DR9502-SY 960717lll · ,, Halff Associates Ill ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS · SCIENTISTS PLANNERS · SURVEYORS b qs'-o 8515 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 (214) 739-0094 FAX (214) 739-0095 July 17, 1996 AVO 15254 Mr. Kenneth M. C_n'itTm, P.E. Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Request for a Letter of Map Amendment for the Coppell Road Senior Citizens Center. Dear Mr. Griffin: Enclosed are five (5) copies of the Coppell Road Senior Citizens Center Request for a Letter of Map Amendment for your review. Please sign each report on page II-2, keep one (1) copy for your records and return the remaining four (4) copies to our offices. Give us a call at 214-739-0094 and we will be happy to arrange to have the reports picked up. We will then take care of forwarding two (2) copies to the FEIMA regional center in Denton. Thank you for your assistance. Please give us a call if we can be of further assistance or if you have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Sabine Borgnet-Hards Enclosures. File: Itt7-17.doc DALLAS · FORT WORTH · HOUSTON ° ARLINGTON ° McALLEN ° CHICAGO TRANSPORTATION · WATER RESOURCES · LAND DEVELOPMENT · MUNICIPAL · ENVIRONMENTAL ° STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL · ELECTRICAL ° SURVEYING · GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE ° LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ° PLANNING Request For a Letter of Map Amendment On Stream G-l, A Tributary of Grapevine Creek In the City of Coppell Dallas County, Texas Coppell Road Senior Citizen Center Prepared for: The City of Coppell., Texas By: Halff Associates, Inc. 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 These documents are for permit purposes only and are not intended for Construction or Bidding. AVO 15254 July 1996 HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS ° PLANNERS · -- Halff Associates Ill ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS ° SCIENTISTS PLANNERS ® SURVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 (214) 739-0094 FAX (214) 739-0095 · July 17, 1~6 Avo 15254 Federal Emergency Management Agency Mitigation Division Federal Regional Center 800 North Loop 288 Denton, Texas 76201-3698 Attn.: Ms Vicky Carter Re: Request for a Letter of Map Amendment on Stream G-l, a Tributary of Grapevine Creek in the City of Coppell, Texas. Coppell Road Senior Citizens Center Dear Ms Carter: Enclosed you will fmd a technical report on existing conditions for a site along Stream G-l, a Tributary of Grapevine Creek. The site was formerly a fire station and the existing buildings are being converted to a Senior Citizens Center. Alterations to the Stream G-1 channel or flood plain are not a part of the project. This report, submitted by Halff Associates, Inc. on behalf of the City of Coppell, contains the technical data required for issuance of a Letter of Map Amendment. Hard copies of the HEC-2 hydraulic models, a diskette containing input data files, and flood plain and floodway mapping can be found in appendices A through E. Application and Certification forms are included in Section II. The base hydraulic models utilized for this study are as approved by FEMA for the City of Coppell FIS published on April 15, 1994. The digital form of the Duplicate Base lis model was obtained Mr. Anthony P. Appleby of the FEMA Project Library in January 1996. Please let us know if you would be interested in receiving reports such as this Letter of Map Amendment in a digital format in the future (CD ROM). If you have any technical questions on this report, please contact Halff Associates, Inc., the City of Coppeil's technical consultant for this project, at 214-739-0094. Administrative questions should be directed to Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Director of Public Works and Assistant City Manager for the City of Coppell at 214-304-3679. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Yours very truly, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Walter E. Skipwith, P.E. Vice-President Enclosure cc: Mr. Jack Quarles, FEMA Region VI Mr. Kenneth Griffin, P.E., Director of Public Works and Assistant City Manager DALLAS · FORT WORTH ° HOUSTON · ARLINGTON · McALLEN · CHICAGO TRANSPORTATION ° WATER RESOURCES ° LAND DEVELOPMENT ° MUNICIPAL · ENVIRONMENTAL ° STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ' ELECTRICAL ° SURVEYING ° GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE · LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ' PLANNING INTRODUCTION REQUEST FOR A LETTER OF ~ AMENDMENT COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General. 2. Site Description 3. Purpose. 4. Data collection 5. Hydraulic Analysis · Existing Conditions · Floodway,Determination 6. Hydraulic Results 7. Benchmarks 8. Photographs I-I I-1 I-1 I-1 I-2 I-2 I-2 I-2 I-3 I-3 II. APPLICATION/CERTIFICATION FORMS MT-1 Form 1 - Property Information Form MT-1 Form 2 - Elevation Information Form MT-2 Form 4 - Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form Attachment 4-A, Results Attachment 4-B, Comparison Table II-1 II-3 II-5 II-11 II-12 III. APPENDICES Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. Figures and Maps FIS Duplicate Effective Multi-Profile HEC-2 Model ( G IlMPFIN.out) Corrected Effective (Extended) Multi-Profile HEC-2 Model (G1EXTNAT.out) Soils Information Digital HEC-2 Input Data Files on diskette REQUEST FOR A LE~VFER OF MAP AMENDMENT COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER LIST OF FIGURES AND MAPS IN APPENDIX A Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Location Map Deed Revised FEMA FIRM Map - City of Coppell, Dated April 15, 1994 (1"=1000') 'Plat Map - Scale: 1" = 60' Site Plan - Scale: 1" = 60' Profile Added Cross Sections: 7A Section 3675 7B Section 4205 7C Section 4455 7D Section 4495 7E Downstream face bridge 7F Upstream face bridge 7G Section 4550 Table 1 Table 2 LIST OF TABLES Water Surface Elevation OVSEL) Table - FIS 100-Year Discharges Comparison of WSEL's and Velocities - FIS Discharges H-10 H-13 I. Introduction REQUEST FOR A LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 1. General. This study was undertaken to provide the necessary technical data for issuance of a FEMA Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) for a single lot along Stream 13-1, a tributary of Grapevine Creek, in the City of Coppell, Texas. The required forms for this "Request for a Letter of Map Amendment" are included in Section II of this report. 2. Site description. Stream 13-1 is a tributary to Grapevine Creek which drains generally in an easterly direction within the City of Coppell and eventually flows to its confluence with Grapevine Creek approximately 2500 feet downstream (east) of the site. The lot is the property of the City of Coppell and is located on the south bank of Stream 13-1 about 300 feet north of the intersection of Coppell Road and Bethel Road (previously known as Bethel School Road). It is currently occupied by a fire station, a water tank and storage buildings. None of the existing buildings have basements. The Stream 13-1 channel and banks are overgrown with trees and brush in this area. The overbanks are covered with low grass, some brush and a small amount of trees. The vicinity was subject to light urbanization in the past and used to be the center of the old City of Coppell. It has retained its charm and now consists of part large residential lots and part commercial properties. The new City of Coppell has developed tremendously in the last few years on the outskirts of this old downtown area. 3. Purpose. .~ The site isotrrently located within the FEMA regulatory flood plain. It has been assigned the zone A descriptor reserved for areas inundated by the 100-year flood but for which no base flood elevations have been determined. It is located approximately 700 feet upstream of the current limit of detailed hydrauiie study. Halff Associates, Inc. was retained by the City of Coppell to extend the effective FEMA models to include the fire station site and to determine the extent of the l O0-year flood plain based on existing landuse watershed conditions (FIS discharges) and the most recent City of Coppell aerial topography. The City of Coppell will eventually convert the existing fire station into a senior citizens center. Channel or flood plain / floodway alterations are not planned as a part of the project. 4. Data collection. The hydrology for Stream 13-1 was not updated for this study and the revised (extended) hydraulic models use discharges similar to the ones used in the effective FIS model. The hydrology was judged appropriate for the 1035 foot stretch of channel upstream of the current detailed study. The original hydrology was developed by Goodwin and Marshall, Inc. in 1992 as part of a LOMR approved by FEMA on October 16, 1992 (case number 92-06-124P). Work maps for this project are based on City of Coppell topographic maps prepared in 1995 by Dallas Aerial Surveys. 5. Hydraulic analysis. · Existing Conditions. The effective FIS model was extended using cross-sections from the City-Wide Storm Water Management Study performed by Halff Associates, Inc. for the City of Coppell in January 1991. The five added cross sections span 1035 feet of channel. The model now extends to a point 55 feet upstream of the Coppell Road culvert. Additionally, at cross section 3675, the channel and right overbank geometry was modified per a HalffAssociates, Inc. March 1996 field survey. The new cross sections have higher n-values than those present at the upstream end of the effective FEMA model. Those higher values are identical to those used in the City-Wide Storm Water Management Study and are justified by the abundance of vegetation in the area. Manning's n-values were not modified downstream of the added cross sections. Floodway Determination. The current effective FEMA FIRM includes a floodway delineation for Stream G-1 along all of its study reach, from its confluence with Grapevine Creek to the upstream limit of the detailed study. However, the purpose of this report is to establish base flood elevations at a specific structure. Therefore, the floodway model was not modified to include this additional segment of the creek. 6. Hydraulic Results. The revised 100-year flood plain delineation results in a total flood plain area decrease of 3.30 acres upstream of the current limit of detailed study. The only crossing in the extended reach is that of the Coppell Road box culvert, which would be submerged in the event of a 100-year flood. Flow velocities at the added cross sections are all in the non-erosive range (less than 6 fps.) except at the upstream face of the culvert (cross section 4550) where the existing ehaunel is armored with concrete. The results of this study show that the existing building would not be included in the 100-year flood plain when delineated on the effective City of Coppell topographic map. While the main building's finished floor is at elevation 509.2, the outside comer of the same structure is at elevation 508.1 and the water surface elevation at the same location is at elevation 506.0. 7. Benchmarks. The Halff Associates, Inc. March 1996 field survey attempted to tie the FIS elevation reference mark RM 196 described on the FIRM as "RM 196, elevation 467.22, chiseled square on top of wheel guard at southwest corner of bridge of Denton Tap Road over Cottonwood Branch OVGVD 1929)". A wheel guard could not be found at that location but a chiseled square cut mark was found nearby on the SW comer of the Denton Tap Road bridge over Cottonwood Branch (outside edge of concrete mil), approximately 400 feet north of Parkway Boulevard. That mark was fled at elevation 466.93. 1-2 The same survey tied the FIS elevation reference mark RM 197 described on the FIRM as "RM 197, elevation 483.50, chiseled square on top of wing wall SE corner of bridge on Sandy Lake Road over Cottonwood Branch (lqGVD 1929)" at elevation 483.80. The Halff Associates, Inc. survey used the highly accurate global positioning system (GPS) in its determination of the benchmarks' elevation. GPS observations were constrained horizontally to the High Accuracy Regional Reference Point in Arlington, Texas. The GPS network was adjusted vertically to the US Coast and Geodetic Benchmark 7Y-1924-R35 (3rd order) at the Elm Fork dam on Sandy Lake Road (elevation 438.531, NGVD29), 8. Photographs. Photographs on pages 1-4 through I-9 illustrate the existing site along Stream G-1. PHOTOGRAPH #1 The Coppell Road Fire Station, Viewed from across Coppell Road PHOTOGRAPH #2 Stream G-1 channel, looking downstream from Coppell Road Cross section 4455 PHOTOGRAPH #3 Stream G-1 left ovcrbank, looking downstream from Coppell Road Cross section 4455 PHOTOGRAPH #4 Stream G-1, looking downstream from Coppell Road Cross sections 4205 and 4455 PItOTOGRAPIt #5 Stream G-1 right overbank downstream of fire station - Cross section 4205 PHOTOGRAPH #6 Stream G-1 channel downstream o£ fire station - Cross section 4205 I-7 PHOTOGRAPH #7 Stream G-1 right overbank, looking downstream from Coppell Road between cross sections 4205 and 4455 I-8 PHOTOGRAPH #8 Stream G-1 channel, looking upstream from Coppell Road Cross sections 4495 and 4550 PHOTOGRAPH #9 Coppell Road Culvert, looking upstream at Coppell Road Cross section 4455 II. Application/Certification Forms FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. Burden No. 3067-0147 FEMA USE ONLY PROPERTY INFORMATION Expires July 31, 1997 Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1.63 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing and reviewing the form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Slreet, S.W., Washington, DC 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0147), Washington, DC 20503. This form may be completed by the property owner, registered land surveyor, or registered profe~ional engineer 1. Community Name: (~i~ of Co_~pell County:~ State: TX Community Number. 480170 Panel or Map Number: 0010 E Effective Date: ,4pri115. 1994 2. Street Address of Property: ~v6 $ CoppellRoad. C4~p_t~elL T~ras 75019 3. Description of Property Lot and Block (ifa street address cannot be provided): 4. Are you requesting that the SFHA desi~ion be removed from (a) all of the bank within the bounds of the property, ~o) a portion of land within the bounds of the property (metes and boun~ d~script~on i~ required}, or (c) the structureO) on the 5. Is this request for (a) a single residential structure or lot, ~b) a single commercial structure or lot, (c) multiple structures or lots? (Answer "a", "b~ or %") ~ ffexisting structure, what was the date of construction? 6. ~s this request prior to the tcansfer of ownecship of the propecty in question fi'om a developer to an individual property owner? [] Yes [] No ?. Is this request for ~a) existin~ conditions or ~o~ proposed project? (Answer $. Has ~11 been placed in an identified SFHA or to elevate a structure~ No ffyes, whea? 9. For proposed projects, will fill be placed to elevate this land or structures)? 10. Do you know of previous requests that have been submitted to FEMA for this property or adjacent properties? If yes, what was the date of FEMA's response letter? N/A FEMA Form 81-87, OCT. 94 Property Information Form II-1 MT-I Form 1 Page 1 of 2 11. I have enclosed the following documents in support of this request: ¥e$ The plat map does not a. Copy of the Plat Map (with recordation data) with recorder's seal show the recorder's seal. OR gee Appendix.4, Figure 4 b. Copy of the Deed (with recordation data), accompanied by a tax assessor's map, plat map or other suitable map showing the surveyed location of the property with recorder's seal (For these maps a map scale must be provided and they should not be reduced or enlarged) See .4ppendix .4, Figures 2 and 4 Yes c. Copy of the effective FIRM panel on which the property location has been accurately plotted (lfthe request is for more than one lot~structure, this location must be certified by a licensed land surveyor or registered professional engineer) See Appendix A, Figure 3 Yes d. A map showing the locations of any structures existing on or proposed for the property (certified by a licensed land surveyor or registered professional engineer) gee Appendix A, Figure $ No e. Metes and bounds description and accompanying map (only if the request is for a portion of land within the bounds of the property, not structure(s) only) Yes f. Elevation Information form N/A g. Community Acknowledgment form (on/), if fill has been/will be placed) N/A h. Certification of Fill Compaction form (only if fill has been/will be placed and the request is not for a single residential structure) Initial fee (see page 7 of instructions for initial fees and exemptions) No i. The inltlnl fee for a single lot LOMA is $0.00 $ $ 0.00 (Type of request} (amount enclosed) PAYMENT ENCLOSED Check or money order only. Make check or money order payable to: National Flood Insnrance Program. If paying by Visa or Mastercard please refer to the credit card information form which follows this form. j. Additional Information: (please specify) 12. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by f'me or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Applicant's Name: The Ci(v_ of Coppell (please type or prinO Mailing Address: 255 Parlcw~_ Boulevard 75019 (please type Daytime Telephone Number:. 214-304-3679 Date -I- ~.1 $ignattwe of Applicant FEMA Form $1-87, OCT. 94 Property Information Form II-2 MT-1 Form 1 Page 2 of 2 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0147 FEMA USE ONLY ELEVATION INFORMATION Expires July 31, 1997 Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average .63 hours per response. The burden ~.mate includes ~e time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing and reviewing the form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S.W., W. ,a, .sh...ingt0n, DC 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0147), Washington, DC 205032 This form must be completed by a licensed land surveyor or registered professional engineer. These forms should not be used for requests involving Channelizntion, Bridges/Culverts, or Fill in the FEMA-Designated Floodway. Forms entitled Revisions to National Flood Insurance Program Maps (MT-2) should be used. The Elevation Information Form must be included for all requests, unless the request is for a determination in which the FIRM already shows the property to be CLEARLY outside the SFHA. Cases in which the determination for the property or structure is uncertain will require the submittal of elevation data to provide a definitive determination. If an elevation certificate has been completed for the subject property, it may be submitted in lleu of this form. (See page 7 of instructions for details) 1. Community Name: CRv o_fCoppell 2. Legal Description of Property: See -#,,~hed le~_al de.~,',~_tion/D,,,d Aooend;r A. Fieure 2 3. Flooding Source: Stream G-I. a tributary to Gravevine Creek 4. Based on the FIRM, this property is located in Zone(s) Zone A 5. Is any portion of this property located in the regulatory floodway? [] Yes [] No Are any structures (existing or proposed) located in the regulatory floodway? [] Yes [] No 6. Is this area subject to land subsidence or uplift? [] Yes [] No If yes, what is tho date of the current releveling? 7. What is the BFE for this pwperty? (Provide elevation to nearest tenth ora foot and datum)* 506.0 Elevation IVGVD 1929 Datum 8. How was the BFE determined? (attach a copy of the Flood Profile or table from the FIS report, if appropriate, or other necessary supporting information including Forms 3 and 4from forms entitled, "Revisions to National Flood Insurance Program Maps" (MT-2)). BFE was determined from attached eocten_de_d HEC-2 mod_e! (Also see attached Form 4 MT-2} 9. Ifa flood profile for the SOO-year flood was pwvided in the FIS Report, what is the 500-year flood elevation for this property? 506. 7 (Imm ntt__a_ched extended HEC-2 model} Elevation iyGVD 1929 Datum 10. If this request is to remove the SFHA designation from a parcel of. land or lot(s), what is the existing or proposed elevation of the lowest grade; that is, the lowest ground on the property? (Provide elevation to nearest tenth of a foot and datum)* N/A Elevation Datum FEMA Form 81-$7A, OCT. 94 Elevation Information Form 11-3 MT-I Form IA Page 1 of 2 [1. [2. 13. If this request is to remove the SFHA designation from a structure(s), what is the elevation of the existing or proposed lowest adjacent grade; that is, the lowest ground touching the structure? (Provide elevation to nearest tenth ora foot and datum)*. $08.1 NGVD 1929 Elevation Datum note: the ballding's finish floor elevation is 509.2 NGVD 1929 (no basement) If fill has been/will be placed to elevate the structure(s) on this property, what is the existing or proposed elevation of the lowest floor, including basement and/or attached garage? (Provide elevation to nearest tenth of a foot and datum)* IV/A Elevation Datum If any of the above elevations were computed based on a datum different than the effective FIS, what is the conversion factor? FIS Datum = Local Datum +/- Feet See L Introduction, Z Benchmarks, page I-3. 14. For multiple lots/structures, complete the appropriate column(s) of the Summary of Elevations - Individual Lot Breakdown Form, identifying the elevation for each lot/structure. To support items 9, 10 and 11, please note a map (certified by a licensed surveyor or registered professional engineer) may be required to relate the ground elevations and locations of structures or lots. The map should indicate whether it reflects "ns-built" or "proposed" conditions. All information submitted in support of this request is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by frae or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Name: Walter E. SMpwith. P.E. (please print or type) Title: Va:e-President and Pro}ect Manager (please print or type) Registration No.: 48 752 Expiration Date: 12/29/96 State: Teras Telephone Number: 214- 739-0094 Signatt~re Date Seal (optional) FEMA Form 81-87A, OCT. 94 Elevation Information Form II-4 MT- 1 Form IA Page 2 of 2 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. Burden No. 3067-0148 FEMA USE ONLY RIVERINE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FORM Expires July 31, 1997 Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 225 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining thc needed data, and completing and revi~nving the form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0148), Washington, DC 20503. Community Name: CiO,- of Coppell. Flooding Source: Stream Gl. a tributn~_ to Grapevine Creel~ (One form for each flooding source) Project Name/Identifier: Coppell Road Senior C~ir~ns Center 1. REACH TO BE REVISED IDownstream limit Upstream limit Section 3515 Se__~_ n 4550 [] Not studied Studied by approximate methods Downstream limit of study Upstream limit of study Studied by detailed methods Downstream limit of study Upstream limit of study Floodway delineated Downstream limit of floodway Upstream limit of floodway Se_~_'_ton 120. confi~,nee with Gnmevint Creek Se__,__~_n_ n 3515 S,~tlon 120. con_fl~ence with Gr~_ ~ine Creek $,~do_ n 3515 3. ttYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Why is the hydraulic analysis different from that used to develop the FIRM. (Check all that apply) [] Not studied in FIS The portion o_f the proper(v_ to be removed_£rom the FI.V_flood plaln is shown up.~tream of the limit of d_,,tn_!!ed st.