ST9301-CS060120PRINT REQUEST .~ ~)0 ~_~ Pagelof2 Service Request: Anonymous Citizen - JAER-5Z904! Problem Tracking # ]AER-519041 Entered By Domino Administrator/Coppell on 1/20/2006 11:30:36 AM Citizen Anonymous Citizen Location Profile # RequesLor ]aneEIlen Weaver Email ia neellen.weaver@bestbuy.com Phone # 972 743-6343 Problem Type Other Department Engineering Severity Problem Location Sandy Lake Rd Problem Details Good morning: I go West on Sandy Lake Rd. every morning where the construction is. The traffic going east is a constant stream and those wanting to turn left are unable to do so until there is a break in the traffic. This is almost never. From 6:30 am. to 8:30 a.m., could we either have construction personnel stop the East bound traffic when someone wants to turn left or post no left turn during the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. I have had to add 10 - 15 minutes to my commute due to this condition and Sandy Lake is the only road I can use because of where I live. Thank you for addressing this issue. Reqst Status Assigned TO Ken Griffin/Coppell Action Due Support Level Severity Status Completed Store Ticket in KB N Resolution Code Work History Start 1/23/2006 7:41:00 AH Minutes 0 Assigned To Paula Crocker/Coppell Status Assigned Support Level Severity Work Category N Description Department was changed from 'Information Systems' to 'Engineering.' Assigned To was changed from 'Tnformation Systems' to 'CN=Paula Crocker/O=Coppell.' Recorded Diana BonneLt/Coppell on lJ23J2006 7:41:00 AM Start 3/6/2006 11:34:00 AM Minutes 0 Assigned To Ken Griffin/Coppell Status Assigned Support Level Severity Work Category Description Recorded Start Minutes Assigned TO Status Support Level Severity Work Category Description N Assigned To was changed from 'CN=Paula Crocker/O=Coppell' to 'CN=Ken Griffin/O=Coppell,' Paula Crocker/Coppell on 3/6/2006 11:34:00 AM 3/6/2006 11:46:00 AM 10 Ken Griffin/Coppell Completed Completed Inspection Y Ms. Weaver Sorry for the delay on the response. I did have someone observe the morning traffic, however, T just noticed that ! failed to respond to you. First, the contractors are not trained to do traffic control. To stop and direct traffic would take a Police Officer. Also, it is not possible to prohibit the left turns because a number of the people turning are taking their children to the school on Starleaf or using Riverchase to gain access to Beltline via Fairway Drive. The in the field observation was on a Wednesday with school in session. During the time from 6:30 am to 8:30 am, http://c2.coppell.city/C2/controls.ns f/(web.print.generatePrint)?openAgent 3/6/2006 PR1NT REQUEST Page 2 of 2 Recorded Entries Billable Minutes Non-billable Minutes Total i'4inutes More Into Received Via Citation Number Date Faxed to TXU Expected Resolution days Officer Assigned Warning Number Certified Mail Receipt Specified Address Permit NO. Citation Issued Date of Receipt Number of Items Requested RP! Number Last Notified Division Amount Due/Paid Receipt Number Number of Copies Due Date to City Secretary Impact Work Order # Acct. Team Account Manager - Profile Name Managers Reade~ Additional Readers Editors Additional Editors Original Author Default Authors Account Hierarchy Comments Private Comments Analytics 34 vehicles attempted to turn off of Sandy Lake onto Riverchaso. Twenty vehicles turned without waiting, ie, there was no eastbound traffic. The other 14 vehicles did have to wait for a break in traffic before turning. Those waits occured between 7:30 am to 8:19 am. The wait ranged from 3 seconds to 43 seconds. The vehicle backup associated with those waits ranged from 2 vehicles to 11 vehicles. In addition to Riverchase, there were 3 delays noted at Starleaf between 7:48 am and 8:03 am. The project is on schedule and the contractor will switch traffic to the new paving during the week of March i3th. Also, the contractor still antidpates completing the entire project in June 2006. I sorry for the inconvenience that the construction has caused, but at this time we will not be prohibiting turns from Sandy Lake south to Riverchase or Starleaf. Ken Griffin, P. E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 972-304-3686 / kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us Status was changed from 'Assigned' to 'Completed.' Ken Griffin/Coppell on 3/6/20Q6 11j46:00 AM 3 10 0 10 ECitizen Portal CN=Ken Griffin/O=Coppell Domino Administrator/Coppell [C2Admin] [C2Servers] [C2Corporate] [C2Open] No Analytics fields defined. http://c2.coppell.city/C2/controls.ns f/(web.print.generatePrint)?openAgent 3/6/2006 OI'ZS'~ l o 'A,:~