TR9303-AG 950110 (2) AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 10, 1995 ITEM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the amendment of Land Use Assumptions, the Capital Improvement Plan for Water and Wastewater Facilities; and to consider the imposition of Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fees; and to consider the adoption of a Capital Improvement Plan for and the imposition of Impact Fees for Roadway Facilities. SUBMITTEDk~: Ke~eth M. Griffin, P.E. "., [ ~. .~m~ &.t(~ ._J TITLE: ....... X~"t'2--~mm~r/Dir. mbiic Wor~[~ c - INITIALS ~__ STAFF CO~ENTS: See info~ation and description under ~e agenda item requesting approval of the ordinance levying the Water and Sa~ta~ Sewer and Roadway Impact Fees. The Land Use Assumptions are ~e same as approved for the Roadway Impact Fee Study. Because of a tec~icality, the approval of the Land Use Study for use with the Roadway Impact Fee Study does automatically mean that the study can be used for the Water and Sewer Impact Fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval X_ Denial EXP LANAT I ON: The backup information for the Roadway Impact Fees was previously provided on December 13, 1994. Please bring that information to this Council meeting. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. BUDGET AMT. $ #~ AMT. EST. $ +/- BUD: $ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW: '~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 15. Consideration and approval of an ordinance revising the City of Coppell Thoroughfare Plan to designate Sandy Lake Road as a four-lane divided boulevard (C4D) from Denton Tap Road to MacArthur Blvd. and authorize the Mayor to sign. Ken Griffin, Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works, addressed concerns of where Sandy lake Road will be situated. No action was taken on this item pending negotiations with the Public Utilities Commission and TU Electric. 16. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the amendment of Land Use Assumptions, the Capital Improvement Plan for Water and Wastewater Facilities, and to consider the imposition of Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fees; and consider the adoption of a Capital Improvements Plan for and the imposition of impact fees for Roadway Facilities. Ken Griffin, Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Morton opened the Public Heating and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to close the Public Heating and approve Item 16 and Ordinance No. 95685 amending Chapter 17 of the Code of Ordinances, adopting a Roadway Impact Fee and amending the Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Watson, Reitman, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. 17. Discussion and consideration of approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 17 of the Code of Ordinances, adopting a Roadway Impact Fee and amending the Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. This item was considered under Item 16. See Item 16 for minutes. 18. Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-1194-04 for Cleaning and Related Services to American Housekeeping, Inc. in the amount of $34,619.52 for all City facilities to include the new Library with services commencing February 1, 1995. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Bid Q-1194-94 for Cleaning and Related Services to American Housekeeping, Inc. in the amount of $34,619.52 for all City facilities to include the new Library with services commencing February 1, 1995. Councilmember Reitman CM011095 Page 8 of 11 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Asst. City Manager/Dir. Public Works\~ RE: Discussion concerning the Roadway Impact Fee Date: December 13, 1994 / Work Session On January 10th, 1995, a public hearing will be held to discuss the adoption of a Roadway Capital Improvement Plan and the imposition of an Impact Fee in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code. Because the concept of the Roadway Impact Fee is relatively new, it is my desire to present the information this month so that Council has the opportunity to review the information and ask any questions concerning the Roadway Impact Fee prior to January 10, 1995. If it becomes necessary, there could be a briefing concerning this issue sometime prior to January 10, 1995. The information provided with this agenda item is the Roadway Impact Fee Study as prepared by JBM Engineers and Planners. This Roadway Impact Fee Study was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, which is the Advisory Committee to the City Council on Impact Fee issues, on November 14, 1994. The recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission was to implement the Roadway Impact Fee, but to only charge $300 per equivalent service unit (as shown on tabbed page #1) for Zones 1-7, 9 and 10 and to charge $73 per equivalent service unit for Zone 8. At the City Council meeting on December 13, 1994, I will provide some basic information on how the Impact Fees are arrived at and give a few examples of real life cases currently facing the City Council and how the Impact Fees could affect those cases. I am currently working with Pete Smith to construct the ordinance that will go along with this agenda item on January 10, 1995. That ordinance still contains the one unknown in this whole issue and that is the offsets and credits for various streets that have been constructed or will be constructed and the dedication of right-of-way for those streets. Again, this is only an attempt to provide information to Council prior to asking Council to make a decision on the issue. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting.