Callahan-CS060921CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: PD-195R-O, Callahan MedicaUOffice Addition P&Z HEARING DATE September 21, 2006 C C HEARING DATE October 10, 2006 STAFF REP Marge Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION 884 S Denton Tap Road, north of Belt Line Road SIZE OF AREA 1 95 acres CURRENT ZONING PD-195-0 REQUEST To allow additional attached s~gnage and a revision to the monument sign to amulti-tenant sign APPLICANT SRFNPMCE, L P Nina Cahan, M D 848 South Denton Tap Road, Suite 100 Coppell Texas 75019 972-393-5559 FAX 972-471-1646 HISTORY In August 1998, Crty Council approved a site plan to allow the development of three retail/office buildings with limited warehousing on 4 6 acres of property In August 2000, this site plan expired In Apnl 2000, City Council approved a minor plat for this property which was never filed with the county and expired in October 2000 The subject property contains approximately 2 acres of this 4 6-acre tract, the remaining acreage was developed for two office buildings, known as the Mercantile Addition ~n 2005 ITEM ~ 4 Page 1 of 3 The PD for the subject property was established in 2002 to allow for the deg elopment of the ex~stmg two-story, 19,400-square-foot office building TRANSPORTATION Denton Tap Road ~s a P6D, six-lane, divided thoroughfare wrth~n a 1 10-foot right-of-w-av SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING North - Colonial Storage, C (Commercial) South - Mercantile Office Complex, C (Commercial) East - R~~erside Church of Christ, LI (L~ght Industrial) West - Retail and vacant, C (Commerc~a]) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Coppell Comhr•ehensii~e Plan shows the property as suitable for mixed uses DISCtiSSION When the zoning on this property was established m 2002, the owner/applicant included m the elevations, as a PD condition, that there would be a maximum of 50 square feet of attached signage on this building, indicating the name of the mayor occupant of the building, Coppell Associates ~n Family Medicine, P A This sign measures 33 75 square feet Since that tune, a ~'oga studio relocated from Georgetown Shopping Center, and brought their existing 14 5-square-foot sign with them for a total of 48 25 square footage of ex~stmg attached signage 'fhe owner desires to m~rease the allowable attached signage from 50 square feet to 100 square feet to he more in line with the amount of signage that would typically be allowed on a office bwldmg with 100 feet of building width on street frontage The owner would like to retain the flexibilrt} as to placement and number of signs until all the tenants are known She has offered to • Cap the maximum total square footage of attached signage to 100 square feet, • Require that all signs shall be similar fonts, • L~mrt the signs on the cast stone portions of the building to be indi~ iduall~ -mounted black letters, and signs on the red brick portion of the bwldmg to individually mounted white letters to match the e~.istmg ~'oga sign on the second floor, and • Present a balanced appearance to the building with all add~ttonal signage Included m the ortgmal site plan was a 40-square-foot monument sign, md~catmg the name of the bwldmg and the address However, since that ITEM # 4 Page 2 of 3 time, the city-wide sign ordinances have changed to specifically allow for multi-tenant monument signs m accordance ~~-rth the followmg provisions "In the case of multi-tenant office and/or retazl buildings, the individual tenant names may be listed subject to (a) All individual tenant nameplates must be of uniform size, color and font, m accordance with this ordinance (b) Minimum letter size shall be six inches (c) If a tenant vacates the lease space, the name plate must be removed within 30 days of such vacancy by the monument sign owner, owner of the property where the sign is located, or other party having control over such sign. No other advertising or promotional information is permitted thereon. Such sign may be single or double-faced Can signs made of plastic or similar materials are not permitted as detached (monument) signs Backlit plastic is not permitted within detached (monument) signs " The applicant, again, would like to retain flexibility m the final design of this multi-tenant monument sign, until such time that all the tenants are known. However, compliance with the prop isions of the sign ordinance is assured RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the followmg conditions 1 Additional attached signs shall be m accordance with the followmg regulations • Maximum total square footage of attached signage shall be 100 square feet, • All signs shall be similar fonts, • All letters shall be individually-mounted, channel letters, • Black letters on the cast stone portions of the facade and white letters on the brick portion of the building are allowed • Once all signs are installed there will be a balanced appearance 2 The multi-tenant monument sign shall adhere to all provisions of Section 12- 29-4 2(A) u~ of the Zoning Ordinance ALTERNATIVES I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS 1) Correspondence from the applicant/owner dated August 8, 2006, with attachments ITEM # 4 Page 3 of 3 SRFIVPMCE, L P 848 South Denton Tap Rr?ad Suite 100 Coppel% TX 75019 972-393-5559 august ~, X006 Dear Ylamm~g and 7onrng I ~~ould hke to request a change to m. PD as soon as possrhle to allow me up to 100 square feet of signage for m~ burldrng that spans l00 feet on the Denton Tap srde This rs wrthrn the code I need this space as soon as possrhle for m~ nevi tenant and to not hat e to do thrs agarn for the nest tenant I hay e enclosed a prcture of m~ burldrng uv~rth the present sans up and places marked for the ne~~ tenant (a personal trarner marked Fitness) and for another tenant, as vet unsrgned so 1 have no idea ~~hat the srgn nrll say The srgns are marked ul different types lust to make rt easrer to see that the} are drscreet srgns The tenants ~~ ill, of course. hay e to get them ovt~n srgns permitted I can suggest that them srgns all be black letters of the same or dose font to mrne The total addrtronal square footage to what rs already there wrll be 51 square feet fur a total of only 100 square feet Since most burldmgs get that even on a one-story burldrng and mrne rs t~~o-store, I feel thrs rs more than ~onser~ atr~ e srgnage I ~~ould also lrke to request at the behest of m} tenants, try change the srgn on the legend up front to hay ~ the names of the tenants rn small black letters It ~~ould look u~methrn~ lrke thrs --- -- -- - - - - ----~- l I I c~ be named _ i Persunai ~[ rarner 1 or~a r-- - -- - -- -- -- - -- ', Coppell ~lssocrates rn ~ 1-amrl~ '~1~dr~rne _ 1 [' 4_i but mare ever;-spaced Thrs srgn ~~ould be the same. on each srde of the legend and could ulc.lude the number Ha8 somewhere in the bottom half as that rs onlti m~ office name but the font or srze of the Ictters »uuld have to he drfferent to shoe up i~Iti tenant, ~~ant thrs as rt ~~ouid grtic cur businesses more ~ rsrhrlrt~ fr~~m Denton lap Road acrd rn~rease street safety as less peuplc ~~ould pass h~ rt and hay c to turn hark `~afet~ and h~altl~ promutron arc ~ er~, rmpt~rtant to all the husrnesseti rn r~~~ burldrng so far hhank you for ~uur prompt attentrrn tc~ thrs matter ~~rnccre(~~, J '~1rna (ahan, '~1 D ~_ c C~rtg ] an~e~ ~ur~a 1 e~~a 1 rin~ss ~ ~:nter 'aril 11 ,+ r ,,....~~ ~ r •i rj . ~ M i ~, i r-. ~ ~ ~1 ~, ,, -~ ., ` ~~* ~ ~ R 1 ` ` , Jt~~•I , ~ 1 • ~a Q~ ~~ V' O •V =a~ ~. _~ _ ~. ~~ ~= ~ ~ LL. ~ O ca V ~ 1 ~~ ~~ M M ~. r~. ! ~.:. 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