~_ on the e._ffe__~_ e FIRM [] Improved hydrologic data/analysis. Explain: [] Improved hydraulic analysis. Explain: [] Flood control structure. Explain: [] Other. Explain: Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form 11-5 MT-2 Form 4 Page 1 of 6 3. RIVERINE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FORM Models Submitted For areas which have detailed flooding: Full input and output listings along with files on diskette (if available) for each of the models listed below (items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and summary of the source of input parameters used in the models must be provided. The summary must includ~ a complete description of any changes made from model to model (e.g. duplicate effective model to corrected effective model). At a minimum, the Duplicate Effective (item 1) and the Revised or Post-Project Conditions (item 4) models must be submitted. See instructions for directions on when other models may be required. See L Introduction, $. Hydraulic analysis, page I-2 For areas which do not have detailed flooding: Only the 100-year flood profile is required. A hydraulic model is not required for areas which do not have detailed flooding; however, BFE's may not be added to the revised FIRM. If a hydraulic model is developed for the area, items 3 and 4 descn~c~l below must be submitted. If hydraulic models are not developed, hydraulic analyses for existing or pre-project conditions and revised or post-projeot conditions must be submitted. All calculations must be submitted for these analyses. (See item 6 below) 1. Duplicate Effective Model Copies of the hydraulic analysis used in the effective liS, referred to as the effective models (10-, 50, lO0- , and 500-y~ multi-profile runs and the floodway run) must be obtained and then ~a-oduc~ on the requester's equipment to produce the dunlicate effective model. This is required to assure that the effective - model input data has been Iransferred con~y to the requester's equipment and to assure that the revised data will be integrated into the effective ~ to provide a continuous FIS model upstream and downstream of the revised reach. Natural Floodway [] tn Glimpfm N/A 2. Corrected Effective Model The corrected effective model is the model that corrects any errors that occur in the ~ model, adds any additional cross sections to the duplicate effective model, or incxnpomtes more detailed topographic information than that used in the currently effective model. The c~onected effective model must not reflect any man-made physical changes since the date of the effective model An error could be a technical error in the modeling proczdmm, or any construction in the flood plain that occurred prior to the date of the effective model but was not in~ into the effective model. 3. Existing or Pre-Project Conditions Model The dlal~ligalt~ff~ or ~ model is modified to produce the exlstin_~ or pre-project Natural ~ to reflect any modifications that have occurred within the flood plain since the date of the Cl effective model but prior to the construction of the project for which the revision is being requested. If no N/A modification has occurred since the date of the effective model, then this model would be identical to the corrected effective or duplicate effective model. Natural Floodway [] [] Gl extnat N/A Floodway N/A 4. Revised or Post-Project Conditions Model The ;xistln? or pre-pro_iect conditions model (ar duplicate effective or corrected effective model, as Natural appropriate) is revised to reflect revised or post-project conditions. This model must incorporate any [] physical changes to the floodplain since the effective model was produced as well as the affects of theN/A project. When the request is for proposed project this model should reflect proposed conditions. 5. ~ Please attach a sheet descn'oing all other models submitted." 6. Hydraulic Analyses (Only if Hydraulic Models are not developed) Please attach all calculations for the existing or pre-project conditions and the revised or post-project conditions. Proceed to Form $, "Riverine/C, oas~ Mapping Form". Natural [] N/A Floodway [] N/A Floodway [] N/A Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form TI-6 MT-2 Form 4 Page 2 of 6 4. MODEL PARAMETERS (from model used to revise l O0-year water surface elevation) Discharges: Section 4550 Upstream Limit Section 120 Downstream Limit 1 O-year 1860 cfs 1860 cfs 50-year 2735 cfs 2735 c_fs 100-year 3140 cfs 3140 cfs 500-year 4210 c_fs 4210 c_fs Attach diagram showing changes in 100-year discharge N/A Discharges were not modified Explain how the starting water surface elevations were determined Starting water surface elevations were not modi_fied from those used in the FIS effective modelx Give range of friction loss coefficients (Manning's 'W") Channel Overbanks ,015 - .090 ,040 - .085 If friction loss coefficients are different anywhere along the revised reach from those used to develop the FIRM, give location, value used in the effective FIS, and revised values and an explanation as to how the revised values were determined. cross section 3675 None cross section 4205 None cross section 4455 IVone cross section 4495 None cross section 4550 None .045, .075 - .070 - .085..055 .045 - .070 - .060 .040 - .055 - .075 ,040 - .015 - .075 .085 - .090 - .085 LOB - CH - ROB Explain: Tire revised reach was not sn, dt, d in the e__ffec__t!ve Fig. The f _r!c_t'_tan loss eoe__ff'w, lents~ ~ere taken_from the City_ of Coppell's 1991 C'_tty-W~_f. Storm W~.r Management Study. Alt_fi_ou_v_h some of tht~coe__fficients are greater than those used in the FIS downstream of the revised r.o~_h, they_ are_iust~fled b_v the topography of the site - Please see photo?aphs_ age I-3 of this report. Describe how the cross section geometry data were determined (e.g., fieM survey, topographic map, taken from previous study) and list cross sections that were added. The cross section ~_eomet~ was taken from topo?aphic ma_ns used in a previous study, the City_ of Co_~t~eil's 1991 City-Wide Storm Water Manae_ement Study. ~__d_d_t_!~nn_!l_.v. at cross section 3580. the geometry, was modified per a Haiff Associates. Inc. March 1996_field surv~_ . 5. Were natural channel banks selected as the location of the left and right channel banks in the model? [] Yes [] No If no, explain why not: Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form IT-7 MT-2 Form 4 Page 3 of 6 " 4. MODEL PARAMETERS (Cont'd) 6. Explain how reach lengths for channel and overbanks were determined: Reach lengths_for inserted sections were taken_from the CRv_ of Coppell's 1991 Cl~_ -Wide Storm Water Management St_u_~v model: The reach length between cross section 3675 and cross section 3515 (the transition between the ~f-fective model and the Ci(v_ 's model) was sc_n_led from the Ci~_ o_f Coppell's aerial topograp_ hlc map. 5. RESULTS (from model used to revise l O0-yeur water surface elevations) 1. Do the results indicate: a. Water surface elevations higher than end points of cross sections? b. Supercritical depth? c. Critical depth? [] Yes I~ No [] Yes [] No Cl Yes [] No [] Yes [] No d. Other unique situations? Hydraulic jump occurs downstream of submerged culvert If yes to any of the above, attach an explanation that discusses the situation and how it is presented on the profiles, tables and maps. See attachment 4-A below. 3.00 fl Section 3675 to Section 4550 What is the maximum change in energy gradient between cross-sections? Specify location Within revised reach What is the distance between the cross-sections in 2 above? Section 3675 to Section 4550 What is the maximum distance between cross-sections? Specify location Within revised reach foot Floodway d~termination N/A, the floodway does not extend to revised urea; It ends downstream at cross section 3515. a. What is the maximum surcharge allowed by the community or State? IV/A foot b. What is the maximum surcharge for the revised conditions? Specify location lg/A fps N/A c. What is the maximum velocity? Specify location d. Are there any negative surcharge values at any cross-section [] Yes [] No If yes, the floodway may need to be widened. If it is not widened, please explain and indicate the maximum negative .surcharge. Explain: Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form ii-a MT-2 Form 4 Page 4 of 6 RESULTS (Cont'd) Is the discharge value used to determine the floodway anywhere different from that used to determine the natural 100- year flood elevations? [] Yes [] No N/A If yes, explain: 7. Do 100-year water surface elevations increase at any location? [] Yes [] No If yes, please attach a list of the locations where the increases occur, state whether or not the increases are located on the requester's property, and proyide an explanation of the reason for the increases. (For example: State if the increase is due to fill placed within the floodway fringe or placed within the currently adopted floodway limits) Please attach a completed comparison table entitled: Water Surface Elevation Check (See page 6) ,4iso see Attachment 4-B, Tables 6. REVISED FIRM/FBFM AND FLOOD PROFILES The revised water surface elevations tie into those computed by the effective FIS Model (10; 50,100-, and 500-year), downstream of the project at cross-section 3675 within 0.0 feet (vertical) and upstream of the project at cross section N/A within N/A feet(vertical). N/A, the purpose of this LOMA is to extend the FI$ ~del u~strean~ B. The revised floodway elevations tie into those computed by the effective FIS model, downstream of the project at cross section N/A within N/A feet (vertical) and upstream of the project at cross section N/A within N/A feet (vertical). N/A, the effective floodway does not extend to the revised arem C. Attach profiles, at the same vertical and horizontal scale as the profiles in the effective FIS report, showing stream bed and profiles of all floods studied (without encroachment). Also, label all cross sections, road crossings (including low chord and top-of-road data), culverts, tributaries, corporate limits, and study limits. If channel distance has changed, the stationing should be revised for ali profile sheets. See Figure 9, Appendix ,4. D. Attach a Floodway Data Table showing data for each cross section listed in the published Floodway Data Table in thc FIS report. Proceed to Riverine/Coastal Mapping Form. N/A - Single Lol Request Riverine Hydraulic Analysis Form 11-9 MT-2 Form 4 Page 5 of 6 Table 1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CHECK Community Name IFIooding sou= IProj.c~ Name/Identifier City of Coppell IStmam G-l, a tdbutary of Grapevine Creek ISenior Citizen Center LOMA EFFECTIVE DUPMCATE EFFECTIVE CORRECTED EFFECTIVE EXISTING/PRE-PROJECT REVISED/PROJECT GIlMPFIN GIFINENC GIlMPFIN G1FINENC G1EXTNAT GIEXTENC SECNO NCWSEL~ FCWSEL2 SURC? NCWSEL~ FCVVSEL2 ~$URC.3 NCWSEL~ FCWSEL2 SURCfi NCWSEL~ FCWSEL2 SURC? NCWSEL~ FCWSEL2 SURCfi 120 484.38 484.38 0.0(] 484.38 484.38 ~' 0.00 484.38 484.38 0.0(3 220 484.75 484.75 0.0(] 484.75 484.75 0.00 484.75 484.75 0.~ 230 483.61 483.61 0.0~ 483.61 483.61 0.00 483.61 483.61 0.~ 290 487.29 487.29 0.0~ 487.29 487.29 0.00 487.29 487~.9 0.0~ 340 489.81 489.72 .0.0~; 489.81 489.78! -0.03 489.81 489.78 -0.03 560 489.85 489.90 0.0~ 489.85 489.90 0.05 489.85 489.90 0.05 770 493.58 493.59 0.01 493.58 493.59 0.01 493.58 493.59 0.01 945 493.72 493.75 0.09 493.72 493.75 0.03 493.72 493.75 0.03 1120 493.56 494.03 0.151 493.88 494.03 0.15 493.88 494.93 0.15 1280 493.78 493.94 0.06 493.78 493.94 0.06 493.78 493.84 0.0~ 1450 494.31 494.81 0.50 494.31 494.81 0.50 494.31 494.81 0.5~ 1760 495.10 495.90 0.80 495.10 495.90 0.80 495.10 495.90 0.8~ 1960 494.56 495.46 0.90 494.56 495.48 0.90 494.56 495.46 0.gE 2135 496.45 497.50 1.05 496.45 497.50 1.05 4.96.45 497.50 1.0E 2615 497.23 498.00 0.77 497.23 498.00 0.77 497.23 498.00 0.77 3125 499.50 499.66 0.16 489.~ 499.66 0.16 499.5~ 499.66 0.16! ,.. 3515 501.33 501.64 0.31 501.33 501.64 0.31 501.33 501.64 0.31 3875 '~.~. 502.63 4205 505.62 4455 5O6.35 4495 507.07 4550 507.37 1-100-year (natural) Water Surface Elevation 2-Encroachment (floodway) Water Sur[aca Elevation 3-Surcharge Value Include all cross sections in the models between tie-in points. Any Interpolated values should be indicated. Ii-lO MT-2 Fo~rn 4 Page 6 of 6 Sheet I of 1 REQUEST FOR A LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ATTACHMENT 4-A RESULTS Form 4, 5. Results, 1. d. Unique situations. A hydraulic jump occurs at the downstream face of the submerged Coppell Road culvert (cross section 4495). II-11 REQUEST FOR A LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ATTACHMENT 4-B COMPARISON TABLE II-12 Table 2 WATER SURFACE ELEVATION AND FLOW VELOCITY COMPARISON TABLE Community Name Flooding Source Project Name/Identifier City of Coppell Stream G-I, a tributary of Grapevine Creek Senior Citizen Center LOM_~ DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE ~.~, . CORRECTED EFFECTIVE GIlMPFIN GIEXTNAT SECNO WSEL~oo [ cH-VEL~oo WSELjoo dWSEL~oo CH-VELjoo 'dcH-VELjoo-- Location 120 484.38 7.82 484.38 0.00 7.82 0.0( 220 484.75 10.92 484.75 0.00 10.92 0.0( 230 483.61 16.95 483.61 0.00 16.95 0.0( Bethel School RoM 290 457.29 11.96 487.29 0.00 11.96 0.0( Bethel School RoM 340 489.81 5.00 489.81 0.00 5.00 0.0( 560 489.85 14.24 489.85 0.00 14.24 0.0( 770 493.58 3.19 493.58 0.00 3.19 0.0( 945 493.72 3.17 493.72 0.00 3.17 0.0( 1120 493.88 2.84 493.88 0.00 2.84 0.0( 1280 493.78 5.74 493.78 0.00 5.74 0.00 1450 494.31 5.76 494.31 0.00 5.76 0.00 1760 495.10 2.76 495.10 0.00 2.76 0.00 1960 494.56 9.64 4~,4.56 0.00 9.64 0.00 2135 496.45 2.95 496.45 0.00 2.95 0.00 2615 497.23 6.2C 497.23 0.00 6.20 0.00 3125 499.50 7.12 499.50 0.00 7.12 0.00 3515 501.33 7.35 501.33 0.00 7.35 0.00 3675 502.63 4.93 4205 505.62 4.59 Senior Clti~ns Center 4455 506.35 3.58 Coppell Road 4495 507.07 6.94 Cop~ll Rond 4550 507.37 3.99 II-13 III. Appendices Appendix A Figures and Maps DENTON CREEK PXILL', HISTY HAVEN SANDY 4 LAKE RD COTTC CREEK ~[LLOa STREAM G-1 COPPELL ROAD SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER PL COP c.. DALLAS F SCALE IN MILES F E SCALE Ih/FEET 2000 FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP The Sba~e of Texas, Co~.. of Da ~ !~. s. That wa: D.C. Johnson and wl£e, Mar7 Z. Johnson o! O~e County of D a 1 1 a s, Stat~ of T s x a s, for and in consideration of the sum of RIGf;? HUNDRgD AND 00/!00 (~00.00} DOLLARS to us m band p~d. by Da-~la's County Coppell Fresh Water . .. Supply District No. 17, the receipt of which is hereby ack~lowledged; ~ Granted,,~alm~lConveyed, and~ !_k~e__presen~ do Grant, SellandConvey, tmtot~snld Dallas County Coppell Fresh Water Supply District No. 17, " d~eC~m~d D a 1 1 a s, Sm~o! T e x a s, Lo~, tract or parcel of ~-n~ -~ .......... a~ ~at James W. Anderson Survey. Ab=e--~+ ~-~ ..... unty, Texas, out o£ scribed as follows: BEGINNIN~-;~' eO Denton Road, said poin~ being 50 feet North of {he intersection of the North line of Bethel Road and theE asr line of old Grapevine and Denton Road: T~v~NCE Nor'h alon~ '' ' ~ --- -as~ Axne of old Ora ~§& keet; T~ENCE East, parallel with +~- ~ ...... pevise_as~ Denton Road rest:THENCE South ~ar--~-- ....... -~- -arvn zxns,~- se:scl Road - ---~- .A~..a~ urapevine aa~ ~ento 1 ,_T~..E~..~E West, parallel wi~h the N---~ '- ....... ' n Road, 11 & fe i~m~C$ South,.parallel with old ~-~ ~B2th?l RSad. 129 feet; [A'.ENCE West, parallel with tu- ----~"~ an-uau?~:sn-K°ad, 20 feet;' :place of be~i~nint, and containin~ oaS~ .... ~ .~ ,_~lio~d,.2}~eet to the Records of Dallas County, Texas. · FIGURE 2 - DEED [[ m ....... [ II 11[ Dallas County Coppell Fresh Water SupPly District No. 17, ~ nn/pi ~; and we do lufdd~ Nnd odrselves, ou~' .. Dallas Cotunty Co.ppell Fresh Water Supply District No. 17, its WZTN~S our ~ s this 3Otb day of · - "IZ ......... ; ............ ?"m .......... THE ~A~ OF' ~, } at Dallas, Texas, Cmmt~ of Dallas. BEFORE MF-q the ~mderg~aed authority, · Not~"y Public in ami fo~ Dallas Cou=ty, T~, oa tab d~y perjury aiN,t=cd '. Johnson D. (~, Johnson ~ aml ~ E. , -- ' __ __~ .......... ~,.4hM tfl the fomqtt/nx'inimummt, nmi ._¢kMwla~ .:~ Johnson ,wifeofthe.ald D, C. Johnson,, Johnson, , - ... , OF TEXAS, DALLAS COUNTY' TAX OFFICE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 653-7811 DALLAS, TEXAS '/5202-3504 LJ G .'.3 ~t T ¢'.~ X ,-q CC(:)LJNT N D (550 0 :L ,'"l ~a 0:1. 0 ./.)F': r..' 0 00 F:'I~: DF'IEF;:'I"Y O I,,~N lEI:;: ~;i..IF:'I='L. Y' I:,:11E;-r :1.7 ~1. :i. :1. IEEl,'i ~;'1' · " D~IL..I..,~!i!;;, TX C O t... I... E C T ;.]; (.3 N "{'YI::'E; I:~:E.~-hl... F:'F~OF:'E?r~:TY lEX:ET ............................... I..E:~I... DE Ei;C;F;:X I::'T ZO N ................................... ,..I N ,qNC)I:~I;:~,(]N ~E:!E;'T :LE: F:'G -Cl~!.0 '1"1:;: ,513 0. zt~ AC CO-..*D ~,1... L.~q!~, () 01. 0 ~'1-~ 0 :L 0.SB 0 0 :1. :LBO 0 :L E~.q ~.; 0 :L CLJI:;: YR (3t:,:ZG I..E.=.',)Y' CLIF,'. YI:;: L..I~.:UY CI. JR 'YR'. '['OT'~I... F'YHTE!; Ct. IF,: 'r'l;: 'TI3'I'¢~L DlJE ......... ,..ILIF;:XE";DZC'I";];I3N!.=; 'F~×I;I;N(; ~I~X:L".IUNT' .......... I)1"', I.'.; D f..'15 F' H [)lC) D ...................... F'F~OF'I::F{TY ~[)1.~1-',~ E,(.~ E~ ........................... CZTY 580 COF:'F'EL.i_. CC) ................................ ',)~-d_LJE" :ENF(3 F:'C)I'~.' :1.~?9,~5 ............... :.I:HF:'I~:C) UE':I"iE:NT I_AND 3:1. ~ 36 0 'FO'T,qL. ASE~,E-"~Z, SE-"D 3:1. ~ ,~60 I."'~X E;PIF:'T F":I:::DIE:Q!i;'TI"iT F:",~:.;=:(:;IJI~ST'H'F F"6:=NX"I'I3blN F:'.I..1.:'-'L":I;:Z'FI::C)HT ON/DF'F: F'EI=L.,(-3TSF;:N Frg:::ME~.NIJ F:t. 9:=I...."I:I:"..:N -- F' 1. ::E;I.:.:(~F;:I::I"I I:",';~=:NX'T'f-ICC'F Fr,'3:::F'F~:',)~CCT F' 1. ?.:::C;[)Hlqli!:NTEi; F :L ::::=ONNFI:ES'T F" :1. O:::EP(E~E:XT ROAD LIMIT OF ~IDETAILED _. STREET ~ :-- : :: - BROCK STREET ZONE AE / AE MEADOW CREEK ROAD .__j 494 ZONE X RA IL WAY SouTHWESTERN LIMIT OF STUDY ZONE AE ZONE X .506 ZONE BELTLINE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP REVISED IO0-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DALLAS AND DENTON COUNTIES COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 480170 0010 E APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 I I I I I I 1000 FEET ! LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE A No })ase fMod elevatmns determm~,d ZONE AE Base flood eievat,ons determ,ned OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONEX Areas of 500-year flood, areas of 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square rode; and areas protected by levees from 100-year flood. OTHER AREAS Z ON E X Areas determined to be outs,de 500-~,ear flood- plmn. FIGURE 3 REVISED FLOOD PLAIN FIGURE 4 - PLAT MAP FIGURE 5 - SITE PLAN sos , mc_-_- _-cc: --zz-_~zXlz[zrzclzt2zlr;a: ;;}:_~_=:ici:~ ~_:z~_____ , sos _I~----~E ..... ...... - ~_ ~ 495 4~5 _ ~ __~_ ...... ~ . ~ ___ ~-- ' ~ n~L-,- ....... 4-.-+-- ~-b' 490 _~ ..... 5~._C ..... .__~ .......... ~__1_ 49~ ...... ,,, ..... .:_--- _- -_ _ .,_ -- ~ ~ , :_.-'- :_-: :-.:: ::_-:: -: :~':: :.: :-~ :-_ ~_ .. ~.~_:. ....... : ; ___,______ 2 .... . _ -;'- ~.~ ,- ..... , _ ....... a___ ~=~ Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road 3675 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 505 500 490 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Station (fl) Ground Bank~tation FIGURE 7A Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road 4205 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 510 ...... ~ .......... F ......... ~ ......... T ......... , .......... F .... 505 ' ' ''"" ' ' '/ ' ' ...... t ......... ~ ........ F ......... , ......... T ....... , ......... ~ ......... F .... 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Ground Bank~tation Station (fi) FIG U R E 7 B Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road 4455 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 515 ---~-- ~---~---~ ...... P--~---F--F-- .... ~--~--~--~ ..... ,--,---,---,--- -~.-,~- ~,7--:-- ~ ..... ~--~--~--~ ..... :---,---,---,--- , , , , , , , , ~" ~, , , , , , , , , , [ '-, .... , ~ ...... ~, ~, ~---'---, , --' T--7 -F-- ,~ -'--~--~, , , .................... , , , , .... ~ T I -- T -- - ~ ..... -I -I --I-- - -I ..... F' -- - I" -r-- T -T--'r--'~ ..... -I- - -i- - -i- -i i ] I I I I I I I I ] I i I I 510 5O5 5O0 495 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Ground Ineffective ~nk~t~tion Station (fl) FIG U R E 7 C Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road 4495 STREAM G-1 -'EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 515 510 5oo 495 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Ground Ineffective Bank~tation Station (ft) FIGURE 7D Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road Downstream Inside Bridge # 2 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 515 510- ~ 505 - 500 '49~ 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 .... i'-- T--T--'~ ..... "i - - ~- - -I- - -~ ..... F--i' ..... T--T--'~--~ ..... -I- - -~- - -I- - -~- - ' I I I I i ~ I I I I I I I I Ineffective Bank~tation Station (it) FIGURE 7E Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road Upstream Inside Bridge # 2 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 515 510 - 505 - 495 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Ground Ineffective Bank~tation Station (fi) FIGURE 7F Senior Citizens Center - Coppell Road 4550 STREAM G-1 - EXTENDED EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL 515 510 505 500 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Station (ft) Ground Bank {~'tation FIGURE 7G Appendix B FIS Duplicate Effective Multi-Profile HEC-2 Model ( G 11MPF1N.out) * HEC'2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES , * Version 4.6.2; Nay 1991 * RUN DATE 2?JUN96 TINE 10:06:40 ******************************************** * U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS * * HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER * * 609 SECOND STREET, SUITE D * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616'4687 * * (916) 756-1104 * ************************************** X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X X X XXXXX X X XXXXXXX 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 1 HEC'2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 T1 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK~ COPPELL, TEXAS - FINAL AS BUILT CONDITIONS T2 MATTHEWS INVESTMENTS SOUTHWEST, INC. (GIlNPFIN.DAT) T3 STREAM G1 - lO-YEAR EVENT - GOOOWZN AND NARSHALL, INC. - OMG 8/92 T4 FIS DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL, MULTI-PROFILE RUN J1 ICHECK INQ NINV ZDIR STRT METRIC HVINS G WSEL FG -1 2 0.006 492.40 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC ]BW CHNZN ]TRACE 1 -1 THIS RUN EXECUTED 2?JUN96 10:06:40 J3 VARIABLE COl)ES FOR SUMMARY PR]#TOUT 38 43 I 3 2 26 21 54 4 GT 4 1860 2735 3140 4210 NC .065 .065 .05 0.3 0.5 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FIU3N G&I4 FIELD SURVEY Xl 120 11 1168 1235 GR 492 1000 490.5 1118 488.8 GR 476.4 1208 478.1 1228 487.2 GE 492.5 1330 1168 1255 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROE4 G&N FIELD SURVEY Xl 220 8 1094 1115 70 120 GR 490 1000 488.9 1015 487.5 1065 GR 474.5 1115 488.9 1140 489.5 1160 Xl 230 10 10 X3 10 SB 1.25 1.56 2.6 20.? 0.7 STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD Xl 290 60 60 X2 1 484.5 489.3 X3 10 BT -5 1000 491.5 0 1050 490.0 BT 1150 489.5 0 1200 490.4 22 .! 4~.2 49O 100 476.5 10 200 60 0 0 42 1190 1240 10~4 489.3 0.0 490.0 1100 53 473.5 492 474.5 489.3 474.5 490.0 489.3 1200 1270 1100 474.5 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 2 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY Xl 340 9 1065 1125 50 GR 490 1000 488.1 1050 ~88.2 GR 476.9 1100 477.5 1112 487.4 NC 0.1 0.$ CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY Xl 560 16 1100 1170 150 GR 494.3 1000 497.1 1050 494.3 GR 481.2 1144 480.2 1150 480.5 GR 492.9 1250 493.9 1300 495.2 GR 500.0 1405 5O 1065 1125 3OO lOaO 1156 1350 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY Xl 770 16 1035 1145 200 160 GR 499.8 1000 498.9 1015 493.6 1035 GR 480.2 1075 482.6 1085 482.9 1105 GR 491.9 1175 492.1 1225 494.0 1280 GR 500.0 1480 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&14 FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 945 17 1116 1277 215 30 X4 1 486 1116 GR 504.2 1000 503.0 1050 501.5 1077 GR 483.6 1140 478.6 1150 483.1 1160 GR 493.4 1277 493.7 1327 494.3 1400 GR 498.0 1545 500.0 1570 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 1120 18 1250 1360 315 30 GR 501.1 1000 499~3 1050 497.4 1100 GR 496.0 1240 49~4 1250 48.1.7 1270 GR ~L3.4 1307 483.0 1350 490.0 1360 GR 496.0 1620 498.0 1640 500.0 1660 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 1280 20 1260 1350 140 120 GR 500.0 1000 498.0 1025 496.6 1050 GR 496.0 1200 496.0 1240 491.0 1260 GR 483.2 1~95 481.Z 1300 482.6 1306 GR 492.0 1350 494.0 1415 496.0 1450 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 1450 21 1320 1400 140 240 X4 I 497.2 1030 GR 500.0 1000 496.2 1020 495.4 1290 GR 490.0 1320 488.0 1330 486.0 1335 GR 481.0 1360 482.0 1361 484.0 1365 GR 490.0 1380 492.0 1385 494.0 1390 GR 500.0 1400 5O 477.0 491.5 220 494.2 490.1 496.0 210 489.8 486.7 496.0 175 496.0 ~85.9 495.2 175 497.0 483.7 492.0 160 496.3 491.2 487.4 498.0 170 494.0 484.0 486.0 496.0 1083 1145 1100 1170 1370 1045 1135 1435 1095 1185 1440 1150 1290 1385 1100 1280 1320 1~0 1312 1350 1370 1395 47'4.8 490.4 492.3 498.0 483.1 490.2 498.0 494.0 489.4 496.0 497.0 47'9.4 494.0 496.0 484.3 490.:~ 500.0 492.0 482.0 488.0 498.0 10~3 1133 1220 1395 1065 1145 1450 1116 1205 1530 1200 1300 1565 1150 1290 1335 1480 1318 1355 1375 1398 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 3 NC .055 .055 .05 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON Xl 1760 18 1270 GR 500.0 1000 498.0 GR 496.0 1200 495.4 GR 485.6 1396 482.8 GR 495.9 1437 498.1 CROSS SECT]ON TAKEN FRON Xl 1960 15 1158 GR 500.0 1000 498.2 GR 484.8 1186 485.8 GR 494.7 1251 495.8 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH Xl 2135 13 1035 GR 501.0 1000 499.7 GR 487.4 1064 490.2 GR 496.0 1290 498.0 NC .05 .05 ~045 CROSS SECT[ON TAKEN FROH Xl 2615 14 1075 GR 502.0 1000 500.0 GR 490.4 1140 488.5 GR 4~.1 1186 500.0 CROSS SECTION Xl 3125 16 GR 504.0 1000 GR 492.3 1095 GR 493.8 1127 GR 504.0 1360 CROSS SECT[ON Xl 3515 16 GR 504.0 1000 GR 494.0 1130 GR 496.0 1160 GR 506.0 1270 0.1 0.3 G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1427 140 350 1015 497.5 1030 1250 495.0 1270 1400 485.2 1402 1487 499.1 1500 FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1213' 170 220 1123 497.0 1158 1189 488.4 1201 1286 497.0 1316 G&H FIELD SURVEY 1290 120 80 1035 488.5 1047 1074 490.0 1090 1375 500.0 1420 310 497.0 487.6 487.6 200 4~0.1 493.1 498.4 175 486.3 492.0 FIELD SURVEY 1171 460 270 480 1025 498.0 1060 497.3 1145 486.9 1150 488.9 17-30 502.0 1270 504.0 TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY 1055 1137 390 440 502.0 1015 500.0 1030 490.2 1099 488.5 1104 49~~ 1137 498.9 1168 TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY 1110 1170 380 325 502.0 1035 500.0 1090 492.0 1135 490.8 1145 498.0 1165 500.0 1170 498.0 490.2 5 O0.0 390 498.0 492.0 502.0 1100 1~5 1412 1168 1213 1386 1057 1150 1075 1156 1340 1055 1110 1190 1110 1150 1185 496.5 486.9 495.2 485.6 492.0 499.2 485.6 494.0 491.6 497.2 497.4 492.3 502.0 496.0 494.0 504.0 1150 1355 1427 1183 1221 1436 1060 1230 1105 1171 1080 1115 1280 1120 1153 1225 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 4 SECNO DEPTH Q QLOB TINE VLOB SLOPE XLOBL *PROF 1 C~SEL CRIgS I~SELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-HANK ELEV GCH GROB ALO~ ACH AROB VOL TI/A R-BANK ELEV VCH VRON XNL XNCH XNR gTN EL#IN SSTA XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC [CONT COlLaR TOPgID ENDST CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&N FIELD SURVEY 120.000 8.69 482.19 .00 492.40 482.87 .68 .00 .00 488.80 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 281.3 .0 .0 .0 487.20 .00 .00 6.61 .00 .000 .050 .000 .000 473.50 1178.69 .005916 O. O. O. 0 0 6 .00 52.~6 1231.15 *SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&H FIELD SURVEY 220.000 8.12 482.62 .00 .00 483.62 1.00 .59 .16 476.50 18~0.0 173.4 1455.8 230.8 49.4 1~.5 57.2 .6 .1 474.5o .00 3.51 8.85 4.03 .065 .050 .065 .000 474.50 1077.87 .005816 70. 100. 120. 2 0 0 .00 51.23 1129.10 '"'"' *SECNO 230.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 gARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSLIHED NON'EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 489.30 ELREA= 489.30 230.000 7.55 482.05 .00 .00 484.36 2.31 .08 .65 476.50 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 152.5 .0 .7 .1 474.50 .00 .00 12.20 .00 .000 .050 .000 .000 474.50 1094.00 .012231 10. 10. 10. 3 0 0 .00 21.00 1115.00 SPECIAL BRIDGE SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.56 *SECNO 290.000 COFG RDLEN BUC BgP BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 2.60 .00 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 474.50 474.50 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 5 SECNO DEPTH Ck'SEL CRI~S MSELK EG HV HL Q QLOB QCH QRO6 ALOB ACH ARC)8 VOL TIME VLOB VCH VR08 XNL XNCH XNR WTN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR CLASS A LOU FLOU 3420 BRIDGE W.S.= 481.50 BRIDGE VELOCITY= 13.29 EGPRS EGLUC H3 Q~EIR QLOU BAREA 484.14 484.68 .~ O. 1860. 200. CALCULATED CHANNEL AREA= TRAPEZOID ELLC AREA 200. 484.50 OLOSS L-BANK ELEV TWA R-BANK ELEV ELM[N SSTA TOPWID ENDST 140. ELTRD UEIRLN 489.30 O. ]495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 490.00 ELREA= 490.00 STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 8.27 482.77 .00 .OO 484.68 1.91 .33 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 167.7 .0 .9 .01 .00 11.09 .00 .000 .050 .000 .000 .008904 60. 60. 60. 0 0 0 .00 .00 476.50 .2 474.50 474.50 1094.00 21.00 1115.00 *SECNO 340.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RRNGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FR~ G&M FIELD SURVEY 340.000 10.08 484.88 .00 .00 485.37 .49 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 330.4 .0 .01 .00 5.63 .00 .000 .050 .000 .003416 50. 50. 50. 3 0 0 1.61 .26 1.2 .000 .00 .43 488.20 .2 487.40 474.80 1070.35 51.33 1121.68 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 3301 HVCHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED ~SEL,CUSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEO CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 560.000 7.43 487.63 487.63 .00 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 .01 .00 12.65 .00 .000 .026466 150. 220. 300. 20 490.11 2.49 1.63 147.0 .0 2.4 .050 .000 .000 19 0 .00 .60 494.20 .4 490.10 480.20 1136.31 30.08 1166.39 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 6 SECNO DEPTH CgSEL CRIUS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS G GLOB GCH GROB ALO~ ACH ARO6 VOL TgA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR I/TN ELNIN SLOPE XLOEL XLCH XLO~R ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP. AR TOPglD *SECNO 770.000 3301HV CHANGED gORE THAN HVINS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY 770.000 10.55 490.75 .00 .00 490.88 1860.0 .0 1859.2 .8 .0 633.4 .03 .00 2.96 .29 .000 .050 .000892 200. 210. 160. 3 0 *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 12.33 490.93 .00 .00 491.08 1860.0 .0 18~0.0 .0 .0 594.1 .05 .00 3.13 .00 .000 .050 .001379 215. 175. 30. 2 0 KRATIO = .13 2.7 .065 0 .15 .0 .000 0 5.45 .53 4.3 .000 .00 .19 6.? .000 .00 .? ~80.20 112.25 .01 1.2 478.60 116.60 493.60 490.20 1042.49 1154.74 494.00 493.40 1116.00 1232.60 *SECNO 1120.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FR_ON;G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 11.74 491.1& .00 .00 491.23 1860.0 .0 1857.2 2.8 .0 756.3 .07 .00 2.46 .36 .000 .050 .000530 315. 175. 30. 0 0 KRATIO = .O9 7.9 .065 0 1.61 .14 9.5 .000 .00 .01 1.6 479.40 119.39 493.40 490.00 1254.69 1374.08 *SECNO 1280.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280.000 9.74 490.94 .00 .00 491.61 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 283.6 .07 .00 6.56 .00 .000 .050 .00678~ 140. 160. 120. 2 0 KRATIO = .67 .0 .000 0 .28 .21 11.4 .000 .00 .17 2.0 481.20 60.82 491.00 492.00 1280.37 1341.19 27JUN96 10:06:&0 PAGE 7 SECHO DEPTH CWSEL CRI~S WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH /tROll VOL TWA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR ~TN EL#IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOP, ID *SECNO 1&50.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1&50.000 10.96 491.96 .00 .00 492.33 18~).0 1.8 1858.2 .0 1.9 381.6 · 08 .93 4.87 .00 .065 .050 · 002719 140. 170. 240. 2 0 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 9.86 492.66 .00 .00 492.75 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 769.7 .12 .GO 2.42 .00 .000 .050 .000736 140. 310. 350. 2 0 *SECNO 1960.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSZDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 7.19 491.99 .00 .00 &93.64 18~0.0 .0 18~0.0 .0 .0 180.6 .13 .00 10.30 .00 .000 .050 .020178 170. 200· 220. 3 0 *SECNO 2135.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS KRATIO = .37 .0 · 000 0 KRATIO = .09 .0 .000 0 KRATIO = 1.65 .0 · 000 0 1.58 .69 12.7 .000 .00 1.92 .39 16.8 · 000 .00 .19 .42 19.0 · 000 .00 .03 2.2 481.00 66.87 .03 3.0 482.80 144.08 .47 484.6O 44.94 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV $STA ENDST 490.00 500.00 1318.06 138~.91 495.00 495.20 1277.90 1421.99 497.00 493.10 1165.25 1210.19 PAGE 8 27JUN96 10:06:40 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS ~SELK EG Q QLOB QCH QRO~ ALO~ ACH TIHE VLO6 VCH VR08 XNL XNCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLO6R [TRIAL IDC HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV ANOB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV XNR UTN EL#IN SSTA ICONT COP, AR TOPUID ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO# G&N FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 8.97 4~4.57 .00 .00 494.71 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 622.9 .14 .00 2.99 .00 .000 .050 .002369 120. 175. 80. 3 0 *SECNO 2615.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 8.84 495.74 .00 .00 4~6.13 1~60.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 372.0 .17 .00 5.00 .00 .000 .045 .003366 460. 480. 270. 3 0 KRATIO = 2.92 .14 .92 .15' 499.70 .0 20.6 3.9 496.00 .000 .000 485.60 1040.50 0 .00 206.52 1247.02 .39 1.35 .07 497.30 .0 26.1 5.5 497.20 .000 .000 486.~0 1083.21 0 .00 85.15 1168.36 *SECNO 3125.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 9.45 497.95 .00 .00 498.58 1860.0 .0 1851.2 8.8 .0 ~91.8 .19 .00 6.34 . 1.40 .000 .0~5 .006905 390. 510.'~' 440. 4 0 KRAT 10 = .70 .62 2.38 .07 498.00 6.3 30.0 / 6.5 497.10 .050 .000 488.50 1056.94 0 .00 ~4.75 1151.70 *SECN03515.000 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 9.14 4~.94 .00 .00 500.45 1~60.0 32.5 1827.5 .0 18.9 316.6 .21 1.72 5.77 .00 .050 .045 .003510 380. 390. 325. 2 0 KRATIO = 1.40 .51 1.86 .01 498.00 .0 32.8 7.3 500.00 .000 .000 490.~ 1090.56 0 .00 7~.30 1169.86 27JUN96 10:06:&0 PAGE T1 T2 HATTHEWS INVESTMENTS SOUTH,/EST, INC. T3 T4 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS - FINAL AS BUILT CONDITIONS (GIlMPFIN.DAT) STREAH G1 "50"YEAR EVENT" FA)OOWIN AND NARSHALL, INC. "DMG 8/92 FIS DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE HOOEL, HULTI-PROFILE RUN J1 ICHECK ING NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q ~SEL -1 3 0.006 493.88 J2 #PROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC [Bg CHNIM 2 -1 FG ITRACE 27JUN96 10=06:&0 PAGE 10 SECNO DEPTH Q GLOB TINE VLOB SLOPE XLOBL *PROF 2 CUSEL CRIIJS USELK EG HV GCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VCH VROB XNL X#CH XNR XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT pm CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 CROSS SECTION TAKE# FROM G~J4 FIELD SURVEY 120.000 10.27 483.77 .00 493.88 484.63 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 367.0 .00 .00 7.45 .00 .000 .050 .005893 O. O. O. 0 0 *SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRC~ G&lq FIELD SURVEY 220.000 9.65 484.15 .00 .00 485.~6 2735.0 325.9 2030.1 378.9 77.2 196.7 .00 4.22 10.32 4.69 .065 .050 .0C)6232 70. 100. 12o. 2 o HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV VOL TVA R-BANK ELEV UTN ELNIN SSTA COP, AB TOP'ID ENDST .86 .0 .000 6 1.31 80.9 .065 0 .00 .00 488.80 .0 .0 487.20 .000 473.50 1176.13 .00 56.23 1232.36 .60 .22 476.50 .a .1 474.5O .000 474.50 1073.82 .00 57.93 1131.76 *SECNO 230.000 3301HV CHANGED )tORE THAN HVINS 3302 VARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KHATIO = .59 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 489.30 ELREA= 489.30 230.000 8.42 482.92 482.84 .00 486.89 3.98 .10 1.33 476.50 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 170.9 .0 .9 .1 474.50 .00 .00 16.01 .00 .000 .050 .000 .000 474.50 1094.00 .018OB~ 10. 10. 10. 6 11 0 .00 21.00 1115.00 "-' SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DONNSTREAN ELEV IS 681.56 , NOT 482.92 HYDRAULIC JUMP OCCURS DCX/NSTREAN (IF LOU FLOIJ CONTROLS) 27JU#96 10=06:40 PAGE 11 SECHO DEPTH C~SEL Q QLOB QCH TI#E VLOB VCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS GROB ALOB ACH AR06 VOL TWA VROB XNL XNCH XNR I/TN EL#IN XLOBR %TRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR TOPgID SB XK XKOR COFQ 1:25 1.56 2.60 *SECN0290.O00 3301HV CHANGED gORE THAN HVXNS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST RDLEH BgC BgP BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD .00 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 474.50 474.50 KRAT I0 = 3302 WARNING= CONVEYABCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, PRESSURE FLOU 1.42 ELLC 484.50 ELTRD 489.30 EGPRS EGLWC H3 GUEIR GPR BAREA TRAPEZOID AREA 487.45 487.31 .00 O. 2735. 200. 200. WEIRLN O. 3495 OVERBAN[ AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 490.00 ELREA= STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 10.3~ 484.84 .00 .00 487.45 2.60 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 211.2 .0 .00 .00 12.95 .00 .000 .050 .000 .008922 60. 60. 60. 4 0 0 *SECNO 340.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HV]NS 490.00 1.1 .000 .00 .00 .2 ./474.50 21.00 476.50 474.50 1094.00 1115.00 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSZDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTZON TAKEN FRON G&H FIELD SURVEY 340.000 13.02 487.82 .00 .00 488.29 .48 2735.0 .0 2734.8 .2 .0 493.8 .4 .01 .00 5.54 .38 .000 .050 .065 .002390 50. 50. 50. 3 0 0 .21 1.5 .000 .00 .2 474.80 61.38 488.20 487.40 1065.62 1127.01 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 12 SECNO DEPTH CtdSEL CR[gS gSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TgA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR ~TN ELNIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ]TRIAL ]DC ICONT COP, AR TOPgID 3301HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTE#PTED ~SEL,C~SEL 3693 PROBABLE M]N]NUH SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUHED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&H FIELD SURVEY 560.000 9.07 489.27 489.27 .00 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 .01 .00 13.68 .00 .000 .024956 150. 220· 300. 20 492.18 199.9 .050 11 *SECNO 770.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 ~ARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 7'/'0.000 12.56 492.76 .00 .00 492.91 2735.0 .0 2667.4 67.6 .0 8/t4..3 · 03 .00 3.16 .71 .000 .050 .000755 200. 210. 160. 3 0 *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO# G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 14.32 492.92 .00 .00 493.08 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 862.4 .05 .00 3.17 .00 ,000 .050 .001228 215. 175. 30. 2 0 2.91 .0 .000 0 KRATIO = .15 · 95.4 .065 0 .16 .0 .000 0 1.23 3.3 .ooo .oo 6:0 .000 .00 .16 9.5 · 000 .00 .5 480.20 34.43 .28 1.0 480.20 /206.84, .00 1.5 478.60 152.50 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 494.20 1134.35 1168.79 493.60 490.20 1037.21 1244.06 494.00 493.40 1116.00 1268.50 *SECNO 1120.000 3302 gARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 13.69 493.09 .00 .00 493.21 2735.0 .0 2672.6 62.4 .0 967.2 .06 .00 2.76 .59 .000 .050 .000509 315. 175. 30. O O KRATIO = .12 105.8 .065 0 1.55 .13 13.2 .000 .00 .00 2.1 479.40 232.53 493.40 490.00 1250.64 1483.17 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 13 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIUS gSELK EG HV Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR [TRIAL IDC ICONT *SECNO 1280.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280.000 11.79 492.99 .00 .00 493.52 2735.0 12.1 2707.4 15.5 7.9 459.7 .07 1.53 5.89 .98 .065 .050 .004730 140. 160. 120. 2 0 *SECNO 1450.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450.000 12.65 493.65 .00 .00 494.12 2735.0 13.6 2721.4 .0 9.4 494.7 .08 1.45 5.50 .00 .065 .050 .002674 140. 170. 240. 2 0 KRATIO = HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV WTN ELMIN SSTA CORAR TOPWID ENOST .33 .53 .18 .13 491.00 15.8 16.0 2.7 492.00 .065 .000 481.20 1252.05 0 .00 130.02 1382.07 .47 .59 .01 490.00 .0 17.9 3.1 500.00 .000 .000 481.00 1313.05 0 .00 76.08 1389.13 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 gARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 11.61 494.41 .00 .00 494.52 2735.0 .0 2735.0..~ .0 .0 1029.8 .11 .00 2.66 .00 .000 .050 .000658 140. 310. 350. 2 0 KRATIO = 2.02 .11 .36 .04 495.00 .0 23.3 3.9 495.20 .000 .000 482.80 1272.00 0 .00 153.~ 1425.44 *SECNO 1960.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS'BUILT) 1960.000 9.01 493.81 .00 .00 495.28 2735.0 .0 2646.6 88.4 .0 268.1 .12 .00 9.87 3.12 .000 .050 .012899 170. 200. 220. 3 0 KRAT[O = .23 1.47 .35 .41 497.00 28.4 26.4 4.5 493.10 .055 .000 484.80 1162.62 0 .00 78.53 1241.15 2?JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRI~/S t~SELK EG Q QLOB QCH QROB AL06 ACH TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL [DC *SECNO 2135.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS HV HL OLOS$ L-BANK ELEV ARO8 VOL TgA R-BANK ELEV XNR vrg ELgiN SSTA ICONT CORAR TOP~ZD ENDST 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 10.32 495.92 .00 .00 496.05 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 929.8 .13 .00 2.94 .00 .000 .050 .001723 120. 175. 80. 3 0 *SECNO 2615.000 3302 ~ARN[NG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS[DE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&~4 FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 9.92 496.82 .00 .00 497.35 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 468.5 .16 .00 5.8~ .00 .000 .0~5 .003790 460. 480. 270. 2 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECTION TAKE# FROKGg~q FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 10.56 &99.06 .00 .00 4~9.70 2735.0 10.5 2646.2 78.2 7.1 382.7 .18 1.49 6.92 2.36 .050 .045 .005893 390. 510. 440. 2 0 KRATIO = 2.74 .13 .6~ .13 499.70 .0 28.8 5.1 496.00 .000 .000 485.60 1039.05 0 .00 248.43 1287.49 KRATIO = .67 · 53 1.18 .12 497.30 · 0 36.5 7.0 497.20 .000 .000 486.90 1077.50 0 .pO 92.82 1170.32 .72 2.38 .06 498.00 33.2 41.7 8.2 497.10 .050 .000 488.50 1041.7~ 0 .00 129.52 1171.24 *SECNO 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 10.15 500.95 .00 .00 501.66 2735.0 127.4 2603.9 3.8 51.0 376.5 .19 2.50 6.92 1.13 .050 .0~5 .004013 380. 390. 325. 2 0 .71 1.87 .00 498.00 3.3 45.5 9.3 500.00 .050 .000 490.80 1064.09 0 .00 112.97 1177.07 27JUNg~ 10:0~:40 PAGE 15 T1 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS - FINAL AS BUILT CONDITIONS T2 HATTHEWS INVESTNENTS SOUTHgEST, XNC. (GIINPFIN.DAT) T3 STREAM G1 - IO0'YEAR EVENT - GOODgIN AND HARSHALLo INC. - DNG 8/92 T4 FIS DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE HODEL, HULTI-PROFILE RUN J1 ICHECE [gQ NINV IDIR STRT HETR[C HVINS G -T 4 0.006 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBU -1 t~SEL CH#IH FQ ITRACE 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 16 SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRIgS ~SELK EG HV HL OLOS$ Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TUA TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELN[N SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR TOP'ID *PROF 3 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&H FIELD SURVEY 120.000 10.88 484.38 .O0 495.10 485.33 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 401.6 .00 .00 7.82 .00 .000 .050 .005994 O. O. O. 0 0 .95 .00 .00 .0 .0 .0 .000 .000 473.50 7 .00 57.68 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 488.80 487.20 1175.15 1232.83 ~SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 220.000 10.25 484.75 .00 .00 486.19 3140.0 404.2 2284.3 451.4 89.7 209.2 .00 4.51 10.92 4.95 .065 .050 .006422 70. 100. 120. 2 0 1.44 .62 .25 91.2 .9 .1 .065 .000 474.50 0 .00 60.54 476.50 474.50 1072.25 1132.79 *SECNO 230.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 7185 MINZMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUHED NON-~FECTIVE, ELLEA= 230.000 9.11 483.61 483.61 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .00 .00 16.95 .00 .018203 10. 10. 10. 489.30 ELREA= 489.30 .00 488.07 4.46 .10 1.51 476.50 .0 185.3 .0 1.0 .1 474.50 .000 .050 .000 .000 474.50 1094.00 4 11 0 .00 21.00 1115.00 SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DCRalSTREAM ELEV IS SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.56 *SECNO 290.000 482.24, NOT COFG RDLEN 2.60 .00 48~.61 HYDRAULIC JUMP OCCURS DOgNSTREAH (IF LO~ FLOtd CONTROLS) BWC Bk/P BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 474.50 474.50 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 17 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRINS ~SELK EG HV NL OLOSS Q GLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL T~A TiNE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR ~TN ELNIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRiAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPUiD 3301 HV CHANGED NORE THAN HViNS 3302 ~ARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = PRESSURE AND ~EIR FLC~, Weft Submergence Based o~ TRAPEZOIDAL Shape L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST EGPRS EGL~C H3 QWEIR QPR BAREA TRAPEZOID AREA 489.58 488.53 .00 6. 3120, 200. 200. 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUNED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 490.00 ELREA= STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 12.7~ 487.29 .00 .00 489.51 2.22 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 262.6 .0 .00 .00 11.96 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005690 60. 60. 60. 3 0 2 *SECNO 340.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVIN$~; ELLC 48~.50 490.00 1.44 1.3 · 0 O0 .00 ELTRD 489.30 .00 .2 /,74.50 21.00 ~EIRLN 65. 476.50 474.50 1094.00 1115.00 3302 gARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 340.000 15.01 489.81 .00 .00 490.19 .38 3140.0 61.0 3065.1 13.9 63.3 613.5 14.1 .01 .96 5.00 .98 .065 .OSO .065 .001478 50. 50. 50. 