ST0004(2006)-PR0603310 V P iAW COQ Profeswrials An Paving Donsftudxan & Repays March 31, 2006 Rick O'Dell City Inspector City of Coppell 255 Parkway Coppell, TX 75019 Project: Freeport Parkway Repairs ADDITIONAL REPAIRS Re Additional Concrete Street Repairs Not in the Contract • Pricing will be based on the repair unit price negotiated in the existing contract: • 9 out of the 30 add -on repairs are near intersections which will require two move in days approximately 18 -20 days. • 30 repairs total approximately 7,592 s f less the " MISC " - 2,216 s f equals 5,376 sf square feet of additional repair • 160 linear feet of curb absorbed by the "Misc " 180 linear feet in contract SEE ADD -ON REPAIR LIST ATTACHED REMOVE AND REPLACE 8" CONCRETE • 5,376 square feet / Unit. $ 7 50 /sf Total $ 40,320.00 • 129 linear feet curb Total $ n / a • 240 linear feet Reseal / Unit: $ 1 15 /lf Total $ 276.00 • Combined Total Total $ 40,596 00 Please advise regarding any Change Order paperwork Les Rogers 2257 Joe Field Road, Dallas, TX 75299 972 - 245 -0000 cell: 214 - 325-4317 fax: 972 - 247 -2011 0 .O E P W 'C Professoonals o PavAng Con ffajdAon & Papaw March 31, 2006 Rick O'Dell City Inspector City of Coppell 255 Parkway Coppell, TX 75019 Project: Freeport Parkway Repairs ADDITIONAL REPAIRS Re Additional Concrete Street Repairs Not in the Contract ADD -ON REPAIRS ARE NUMBERED IN A #300 SERIES Approximately 7,592 square feet & approximately 160 linear feet of curb Les Rogers 2257 Joe Field Road, Dallas, TX 75299 972 - 245 -0000 cell 214- 325 -4317 fax: 972 - 247 -2011 SIZE S F SF #295 10X12 = 120 #315 10X20 = 200 #296 10X12 = 120 #316 10X20 = 200 #297 10X12 = 120 #317 10X20 = 200 #299 12X20 = 240 #318 10X40 = 400 #300 12X20 = 240 #319 curb 12 LF #301 20X24 = 480 #320 16X16 300 Nose #302 20X24 = 480 #320 curb 30 LF #303 12X20 = 240 #321 2X20 = 40 median #303 curb 10 LF #304 20X24 = 480 #322 10X20 = 200 #305 12X20 = 240 #323 10X20 = 200 #306 12X20 = 240 #324 curb 10 LF #307 12X20 = 240 #325 2X20 = 40 median #308 12X20 = 240 #325 curb 15 LF #309 12X20 = 240 #326 5X20 = 100 #310 curb 12 LF #327 5X20 = 100 #311 10X40 = 400 #328 9X12 = 108 #312 20X24 = 480 #329 6X12 = 72 #313 10X20 = 200 #330 curb 30 LF #314 10X20 = 200 #330 16X16 = 300 Nose #331 11X12 = 132 #331 curb 20 LF Approximately 7,592 square feet & approximately 160 linear feet of curb Les Rogers 2257 Joe Field Road, Dallas, TX 75299 972 - 245 -0000 cell 214- 325 -4317 fax: 972 - 247 -2011