Connell Skaggs-CS 861125 (2) ~ ~~=~~ I'" ~ The City With A Beautiful Future p. o. Box 478 Coppell. Texas 75019 214 - 462-9010 MEMORANJUM November 25. 1 QB6 TO: Ed Powell. City Engineer FROM: Steve Goram. Oire.;:tor of Public Works RE: Fees AEoclated with Final Plat AppravIII NDw that YDU have all YDur authDrized pDsitiDns filled in Community DeveIDpment.Engineering. and Planning and ZDning. I would appreciate your staff taking over the task Df figuring those fees assDciated with final develDpments. I have Dbserved thDse individuals that YDU have brought on board. and I commend YDU fDr the selectiDns YDu've made. These individuals appear tD be quite capable Df meeting this City's needs and grDwing with the community. As YDU knDw. there have been several plats that have received final apprDval withDut the fees being calculated and paid. There has been much cDnfusiDn regarding this matter. I wDuld appreciate us meeting as SODnes possible tD wDrk. DUt this transitiDn. As always. I will be happy tD assist in anyway pDssible. and will figure thDse fees assDciated with the Public WDrks' operating budget. Please call me as SDDn as pDssible. Thanks. SGG/sm