3 0 0 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS .13 .55 488.20 1.8 .3 487.40 .000 &74.80 1005.05 .00 131.70 1136.75 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 18 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIVS VSELK EG HV Q GLOB QCH QROB ALOI~ ACH AROB TINE VLOB VCN VROB XNL XNCH XNR SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT 3~85 20 TRIALS ATTE#PTED VSEL,CVSEL 3693 PROBABLE #INIHI. IH SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUHED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 560.000 9.65 489.85 489.85 .00 493.00 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 220.5 .01 .00 14.24 .00 .000 .050 .025239 150. 220. 300. 20 15 *SECNO 770.000 3301HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVINS HL OLOBS L-BANK ELEV VOL TVA R-BANK ELEV ~i'N ELNIN SSTA COP. AR TOP, ID ENDST 3.15 .84 .83 494.20 .0 4.1 .6 490.10 .000 .000 480.20 1133.65 0 .00 35.99 1169.66 3302 VARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&N FIELD SURVEY 770.000 13.38 493.58 .00 .00 493.73 3140.0 .0 2975.9 164.1 .0 933.4 .03 .00 3.19 .88 .000 .050 .000691 200. 210. 160. 3 0 eSECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 15.12 493.72.:j~ .00 .00 493.88 3140.0 .0 3137.9 2.1 .0 988.5 .05 .00 3.17 .24 .000 .050 .001104 215. 175. 30. 2 0 KRATIO = 6.04 .15 .42 .30 493.60 186.2 7.2 1.2 490.20 .065 .000 480.20 1035.06 0 .00 232.~8 1267.74 .16 .15 .00 494.00 8.7 11.1 1.8 493.40 .065 .000 478.60 1116.00 0 .00 213.89 1329.89 *SECNO 1120.000 3302 YARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&I4 FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 14.48 493.88 .00 .00 494.00 3140.0 .1 2990.8 149.2 .4 1053.4 .06 .19 2.84 .65 .065 .050 .000484 315. 175. 30. 0 0 KRA, TIO = 1.51 .12 .12 .00 493.40 230.1 15.3 2.5 490.00 .065 .000 479.40 1248.17 0 .00 305.61 1553.78 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 19 SECNO DEPTH C~dSEL CRIL/S WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q QLOB QCH GR08 AL08 ACH AR08 VOL TUA TIHE VL08 VCH VR08 XNL XNCH XNR klTN EL#IN SLOPE XLOSL XLCN XLOTR ITRIAL IDC [CONT CORAR TOP, ID *SECNO 1280.000 3302 MARN1NG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G~4 FIELD SURVEY (AS"BUILT) 1280.000 12.58 493.78 .00 .00 494.28 3140.0 26.3 3047.2 66.5 15.5 531.3 .07 1.70 5.74 1.29 .065 .050 .003698 140. 160. 120. 2 0 *SECNO 1450.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450.000 13.31 494.31 ,00 .00 494.82 3140.0 24.8 3115.2 .0 15.2 540.5 .08 1.63 5.76 .00 .065 .050 .002693 140. 170. 240. 2 0 I(RATIO = .50 .17 .11 51.6 18.6 3.2 .065 .000 481.20 0 .00 159.07 .51 .53 .00 .0 20.9 3.7 .000 .000 481.00 0 .00 83.57 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 491.00 492.00 1248.87 1407.94 490.00 500.00 1307.19 1390.76 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 ~,JARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 12.30 495.10 .00 .00 495.22 3140.0 .0 3140.0 :~: .0 .2 1136.8 .11 .09 2.76 .00 .055 .050 .000643 140. 310. 350. 2 0 *SECNO 1960.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 9.76 494.56 .00 .00 495.92 3140.0 .0 2950.1 189.9 .0 306.1 .12 .00 9.64 3.62 .000 .050 .010651 170. 200. 220. 3 0 KRATIO = 2.05 KRATIO = .25 1.37 .33 .37 497.00 52.4 30.4 5.1 493.10 .055 .000 684.80 1161.54 0 .00 87.88 1249.42 .12 .36 .04 495.00 .0 26.9 4.5 495.20 .000 .000 482.80 1265.12 0 .00 161.68 1426.80 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 20 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIRS WSELK EG NV HL OLOSS G QLO8 QCH QR08 ALOB ACH ARON VOL TWA TIHE VLOB VCH VR08 XNL XNCH XNR RTN EL#TN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOSR ITR[AL IDC ZCONT CORAR TOP'ID *SECNO 2135.000 3301 HV CHANGED NC)RE THAN HVINS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 10.85 496.45 .00 .00 496.59 3140.0 .0 3138.4 1.6 .0 1062.2 · 13 .00 2.95 .38 .000 .050 .001481 120. 175. ~0. 2 0 *SECNO 2615.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 10.33 497.23 .00 .00 497.82 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 506.8 .15 .00 6.20 .02 .000 .0~5 .004002 460. 480. 270. 2 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FR(J~ G&N FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 11.00 499.50 .00 .00 500.25 3140.0 25.5 2976,8 137.7 14.0 418.3 .17 1.82 7.12 2.76 .050 .045 .005541 390. 510. ~.0, 2 0 KRAT[O = .14 4.2 .055 0 KRATIO = .60 .0 .000 0 .75 50.0 .050 0 .54 33.2 .000 .00 .61 1.10 41.8 .000 ,00 2.38 47.6 .000 .00 .12 5.8 485.60 270.37 7.8 486.~0 ~5.89 .05 9.1 488.50 143.66 499.70 496.00 1038.49 1308.8~ 497.30 497.20 1075.36 1171.25 498. O0 497.10 1036.29 1179.94 *SECNO 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 10.53 501.33 .00 .00 502.12 3140.0 192.3 2938.1 9.6 70.8 399.7 .19 2.72 7.35 1.46 .050 .0~5 .004187 380. 390. 325. 2 0 .79 6.6 .050 0 1.86 51.8 .000 .00 .01 10.3 490.80 126.49 498.00 500.00 1053.47 1179.96 2?JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 21 T1 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK~ COPPELL~ TEXAS - FINAL AS BUILT CONDITIONS T2 MATTHEWS INVESTMENTS SOUTHgESTo INC. (GII#PFIN.DAT) T3 STREAM G1 - 500'YEAR EVENT ' GOOOWlN AND 14ARSHALL, [NC. - D#G 8/92 T4 FIS DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE HOOEL, MULTI-PROFILE RUN dl ICHECK ING NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q WSEL -1 5 0.006 495.10 J~ NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIN -1 FQ ITRACE 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 22 SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRIgS gSELK EG HV HL G GLOB GCH GR08 ALOR ACH AROB VOL TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR t/TN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC lC(giT COP, AR OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Tt/A R-BANK ELEV EL#IN SSTA TOPgID ENDST *PROF 4 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&H FIELD SURVEY 120.000 12.46 485.96 .00 495.10 487.08 4210.0 .0 4210.0 .0 .0 495.6 .00 .00 8.49 .00 .000 .050 .005905 O. O. O. 0 0 1.12 .0 .000 6 .00 .00 488.80 .0 .0 487.20 .000 473.50 1172.60 .00 61.44 1234.0~ *SECNO 220.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HV[NS CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&M FIELD SURVEY 220.000 11.78 486.28 .00 .00 487.98 4210.0 639.8 2912.6 657.6 126.2 241.5 .00 5.07 12.06 5.46 .065 .050 .0064'78 70. 100. 120. 2 0 1.70 120.5 .065 0 .61 .29 476.50 1.1 .1 474.50 .000 474.50 1068.21 .00 67.25 1135.46 *SECNO 230.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HV[MS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED I,/$EL,~EL 3693 PROBABLE #IN[MUI4 SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUNED 34950VERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE~ ELLEA= 230.000 11.01 485.51 485.51 4210.0 .0 4210.0 .0 .00 .00 18.69 .00 .017061 10. 10. 10. 489.30 ELREA= .00 490.94 5.42 .0 225.3 .0 .000 .050 .000 20 11 0 489.30 .10 1.86 476.50 1.2 .2 474.50 .000 474.50 1094.00 .00 21.00 1115.00 27JUN96 10:06:&0 PAGE 23 SECNO DEPTH CI4SEL CRIWS Q QLOB GCH GROB TIME VLOB VCH VROB SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DOWNSTREAN ELEV IS 483.91 , NOT SB XK XKOR COFG RDLEN 1.25 1.56 2.60 .00 *SECNO 290.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 290.00 EXTENDED t/SELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV ALO6 ACH AROB VOL TUA R-BANE ELEV XNL XNCH XNR t/TN EL#IN SSTA ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOP~/ID ENDST 485.51 HYDRAULIC JUHP OCCURS DO~ISTREAN (IF LOU FLO~ CONTROLS) BUC BWP BAREA SS ELCNU ELCHD 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 47~.50 474.50 1.59 FEET 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 gANNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3.73 PRESSURE AND t~EIR FLOg, WeiF Sut~ergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape EGPRS EGLWC H3 QUEIR QPR BAREA TRAPEZOID AREA 496.25 491.52 .00 1065. 3146. 200. 200. STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHQOL ROAD 290.000 16.59 691.09-2~ .00 .00 491.51 .42 4210.0 1138.8 2267.4 803.8 432.5 342.3 272.4 .01 2.63 6.62 2.95 .065 .050 .065 .001226 60. 60. 60. 2 0 4 ELLC 4~.50 ! ELTRD gEIRLN 489.30 200. .57 .00 476.50 2.1 .3 474.50 .000 47&.50 1000.00 .00 160.00 1160.00 *SECNO 340.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 340.00 EXTENDED 1.13 FEET CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 340.000 16.33 491.13 .00 .00 491.60 .67 4210.0 238.2 3925.2 46.6 148.6 692.7 33.9 .01 1.60 5.67 1.37 .065 .050 .065 .001617 50. 50. 50. 2 0 0 .07 .02 488.20 3.2 .5 487.40 .000 474.80 1000.00 .00 143.19 1143.19 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 24 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV G QLOB GCH GROB ALO~ ACH AROB TIHE VLOi) VCN VROB XNL XNCN XNR SLOPE XLO~L XLCN XLOBR ITRIAL ]DC ICONT 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEHPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE #INIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G~4 FIELD SURVEY 560.000 12.38 492.58 492.58 .00 4210.0 .0 3962.4 247.6 .0 .01 .00 11.59 3.48 .000 .015765 150. 220. 300. 20 · SECNO 770.000 3301 HV CHANGED NO~E THAN HVINS 494.56 3~1.9 .050 15 1.97 71.1 .065 0 HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV WTN ELHIN SSTA COP, AR TOPWID ENDST .82 .45 494.20 6.4 1.1 490.10 .000 480.20 1114.05 .00 120.06 1234.11 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE~ CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G~R FIELD SURVEY 770.000 14.75 494.95 .00 .00 495.11 4210.0 1.5 3752.4 456.1 3.4 1083.9 .03 .44 3.46 1.13 .065 .050 .000668 200. 210. 160. 2 0 *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&I4 FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 16.48 495.08 .00 .00 495.~5 4210.0 2.9 4071.7 135.4 6.1 1206.6 .05 .47 3.37 .80 .065 .050 .000959 215. 175. 30. 2 0 KRATIO = 4.86 .17 · .38 .18 493.60 402.8 lq:7 2.1 490.20 .065 .000 480.20 1029.93 0 .00 -/323.27 1353.20 .17 .13 .00 494.00 168.6 15.5 2.8 493.40 .065 .000 478.60 1104.68 0 .00 329.91 1436.59 eSECNO 1120.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGEw CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRDI4 GB, H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 15.83 495.23 .00 .00 495.36 4210.0 2.9 3720.7 486.4 6.3 1200.9 .06 .46 3.10 .93 .065 .050 .000484 315. 175. 30. 0 0 KRATIO = 1.41 .13 524.7 .065 0 .11 .00 493.40 20.7 3.5 490.00 .000 479.40 1243.01 .00 355.44 1598.45 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 25 SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRIt~S WSELK EG HV #L OLOSS Q QLOB QCH QROB AL06 ACH AROB VOL TWA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELNIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR TOPWlD *SECNO 1280.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280.000 13.92 495.12 .00 .00 495.62 .50 6210.0 67.4 38~8.6 296.0 34.0 652.0 169.1 .07 1.98 5.90 1.97 .065 .050 .065 .002981 140. 160. 120. 2 0 0 *SECNO 1650.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1650.000 14.53 495.53 .00 .00 496.19 .66 6210.0 79.4 4130.6 .0 43.7 628.9 .0 .08 1.82 6.57 .00 .065 .050 .000 .003027 140. 170. 240. 2 0 0 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 wSECgO 1760.000 3301 HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS'BUILT) 1760.000 13.66 696.46 .00 .00 696.61 .15 6210.0 46.3 4158.8 6.9 73.8 1350.7 12.7 .11 .60 3.08 .54 .055 .050 .055 .000636 160. 310. 350. 2 0 0 wSECNO 1960.000 3301 #V CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRAT I0 = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROI4 G&I4 FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 11.20 696.00 .00 .00 497.25 1.25 6210.0 .0 3631.3 578.7 .0 381.9 136.0 .11 .00 9.51 4.32 .000 .050 .055 .008197 170. 200. 220. 3 0 0 .60 .15 25.1 .000 .00 .52 28.1 .000 .00 2.18 .37 35.4 .000 .00 .28 .31 39.9 · 000 .00 .11 4.4 681.20 191.16 .05 5.0 481.00 122.40 .05 6.2 482.80 295.75 .33 7.2 48~.80 131.60 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 491.00 492.00 1243.51 1434.67 490.00 500.00 1271.42 1393.82 4~5.00 495.20 1153.98 1449.73 497.00 493.10 1159.45 1291.05 27JUN96 10:06:&0 PAGE 26 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLO~S Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AR06 VOL TWA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR UTN ELGIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL ]DC ]CONT COP, AR TOPUID *SECNO 2135.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 t~RNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTZON TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 12.03 497.63 .00 .00 497.77 4210.0 .0 4165.1 44.9 .0 1360.4 .13 .00 3.06 .80 .000 .050 .001153 120. 175. 80. 3 0 *SECNO 2615.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVZNS KRAT[O = .14 56.2 .055 0 2.67 .41 43.5 .000 .00 .11 7.9 485.60 321.91 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 499.70 4~6.00 1037.22 1359.13 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 11.24 498.14 .00 .00 498.91 4210.0 8.9 4197.0 4.1 7.5 594.1 .15 1.18 7.06 1.16 .050 .~5 .004.?_32 460. 480. 270. 3 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 11.94 500,44 .00 .00 501.26 4210.0 97.7 3773.0 339.3 ,36.8 496.0 .17 2.65 7.61 3.32 .050 .0~5 .005047 390. 510. 440. 2 0 KRATIO = .77 3.5 .050 0 .8~ 102.1 .050 0 .52 54.5 .000 .00 2.33 61.6 .000 .00 .19 10.2 120.89 .01 11.8 488.50 183.31 497.30 497.20 1057.54 1178.43 498.00 497.10 1026.67 1209.98 *SEC#O 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 11.38 502.18 .00 .00 503.16 4210.0 421.9 3748.3 39.8 129.1 451.1 .18 3.27 8.31 2.20 .050 .045 .004555 380. 390. 325. 2 0 .97 18.1 .050 0 1.85 67.1 .000 .00 .05 13.3 490.80 156.91 498.00 500.00 1031.77 1188.69 27JUM~ 10:06:40 PAGE 27 HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; '.ay 1991 THiS RUB EXECUTED 27JUM96 MOTE- ASTERISK (*) AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTIOM MUHBER iNDiCATES HESSAGE iN St.q4HARY OF ERRORS LiST AH G1 - lO-YEAR EVENT - SUW4ARY PRINTOUT 10:06:41 SECMO Q CUSEL EG CRIUS VCH STCHL STCHR EL#i# SSTA ENDST TOPI~ID 120.000 1860.00 482.19 482.87 .00 6.61 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 120.000 2735.00 483.77 484.63 .00 7.45 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 120.000 3140.00 48~.38 485.33 .00 7.82 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 120.000 4210.00 485.96 487.08 .00 8.49 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 220.000 186O.00 482.62 483.62 .00 8.85 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 2735.00 484.15 485.46 .00 10.32 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 3140.00 484.75 486.19 .00 10.92 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 4210.00 486.28 487.98 .00 12.06 1094.00 111~.00 474.50 230.000 1860.00 482.05 484.36 .00 12.20 1094.00 1115.00~ 474.50 230.000 2735.00 482.92 486.89 482.84 16.01 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 ?30.000 3140.00 483.61~ 488.07 483.61 16.95 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 230.000 4210.00 485.51 490.94 485.51 18.69 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 1860.00 482.77 4~.68 .00 11.09 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 2735.00 48~.84 487.45 .00 12.95 109~.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 3140.00 487.29 489.51 .00 11.96 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 4210.00 491.09 491.51 .00 6.62 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 1178.69 1176.13 1175.15 1172.60 1077.87 1073.82 1072.25 1068.21 109~.00 1094.00 1094.00 10W,.00 1094.00 1094.00 1000.00 1070.35 1065.62 1005.05 1000.00 1231.15 1232.36 1232.83 1234.04 1129.10 1131.76 1132.79 1135.46 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1160.00 1121.68 1127.01 1136.75 1143.19 3~0.000 1860.00 484.88 485.37 .00 5.63 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 ~40.000 27'55.00 487.82 488.29 .00 5.54 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 340.000 3140.00 489.81 490.19 .00 5.00 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 340.000 4210.00 491.13 491.60 .00 5.67 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 52.46 56.23 57.68 61.44 51.23 57.93 6O.54 67.25 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 160.00 61.38 131.70 143.19 * 560.000 1860.00 487.63 490.11 487.63 12.65 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 1136.31 1166.39 30.08 * 560.000 2735.00 489.27 492.18 489.27 13.68 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 1134.35 1168.79 34.43 * 560.000 3140.00 489.85 493.00 489.85 14.24 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 1133.65 1169.64 35.99 * 560.000 4210.00 492.58 494.56 492.58 11.59 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 1114.05 1234.11 120.06 1154.74 1267.74 1353.20 770.000 1860.00 490.75 490.88 .00 2.94 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 770.000 2735.00 492.76 492.91 .00 3.16 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 770.000 3140.00 493.58 493.73 .00 3.19 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 770.000 4210.00 494.95 495.11 .00 3.46 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 10~2.49 1037.21 1035.06 1029.93 112.25 232.68 323.27 27JUN96 10:06:40 PAGE 28 SECNO Q C~SEL EG CRI~S 945.000 1860.00 490.93 491.08 945.000 27'35.00 492.92 493.08 945.000 3140.00 493.72 493.88 945.000 4210.00 495.08 495.25 .00 .00 .00 .00 * 1120.000 1860.00 491.14 491.23 * 1120.000 2735.00 493.09 493.21 * 1120.000 3140.00 493.88 494.00 * 1120.000 4210.00 495.23 495.36 .00 * 1280.000 1860.00 490.94 491.61 * 1280.000 2735.00 492.99 493.52 * 1280.000 3140.00 493.78 494.28 1280.000 4210.00 495.12 495.62 * 1450.000 1860.00 491.96 492.33 1450.000 2735.00 493.65 494.12 1450.000 3140.00 494.31 494.82 1450.000 4210.00 495.53 496.19 * 1760.000 1860.00 492.66 492.75 * 1760.000 2735.00 494.41 494.52 * 1760.000 3140.00 495.10 495.22 '-- * 1760.000 4210.00 496.46 496.61 * 1960.000 1860.00 491.99 493.6/, * 1960.000 2735.00 493.81 495.28 * 1960.000 3140.00 494.56 495.92 * 1960.000 4210.00 496.00 497.25 * 2135.000 1860.00 494.57~; 494.71 * 2135.000 2735.00 495.92 496.05 * 2135.000 3140.00 496.45 496.59 * 2135.000 4210.00 497.63 497.77 2615.000 1860.00 495.74 496.13 * 2615.000 2735.00 496.82 497.35 * 2615.000 3140.00 497.23 497.82 * 2615.000 4210.00 698.14 498.91 '--' * 3125.000 1860.00 497.95 498.58 3125.000 2735.00 499.06 499.78 3125.000 3140.00 499.50 500.25 ,.. 3125.000 4210.00 500.44 501.26 * 3515.000 1860.00 499.94 500.45 3515.000 2735.00 500.95 501.66 3515.000 3140.00 501.33 502.12 3515.000 4210.00 502.18 503.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 VCH STCHL STCHR EL#IN SSTA ENDST TOP, ID 3.13 1116.00 1277.00 478.60 1116.00 1232.60 116.60 3.17 1116.00 1277.00 478.60 1116.00 1268.50 152.50 3.17 1116.00 1277.00 478.60 1116.00 1329.89 213.89 3.37 1116.00 1277.00 478.60 1104.68 1434.59 3~9.91 2.46 1250.00 1360.00 479.40 1254.69 1374.08 119.39 2.76 1250.00 1360.00 479.40 1250.64 1483.17 232.53 2.8~ 1250.00 1~.00 479.40 12~8.17 1553.78 305.61 3.10 1250.00 1360.00 479.40 1243.01 1598.45 355.44 6.56 1260.00 1350.00 ~81.20 1280.37 1341.19 60.82 5.89 1260.00 1350.00 481.20 1252.05 1382.07 130.02 5.74 1260.00 1350.00 481.20 1248.87 1407.94 159.07 5.90 1260.00 1350.00 481.20 1243.51 1434.67 191.16 4.87 1320.00 1400.00 481.00 1318.04 1384.91 66.87 5.50 1320.00 1400.00 481.00 1313.05 1389.13 76.08 5.76 1320.00 1400.00 ~81.00 1307.19 1390.76 83.57 6.57 1320.00 1400.00 481.00 1271.42 1393.82 122.40 2.42 1270.00 1427.00 482.80 1277.90 1421.99 144.08 2.66 1270.00 1427.00 482.80 1272.00 1425.44 153.44 2.76 1270.00 1427.00 482.80 1265.12 1426.80 161.68 3.08 1270.00 1427.00 482.80 1153.98 1449.73 295.75 10.30 1158.00 1213.00 484.80 1165.25 1210.19 44.94 9.87 1158.00 1213.00 484.80 1162.62 1241.15 78.53 9.64 1158.00 1213.00 484.80 1161.54 1249.42 87.88 9.51 1158.00 1213.00~ 484.80 1159.45 1291.05 131.60 2.99 1035.00 1290.00 485.60 1040.50 1247.02 206.52 2.94 1035.00 1290.00 485.60 1039.05 1287.49 248.43 2.95 1035.00 1290.00 485.60 1038.49 1308.86 270.37 3.06 1035.00 1290.00 ~85.60 1037.22 1359.13 321.91 5.00 1075.00 1171.00 486.90 1083.21 1168.36 85.15 5.8~ 1075.00 1171.00 486.90 1077.50 1170.32 92.82 6.20 1075.00 1171.00 486.90 1073.36 1171.25 95.89 7.06 1075.00 1171.00 486.90 1057.54 1178.43 120.89 6.34 1055.00 1137.00 488.50 1056.94 1151.70 94.75 6.92 1055.00 1137.00 488.50 10&1.72 1171.24 1~9.52 7.12 1055.00 1137.00 488.50 1036.29 1179.94 143.66 7.61 1055.00 1137.00 ~8.50 1026.67 1209.98 183.31 5.77 1110.00 1170.00 490.80 1090.56 1169.86 79.30 6.92 1110.00 1170.00 490.80 1064.09 1177.07 112.97 7.35 1110.00 1170.00 490.80 1053.47 1179.96 126.69 8.31 1110.00 1170.00 490.80 1031.77 1188.69 156.91 27JU#96 10:06:40 PAGE SUHHARY OF ERRORS AND SPECIAL NOTES MARNING SECNO= 230.000 PROFILE= HARNING SECNO= 250.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SEGNO= 230.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 230.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 230.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 230.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO~ 230.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 290.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 290.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 290.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 290.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 290.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 290,000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 340.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO=- 340.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 340.000 PROFZLE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SEC#O= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SEC#O~ 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECNO= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SEC#O= 560.000 PROFILE= CAUTION SECHO= 560.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 770.000 PROFILE= UARNING SECNO= 770.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 770.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 7TO.O00 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1120.000 PROFILE= gARNING SECNO=- 1120.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1120.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1120.000 PROFILE= WARHIHG SECNO= 1280.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1280.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1280.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1280.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1450.