ST9302-CS 990216 (2)JOHN MAGGIORE <jnmaggiore@mymail.net> "kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us" <kgriffin@ci.coppell.t... 2/1~/G~ 3:45AM $~nd¥ L~ke Roed Construction From: To: Date: Subject: Ken: Good Morning! Yesterday, a utility crew dug up a 3'x4'x12' hole between the sidewalk and curb. They protected the hole with orange mesh fencing which was installed very flimsy which appears to make a serious hazard for joggers, kids and pets especially in the dark hours. If you have few minutes please ride by and look at this and see what you think (or send someone else to look at it). I recieved 2 calls last night from neighbors who were concerned also. If is wasn't a safety issue, I wouldn't bother you. Thanks.