeter and under the new foundations as sho,~n and tie into the existing ground mat. Use ~/0 AWG timplated copper stranded conductor for the ground mat. Install upcomer with indicated wire sizes of tin-plated copper conductors. Exothermally weld all connections. Install ~-4/0 up comers from ground mat to each main section of motor control centers. Install "VG" flush floor connector to serve each up comers and run ~ stingers from top side of each "VG" to ground bus in each main. Transformer Bond transformer neutral to cabinet. Install grounding electrode conductor from each transformer neutral to system ground and to local electrodes as shown. Wiring Systems Grounding All equipment enclosures, motor and transformer frames, metallic conduit systems, and exposed structural steel systems shall be grounded. Equipment grounding conductors shall be run with all wiring. Sizes of equipment grounding conductors shall be based on Article 250 of the N.E.C. except where larger sizes may be shown. Bond each equipment-grounding conductor to the equipment grounds at each end of each run. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit in sizes 1" and larger shall be equipped with external bonding jumpers. Use liquid tight connectors integrally equipped with suitable grounding lugs. Where conduits enter into equipment free of the metal enclosure, install grounding bushing on each conduit and bond-bushing lug to equipment ground bus. Where conduits enter equipment enclosures, equip each penetration inside with grounding bushing. Install bonding jumper from each grounding bushing to ground bus. For equipment enclosures that do not come furnished with a ground bus, install ground lug in each enclosure that shall be bonded to the metal cabinet or back pan of the enclosure. Separately derived systems shall be each grounded as shown and shall comply with Article 250 of the NEC except where higher standards are shown. Testing All exothermic weld connections shall successfully resist moderate hammer blows. Any connection that fails such test, or if upon inspection, weld indicates a porous or deformed connection, the weld shall be remade. All exothermic welds shall encompass 100 percent of the ends of the materials being welded. Welds that do not meet this requirement shall be remade. Test the ground resistance of the system. All test equipment shall be furnished by Contractor and be approved by Engineer. Test equipment shall be as manufactured by Biddie or approved equal. Dry season resistance of the system shall not exceed five ohms. If such resistance cannot be obtained with the system as shown, provide additional grounding as directed by Engineer. CITY OF COPPELL ADDITION OF PUMP NO. 4 TO THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION SECTION 5 PROJECT PHOTOS ?- 5-1 Existing 30-inch Suction Wall Pipe and Blind Flange for proposed Pump Number 4 Existing 30-inch Suction Wall Pipe and Blind Flange for Proposed Pump Number 4 Inside view of Existing 30-inch Wall Pipe and Blind Flange 24-inch D~scharge Header and Bhnd Flange for Pump Number 4 Existing Pump Number 3 24" Discharge Piping Existing Pump Number 3 3(}" Suction PIping Motor Control Room Slot for MCC fbr Proposed Pump Number 4 Existing 36-inch Venturi Tube in Meter Vault (to be remo;'ed} Existing 36-inch Venturi Tube and Associated Pipe Fittings to be removed)