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1760.000 PROFILE= WARNING SECNO= 1760.000 PROFILE= CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED PROBABLE #ININUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED TO BALANCE WSEL HYDRAULIC JUMP D.S. CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE HYDRAULIC JUMP D.S. CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE HYDRAULIC JUMP D.S. CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 2 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 3 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED TO BALANCE WSEL CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEO PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTEO TO BALANCE WSEL CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTEO TO BALANCE ~SEL CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEO PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 20TRIALS ATTEMPTED TO BALANCE WSEL CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RA#GE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE imm 27JUN96 ~ARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNC)= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= UARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= WARNING SECNO= 10:06:40 1760.000 1760.000 1960.000 1960.000 1960,000 1960.000 2135.000 2135.000 2135.000 2135.000 2615.000 Z615.000 2615.000 3125.000 3515.000 PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= 1 PROFILE= 2 PROFILE= 3 PROFILE= 4 PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= PROFILE= 1 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS[DE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE PAGE 3O Appendix C Corrected Effective (Extended) Multi-Profile I-1F~C-2 Model (G1EXTNAT.out) * HEC-2 UATER SURFACE PROFILES * . * * Version 4.6.2; Hay 1991 * * RUN DATE 11JUL96 TIHE 10:45:13 ******************************************* *******--*******--***************** * U.S. ARHY COGPS OF ENGINEERS * HYDROLOGIC ENGZNEERING CENTER * * 609 SECOND STREET, SUITE D * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616'4687 * * (916) 756-1106 * ******************--***********--*** X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX XX)(XX XXXXX X X X XXXXX x X XXXXXXX 11JUL96 10:45:13 NEC-2 UATER SURFACE PROF%LES Version 4.6.2; Hay 1~1 T1 T2 T3 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS ' EXTENDED HODEL NALFF ASSOC%ATES %NC. (G1EXTNAT.DAT) SBH 5/13/96 STREAK G1 - lO-YEAR F%S D[SCHARGES NATURAL RUN T#]S RUN EXECUTED 11JUL96 J1 ICHECK INQ NINV %DIR · STRT NETR%C HV%NS q WSEL FQ -1 2 0.006 492.40 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC XBW CNNZN [TRACE 1 -1 PAGE 10:45:13 J3 VARIABLE CODES FOR SUHHARY PRZ#TOUT 38 43 1 3 2 26 21 54 4 QT 6 1~0 2735 3140 4210 1900 NC .065 .065 .05 0.3 0.5 SECT%ONS 120 THROUGH 3515 FROH GOOOW%N & HARSNALL LOHA 10/92 CROSS SECT%0~ TAKEN FR~OI~'G&H F%ELD SURVEY Xl 120 11 1168 1235 GR 492 1000 490.5 1118 488.8 1168 GR 476.4 1208 478.1 1228 487.2 1235 GR 492.5 1330 CROSS SECT%ON TAKEN FROH G&14 FIELD SURVEY Xl 220 8 10~4 1115 ?0 120 GR 490 1000 488.9 1015 487.5 1065 GR 474.5 1115 488.9 1140 489.5 1160 Xl 230 X3 10 5150 475.2 49O 100 476.5 10 10 10 SB 1.25 1.56 2.6 20.7 0.7 STAT%ON 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL RON) xl 290 60 60 X2 1 484.5 489.3 X3 10 BT -5 1000 491.5 0 1050 490.0 BT 1150 489.5 0 1200 490.4 2O0 60 0 0 22 42 53 1190 1240 109~ 489.3 0.0 490.0 1100 473.5 492 47'4.5 489.3 47'4.5 490.0 489.3 1200 12~0 1100 47'4.5 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 2 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON Gg~I FIELD SURVEY Xl 340 9 1065 1125 50 GR 490 1000 488.1 1050 4~8.2 GR 676.9 1100 477.5 1112 ~87.4 ~ Xl GR GR GR ~ Xl GR GR ,,,-, GR GR Xl X4 GR ~ GR GR GR Xl GR GR GR GR Xl GR GR GR Xl .- X4 GR GR GR GR GR 0.1 0.3 CROSS SECTION TAKE# FROH G&N FIELD SURVEY 560 16 1100 1170 150 494.3 1000 497.1 1050 494.3 481J2 1144 480.2 1150 ~0.5 492.9 1250 493.9 1300 495.2 500.0 1405 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH GiN FIELD SURVEY 770 16 1035 1145 200 499.8 1000 498.9 1015 493.6 480.2 1075 482.6 1085 482.9 491.9 1175 492.1 1225 494.0 500.0 1480 50 1065 1125 300 1080 1156 1350 160 1835 1105 1280 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945 17 1116 1277 215 30 1 486 1116 50~.2 1000 503.0 1050 501.5 1077 483.6 1140 4i'8.6 1150 483.1 116O 493.4 1277 493.7 1327 494.3 1400 498.0 1545 500.0 1570 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120 18 1250 1360 315 30 501.1 1000 499~3 1050 497.4 1100 496.0 1240 493~ 1250 483.7 1270 483.4 1307 483.0 1350 490.0 1360 496,0 1620 498.0 1640 500.0 1660 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280 20 1260 1350 140 120 500.0 1000 498.0 1025 496.6 1050 496.0 1200 496.0 1240 491.0 1260 483.2 1295 481.2 1300 482.6 1306 492.0 1350 494.0 1415 4~6.0 1450 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450 21 1320 1400 140 240 I 497.2 1030 500.0 1000 496.2 1020 495.4 1~90 490.0 1320 488.0 1330 486.0 1335 481.0 1360 482.0 1361 484.0 1365 490.0 1380 492.0 1385 494.0 1390 500.0 1400 50 477.0 491.5 220 494.2 490.1 496.0 210 489.8 486.7 496.0 175 496.0 485.9 495.2 175 497.0 483.7 492.0 160 496.3 491.2 487.4 498.0 170 494.0 484.0 486.0 496.0 1083 1145 1100 1170 1370 10~5 1135 1435 1095 1185 1440 1150 1~0 1385 1100 1280 1320 1460 1312 1350 1370 1395 474.8 490.4 492.3 498.0 483.1 490.2 498.0 494.0 489.4 496.0 497.0 479.4 494.0 496.0 484.3 490.2 500.0 492.0 482.0 488.0 498.0 1093 1133 1220 1395 1065 1145 1450 1116 1205 1530 1200 1300 1565 1150 1290 1335 1480 1318 1355 1375 1398 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE NC .055 .055 .05 0.1 0.3 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G~t FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 1760 18 1270 1427 140 350 GR 500.0 1000 498.0 1015 497.5 1030 GR 496.0 1200 495.4 1250 495.0 1270 GR 485.6 1396 482.8 1400 485.2 1402 GR 495.9 1437 498.1 1487 499.1 1500 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) Xl 1960 15 1158 1213 170 220 GR 500.0 1000 498.2 117.3 497.0 1158 GR 48~.8 1186 485.8 1189 488.4 1201 GR 494.7 1251 495.8 1286 497.0 1316 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY Xl 2135 13 1035 129O 120 80 GR 501.0 1000 499.7 1035 488.5 1047 GR 487.4 1064 4~0.2 1074 49O.0 1090 aR 496.0 1290 498.0 1375 500.0 1420 NC .05 .05 .045 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY Xl 2615 14 1075 1171 460 270 GR 502.0 1000 500.0 1025 498.0 1060 GR 490.4 1140 488.5 1145 486.9 1150 GR 499.1 1186 500.0 17..30 502.0 1270 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM GSM FIELD SURVEY Xl 3125 16 1055 1137 390 440 GR 504.0 1000 502.0 1015 500.0 1030 GR 492.3 1095 490.2 1099 488.5 1104 GR 493.8 1127 49~; 1137 498.9 1168 GR 504.0 1360 QT 6 1860 2735 3140 4210 1700 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY Xl 3515 16 1110 1170 380 325 GR 504.0 1000 502.0 1035 500.0 1090 GR 494.0 1130 492.0 1135 490.8 1145 GR 496.0 1160 498.0 1165 500.0 1170 GR 506.0 1270 CITY-UIDE STUDY SECTION 3580 NH NH 5. .045 1050 .075 1127. .070 1420. SECTZO# 3580 FROM CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STUOY AHH Channel Defin{tJon Js from field survey by AHH 05/08/90 310 497.0 487.6 487.6 2OO 490.1 493.1 498.4 175 486.3 492.0 48O 497,3 488.9 504.0 5~o 498.0 49O.2 500.0 4850 39O 498.0 492.0 502.0 1188. Xl 3675 21 1127 1188 160 160 160 GR 508 940 505.3 1000. 503.7 1050. 503.3 GR 493.1 1132. 493.4 1137. 493.5 1140. 496.2 GR 497.5 1200. 497.0 1210. 499.9 1221. 499.2 GR 498.3 1250. 498.4 1268. 503.3 1292. 504. GR 508. 1420. 1100 1295 1412 1168 1213 1386 1057 1150 1075 1156 1340 1055 1110 1190 1110 1150 1185 1081. 1150. 1232. 1330. 496.5 486.9 495.2 485.6 492.0 4~.2 485.6 494.0 491.6 497.2 497.4 492.3 502.0 496.0 494.0 504.0 1292. 501.6 498.6 497.7 506. 1150 1355 1427 1183 1221 1436 1060 1230 1105 1171 1080 1115 121}0 1120 1153 1225 .055 1127. 1188. 1242. 1360. PAGE 11JUL96 10:45:13 CITY-WIDE STUDY SECTION 4110 Section revised per field survey 3/96 hsi. NC .065 .060 .07 SECTION 4110 FROM CITY-gIDE STORH gATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH Xl 4205 16 1438 1565 520 510 GR 512 1000 510 1138 508 1201 GR 503.89 1438 500.66 1494 499.24 1518 ;R 497.47 1537 499.81 1539 506.27 1565 GR 512 1715 CITY-WIDE STUDY SECTION 4360 NC Xl 4455 X3 10 GR 512 1000 510 GR 502 1380 500 GR 504 1550 506 GR 512 1820 CITY-WIDE STUDY SECTION 4400 .06 .075 .055 .3 .5 SECTION 4300 FROId CITY-WIDE STC)RH t~TER MANA~EMENT STUDY AHH DS Face of Coppett Road CuLvert 16 1450 1475 240 250 1140 508 1220 1450 496 1470 1570 508 1620 NC SB .015 1.25 1.5 3.0 0 21 1 SECTION 4400 FROH CITY-WIDE STORH WATER HANAGEMENT STUDY AHH US Face of Coppett Road CuLvert xl 4495 40. 40. X2 0 0 I 501.07 506 X3 10 BT -9 1030 512 0 1190 510 BT 1360 506 0 1480 506 BT 1630 50~' 0 1670 510 CITY-WIDE STUDY SECTION 4455 NC .085 .085 SECTION 4455 FROH CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY ANN Xl 4550 15 1250 1320 55 55 GR 510 1000 508 1080 506 1155 GR 502 1255 500 1265 496.5 1275 GR 504 1360 506 1390 508 1490 53O 506 496.14 509.05 250 506 500 510 100 40. 1289 1529 1607 55 5O6 5O0 510 503. 1320 1475 1720 504 495.58 510 503. 506 5O2 510 496.07 1400 1533 1645 1340 1500 1770 496.09 504. 504. 0 ' 1260 508 0 0 1550 506 0 0 18~0 512 0 504 502 512 1225 1305 1550 1250 1320 1760 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH Q GLOB TIHE VLOB SLOPE XLOBL CI~SEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS QCH QROB ALOB ACH ARO8 VOL TWA VCH VROB X#L XNCH XNR WTN EL#IN XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICORT CORAR TOP'ID ePROF 1 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 SECTIONS 120 THROUGH 3515 FROM GOOOV]N & MARSHALL LOMA 10/92 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM ~ FIELD SURVEY 120.000 8.69 482.19 .00 492.40 482.87 .68 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 281.3 .0 .00 .00 6.61 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005916 O. O. O. 0 0 6 *SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY 220.000 8.12 482.62. .00 .00 483.62 1.00 1860.0 173.4 1455.8 230.8 49.4 16~.5 57.2 .00 3.51 8.85 4.03 .065 .050 .065 .005816 70. 100. 120. 2 0 0 *SECNO 230.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE' OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= /,89.30 ELREA= 230.000 7.55 48~.05 .00 .00 484.36 2.31 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 152.5 .0 .00 .00 12.20 .00 .000 .050 .OOO .012231 10. 10. 10. 3 0 0 .00 .0 .000 .00 .59 .6 .000 .00 .69 zd~9.30 .08 .7 .000 .00 .00 .0 473.50 52.46 .16 .1 474.50 51.23 .65 .1 474.50 21. O0 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 488.80 487.20 1178.69 1231.15 476.50 474.50 1077.87 1129.10 476.50 474.50 1094.00 1115.00 PAGE SPECIAL BRIDGE SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.56 *SECNO 290.000 COFQ RDLEN BUC BWP BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 2.60 .00 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 474.50 474.50 PAGE 6 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRIUS t/SELK EG Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOSR [TRIAL lOC CLASS A LOg FLOg 3420 BRIDGE g.S.= 481.50 BRIDGE VELOCITY= 13.29 EGPRS EGL~'~C H3 QUEIR QLOg BAREA 484.14 484.68 .73 O. 1860. 200. 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUHED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= IN HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV ANO8 VOL T'JA R-BANK ELEV XNR t/TN EL#IN SSTA ICONT COP, AR TOPi/iD ENDST CALCULATED CHANNEL AREA= 140. TRAPEZOID ELLC ELTRD UEIRLN AREA 200. 48~.50 489.30 O. 490.00 ELREA= 490.00 STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 8.27 482.77 .00 .00 48~.68 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 167.? .01 .00 11.09 .00 .000 .050 .008904 60. 60. 60. 0 0 1.91 .33 .00 476.50 .0 .9 .2 474.50 .000 .000 474.50 1094.00 0 .00 21.00 1115.00 *SECNO 340.000 3301 HV CHANGED 140RE THAN NVINS 3302 UARHIHG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RAHGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN ~'G&H FIELD SURVEY 340.000 10.08 484.88 .00 .00 485.37 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 ,0 330.4 .01 .00 5.63 .00 .000 .050 .003416 50. 50. 50. 3 0 KRATIO = 1.61 ~ .49 .26 .43 488.20 .0 1.2 .2 487.40 .000 .000 474.80 1070.35 0 .00 51.33 11Z1.68 CCHV= .I00 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVIHS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEHPTED gSEL,Ct,'SEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIHUlq SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUHED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH GSH FIELD SURVEY 560.000 7.43 487.63 487.63 .00 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 .01 .00 12.65 .00 .000 .026466 150. 220. 300. 20 490.11 147.0 .050 19 2.49 1.63 .60 494.20 .0 2.4 .4 4~0.10 .000 .000 480.20 1136.31 0 .00 30.08 1166.39 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRI~S USELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR t/TN ELNIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLO~R ITRIAL IDC ICO#T COP, AR TOPUID *SECNO 770.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 770.000 10.55 490.75 .00 .00 490.88 1860.0 .0 1859.2 .8 .0 633.4 .03 .00 2.94 .29 .000 .050 .000892 200. 210. 160. 3 0 *SECNO 9/,5.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 9&5.000 12.33 490.93 .00 .00 491.08 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 594.1 .05 .00 3.13 .00 .000 .050 .001379 215. 175. 30. 2 O KRATIO = .13 2.7 .065 0 .15 .0 .000 0 5.45 .53 .24 493.60 &.3 .? 490.20 .000 480.20 10~2.49 .00 112.25 1154.?& .19 .01 494.00 6.7 1.2 493.40 .000 478.60 1116.00 .00 116.60 1232.60 *SECNO 1120.000 3302 WARNZNG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE~ CROSS SECTION TAKEN FR~;G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 11.74 491.14 .00 .00 491.23 1860.0 .0 1857.2 2.8 .0 756.3 .07 .00 2.46 .36 .000 .050 .000530 315. 175. 30. 0 0 *SECNO 1280.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS KRATIO = .09 7.9 .065 0 1.61 .14 .01 493.40 9.5 1.6 490.00 .000 479.40 1254.69 .00 119.39 1374.08 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS]DE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE~ CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280.000 9.74 490.94 .00 .00 491.61 1860.0 .O 1860.0 .0 .0 283.6 .07 .00 6.56 .00 .000 .050 .00678~ 140. 160. 120. 2 0 KRAT[O = .67 .0 .000 0 .28 .21 .17 491.00 11.4 2.0 492.00 .000 481.20 1280.37 .00 60.82 1341.19 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 8 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIUS ~SELK EG HV HL OLOSS G GLOB QCH GRO~ ALOB ACH ARO~ VOL TWA TI#E VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR UI'N EL#IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITR]AL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPgID L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST *SECNO 1450.000 3302 WARNING= CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON Gl,# FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450.000 10.96 491.96 .00 .00 492.33 1860.0 1.8 1858.2 .0 1.9 381.6 .08 .93 4.87 .00 .065 .050 .002719 140. 170. 240. 2 0 KHATIO = .37 .0 .000 0 1.58 12.7 .000 .00 .03 2.2 481.00 66.87 490.00 500.00 1318.04 138~.91 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&q FIELD SURVEY CAS-BUILT) 1760.000 9.86 492.66 .00 .00 492.75 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 769.7 .12 .00 2.42 .00 .000 .050 .000736 140. 310. 350. 2 0 *SECNO 1960.000 3301 HV CHANGED gORE THAN HVINS' 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg ~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 7.19 491.99 .00 .00 493.6~ 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 180.6 .13 .00 10.30 .00 .000 .050 .020178 170. 200. 220. 3 0 *SECNO 2135.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS [RATIO = .09 .0 .000 0 KRATIO = 1.65 .0 .000 0 1.92 .39 16.8 .000 .00 .19 .42 19.0 ,000 .00 .03 3.0 144.08 .47 3.4 4~.~ 44.94 4~5.00 4~. 20 1277.~0 1421.99 497.00 493.10 1165.25 1210.19 11JUL96 10:&5:13 PAGE 9 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRI~S WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA TI#E VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR IfrN EL#IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC [CONT COIL~ TOP, ID L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRAT]O = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G~q FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 8.97 494.57 .00 .00 49~.71 .l& 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 622.9 .0 .14 .00 2.99 .00 .000 .050 .000 .002369 120. 175. 80. 3 0 0 *SECNO 2615.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&M FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 8.8~ 495.74 .00 .00 496.13 .39 1860.0 .0 1860.0 .0 .0 372.0 .0 .17 .00 5.00 .00 .000 .045 .000 .003366 460. &80. 270. 3 0 0 2.92 .92 20.6 .000 .00 1.35 26.1 .000 .00 .15 3.9 485.~0 20~.52 .07 5.5 4~6.90 85.15 499.70 496.00 1040.50 1247.0Z /.97.30 497.20 1083.21 1168.36 *SECNO 3125.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE,, KRAT I0 = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 9.45 497.95 .00 .00 498.58 .62 1860.0 .0 1851.2 8.8 .0 291.8 6.3 .19 .00 6.34 :. 1.40 .000 .045 .050 .006905 390. 510. ~'- 440. 4 0 0 2.38 .07 498.00 30.0 " 6.5 497.10 .000 &88.50 1056.94 .00 94.75 1151.70 *SECNO 3515.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 9.14 499.94 .00 .00 500.45 .51 1860.0 32.5 1827.5 .0 18.9 316.6 .0 .21 1.72 5.77 .00 .050 .045 .000 .003510 380. 390. 325. 2 0 0 1490 NH CARD USED *SECNO 3675.000 SECTION 3580 FROM CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STUDY AHH 1.40 32.8 .000 .00 .01 490.80 79.$0 498.00 500.00 1090.56 1169.86 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 10 Channel Definition is frm field survey by AHH 05/08/90 3675.000 7.88 500.98 .00 .00 501.23 .25 .75 .03 501.60 1860.0 .0 1241.6 618.4 .0 277.0 229.0 34.4 7.7 498.60 .22 .00 4.48 2.70 .000 .070 .085 .000 493.10 1127.36 .006532 160. 160. 160. 2 0 0 .00 153.28 1280.65 *SECNO 4205.000 SECTION 4110 FROH CITY-WIDE STORH WATER MAIt~GEMENT STUOY AH8 4205.000 8.92 504.50 .00 .00 504.74 .25 3.52 .00 503.89 1860.0 45.8 1814.1 .1 27.8 450.4 .2 40.3 9.8 504.27 .26 1.65 4.03 .48 .045 .070 .060 .000 495.58 1372.46 .006832 520. 530. 510. 3 0 0 .00 194.53 1566.99 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4455.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.67 SECTION 4360 FROH CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH DS Face of Coppett Road CuLvert 4455.000 9.18 505.18 .00 .00 505.29 .11 .50 .04 500.00 1860.0 1046.0 532.9 281.1 386.8 179.5 220.5 43.9 11.0 500.00 .28 2.70 2.97 1.27 .040 .055 .075 .000 496.00 1328.19 .000956 240. 250. 250. 3 0 0 .00 233.61 1561.81 SPECIAL BRIDGE SB XK XKOR COFG RDLEN Bt/(: BgP 1.25 1.50 3.00-:~'' .00 21.00 1.00 *SECNO 4495.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CRANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, PRESSURE AND WEIR FLO~,/, ! BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 100.00 .00 496.07 496.0~ KRATIO [] 2.52 Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape EGPRS EGLWC H3 QUEIR GPR BAREA TRAPEZOID AREA 513.24 505.30 .01 1105. 763. 100. 100. ELLC 501.07 ELTRD 504.00 ~EIRLN 238. SECTION 4400 FROg CITY-WIDE STORH WATER HANAGEMENT STUDY AHH US Face of CoppeLL Road CuLvert 4495.000 10.34 506.34 .00 .00 506.54 .20 1860.0 669.9 992.9 197.1 536.9 208.5 328.6 .29 1.25 4.76 .60 .040 .015 .075 .000150 40. 40. 40. 2 0 5 1.25 44.7 .000 .00 .00 11.3 496.00 275.40 500.00 500.00 1303.07 1578.47 ~1~UL96 10~5~3 SEC#O DEPTH C~SEL CR[WS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q GLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV T[HE VLOB VCH VROB X#L X#CH XHR WT# EL#I# SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRZAL [DC [CONT COP, AR TOPW[D ENDST *SECNO ~550.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGEr KRAT[O = .24 SECTION 4455 FRON C[TY'W[DE STORH WATER NANAGE#ENT STUOY AHH 4550.000 9.96 506.46 .00 .00 506.58 .12 .02 .02 504.00 1860.0 60.6 1462.6 336.8 72.4 482.1 187.3 45.9 11.6 502.00 .29 .84 3.03 1.80 .085 .090 .085 .000 496.50 1137.83 .002652 55. 55. 55. 2 0 0 .00 275.06 1412.89 PAGE 11 11JUL96 10:~5:13 PAGE T1 T~ T3 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS o EXTENDED I,K)OEL HALFF ASSOCIATES [#C. (G1EXT#AT.DAT) SBH 4/10/96 STREAH G1 - 50-YEAR F[S DISCHARGES #ATURAL RUg J1 ICHECK I#Q #INV IDIR STRT #ETRIC HV[#S -1 3 0.006 m J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH F# ALLDC 2 -1 Q USEL IB~ CHNIN FQ [TRACE 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH ARO8 TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOIIR ITRIAL IDC ICONT *PROF 2 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 SECTIONS 120 THROUGH 3515 FRON GOOOWIN & MARSHALL LONA 10/92 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 120.000 10.27 483.77 .00 493.88 48~.63 .86 2735.0 .0 27'55.0 .0 .0 367.0 .0 .00 .00 7.45 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005893 O. O. O. 0 0 6 HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV VOL TUA R-BANK ELEV WI'N EL#IN SSTA CORAR TOPt~ZD ENDST .00 .00 488.80 .0 .0 487.20 .000 473.50 1176.13 .00 56.23 1232.36 PAGE 13 e *SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 220.000 9.65 484.15 .00 .00 /,85.46 1.31 2735.0 325.9 2030.1 378.9 77.2 196.7 80.9 .00 4.22 10.32 4.69 .065 .050 .065 .006232 70. 100. 120. 2 0 0 .60 .22 476.50 .8 .1 474.50 .000 474.50 1073.82 .00 57.93 1131.76 *SECNO 230.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE~ ELLEA= 489.30 ELREA= 230.000 8.42 482.92 482.84 .00 486.8~ 3.98 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 170.9 .0 .00 .00 16.01 .00 .000 .050 .000 .018084 10. 10. 10. 6 11 0 SPECIAL BRIDGE .59 489.30 .10 1.33 &76.50 .9 .1 474.50 .000 474.50 1094.00 .00 21.00 1115.00 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS G GLOB GCH QROB TIHE VLOB VCH VROB SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANI ELEV XNL X#CH XHR WTN EL#IN $STA ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR TOP, ID ENDST 5227 DO~JSTREAM ELEV IS SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.56 *SECN0290.O00 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVIN$ 481.56 , NOT COFQ ROLEN 2.60 .00 482.92 HYDRAULIC JUMP OCCURS DOWNSTREAN (IF LOW FLO~ CONTROLS) BWC BWP BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 47&.50 4Z4.50 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.42 PRESSURE FLO~ EGPRS EGLWC H3 487.45 487.31 .00 QWE[R GPR BAREA TRAPEZOID ELLC ELTRD WEIRLN AREA O. 2735. 200. 200. 484.50 /89.30 O. 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 490.00 ELREA= 490.00 STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 10.34 48~.8~ .00 .00 487.45 2.60 .55 2735.0 .0 2735.0 ~. .0 .0 211.2 .0 1.1 .00 .00 12.95~ .00 .000 .050 .000 .000 .008922 60. 60. 60. 4 0 0 .00 .00 476.50 .2 474.50 4?4.50 1094.00 21.00 1115.00 *SECN0340.O00 3301HV CHANGED IIK:)RE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.93 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY 340.000 13.02 487.82 .00 .00 488.29 .48 2735.0 .0 2734.8 .2 .0 493.8 .4 .01 .00 5.54 .38 .000 .050 .065 .002390 50. 50. 50. 3 0 0 .21 1.5 .o0o .oo .66 .2 4?4.80 61.38 488.20 487.40 1065.62 1127.01 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIUS WSELK EG HV Q GLOB QCH GROB ALOB ACH ARO~ TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITR[AL IDC ]CONT CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS ~85 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED USEL,CWSEL ~ PROBABLE M[N[HUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUHED CROSS SECT[OH TAKEN FROH G~I FIELD SURVEY 560.000 9.07 489.27 489.27 .00 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 .01 .00 13.68 .00 · .000 .024~56 150. 220. 300. 20 492.18 199.9 .050 11 2.91 .0 .000 0 HL OLOSB L-BANK ELEV VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV ~l'N ELMIN SSTA COP. AR TOPUZD ENDST 1.~ .73 494.20 3.3 .5 490.10 .000 480.20 113~.35 .00 34.43 1168.79 PAGE · iS *SECNO T?0.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY 770.000 12.56 492.76 .00 .00 492.91 2735.0 .0 2667.4 67.6 .0 8~4.3 .03 .00 3.16 .71 .000 .050 .000755 200. 210. '~ 160. 3 0 KRAT[O = .15 95.4 .065 0 6.0 .000 .00 .28 ~! 1.0 480.20 206.84 490.20 1037.21 1244.0~ *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 14.32 492.92 .00 .00 493.08 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 862.4 .05 .00 3.17 .00 .000 .050 .001228 215. 175. 30. 2 0 *SECNO 1120.000 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FZELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 13.69 493.09 .00 .00 493.21 2735.0 .0 2672.6 62.4 .0 967.2 .06 .00 2.76 .59 .000 .050 .000509 315. 175. 30. 