ST8503-CS 76021219761 Mr. A. Webb Roberts P. O. Box 10S0 Dlllas, Texas 75221 Dear IVfr. l~obertst Enclosed is a pht of the property I showed you ~londay that the Count_y was wanting at Denton Tap Road. They finally decided they did not need this amount of right of way if we would grant them a temporary easement to slope the dirt back onto our property. They plan to leave the row of trees along the property line so when they acquire an additional 50 feet of right of way on the north side of our property these trees will be in the median strip of the proposed street. They still propose eventually to have & four to slx lane divided thorou~h- fire. The County has proposed to the City of Coppell if the City will pay for hal~ the material cost for paving the street they will see that this is done, r, wall cost the City approximately $20~000. They further proposed to re- do the street from the edge of our property through the downtown part of Coppell if the City will pay for half the material cost which would be another SZ0, 000. This proposal will bo discussed by the City Council within the next few days. , If there is any question0 please advise. Yours very t~uly, Wayne CIAyeomb W~lonure