ST0004(2006)-CS040426Page 1 of 1 Paula Crocker - Fwd: Re: Freeport Pkwy. From: Ken Griffin To: Paula Crocker Date 4/26/2004 9 51 AM Subject: Fwd. Re- Freeport Pkwy Paula Let's see if Larry can walk this w/ our street contractor and get a quantity and cost so we can proceed. ken g »> Clay Phillips 4/26/2004 9 AM >>> If we have the funding to do now, let's do it. Clay »> Ken Griffin 4/26/2004 8 41 59 AM >>> Clay When we repaired the road previously, there were no failures south of Wrangler Mike Martin and I walked the entire street and noted all failures to be replaced and, at that time, there were no failures south of Wrangler I have also noticed some failures recently We are completing our street replacement for this year However, we can evaluate the section and extend the contract to correct them. There should be available money in the IMF Let me know if you would like us to pursue corrections now or add the area to our replacement list for the 04/05 year which would start sometime in the spring of 2005 ken g Paula Add this section of Freeport to our repair list. Thanks ken g file. //C \ Documents % %20Settmgs\PCROCKER \Local %20Settings \Temp \GW }0000 4/26/2004