0 0 .16 .0 .000 0 KRATIO = .12 105.8 .065 0 1.55 .16 9.5 .000 .00 .13 13.2 .000 .00 .00 1.5 478.60 152.50 .00 2.1 479.40 232.53 494.00 493.40 1116.00 1268.50 493.40 490.00 1250.6~ 1483.17 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 16 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIBS 'JSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GL06 QCH QROR ALOR ACH AROR VOL TgA TIHE VLOR VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR t~TN ELHZN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC iCONT COPJk-R TOI~/ID *SECNO 1280.000 3302 ~IARNZNG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY CAS-BUiLT) 1280.000 11.79 &92.99 .00 .00 493.52 2735.0 12.1 2707.4 15.5 7.9 459.7 .07 1.53 5.89 .98 .065 .050 .00~730 140. 160. 120. 2 0 KRATIO = .33 .53 .18 .13 15.8 16.0 2.7 .065 .000 481.20 0 .00 130.02 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 491.00 492.00 1252.05 1:382.07 *SECNO 1450.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH ~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450.000 12.65 493.65 .00 .00 494.12 2735.0 13.6 2721.4 .0 9.4 494.7 .08 1.45 5.50 .00 .065 .050 .002674 140. 170. 240. 2 0 .47 .59 .01 .0 17.9 3.1 .000 .000 481.00 0 .00 76.08 490.00 500.00 1313.05 1389.13 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 11.61 494.41 ' .00 .00 494.52 2735.0 .0 2735.0':?' .o .o lO~.8 .11 .00 2.60 .00 .000 .050 .000058 140. 310. 350. 2 0 KRATIO = 2.02 .11 .36 .0~ 495.00 .0 23.3 3.9 495.20 .000 .000 482.80 1272.00 0 .00 153.44 1425.~ *SECNO 1960.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 t,IARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 9.01 493.81 .00 .00 495.28 2735.0 .0 2646.6 88.4 .0 268.1 .12 .00 9.87 3.12 .000 .050 .012899 170. 200. 220. 3 0 KRATIO = .Z3 1.47 28.4 .055 0 .35 26.4 .000 .00 .41 4.5 484.80 78.53 497.00 493.10 1162.62 1241.15 11JUL96 10:65:13 PAGE 17 SECNO DEPTH C~/SEL CRIgS WSELK EG Q GLOB QCH GRO~ ALOB ACH TINE VLOR VCH VROB XNL XNCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC *SECNO 2135.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 gARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS[DE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 10.32 495.92 .00 .00 496.05 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 929.8 .13 .00 2.94 .00 .000 .050 .001723 120~ 175. 80. 3 0 HV NL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV AROB VOL TMA R-BANK ELEV XNR MTN ELNIN SSTA ICONT COP. AR TOI:~IID ENDST KRATIO = 2.74 .13 .6~ .13 499.70 .0 28.8 5.1 496.00 .000 .000 485.60 1039.05 0 .00 248.43 1287.49 *SECNO 2615.000 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&14 FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 9.92 496.82 .00 .00 497.35 2735.0 .0 2735.0 .0 .0 468.5 .16 .00 5.8~ .00 .000 .0~5 .003790 460. 480. 270. 2 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO~:'GgM FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 10.56 499.06 .00 .00 499.78 2735.0 10.5 26~6.2 78.2 7.1 382.7 .18 1.49 6.92 2.36 .050 .005893 390. 510. 440. 2 0 KRAT lO = .67 .53 1.18 .12 497.30 .0 36.5 ?.0 497.20 .000 ' .000 486.~0 10~.50 0 .DO 92.82 1170.32 .72 2.38 .06 498.00 33.2 41.7 8.2 497.10 .050 .000 488.50 1061 0 .00 129.52 1171.24 *SECNO 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&t4 FIELD SURVEY 3515.000 10.15 500.95 .00 .00 501.66 2735.0 127.4 2603.9 3.8 51.0 376.5 .19 2.50 6.92 1.13 .050 .0~5 .004013 380. 390. 325. 2 0 1490 NH CARD USED .71 1.87 .00 498.00 3.3 45.5 9.3 500.00 .050 .000 4~0.~0 106~.09 0 .00 112.97 11'r7'.07 PAGE 18 11JUL96 10:65:13 SECHO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV G QLOB QCH GROB ALC)8 ACH ARC)6 VOL TWA R-BA#K ELEV TIHE VLOB VCH VR06 XNL iNCH XHR I~TH EL#IN $$TA SLOPE XLC)BL XLCH XLOGR ITRIAL IDC iCONT CORAN TOPWiD ENDST *SECN03675.000 SECTION 3580 FRON CiTY-WiDE STORH WATER HANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH Channel Definition is from field survey by AHH 05/08/90 3675.000 9.08 502.18 .00 .00 502.65 .27 .75 .06 501.60 2735.0 2.9 1670.7 1061.6 6.5 ~9.? 363.2 67.6 9.8 698.60 .20 .64 6.78 3.09 .073 .070 .085 .000 693.10 1111.39 .005515 160. 160. 160. 2 0 0 .00 175.11 1286.50 *SECNO 6205.000 SECTION 6110 FRON CITY-WIDE STON# WATER RA, RAGE#EHT STUDY AHH 6205.000 9.71 505.29 .00 .00 505.59 .29 3.13 .01 503.89 2?35.0 257.7 2671.5 5.8 97.6 551.5 6.6 55.7 12.3 506.27 .24 2.64 4.48 1.27 .045 .070 .060 .000 495.58 1328.25 .006453 520. 530. 510. 3 0 0 .00 265.?6 1573.99 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 6655.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRAT[O = 2./~ SECTION 6360 FRON CITY-WIDE STOR# WATER 14ANAGE#ENT STUOY AHH / DS Face of CoppetL Road CuLvert ~455.000 10.02 506.02 .00 .00 506.17 .15 .56 / .06 500.00 27"35.0 1593.9 682.3 458.8 692.8 200.5 297.0 60.3 13.7 500.00 .26 3.23 3.40~~: 1.54 .060 .055 .075 .000 696.00 1318.93 .001083 260. 250. 250. 3 0 0 .00 251.60 1570.53 SPECIAL BRIDGE SB XK XKON COFQ RDLEN BWC B~P 1.25 1.50 3.00 .00 21.00 1.00 *SECNO 4695.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, PRESSURE AND WEIR FLON, BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 100.00 .00 496.07 696.09 KRATIO = 2.13 Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape 11JUL96 10:45:13 SEC#O DEPTH CUSEL CRlWS MSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BA#K ELEV G GLOB GCH GROB ALOB ACH ARO~ VOL TMA R-BA#~ ELEV TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR MTN EL#IN $STA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR TOPMTD ENDST EGPRS EGLWC H3 GMEIR QPR BAREA TRAPEZOID ELLC ELTRD MEIRL# 523.44 506.18 .01 2022. 714. 100. 100. 501.07 504.00 299. PAGE 19 SECTION 4400 FROH CITY-WIDE STORN WATER PlANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH US Face of CoppeLL Road Cutvert 4495.000 10.88 506.88 .00 .00 507.21 .33 1.04 .00 500.00 2735.0 1029.8 1392.7 312.5 624.0 222°0 388.4 61.4 14.0 500.00 .26 1.65 6.27 .80 .040 .015 .075 .000 496.00 1275.93 .000239 40. 40. 40. 2 0 7 .00 316.11 1592.04 *SECNO 4550.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .26 SECT]ON 4455 FROH CITY'MIDE STONH MATER I~IANAGE#ENT STUDY AH# 4550.000 10.61 507.11 .00 .00 507.29 .17 .03 .05 504.00 2735.0 194.4 1970.0 570.6 154.2 528.0 259.1 62.7 14.4 502.00 .27 1.26 3.73 2.20 .085 .090 .085 ' .000 496.50 1113.19 .003550 55. 55. 55. 2 0 0 .00 332.55 1445.74 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 20 T1 ~ T2 TS TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS - EXTENDED HODEL HALFF ASSOCIATES INC. (G1EXTNAT.DAT) SBH &/10/96 STREAH G1 ' IO0-YEAR FIS DZSCHARGES NATURAL RUN J1 ICHECK [NQ NXNV [DZR STRT HETRIC HVINS -1 /* 0.006 ~ J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC O I,/SEL ~,95.10 ' IBI~ CHNI# FG ITRACE 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIUS USELK EG HV HL Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRZAL IDC ]CONT CORAR *PROF 3 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 SECTIONS 120 THROUGH 3515 FRON GOCOUIN & NARSHALL LUMA 10/92 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM ~ F[ELD SURVEY 120.000 10.88 484.38 .00 495.10 485.33 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 401.6 .0 .00 .00 7.82 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005994 O. O. O. 0 0 ? OLOSS L-BANK ELEV TtJA R-BANK ELEV ELMiN SSTA TOP'ID ENDST .00 .00 488.80 .0 .0 487.20 .000 473.50 1175.15 .00 57.68 12~2.83 PAGE 21 *SECNO 220.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON ~ FIELD SURVEY 220.000 10.25 484.~5 .00 .00 3140.0 404.2 228~.3 451.4 89.7 .00 4.51 10.92 4.95 .065 .006~22 70. 100. 120. 2 *SECNO 230.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 7185 NIN1HUI4 SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUI4EO 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUHEO NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 230.000 9.11 483.61 483.61 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .00 .00 16.95 .00 .018203 10. 10. 10. 486.19 1.. .62 25 476.50 209.2 91.2 .9 .1 4?4.50 .o5o .o65 .000 474.50 1072.25 0 0 .00 60.54 1132.79 489.30 ELREA= 489.30 .00 488.07 4.46 .10 1.51 476.50 .0 185.3 .0 1.0 .1 4?4.5O .000 .050 .000 .000 474.50 1094.00 4 11 0 .00 21.00 1115.00 SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DOUNSTREAH ELEV IS 482.24, NOT 483.61 HYDRAULIC JUMP OCCURS DOUNSTREAN (IF LOU FLO~ CONTROLS) PAGE 22 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL O QLOB GCH TIME VLOB VCH SLOPE XLOBL XLCH CRZWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS QROB ALOB ACH ARON VOL TWA VRON XNL XNCH XNR WTN EL#IN XLOBR ZTRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOP'ID L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV $STA ENDST SB XK XKC)R COFQ 1.25 1.56 2.60 *SECNO 290.000 3301 HV CHANGED IdORE THAN HVINS RDLEN BWC B~P BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD .00 20.70 .70 200.00 .00 4?4.50 4?4.50 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS[DE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.7~ PRESSURE AND WEIR FLOU, Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape EGPRS EGLWC H3 489.58 488,53 .00 QWEIR GPR BAREA TRAPEZOID AREA 6. 3120. 200. 200. ELLC ELTRD 4,89.30 ~EZRLN 65. 3495 OVERBANK AREA ASSUMED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 490.00 ELREA= STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 12.79 487.29 . O0 .00 489.51 2.22 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 262.6 .0 .00 .00 11.96 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005690 60. 60. 60. 3 0 2 490.00 1 ..44 1.3 .000 .00 .00 .2 -! 474.50 21.00 476.50 474.50 1094.00 1115.00 *SECNO 340.000 3301 HV CHANGED MONE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KHATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G~ FIELD SURVEY 340.000 15.01 489.81 .00 .00 4~0.19 .38 3140.0 61.0 3065.1 13.9 63.3 613.5 14.1 .01 .96 5.00 .98 .065 .050 .065 .001478 50. 50. 50. 3 0 0 .13 1.8 .000 .00 .55 .3 474.80 131.70 488.20 487.40 1005.05 1136.75 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 J*SECNO 560.000 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CUSEL CRIUS USELK EG HV HL G QLOB QCH GROB ALO8 ACH AROB VOL TINE VLOB VCH VR06 XNL XNCH XNR MTN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT COP, AR OLOSS L-BAHK ELEV TUA R-BANK ELEV ELNIN SSTA TOPMTD ENDST PAGE 3301HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVIHS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEHPTED WSEL,C~SEL 3693 PROBABLE NI#INUH SPECIFIC EHERG¥ 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUHED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&tq FIELD SURVEY 560.000 9.65 489.85 489.85 .00 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 .01 .00 14.24 .00 .000 .025239 150. 220. 300. 20 *SECNO 770.000 3301 HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVINS 493.00 220.5 .050 15 3.15 .0 .000 0 .Il4 .83 494.20 4.1 .6 490.10 .000 480.20 1133.65 .00 35.99 1169.64 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 770.000 13.38 493.58 .00 .00 493.73 3140.0 .0 2975.9 164.1 .0 933.4 .03 .00 3.19 .88 .000 .050 .000691 200. 210. 160. 3 0 *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTXON TAKEN FROH G~J4 FIELD SURVEY (AS"BUILT) 945.000 15.12 493.72 .00 .00 493.88 3140.0 .0 3137.9 2.1 .0 988.5 .05 .00 3.17 .24 .000 .050 .001104 215. 175. 30. 2 0 KRATIO = 6.1~ .15r .42 .30 493.00 186.2 .7.2 1.2 490.20 .065 .000 480.20 1035.06 0 .00 ~ 232.68 1267.74 .16 .15 .00 494.00 8.7 11.1 1.8 493.40 .065 .000 478.60 1116.00 0 .00 213.89 1329.89 wSECNO 1120.000 3302 gARNING= CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGEr CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 14.48 493.88 .00 .00 494.00 3140.0 .1 2990.8 149.2 .4 1053.4 .06 .19 2.84 .65 .065 .050 .000484 315. 175. 30. 0 0 KRATIO = 1.51 .12 .12 .00 493.40 230.1 15.3 2.5 490.00 .065 .000 479.40 1248.17 0 .00 305.61 1553.78 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 24 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIWS ~SELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q GLOB QCN GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR UTN ELHIN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOP'ID L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST *SECNO 1280.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1280.000 12.58 493.78 .00 .00 494.28 3140.0 26.3 304?.2 66.5 15.5 531.3 .07 1.70 5.74 1.2~ .065 .050 .003698 140. 160. 120. 2 0 KRATIO = .50 51.6 .065 0 .17 18.6 .000 .00 .11 3.2 481.20 159.07 491.00 492.00 1248.87 1407.9~ *SECNO 1450.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&N FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1450.000 13.31 494.31 .00 .00 494.82 3140.0 24.8 3115.2 .0 15.2 540.5 .08 1.63 5.76 .00 .065 .050 .002693 140. 170. 240. 2 0 .51 .0 .000 0 .53 20.9 .000 .00 .00 3.7 481.00 83.57 490.00 500.00 1307.19 1390.76 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGEr CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&M FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 12.30 495.10 '. .00 .00 495.22 3140.0 .0 3140.0'~~' .0 .2 1136.8 .11 .09 2.76 .00 .055 .050 .000643 140. 310. 350. 2 0 KRATIO = .12 .0 .000 0 2.05 .' 26.9 .000 .00 .04 4.5 482.80 161.68 495.20 1265.12 1426.80 *SECNO 1960.000 3301 HV CHANGED #ORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1960.000 9.76 494.56 .00 .00 495.92 3140.0 .0 2950.1 189.9 .0 306.1 .12 .00 9.64 3.62 .000 .050 .010651 170. 200. 220. 3 0 KRAT I0 = 1.37 52.4 .055 0 .25 .33 30.4 .000 .00 .37 5.1 484.80 87.88 497.00 493.10 1161.54 1249.42 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIUS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS G GLOI3 QCH QRO~ ALOB ACH AROii VOL TUA TI#E VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELHIN SLOPE XLOI]L XLCH XLOBR ZTRZAL ZDC ZCONT COPJ~R TOPWZD *SECNO 2135.000 3301HV CHANGED HO~E THAN HVINS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST PAGE 25 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&H FIELD SURVEY 2135.000 10.85 496.45 .00 .00 496.59 3140.0 .0 3138.4 1.6 .0 1062.2 .13 .00 2.95 .38 .000 .050 .001481 120. 175. 80. 2 0 *SECNO 2615.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE P. ANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROg G&I4 FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 10.33 497.23 .00 .00 497.82 3140.0 .0 3140.0 .0 .0 506.8 .15 .00 6.20 .02 .000 .00~002 460. 480. 270. 2 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN F~.G&H FIELD SURVEY 3125.000 11.00 499.50 .00 .00 500.25 3140.0 25.5 2976.8 137.7 14.0 418.3 .17 1.82 7.12 2.76 .050 .045 .005541 390. 510. 440. 2 0 *SECNO 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H F%ELD SURVEY 3515.000 10.53 501.33 .00 .00 502.12 3140.0 192.3 2938.1 9.6 70.8 399.7 .19 2.72 7.35 1.46 .050 .045 .004187 380. 390. 325. 2 0 1490 NH CARD USED KRATIO = .14 4.2 .055 0 KRATIO = .~0 .0 .000 ' 0 .75 50.0 .050 0 .79 6.6 .050 0 .54 33.2 .000 .00 .61 1.10 41.8 .000 .00 2.38 47.6 .000 .00 1.86 51.8 .000 .00 .12 5.8 485.60 270.37 .14 7.8 486.90 95.89 .05 9.1 488.50 143.66 .01 10.3 490.80 126.49 499.70 496. O0 1038.49 1308.86 497.30 497.20 1075.36 1171.25 498. O0 497.10 1036.29 1179.94 498.00 500.00 1053.47 1179.96 11JULY6 10:45:13 PAGE 26 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG BV HL Q QLOB QCH QRO8 ALOM ACH AROB VOL TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR I~I'N SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC [CONT CORAR *SECNO 3675.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS *SECTION 3580 FROM CITY-W~DE STORH WATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH Channel Definition i$ from field aurvey by AHH 05/08/90 3675.000 9.53 502.63 .00 .00 502.92 3140.0 13.5 1863.7 1262.8 14.5 377.7 388.8 .20 .93 4.93 3.25 .075 .070 .085 .005312 160. 160. 160. 2 0 0 OLOSS L-BANK ELEV TWA R-BANK ELEV EL#IN SSTA TOPWID ENDST .75 .05 501.60 54.1 10.8 498.60 .000 493.10 10~.01 .00 189.74 1288.74 *SECNO 4205.000 SECTION 4110 FROM CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MAHAGE#ENT STUDY AHH 4205.000 10.04 505.62 .00 .00 505.92 .30 3140.0 3~.9 2728.0 12.1 137.5 594.1 8.1 .23 2.91 4.59' 1.49 .0~5 .070 .060 .006137 520. 530. 510. 2 0 0 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4455.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KHATIO = SECTION 4360 FROM CITY-U~DE STORM WATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH DS Face of CoppetL Road~uLvert 4455.000 10.35 506.35 .00 .00 506.51 .16 3140.0 1848.9 747.0 544.1 537.3 208.5 328.9 .26 3.44 3.58 1.65 .0~0 .055 .075 .0011&0 240. 250. 250. 2 0 0 2.32 3.00 .00 503.89 63.3 13.6 50~.27 .000 4~5.58 130~.65 .00 267.28 1576.93 .55 .04 500.00 ~8.4 15.1 500.00 .000 496.00 1302.92 .00 275.62 1578.54 SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DOWNSTREAH ELEV IS SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.50 *SEC#O 4495.000 3302 WARNING: 503.55 , NOT COFQ RDLEN 3.00 .00 506.35 HYDRAULIC JUMP OCCURS DOUNSTREAH (IF LOM FLO~ CONTROLS) BWC B~P BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 21.00 1.00 100.00 .00 496.07 496.09 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE~ KRATIO = 2.00 'I 11JUL96 10:/.5:13 SECNO DEPTH CgSEL CR[WS gSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q GLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BA#K ELEV TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XHR ~TN EL#IN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR [TRIAL IDC ICC)lIT COP, AR TC)Pt/ZD ENDST PRESSURE AND WEIR FLON, Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape EGPRS EGLWC H3 QWE]R QPR BAREA TRAPEZOID ELLC ELTRD ~E]RLH 529.31 507.51' .00 2/,51. 692. 100. 100. 501.07 504.00 322. PAGE 27 SECTZON /*/*00 FRO# CZTY-WZDE STORH ~,ZATER HANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH US Face of Coppetl Road CuLvert /*/*95,000 11.07 507.07 .00 .00 507./.6 .40 .95 .00 500.00 31/.0.0 1199.6 1573.1 367.3 658.0 226.8 411.1 69.5 15.4 500.00 .26 1.82 6.94 .89 .040 .015 .075 .000 /*96.00 1266./.2 .000284 40. 40. 40. 2 0 7 .00 330.36 1596.79 *SECNO /*550.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATZO = .27 SECTION /*/*55 FRO# CITY-WIDE STORN WATER HANAGENENT STUDY AHH /*550.000 10.87 507.37 .00 .00 507.56 .19' .04 .06 504.00 31/*0.0 273.9 2179./* 686.8 190.6 546.0 293.1 7D.9 15.8 502.00 .26 1./*/* 3.99 2.34 .085 .090 .085 .000 496.50 1103.55 .003886 55. 55. 55. 2 0 0 .00 ~ 355.05 1/.58.60 PAGE 28 11JUL96 10:45:13 T1 T2 T3 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL, TEXAS ' EXTENDED 1400EL HALFF ASSOCZATES ZNC. (G1EXTNAT.DAT) SBH 4/10/~ STREAH G1 - 500-YEAR FIS DISCHARGES NATURAL RUN J1 ZCHECK ING N[NV IDIR STRT #ETRIC HVZNS G -1 5 0.00~ J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH F# ALLDC ZBU -1 T1 TRZBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK, COPPELL~ TEXAS - EXTENDED 140DEL T2 HALFF ASSOCIATES IgC. (G1EXTRAT.DAT) SBH 4/10/96 T3 STREAH G1 - 2-YEAR FULLY DEVELOPED DISCHARGES FROH CITY-UIDE STUDY J1 -1 6 0.006 490.00 J2 5 -1 T1 TRIBUTARY G1 OF GRAPEVINE CREEK~ COPPELL, TEXAS - EXTENDED 14OOEL T2 HALFF ASSOCIATES [NC. (G1EXTNAT.DAT) SBH 4/10/96 T3 STREAM G1 - IO0-YEAR FULLY DEVELOPED DISCHARGES FROH CiTY WIDE STUDY J1 -1 ? 0.006 490.00 J2 6 -1 WSEL &95.10 CHNI# FG [TRACE 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH Q QLOB TINE VLOB SLOPE XLO~L CWSEL CRI~S WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR ~TN ELHIN XLCH XLOBR ]TR]AL IDC lCONT CORAR TOP, ID ePROF 4 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 120.000 SECTIONS 120 THROUGH 3515 FRON GOSOWIH & NARSIIALL LOHA 10/92 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&H FIELD SURVEY 120.000 12.&6 485.96 .00 495.10 487.08 1.12 4210.0 .0 4210.0 .0 .0 495.6 .0 .00 .00 8.49 .00 .000 .050 .000 .005905 O. O. O. 0 0 6 .00 .0 .000 .00 .00 .0 473.50 61 .~ L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 488.80 ~87.20 1172.60 1234.04 PAGE *SECNO 220.000 3301HV CHANGED )lORE THAN HVINS CROSS SECTiON TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 220.000 11.78 486.28 .00 .00 487.98 1.70 4210.0 6~9.8 2912.6 657.6 126.2 241.5 120.5 .00 5.07 12.06 5.46 .065 .050 .065 .006478 70. 100. 120. 2 0 0 *SECNO 230.000 3301HV CHANGED NORE THAN HVINS : 3685 20 TRIALS ATTENPTED WSEL,CUSEL 369] PROBABLE NININUN SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRiTiCAL DEPTH ASSUNED 349~ OVERBANK AREA ASSU~ED NON-EFFECTIVE, ELLEA= 2~0.000 11.01 485.51 485.51 .00 4210.0 .0 4210.0 .0 .0 .00 .00 18.69 .00 .000 .017061 10. 10. 10. 20 48~.30 ELREA= .61 1.1 .000 .00 489.30 490.94 5.42 .10 225.3 .0 1.2 .050 .000 .000 11 0 .00 .~9 .1 474.50 67.25 1.86 .2 474.50 21.00 476.50 474.50 1068.21 1135.46 4?'6.50 474.50 1094.00 1115.00 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 30 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CR]WS G GLOB GCH QR06 TINE VLOB VCH VROB SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DOWNSTREAN ELEV [S 483.91 , NOT SB XK XKOR COFG RDLEN 1.25 1.56 2.60 .00 *SECNO 290.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 290.00 EXTENDED WSELK EG HV HL OLOS$ L-BANK ELEV ALOB ACH AROB VOL TMA R-BANK ELEV XHL XNCH XNR t/TH EL#IN SSTA ITRIAL IDC [CONT CORAR TOIVdlD ENDST 485.51 HYDRAULZC JUHP OCCURS DOgNSTREAH (ZF LOg FLOg CONTROLS) Bt~C BMP BAREA SS ELCHU 20.70 .fi) 200.00 .00 474.50 1.59 FEET ELCHD 474.50 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTS[DE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3.73 PRESSURE AND WEIR FLOg, Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape EGPRS EGLWC H3 OgEZR 496.25 491.52 .00 1065. GPR BAREA TRAPEZOID ELLC ELTRD WE[RLN AREA 3146. 200. 200. /~..50 489.30 200. STATION 2+60 BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD 290.000 16.59 491.09.j~- .00 .00 491.51 4210.0 1138.8 2267.4 803.8 432.5 3~2.3 .01 2.63 6.62 2.95 .065 .050 .001226 60. 60. 60. 2 0 .42 .57 .00 476.50 272.4 2.1 .3 474,50 .065 .000 4?4.50 1000.00 4 .00 160.00 1160.00 *SECN0340.O00 3280 CROSS SECTION 340.00 EXTENDED 1.13 FEET CROSS SECT[ON TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 340.000 16.33 491.13 .00 .00 491.60 4210.0 238.2 3925.2 46.6 148.6 692.7 .01 1.60 5.67 1.37 .065 .050 .001617 50. 50. 50. 2 0 .47 .07 .02 33.9 3.2 .5 .065 .000 474.80 0 .00 143.19 488.20 487.40 1000.00 1143.19 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 560.000 11JUL96 10:65:13 SECNO DEPTH C~SEL CRIWS WSELK G QLOB QCH QROB ALO~ TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XNL SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRZAL EG NV HL OLOSS ACH AROB VOL TWA XNCH XNR ~fl'# EL#I N ]DC ICONT CORAR TOP, ID 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEHPTED USEL,CUSEL 3693 PROBABLE HINIMUH SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSU~ED CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO~ G~ FIELD SURVEY 560.000 12.38 492.58 492.58 .00 4210.0 .0 3~2.4 247.6 .0 .01 .00 11.59 3.48 .000 .015765 150. 220. 300. 20 494.56 1.97 .82 341.9 71.1 6.4 .050 .065 .000 15 0 .00 *SECNO 770.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH Gffdq FIELD SURVEY 770.000 14.75 494.95 .00 .00 495.11 .17 4210.0 1.5 3752.4 456.1 3.4 1083.9 402.8 .03 .44 3.46 1.13 .065 .050 .065 .000668 200. 210. 160. 2 0 0 *SECNO 945.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO~ ~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 945.000 16.48 495.08 .00 .00 495.25 .17 4210.0 2.9 4071.7 135.4 6.1 1206.6 168.6 .05 .47 3.37 .80 .065 .050 .065 .000959 215. 175. 30. 2 0 0 *SECHO 1120.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRO~ ~ FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1120.000 15.83 495.23 .00 .00 495.36 .13 4210.0 2.9 3720.7 4~.4 6.3 1200.9 524.7 .06 .46 3.10 .93 .065 .050 .065 .000484 315. 175. 30. 