ST9302-CS 990203i AI!ana Lamberth ~ SandY Lake complaint From: Mar/beth Spletzer To: ALAMBERT Date: 2/3/99 2:50PM Subject: Sandy Lake complaint Allana: This afternoon, I heard from a resident who would like to have the port-a-potty at Sandy Lake and Meadow Run moved. She says the utility workers have positioned it directly in front of the white brick entryway sign to the Meadows subdivision, and it looks tacky! She also said that the workers have been digging up bushes and shrubbery, only to leave them laying around to dr/up. I don't know if this involves any of our City workers, or if it's an outside contractor who might be responsible for correcting these problems. Do you h~ve the name of a contact person who could follow up on this complaint? The caller didn't ask for a return call --- she just wants the two problems corrected. Have any clues? Thanks for any help you can provide!!