ST0003-CS060614 ISlJzcm Taylor - Re. COPPE:!JI_~oa~_____ =-page1l From: To: Date: Subject: Suzan Taylor Ken Roberts 6/14/2006 4 58:28 PM Re Coppell Road ~\ 00 --0:; \ ,t 10 J n( ~/ il vr fA Ken Construction of Coppell Road has taken a backseat to W Sandy Lake and W Bethel Road W Sandy Lake is now under construction and we hope to advertise W Bethel Road at the end of July or early August. I am currently trying to get the final comments on Bethel Road to the design engineer We have not forgotten about Coppell Road In accordance with our scheduled work plan, we were supposed to review and comment on your plans this month Once we get the plans on Bethel Road finished, we will start reviewing the Coppell plans Coppell Road is scheduled to advertise in the first quarter of 2007, however that may depend on how the construction of W Sandy Lake and W Bethel Road is going I do not think that we would want all three roads under construction at one time I will let everyone who is reviewing your plans know that we need to get comments back to you as soon as we can Suzan Taylor >>> "Roberts, Ken" <kar@Huitt-Zollars com> 6/14/2006 4 45 PM >>> Suzan, We are curious about the status of Coppell Road and your schedule The preliminary plans were submitted for review on June 15, 2004 Let me know Thanks, Kenneth Roberts, PE Huitt-Zollars, Inc.