0 0 0 .38 10/7 .000 .00 .13 15.5 .000 .00 1.41 .11 20.7 .000 .00 .45 1.1 480.20 120.06 .18 2.1 480.20 ./323.27 .00 2.8 329.91 .00 3.5 479.40 355.44 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 494.20 490.10 1114.05 1234.11 493.60 490.20 102~.93 1353.20 494.00 493.40 110~.68 14~.59 493.40 490.00 1243.01 1598.45 PAGE 31 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 32 SECHO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG NV HL OLOSS Q QLOB QCH GROB AL06 ACH AROB VOL TgA TiNE VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR VI'N EL#iN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITR]AL iDC ICOflT COP. AR TOPgID L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST *SECNO 1280.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS'BUiLT) 1280.000 13.92 495.12 .00 .00 495.62 4210.0 67.4 3848.6 294.0 34.0 652.0 .07 1.98 5.~0 1.97 .065 .050 .002981 140. 160. 120· 2 0 KRATIO [] .50 149.1 .065 0 .4O .15 25.1 .000 .00 .11 4.4 481.20 191.16 491.00 492.00 1263.51 143~.67 *SECNO 1450.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROI,! G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUiLT) 1450.000 14.53 495.53 .00 .00 496.19 4210.0 79.4 4130.6 .0 43.7 628.9 .08 1.82 6.57 .00 .065 .050 .003027 140. 170. 240. 2 0 .0 · 000 0 .52 28.1 .000 .00 .05 5.0 481.00 122.40 490.00 500.00 1271.42 1393.82 CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1760.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUILT) 1760.000 13.66 496.46 .00 .00 496.61 4210.0 44.3 4158.8 6.9 73.8 1350.7 . 11 .60 3.08 · 54 .055 .050 · 000636 140. 310. 350. 2 0 KRATIO = .15 12.7 .055 0 2.18 .37 35.4 .000 .00 .05 6.2 482.80 ~5.~ 495.00 495.20 1153.98 1449.73 *SECNO 1960.000 3301 HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&H FIELD SURVEY (AS-BUiLT) 1960.000 11.20 496.00 .00 .00 497.25 4210.0 .0 3631.3 578.7 .0 381.9 .11 .00 9.51 4.32 .000 .050 .008197 170. 200. 220. 3 0 KRAT[O = 1.25 134.0 .055 0 .28 .31 39.9 .000 .00 .33 7.2 4~.~ 131.60 497.00 493.10 1159.45 1291.05 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 33 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS USELK EG HV HL OLOSS G QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH ARO~ VOL TWA TI#E VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR t/TN EL#IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR [TRIAL IDC [CONT CORAR TOPW[D *SECNO 2135.000 3301HV CHANGED HORE THAN HVINS L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSZDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECTION TAKEN FRON G&M HELD SURVEY 2135.000 12.03 497.63 .00 .00 497.77 4210.0 .0 4165.1 44.9 .0 1360.4 .13 .00 3.06 .80 .000 .050 .001153 120. 175. 80. 3 0 *SECNO 2615.000 3301HV CHANGED HI}RE THAN HVINS 3302 UARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, CROSS SECT[ON TAKEN FROH G&H FIELD SURVEY 2615.000 11.26 498.14 .00 .00 498.91 4210.0 8.9 4197.0 4.1 7.5 594.1 .15 1.18 7.06 1.16 .050 .045 .004232 46,0. 480. 270. 3 0 *SECNO 3125.000 CROSS SECT[ON TAKEN FROM G&H HELD SURVEY 3125.000 11.94 500.44 .00 .00 501.26 4210.0 97.7 3?73.0 339.3 36.8 496.0 .17 Z.65 7.61 3.32 .050 .045 .005047 390. 510. 440. 2 0 KRAT [0 = 56.2 .055 0 KRATIO = .77 3.5 .050 0 102.1 .050 0 2.67 .41 43.5 .000 .00 .52 :95 54.5 .000 .00 2.33 61.6 .000 .00 .11 7.9 485.60 321.91 .19 10.2 120.89 .01 11.8 488.50 183.31 499.70 496.00 1037.22 1359.13 497.30 497.20 1057.54 1178.43 498.00 497.10 1026.67 1209.98 e *SECNO 3515.000 CROSS SECTION TAKEN FROM G&lq HELD SURVEY 3515.000 11.38 502.18 .00 .00 503.16 4210.0 421.9 3748.3 39.8 129.1 451.1 .18 3.27 8.31 2.20 .050 .045 .004555 380. 390. 325. 2 0 .97 18.1 .050 0 1.85 67.1 .000 .00 .05 13.3 490.80 156.91 498.00 500.00 1031.77 1188.69 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE SECHO DEPTH C~SEL CRIWS ~SELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q QLOB GCH GR08 AL06 ACH AR08 VOL TWA TI#E VLO~ VCH VROB XNL XHCH XNR Ifl'N EL#IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOIIR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOI~ID 1490 NH CARD USED *SECNO 3675.000 3301HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS SECTION 3580 FROM CITY-WIDE STORM WATER MANAGE#ENT STUDY AHH Channel Definition is from field survey by AHH 05/08/90 3675.000 10.56 503.66 .00 .00 503.98 .33 4210.0 90.9 2335.9 1783.2 60.7 440.2 497.9 .19 1.50 5.31 3.58 .075 .070 .085 .005006 160. 160. 160. 2 0 0 *SECNO 4205.000 SECTION 4110 FRO~ CITY-WIDE STOR# WATER MANAGEMENT STUDY AHH 4205.000 10.81 506.39 .00 .00 506.71 .32 4210.0 880.9 3291.8 37.4 251.2 691.4 19.8 .22 3.51 4.76 1.88 .0~5 .Off) .060 .005388 520. 530. 510. 2 0 0 .76 ff).O .000 .00 2.72 81.8 .000 .00 .06 14.0 493.10 258.52 .00 17.4 495.58 312.01 L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST 501.60 498.60 1053.06 1311.57 503.89 50~.27 1271.65 1583.66 CCHV= .300 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4455.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KNATIO = SECTION 4360 FROM CIT~'~iDE STORM MATER MANAGEMENT STUDY AHH DS Face of CoppeLL Road Cutvert 4455.000 11.10 507.10 .00 .00 507.30 .20 4210.0 2532.2 ~01.4 776.4 663.5 227.5 414.8 .24 3.82 3.96 1.87 .0~0 .055 .075 .0012&1 240. 250. 250. 2 0 0 .56 .0~ 500.00 88.2 19.2 500.00 .000 496.00 126~.94 .00 332.58 1597.53 SPECIAL BRIDGE 5227 DOUNSTREAH ELEV IS SB XK XKOR 1.25 1.50 *SECNO 4495.000 505.16, NOT COFQ RDLEN 3.00 .00 507.10 HYDRAULIC JLIHP OCCURS DOUNSTREAH (IF LOU FLOU CONTROLS) BWC BWP BAREA SS ELCHU ELCHD 21.00 1.00 100.00 .00 49~,07 496.09 11JUL96 10:45:13 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA TINE VLOB VCH VROB XNL INCH XNR WTN EL~IN SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ~TRIAL [DC ICONT COLOR TOPW[D 3302 WARHIHG: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RA#GEw KRATIO PRESSURE AND WEIR FLOW, Weir Submergence Based on TRAPEZOIDAL Shape L-BANK ELEV R-BANK ELEV SSTA ENDST PAGE 35 EGPRS EGLWC 548.39 510.05 H3 QUEIR QPR BAREA TRAPEZOZD AREA .00 3595. 634. 100. 100. SECTION 4400 FRO~ CITY-WZDE STOR# WATER tlANAGEHENT STUOY AHH US Face of CoppeLL Road CuLvert &495.000 11.44 507.44 .00 .00 508.0~ 4210.0 1652.4 2043.8 513.8 729.5 236.1 458.0 .24 2.27 8.66 1.12 .0~0 .015 .075 .000420 40. 40. 40. 3 0 7 ELLC 501.07 89.4 .000 .00 ELTRD 50~.00 .00 19.6 496.00 358.17 WEZRLN 372. 500.00 500.00 1247.89 1606.06 *~SECHO 4550.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGEw KRATIO -- SECTION 4455 FRON CITY-WIDE STORM WATER tlANAGE#ENT STUOY AHH 4550.000 11.47 507.97 .00 .00 508.20 .24 4210.0 521.3 2674.7 1014.0 28~.3 587.7 38&.3 o .25 1.83 4.55 ':?~" 2.64 .085 .090 .085 .004582 55. 55. 55. 3 0 0 .3O .05 91.1 · 000 .00 .11 20.0 496.50 407.06 504.00 502.00 1081.26 1488.32 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 36 HEC-2 UATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; Hay 1991 THiS RUN EXECUTED 11JUL96 NOTE- ASTERISK (~) AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTION NUgBER INDICATES gESSAGE IN SUgMARY OF ERRORS LIST STREAN G1 - lO-YEAR FI SUI,~RY PRINTOUT 10:45:1~ SECNO Q CUSEL EG CR]WS VCH STCHL STCHR ELGIN 120.000 1860.00 482.19 482.87 .00 6.61 1168.00 17.35.00 473.50 120.000 2735.00 483.77 48~.63 .00 7.45 1168.00 17.35.00 473.50 120.000 3140.00 484.38 485.33 .00 7.82 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 120.000 4210.00 485.96 487.08 .00 8.49 1168.00 1235.00 473.50 220.000 18~0.00 482.62 .483.62 .00 8.85 10~4.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 2735.00 484.15 485.46 .00 10.32 10~4.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 3140.00 484..75 48~.19 .00 10.~2 10~4.00 1115.00 474.50 220.000 4210.00 486.28 487.98 .00 12.06 1094.00 11~5.00 474.50 230.000 18~0.00 482.05 484.36 .00 12.20 1094.00 1115.00/ 474.50 230.000 2735.00 482.92 486.89 482.84 16.01 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 230.000 3140.00 483.&1~* 488.07 483.61 16.95 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 230.000 4210.00 485.51 4~0.94 485.51 18.69 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 1860.00 482.77 484.68 .00 11.09 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 29~).000 2735.00. 484.84 487.45 .00 12.95 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 3140.00 487.29 489.51 .00 11.96 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 290.000 4210.00 491.09 491.51 .00 6.62 1094.00 1115.00 474.50 340.000 1860.00 484.88 485.37 .00 5.63 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 3~0.000 ~735.00 487.82 488.29 .00 5.54 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 340.000 3140.00 489.81 490.19 .00 5.00 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 340.000 4210.00 491.13 491.60 .00 5.67 1065.00 1125.00 474.80 51~).000 1860.00 487.63 490.11 487.63 12.65 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 560.000 2735.00 489.27 492.18 489.27 13.68 1100.00 1170.00 ~80.20 560.000 3140.00 489.85 493.00 489.85 14.24 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 560.000 4210.00 492.58 494.56 492.58 11.59 1100.00 1170.00 480.20 770.000 1860.00 490.75 490.88 .00 2.94 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 770.000 2735.00 492.76 492.91 .00 3.16 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 770.000 3140.00 493.58 493.73 .00 3.19 1035.00 1145.00 48C).20 770.000 4210.00 494.95 495.11 .00 3.46 1035.00 1145.00 480.20 SSTA 1178.69 1176.13 1175.15 1172.60 1077.87 1073.82 1072.25 1068.21 1094.00 1094.00 10~.00 10~4.00 1094.00 10~.00 1000.00 1070.35 1065.62 1005.05 1000.00 1136.31 1134.35 1133.65 1114.05 10~2.49 1037.21 1035.06 1029.93 ENDST 1231.15 1232.36 1232.83 1234.04 1129.10 1131.76 1132.79 1135.46 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00 1160.00 1121.68 1127.01 1136.75 1143.19 1166.39 1168.79 1169.64 1234.11 1154.74 1244.06 1267.74 1353.20 TOP,lID 52.46 56.23 57.68 61.~ 51.23 57.93 60.54 67.25 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 160.00 51.33 61.38 131.70 143.19 30.08 34.43 35.99 120.06 112.25 206.8~ 232.68 323.27 11JUL96 SECNO 945.000 945.000 945.000 945.000 10:45:13 Q 1860.00 2735.00 3140.00 4210.00 C~ISEL 490.93 492.92 493.72 495.08 EG 491.08 493.08 493.88 495.25 * 1120.000 1860.00 491.14 491.23 * 1120.000 2735.00 493.09 493.21 * 1120.000 3140.00 493.88 494.00 * 1120.000 4210.00 495.23 495.36 * 1280.000 1860.00 4~0.9& 491.61 * 1280.000 2735.00 492.99 493.52 * 1280.000 3140.00 493.78 494.28 * 1280.000 4210.00 495.12 495.62 * 1450.000 1450.000 1450.000 1450.000 CRIWS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 VCH 3.13 3.17 3.17 3.37 2.46 2.76 2.84 3.10 6.56 5.89 5.74 5.90 1860.00 491.96 492.33 .00 4.87 2735.00 493.65 494.12 .00 5.50 3140.00 494.31 494.82 .00 5.76 4210.00 495.53 496.19 .00 6.57 * 1760.000 1860.00 492.66 492.75 * 1760.000 2735.00 494.41 494.52 * 1760.000 3140.00 493.10 495.22 * 1760.000 4210.00 496.46 496.61 * 1960.000 1860.00 491.99 493.64 * 1960.000 2735.00 493.81 495.28 * 1960.000 3140.00 494.56 495.92 * 1960.000 4210.00 496.00 497.25 .00 2.42 .00 2.66 .00 2.76 .00 3.08 .00 10.30 .00 9.87 .00 9.64 .00 9.51 1860.00 494.57~" 494.71 .00 2.99 2735.00 495.92 49~.05 .00 2.94 3140.00 496.45 496.59 .00 2.95 4210.00 497.63 497.77 .00 3.06 1860.00 495.74 496.13 .00 5.00 2735.00 496.82 497.35 .00 5.8~ 3140.00 497.23 497.82 .00 6.20 4210.00 498.14 498.91 .00 7.06 * 2135.000 * 2135.000 * 2135.000 * 2135.000 2615.000 * 2615.000 * 2615.000 * 2615.000 * 3125.000 3125.000 3125.000 3125.000 * 3515.000 3515.000 3515.000 3515.000 1860.00 497.95 498.58 .00 6.34 2735.00 499.0~ 499.78 .00 6.92 3140.00 499.50 500.25 .00 7.12 4210.00 500.44 501.26 .00 7.61 1860.00 499.94 500.45 .00 5.77 2735.00 500.95 501.66 .00 6.92 3140.00 501.33 502.12 .00 7.35 4210.00 502.18 503.16 .00 8.31 STCHL 1116.00 1116.00 1116.00 1116.00 1250.00 1250.00 1250.00 1250.00 1260.00 1260.00 12~0.00 1260.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1270.00 1270.00 1270.00 1270.00 1158.00 1158.00 1158.00 1158.00 1035.00 1035.00 1035.00 1035.00 1075.00 1075.00 1075.00 1075.00 1055.00 1055.00 1055.00 1055.00 1110.00 1110.00 1110.00 1110.00 STCHR 1277.00 1277.00 1277.00 1277.00 1360.00 1360.00 1360.00 1360.00 1350.00 1350.00 1350.00 1350.00 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00 1427.00 1427.00 1427.00 1427.00 1213.00 121~.00 1213.00 1213.00! 1290.00 1290.00 1290.00 1290.00 1171.00 1171.00 1171.00 1171.00 1137.00 1137.00 1137.00 1137.00 1170.00 1170.00 1170.00 1170.00 ELHIN 478.60 478.60 478.60 478.60 479.40 479.40 479.40 479.40 481.20 481.20 481.20 481.20 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 482.80 482.80 482.80 482.80 484.80 484.80 484.80 484.80 485.60 485.60 485.60 485.60 486.90 486.90 486.90 486.90 488.50 488.50 488.50 488.50 490.80 490.80 490.80 490.80 SSTA 1116.00 1116.00 1116.00 1104.68 '1254.69 1~50.64 1248.17 1243.01 1280.37 1252.05 1248.87 1243.51 1318.04 1313.05 1307.19 1271.42 1277.90 1272.00 1265.12 1153.98 1165.25 1162.62 1161.54 1159.45 1040.50 1039.05 1038.49 1037.22 1083.21 1077.50 1075.36 1057.54 1056.04 1041.72 1036.29 1026.67 1090.56 1064.09 1053.47 1031.77 ENDST 1232.60 1268.50 13~9.89 1434.59 1374.08 1483.17 1553.78 1598.45 1341.19 1382.07 1407.94 1434.67 1384.91 1389.13 1390.76 1393.82 1421.99 1425.44 1426.80 1~9.73 1210.19 1241.15 1249.42 1291.05 1247.02 1287.49 1308.86 1359.13 1168.36 1170.32 1171.25 1178.43 1151.70 1171.24 1179.94 1209.98 1169.86 1177.07 1179.96 1188.69 PAGE 37 TOPIflD 116.60 152.50 213.89 3~9.91 119.39 232.53 305.61 355.44 60.82 130.02 159.07 191.16 66.87 76.08 83.57 122.40 144.08 153.44 161.68 295.75 44.~ 78.53 87.88 131.60 206.52 248.43 270.37 321.91 83.15 92.~ 93.~ 120.~ 94.75 129.52 143.66 183.31 79.30 112.97 126.49 156.91 11JUL96 10:45:13 PAGE 38 SECNO g O,/SEL EG CRIWS VCH 3675.000 1860.00 500.98 501.23 3675.000 2735.00 502.18 502.45 3675.000 3140.00 502.63 502.92 3675.000 4210.00 503.~6 503.98 4205.000 1860.00 4205.000 2735.00 4205.000 3140.00 4205.000 '4210.00 504.50 505.29 505.62 506.39 504.74 505.59 505.92 506.71 * 4455.000 1860.00 505.18 505.29 * 4455.000 2735.00 506.02 506.17 * 4455.000 3140.00 506.35 506.51 * 4455.000 4210.00 507.10 507.30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I * 4.48 4.78 4.93 5.31 4.03 4.48 4.59 4.76 .00 2.97 .00 3.40 .00 3.58 .00 3.96 44~5.000 1860.00 506.34 506.54 .00 4.76 4495.000 2755.00 50~.8~ 507.21 .00 6.27 4493.000 3140.00 507.07 507.46 .00 6.94 4495.000 4210.00 507.44 508.04 .00 8.66 * 4550.000 1860.00 506.46 506.58 * 4550.000 2735.00 507.11 507.2~ * 4550.000 3140.00 507.37 507.56 * 4550.000 4210.00 507.97 508.20 .00 3.03 .00 3.73 .00 3.99 .00 4.55 STCHL 1127.00 1127.00 1127.00 1127.00 1438.00 1438.00 1438.00 1438.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1250.00 1250.00 1250.00 1250.00 STCHR 1188.00 1188.00 1188.00 1188.00 1565.00 1565.00 1565.00 1565.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1475.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 ELMIN 493.10 493.10 493.10 493.10 495.58 495.58 495.58 495.58 496. O0 496.00 496. O0 496.00 496.00 496. O0 496.00 496. 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' CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE HYDRAULIC JUHP D,S. CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE Appendix D Soils Information The following pages are excerpts from the Soil Survey of Dallas County, Texas United States Department Of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with Texas Agriculttual Experiment Station This property is situated on an Axtell type soil (soil type 12: Axtell fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYMBOL -2 3' 4 6 10 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 26 28 -30' 33 34 36 37 39 4O 41 SOIL LEGEND Soil names followed by the superscript L/are broadly defined units. The composition Of thele units is more vlrilble thin that of others in the Survey area. but has been controlled vwll enough to be interpreted for the expected use of the soils. NAME AIt~l silty C~y. 5 tO 12 permit slopes, eroded Arents, loamy, 9ently ~bt~ ~nts, I~, hilly ~fl6. clww, ~tly A~tifl ~lty C~, 1 to 3 ~ti~fl IK ~ 2 ~ S H~t d~ ~tlll rim ~ ~NII fin a~y ~all fin ~ Ax~II-U~ ~ ~x, ! ~ 5~nt sl~s . b~l fin ~ I~, 0 ~ 3 Wt d~ ~i~ ~ Br~tt I~, 3 ~y~ ~, 0 ~d~, 0to 1 ~ ~d~,1~3~ ~ . ~bfl tin ~ ~h~l~3~t~ ~d~, 1~3~ ~n ~ ~Mk ~my fi~ ~, I ~ 5~nt ~ ' G~y c~ I~ 3 to 8 ~nt ~y-Br~t-~ I~ ~x, 8 tO I S ~nt ~s Euf~18 I~ f~ Fm~ ~ F~ ~ ~n I~, f~t~ ~n d~, I to 3 ~t ~ I ~t~ ~k H~stOfl Bl~k-Ur~n II~ ~ex. 0 to 4 ~r~nt sl~s SYMBOL '46- 47 48 -4g -SO' 61 52 S3 S4 55 57 S8 S9 61 63 64 66 .~? 68 ~9- 7O 71 72 -73 77 8O NAME Lewiwille s~lty clay. 1 to 3 percent Lewiw~lle silty d~y, 3 to ~tMwille silty ¢1~', 5 to 8 pe~t L~wi~tlle*U~b~n lind complex° 0 tO IJw~ville-Utt~ ~k f~ ~y ~d~ ~, 1M3~t~ ~ ~, f~n~y ~k ~ex, 0 ~1~ ~ h~ si~ ~, 1 to 3 ~t S~ i~y d~, 3 to 5 ~t Trini~ ~y. G~ly f~ Tr~i~ cl~, f~tly T~ity-~n IK ~, u~ul~ Veml c~, 5 to DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS T[XAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIOf CONVENTIONAL AND SPECIAL SYMBOLS LEGEND CU LTU RAL FEATU RES BOUNDARIES MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL FEATURES SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR SOIL SURVEY SOIL DELINEATIONS AND SYMBOLS ~ Natinoal. state or province Couofy or parish Minor civil divisiofl Resorvetino (nationel lor~t or park, and lerBe airport) Land ~rant .Limit of soil s~rvey (bbel) Field st~of matddine & nMt~me Farmstead, house (omit in urban areas) Church SchoM Indian mound (bt)M) Located object (Mbel) Tenk (Label) Wells, oil or ps W-mdmill (m~ts town si~e) SHORT STEEP SI.OPE ............... Tower GULLY ~ · DEPRESSION OR SINK 0 ~ & SOIL SAMPI. E SITE (~) (normally nM drown) I MISCELLANEOUS AD HOC BOUNDARY (bbd) i--i Smell airport, aid'~kl, park, oilfiMd. ~ ...... '~---, STATE COORDINAIE TICK I Kitchen midden Blowout LAND DIVISION CO~NERS (sections and land ~raofs) ROADS Divided (median s~own if scale permits~ Trail ROAD EMBLEMS & DESIGNATIONS Intersto~ Federal County, farm or ranch L +-p- WATER FEATURES DRAINAGE Perennial. double line Perennial, sin~e line Intermittent Drainek, e end Canals or ditches Ooub~line (label) Drainase and/or irription Gumbo, slick or scabby W (sedic) Prominent hill or peak (ktdudes sandstone and shaM) ~llhle s~t Sandy spot :': Sev~ely eroded spot --: Slide or slip (tips point upsiope) Stofly spot, very slofly spof 0 RAILROAD POWER TRANSMIS~iON LINE (normally n~ shown) PIPE LINE (normally not sho~n) FENCE (normally not Mn) LEVEES : I LAKES, PONDS AND RESERVOIRS Perennial Intermittent MISCELLANEOUS WATER FEATURES Wdhout road With road Wdh railroad DAMS Large (to scale) Medium or small PITS Well, artesian Well, irriptio~ Wet SlX)t Gravel pit Mine or quarry 145 000 FELT 18 18 11 51 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS -- SHEET NUMBER i .f ' ~36 72 72 14 : 25 19 21 18 43 43 78 ~8 51 43 20 ;~: 78 80~ 8o (Joins sheet 8) ¸ 59 Index to Page 1--Altoga silty clay, 5 to 12percent slopes, eroded.. 10 2w^rents, loamy, gently undulating ......................... '... 11 3--^rents, loamy, hilly .................................................... 11 4--Arents, clayey, gently undulating ............................. 11 5--Austin silty clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes ................... 12 6--^ustin silty clay, 3 to 5 percent slopes ................... 12 7~Austin-Lewisville complex, 5 to 8 percent slopes, eroded ....................................................................... 13 8--Austin-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes ........................................................................ 13 9--Austin-Urban land complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes ........................................................................ 13 10--Axtell fine sandy loam, 0 to I percent slopes ..... 14 11--Axtell fine sandy loam, I to 3 percent slopes ..... 15 12--Axtell fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded ....................................................................... 15 13--AxtelI-Urban land complex, I to 5 percent slopes ........................................................................ 15 14--Bastsil fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes ... 16 15--BastsiI-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes ........................................................................ 16 16--Brackett loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes ................... 16 17~-Branyon clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes ..................... 16 18--Burleson clay, 0 to I percent slopes .................... 17 19--Burleson clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes .................... 17 20~Crockett fine sandy loam, 0 to I percent slopes 17 21--Crockett fine sandy loam, I to 3 percent slopes 18 22--Crockett fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded ......................................................... 19 23--Dalco clay, I to 3 percent slopes ......................... .19 24--Dalco-Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes ........................................................................ 19 25--Dutek loamy fine sand, I to 5 percent slopes ..... 20 26--Eddy clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes ................. 20 27--Eddy clay loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes ................. 20 28~Eddy-Brackett complex, 8 to 20 percent slopes. 21 29--Eddy-Brackett-Urban land complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes ......................................................... 22 30--Eddy-Stephen complex, 1 to 5 percent slopes... 22 31--Eddy-Urban land complex, 1 to 4 percent slopes ........................................................................ 23 32--Eddy-Urban land complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes ........................................................................ 23 33--Eufaula loamy fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes,. 23 34--Ferris-Heiden complex, 5 to 12 percent slopes .. 23 35--Ferris-Urban land complex, 5 to 12 percent slopes ........................................................................ 24 36--Frio silty clay, occasionally flooded ...................... 24 37--Frio silty clay, frequently flooded .......................... 25 38--Frio-Urban land complex ........................................ 25 39--Gowen loam, occasionally flooded ....................... 25 map units Page 40--Gowen loam, frequently flooded ........................... 26 41--Heiden clay, I to 3 percent slopes ....................... 26 42--Heiden'clay, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded ......... 26 43--Houston Black clay, 0 to I percent slopes .......... 27 44--Houston Black clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes .......... 27 45--Houston Black-Urban land complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes ......................................................... 27 46~Lewisville silty clay, I to 3 percent slopes ........... 28 47--Lewisville silty clay, 3 to 5 percent slopes ........... 28 48--Lewisville silty clay, 5 to 8 percent slopes ........... 28 49--Lewisville-Urban land complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes ........................................................................ 29 50--Lewisville-Urban land complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes ........................................................................ 29 51~Mabank fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes. 29 52--Mabank fine sandy loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes. 30 53--Normangee clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes ..... 30 54--Ovan clay, occasionally flooded ............................ 30 55--Ovan clay, frequently flooded ................................ 