ST8503-CS 760119,,Tarry 19, 1976 Mr. 3tm Seckson e/o Commissioners Court 4th Floor Dallas County Records Building Dallil, Tex~ti 7SZOZ Ret Proposed ~xtansion of Bethel School l~oad, Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Jackson: The extension of the above referred to road has been talked about for quite some time. In Ausust, 1973, Baptist Foundation of Texas deeded a strip of land S0 feet wads to the City of Coppell &long the north edge of our property for the extension of this road. This extends from Denton Tap Road westward to where Bethel School Road turns back north. Aa you call, this lsPart of the over-all plan to extend Bethel School Road over to Belt Line 1%sad. At the time the property was deeded, it was our understanding that this road would be constructed in the near future by Dallas Countyt It was also our understanding from the commtssioner at that time that funds were available for the construction of thio road! howovor, we* were told later that these funds were used for another project. I realtee that since you were elected commissioner you have bean work- lng trying to ~et this road completed and wa know that this was included in the last bond election that was turned down by tho voters, Since it has been quite some time since we deeded the property to the City of Coppell and the road has not been constructed we bye requested that Mr, ;rim Jackson Sa&usry 19. 1976 PiSe 2 the city deed the property back to Baptist Found&tis& of TexAs. Attnched is a copy of my letter to Mr. Georle Campbell, City Administrator of the City of CoppelL We appreciate all you have done in trying to get this road constructed and we are still interested in this being done. If you think something will be worked out in the near luture then we will withdraw our request (or the property to be deeded back. If you think it will be some time before Dallas County and tho City of Coppell can work something out then we will expect the property to be deeded back to ]~ptist Found&tis& of Texas, Il in tho future it is decided to construct this ro.d we will be lied to cooperate with tho city ,nd the county concerning the risht of way of the proposed otFes~ We wo~d like for t~t road to be included in the next bond el*ctio~ cnn be oK help in any w~y, please advise. Yours very truly, W~yne Cl&ycomb cc; Mr. Georfe C~mpbell City Administrator City OK Coppell, Texes