30 56--Pits and dumps ........................................................ 31 57--Rader-Mabank complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes.. 31 58---Rader-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes ........................................................................ 31 59wSeagoville clay, occasionally flooded ................... 32 60--Silawa fine sandy loam, I to 3 percent slopes ... 32 61--Silawa fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes ... 32 62--Silawa fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, eroded ....................................................................... 33 63~Silawa-Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes ........................................................................ 33 64--Silstid loamy fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes .... 33 65--Silstid-Urban land complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes ........................................................................ 33 66--Smithville loam ........................................................ 34 67--Stephen silty clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes ............. 34 68--Stephen silty clay, 3 to 5 percent slopes ............. 34 69--Stephen-Urban land complex, 1 to 4 percent slopes ........................................................................ 35 70~Sunev clay loam, I to 3 percent slopes ...............35 71--Sunev clay loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes ............... 35 72--Trinity clay, occasionally flooded .......................... 36 73--Trinity clay, frequently flooded ............................... 36 74~Trinity-Urban land complex .................................... 36 75~Urban land ................................................................ 36 76~Ustorthents, undulating ........................................... 37 77~Vertel clay, 5 to 12 percent slopes ....................... 37 78--Wilson clay loam, 0 to I percent slopes .............. 37 79--Wilson clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes .............. 37 80~Wilson-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes ........................................................................ 38 iv DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 15 strength of the soil are limitations to urban uses. These ,=,limitations can be overcome through good design and careful installation. Areas that have trees are desirable for residential development. This soil is in capability subclass Ills and in the Clay- ,., pan Savannah range site. 11--Axtell fine sandy loam, I to 3 percent slopes. This is a deep, gently sloping, moderately well drained ,-soil on old high stream terraces. The areas are oval to long and narrow and range from 10 to about 100 acres. Typically, the surface layer is slightly acid, dark grayish brown fine sandy loam about 4 inches thick. To a depth -' of 8 inches, the soil is slightly acid, very pale brown fine sandy loam, and to a depth of 39 inches, it is very strongly acid clay that is mottled in shades of brown, red, and gray. To a depth of 52 inches, the soil is medium "' acid, grayish brown clay that has red and brown mottles. To a depth of 80 inches, it is moderately alkaline, grayish brown sandy clay. Permeability is very slow, and the available water ca- "pacity is high. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. Included in mapping are small areas of Crockett, Mabank, Silawa, and Rader soils. The included soils '-make up less than 20 percent of any one mapped area. This soil is used mainly as pasture, for which it has medium potential. Forage production is high if the pas- ,.. ture is properly managed. This soil is well suited to ira- proved bermudagrass. This soil has Iow potential for use as cropland. The hazard of erosion and, in most areas, the Iow fertility of the soil are limitations. Terraces and ,. contour farming help to control erosion. Crop residue should be left on the surface to help conserve moisture and to maintain tilth and productivity. This soil has medium potential for urban development. --The high shrink-swell potential, Iow strength, and corrosi- vity of the soil and the hazard of erosion are limitations, but they can be overcome through good design and careful installation. Areas of this soil that have trees are -' highly desirable for residential development. This soil is in capability subclass Ille and in the Clay- pan Savannah range site. 12--Axtell fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded. This is a deep, moderately well drained soil on old high stream terraces. The areas are oblong to long and narrow and range from 10 to about 50 acres. Gullies --are common in all areas, and subsoil material is exposed in about 30 percent of the areas. Between the gullies, sheet erosion has removed as much as 40 percent of ,.. the surface layer. Typically, the surface layer is medium acid, dark gray- ish brown fine sandy loam about 4 inches thick. To a depth of 19 inches, the soil is strongly acid, dark brown _ clay loam. To a depth of 35 inches, it is mottled, light yellowish brown and yellowish red, strongly acid clay. The next layer, to a depth of 80 inches, is medium acid clay that has yellow and gray mottles. Permeability is very slow, and the available water ca- pacity is high. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is severe. In most areas, the organic matter content is Iow because erosion has removed material from the surface layer. Included in mapping are small areas of Crockett, Rader, and Silawa soils. The included soils make up less than 20 percent of any one mapped area. This soil is used mainly as pasture, for which it has medium potential. It is well suited to improved bermuda- grass. This soil has Iow potential for use as cropland. The Iow fertility, very slow permeability, and poor tilth of the soil and the hazard of erosion are limitations to crop production. Establishing close-growing crops helps to control erosion. Leaving crop residue on the surface of the soil helps to control erosion, conserve moisture, reduce soil temperature, and maintain tilth and productiv- ity. This soil has medium potential for urban uses. The high shrink-swell potential, Iow strength, and corrosivity of the soil and the hazard of erosion are limitations, but they can be overcome through good design and careful installation. This soil is in capability subclass IVe and in the Clay- pan Savannah range site. 13--AxtelI-Urban land complex, I to 5 percent slopes. This complex is made up of deep, gently slop- ing, moderately well drained soils and areas of Urban land on uplands. The areas are oblong or oval and range from about 20 to 70 acres. The Axtell soil makes up about 50 percent of this complex, and Urban land, which consists of areas cov- ered with buildings, streets; and pavement, makes up about 25 percent. The rest of the complex is made up of minor soils. These soils and Urban land are so intermin- gled that it was not practical to separate them in map- ping at the scale used. Typically, the surface layer of the Axtell soil is slightly acid, dark grayish brown fine sandy loam about 4 inches thick. To a depth of 8 inches, the soil is very slightly acid, pale brown fine sandy loam, and to a depth of 39 inches, it is very strongly acid clay that has brown, red, and gray mottles. To a depth of 52 inches, the soil is medium acid, grayish brown clay that has red and brown mottles. To a depth of 80 inches, it is moderately alka- line, grayish brown sandy clay. Permeability of the Axtell soil is very slow, and the available water capacity is high. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. Included in mapping are small areas of Crockett, Mabank, Rader, Silawa, and Wilson soils. The included soils make up less than 25 percent of any one mapped area. The soils in this complex have medium potential for urban uses. The high shrink-swell potential, Iow strength, and corr0sivity of the soil and the hazard of erosion are limitations, but these limitations can be overcome through good design and careful installation. DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Typical pedon of Austin silty clay, 1 to 3 percent ,., slopes; from the intersection of Interstate Highway 35E and Danieldale Road, this pedon is located east on Dan- ieldale Road and 500 feet south in a field: ,,, Ap~0 to 5 inches; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silty clay, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; strong fine and very fine subangular blocky struc- ture; compacted and angular blocky structure in lower part; very hard, firm but crumbly; calcareous; moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary. A1--5 to 10 inches; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silty clay, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; strong fine subangular blocky structure; very hard, firm but crumbly; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. ,. B21--10 to 20 inches; brown (7.5YR 5/4) silty clay, dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) moist; strong fine and very fine subangular blocky structure; very hard, firm but crumbly; common worm casts; common fine lime- stone pebbles 2 to 50 mm in diameter at a depth of 15 to 18 inches; moderately alkaline; calcareous; gradual wavy boundary. B22ca--20 to 32 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) silty clay, dark brown (10YR 4/3) moist; strong very fine su- bangular blocky structure; hard, friable; common soft lumps and concretions of calcium carbonate; calcar- eous; moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. "' Cr--32 to 40 inches; white platy chalky limestone that is massive below a depth of 34 inches. The solum is 20 to 40 inches thick. The soil is more "than 35 percent clay. The calcium carbonate equivalent i is 40 to 65 percent in the control section. ~: The-Ap and A1 horizons are very dark grayish brown, ,. dark grayish brown, brown, or dark brown. The Ap and A1 horizons combined are 7 to 17 inches thick. The B2 horizon is light brownish gray, brown, or yel- lowish brown silty clay or clay. ~"- The C horizon consists of beds of platy chalk. It in- cludes thick layers of massive chalky limestone that is ~ slightly weathered and platy in the upper few inches. ~-- Axtell series r The Axtell series consists of deep, moderately well ~: drained, loamy soils. Axtell soils formed in old alluvium on old high stream terraces on uplands. The slopes ~ range from 0 to 8 percent. t; Typical pedon of Axtell fine sandy loam, I to 3 percent slopes; from the intersection of U.S. Highway 175 and Mathis Road in Seagoville, this pedon is located 400 feet SOuth on Mathis Road and 200 feet west in an open Pasture: AI~0 to 4 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) fine sandy loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; weak fine granular structure; soft, very friable; 55 many roots; few siliceous pebbles; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary. A2--4 to 8 inches; very pale brown (10YR 7/3) fine sandy loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) moist; weak medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable; few fine roots; common fine pores; slightly acid; clear wavy boundary. B21t--8 to 11 inches; mottled pinkish gray (7.5YR 6/2), brown (7.5YR 5/2), and yellowish red (5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam; moderate medium subangular and angular blocky structure; hard, friable; few fine roots; common fine pores; few fine siliceous pebbles; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. B22t--11 to 23 inches; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) clay; common fine and medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; strong medium and coarse blocky structure; extremely hard, very firm; few fine roots; few fine pebbles; very strongly acid; diffuse wavy boundary. B23t--23 to 39 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) clay, many medium prominent dark red (2.5YR 3/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; moderate medium blocky structure; few slickensides that do not intersect; extremely hard, very firm; few fine roots between peds; very strongly acid; diffuse wavy boundary. B3--39 to 52 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) sandy clay; common medium prominent dark red (2.5YR 3/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; moder- ate coarse blocky structure; few slickensides; ex- tremely hard, very firm; few roots between peds; few siliceous pebbles; medium acid; diffuse wavy bound- ary. C--52. to 80 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) sandy clay; common fine and medium distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/6), yellowish red (5YR 5/6), and dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) mottles; strong coarse prismatic structure; extremely hard, very firm; few fine roots between peds; few fine siliceous pebbles; common fine black bodies; few fine concretions of calcium carbonate; moderately alkaline. When the soil is dry, there are cracks 1/2 inch or more wide at a depth of 20 inches. In some pedons, there are fine siliceous pebbles throughout the soil. When the soil is dry, the Ap or A1 horizon is dark grayish brown, light brownish gray, brown, pale brown, very pale brown, or grayish brown. The A horizon gener- ally is less than 10 inches thick but can be as much as 15 inches thick over subsoil troughs. When the soil is dry, the A2 horizon is very pale brown, light yellowish brown, or pale brown. The boundary between the A and B horizons is clear to abrupt and wavy. In most places, the B21t horizon is mottled in shades of yellow, red, gray, or brown. It ranges from clay to clay loam and is 38 to 55 percent clay. The soil is very strongly acid to medium acid. 56 SOIL SURVEY The B22t horizon has prominent to distinct mottles in shades of red, gray, and brown. The soil is 40 to 60 percent clay, and it is strongly acid to neutral.. The B3 and C horizons are 35 to 55 percent clay. They are sandy clay or clay loam. The soil in these horizons is neutral to moderately alkaline. In some pedons, there are soft lumps of calcium carbonate. Bastsil series The Bastsil series is made up of deep, well drained, nearly level to gently sloping loamy soils. Bastsil soils formed in old alluvium on old high stream terraces. The slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Typical pedon of Bastsil fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 per- cent slopes; from the intersection of Interstate Highway 635 and U.S. Highway 175, this pedon is located about 1 mile.north on Interstate Highway 635 to Seagoville Road, 1,300 feet east on Seagoville Road, 600 feet south on Carolyn Jean Drive, and 300 feet southwest in a pasture within the Balch Spdngs city limits: ApO to 8 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) fine sandy loam, dark-brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak coarse blocky structure; hard, friable; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. B21t--8 to 12 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) moist; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate coarse blocky; hard, friable; clay films coating about 50 percent of the faces of peds; few fine siliceous pebbles; medium acid; gradual wavy boundary. B22t--12 to 34 inches; red (2.5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam, red (2.5YR 4/6) moist; weak coarse prismatic struc- ture parting to moderate medium subangular blocky; very hard, fdable; few fine siliceous pebbles; medium acid; gradual wavy boundary. B23t--34 to 68 inches; mottled dark red (2.5YR 3/6), yellowish red (5YR 5/6), and light gray (10YR 7/1) sandy clay loam; very hard, friable; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to weak medium suban- gular blocky; few fine siliceous pebbles; common fine dark brown concretions in the lower 12 inches; medium acid. The soil is noncalcareous to a depth below 60 inches. When the soil is dry, the A horizon is brown, pale brown, or reddish brown. It is strongly acid to slightly acid. The Bt horizon is sandy clay loam that is 18 to 35 percent clay. It is red, reddish brown, reddish yellow, yellowish red, or strong brown, and the soil is medium acid to mildly alkaline. The B23t horizon is clay loam or sandy clay loam. The Bastsil soils in this survey are taxadjuncts to the Bastsil series because they do not have secondary elu- viation (skeletans and clean sand grains) in the lower part of the Bt horizon; however, they are similar in use and management to the soils of the Bastsil series. Brackett series The Brackett series is made up of shallow, well drained, loamy soils. Brackett soils formed in material that derived from soft chalky limestone. The slopes range from 3 to 25 percent. Typical pedon of Brackett loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes; from the intersection of Camp Wisdom Road and Cock- rell Hill Road, this pedon is located 3,700 feet east on Cockrell Hill Road and 2,400 feet north in a pasture within the Dallas city limits: Al--0 to 9 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; moderate and strong very fine granular and subangular blocky structure; hard, friable; abundant roots and worm casts; few shell fragments; calcareous; moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary. B2--9 to 16 inches; light gray (10YR 7/2) loam, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) moist; moderate very fine suban- gular blocky structure; hard, friable; abundant roots and worm casts; few fine soft weathered fragments of chalky limestone; common fine concretions of calcium carbonate; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. Cr1--16 to 23 inches; weakly fractured soft chalky lime- stone, about 25 percent very pale brown (10YR 7/3) loam in horizontal and vertical fractures; the size and number of fractures decrease with depth; few roots and worm casts; calcareous; moderately alka- line; gradual wavy boundary. Cr2~23 to 29 inches; white (10YR 8/1) and yellow (10YR 7/6) slightly fractured soft limestone; the limestone is less than 3 on Mohs' scale of hardness. The solum is 10 to 20 inches thick. Coarse fragments in the solum range from a few small, soft limestone fragments to rounded limestone fragments less than three inches long that make up as much as 35 percent of the soil. The soil is more than 40 percent calcium carbonate. When the soil is dry, the ^ horizon is grayish brown, brown, pale brown, light brownish gray, light yellowish brown, or light gray. When dry, the B2 horizon is grayish brown, light brownish gray, light gray, brown, pale brown, very pale brown, or light yellowish brown. It is gravelly clay loam, clay loam, or loam and is 18 to 30 percent clay. The Cr horizon generally is 25 to 70 percent soft limestone fragments but can be as much as 80 percent waterworn limestone pebbles. The fine earth fraction ranges from loam to clay loam. Branyon series The Branyon series is made up of deep, moderately well drained, .nearly level clayey soils. Branyon soils formed in clayey alluvial sediment on old stream ter- races. The slopes are 0 to I percent. 142 SOIL SURVEY TABLE 18.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS [The symbol < means less than. Entries under "Erosion factors--T" apply to the ent. tre profile. Absence of an entry indicates that data were nok available or were not estimated] Soil name and map symbol Altoga: Arents: 2, 3 .............. Austin: 7: Austin part ..... Lewisville part-I 8: Austin part ..... Urban land part. 9: Austin part ..... Urban land part.l Axtell: 10, 11, 12 ........ 13: ' Axtell part ..... Urban land part. I Baststl: Brackett: 16 ................ Branyon: 17 ................ Bur leson: 18, 19 ............ I Depth I Permea- I bility in I ln/l~r 0-25 0.6-2.0 25-80 0.6-2.0 0-80 --- 0-80 --- 0-10 0.2-0.6 10-32 0.2-0.6 32-40 --- 0-10 0.2-0.6 10-32 0.2-0.6 32-q0 --- O-TS-I 0.6-2.0 15-ql 0.6-2.0 41-75 0.6-2.0 0-10 0.2-0.6 10-32 0.2-0.6 32-40 --- 0-10 0.2-0.6 10-32 0.2-0.6 32-40 --- 0-8 O. 6-2.0 8-80 <O.06 0-8 0.6-2.0 8-80 <0.06 0-8 2.0-6.0 8-68 0.6-2.0 0-16 0.2-0.6 16-29 --- 0-80 <0.06 O-6q <0.06 6q-80 <O.O6 Available water capacity In/in 0.15-o. 18 0.15-0.18 0.15-0.20 o. 15-0.20 o. 15-0.20 o. 15-0.20 0.16-0.20 o. lq-0,18 0,14-0,18 0.15-0.20 0.15-0.20 O. 15-0.20 O. 15-0.20 0.11-0.15 0.13-0.18 0.11-0.15 o.13-0.18 0.11-O.17 o. 10-0.20 I I Risk of corrosion Erosion Reaction [ Shrink- I factors I swell I Uncoated Concrete I Ipotenttal I steel K I T pH I. I I ?.9-8.4 IMigh ...... IBigh .......... Low ............ 0.321 5 ?.9-8.q IModerate IHigh .......... Low ............ 0.32 I I 1 ?.9-8.4 IBigh ...... IHigh .......... Low ............ 0.32 5 I I t I ?.9-8.4 IHlgh ...... IHigh .......... Low ............ 0.32 2 ?.9-8.4 IModerate IHlgh .......... Low ............ 0.32 I I I ?.9-8.4 IHigh ...... IHigh .......... :Low ............ 0.32 2 ?.9-8.q IHoderate IHlgh .......... Low ............ 0.32 I I ?.9-8.q IHtgh---'--IHigh ~- .... iLow ............ 0.32 5 7.9-8.a IHigh ...... IHigh. Low ............ 0.37 7.9-8.~ IHtgh ...... IHigh Low ............... I ?.9-8.a IHigh ...... IHigh .......... Low--' .......... 0.32 2 ?.9-8.~ IHoderate IH1gh .......... Low ............ 0.32 I I I I I I I ?.9-8.q IHigh ...... IHtgh .......... Low ............ 0.32 2 ?.9-8.q IHoderate IHigh .......... Low ............ 0.321 I I I I 5.1-6.5 ILo- ....... Moderate ...... Moderate ....... O.q3 5 4.5-?.3 IHigh ...... IBigh .......... Hoderate ....... 0.3? I 5.1-6.5 ILow ....... IModerate ...... Moderate ....... 0.~3 5 4.5-?.3 [High ...... lHtgh .......... Moderate ....... 0.3? I I I 1 5.1-6.5 Lo, ....... ILo, ........... Low ............ 0.2a 5 5.6-7.8 Moderate IModerate ...... Low ............ 10.32 I I ?.9-8.q :Lo, ....... IHlgh .......... Low ............ 0.32I 2 I I I I ?.9-8.q Very high IHigh---~ ...... Low ............ 0.321 5 ' I ' I 5.6-8.q IH~gh ...... IHtgh .......... Low ............ I--- I a 7.4-8.a IHigh ...... IHigh .......... Lo, ............ I--- I L DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 147 TABLE 19.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES [,'Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "frequent," "brief," "apparent," and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol > means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern or that data were not estimated] I I Flooding Soil name and IHydro-I map symbol I logiel Frequency Igroup I Altoga: Arents: 2, 3, q .......... "--Austin: 7: Austin part .... i.ewisville part 8, 9: Austin part .... Urban land part. Axtell: ~" 10, 11, 12 ....... 13: Axtell part .... Urban land part. Bastsll: lq, 15 Brackett: 16 ............... ,..B ranyo n: 17 ............... Burleson: 18, 19 ........... ~"C roeke tt: 20, 21, 22 ....... Dalco: ~ 23, 2q ........... Dutek: ~Eddy: 26, 27 ........... 28: Eddy park ...... Bracke~ par~--I i C INone ........ I I I c INone ........ I I C INone ........ I B INone ........ t C INone ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ ~None ........ None ........ None ........ None ........ i Duration Months High water table Depth >6.O >6.O >6.O >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 >6.0 Kind Months I Bedrock Depth Hardness £n >60 --- >60 --- 20-~O Rippable 20-q0 IRippable >60 --- 20-~0 Rippable >60 --- >60 --- >60 --- 10-20 }Rippable >60 --- >60 --- >60 --- 2q-qO IRippable I I >60 I --- I I 3-15 IRippable I I 3-15 IRlppable I 10-20 IRlppable I Appendix E Digital I-1EC-2 Input Data Files on Diskette