Coppell Heights 9-CS061019 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT .Qmpell Hei2hts Addition" Lot 98 and Lot 9C" Rel!!!! P&Z HEARING DATE C C HEARING DATE October 19,2006 November 14, 2006 STAFF REP Matt Steer, CIty Planner LOCA nON South and East of the mtersectIOn of S Be1tlme Road and E Belthne Road SIZE OF AREA 3 I acres CURRENT ZONING' R (RetaIl) REQUEST To establIsh a bUIldmg sIte, vanous easements and fire lane to allow the constructIOn of two retail bUIldmgs, totahng 17,000 square feet. APPLICANT ArchItect Calvert & Co! ArchItects, Inc RIchard Calvert 1001 W Mam St Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone (972) 446-0493 FAX (972) 242-9252 Owner Rathee Investment Jugat Rathee 1044 Lady Lore Ln LewIsvIlle, TX 75056 Phone (972)899-1087 FAX (972) 899-1641 HISTORY In October 1985, a portIOn of "Lot 9, Coppell HeIghts" was replatted mto "Lot 9A" and developed as a Chevron Gas StatIOn. ThIS request IS to plat the remamder mto two retaIl lots, "Lots 9B & 9C " Accordmg to a letter Issued by TNRCC (now TCEQ) m 2001, soIl contammatIOn from a leakmg subsurface hydrocarbon storage tank was found at these two sItes, correctIve actIOn was taken and the case has been closed. ITEM # ]7 Page 1 of2 TRANSPORT A TION East Beltline & South Beltlme Roads are both P6Ds, sIx-lane dIvIded thoroughfares bUIlt to standard wIthm 120-foot nghts-of-way SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING North - vacant and RIverSIde Church of ChrISt, C (CommercIal) South - vacant and NAPA Auto Parts, C (CommercIal) East - North Lake, CIty of Dallas West - vacant, LI (LIght Industnal) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Coppell Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as SUItable for NeIghborhood RetaIl use DISCUSSION ThIS IS the compamon request to the SIte Plan. There IS a 15' water line easement proposed abuttmg East Beltlme and a 15' sewer lIne easement abuttmg the south property line of the Chevron and Lot 9B There are two proposed 25' X 25' water line easements shown abuttmg Sanders Loop A 24' fire lane easement IS proposed to connect South Beltlme wIth East Beltlme, to connect wIth Sanders Loop and to encIrcle the proposed bUlldmgs. The northernmost east/west fire lane IS reqUIred to be extended west through Lot 9B to connect wIth the gas statIOn, and renamed fire lane and mutual access easement to provIde greater connectIvIty between sItes. RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Staff IS recommendmg APPROVAL of thIS request, subject to the followmg condItIOns 1 Extend a mutual access easement through Lot 9B and connect WIth the proposed fire lane 2 Contact Larry RedIck at 972-323-8917 to dISCUSS electnc easement reqUIrements 3 Comply WIth the attached Departmental Comment Sheet. ALTERNATIVES I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend dIsapproval of the request 3) Recommend modIficatIOn of the request A TT ACHMENTS 1) Departmental Comments 2) Replat ITEM # ]7 Page 2 of2 THE CITY o F THE C.ITY OF COPPELL ...~* . .. ? . ~ e . ..t 1\ S \ i'l CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT COPPELL " 6 Proiect 10 Address RP-06-0054 920 S Belt Line Rd Project Name Coppell Heights Addition, Lot 9b and Lot9c Project Type Application Date Case Manaaer Project Description , to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow the construction of two retail buildings, totaling 17,000 square feet Replat 9/20/2006 1 of AQencv Engineering Comments 1 Provide a Mutual Access Easement across Lot 98 2 Provide Fire Lane to Sanders Loop 3 All surface drainage should be collected on site, not concentrated and discharged to the street. 4 The Engineering Dept. will continue to work with the developer to provide appropriate utilities to serve this development during detailed design CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT h!!Jwell Hei!!:hts Addition't Lot 98 and Lot 9C't Site Plan P&Z HEARING DATE C C HEARING DATE October 19,2006 November 14, 2006 STAFF REP Matt Steer, CIty Planner LOCA TION South and East of the mtersectIon of S Belthne Road and E. Beltlme Road. SIZE OF AREA 3 1 acres CURRENT ZONING R (Retail) REQUEST To allow the constructIOn of two retaIl bUIldmgs, totalmg 17,000 square feet. APPLICANT ArchItect Calvert & Co! ArchItects, Inc RIchard Calvert 1001 W Mam St Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone (972)446-0493 FAX (972) 242-9252 Owner Rathee Investment J ugat Rathee 1044 Lady Lore Ln LewIsvIlle, TX 75056 Phone (972)899-1087 FAX (972) 899-1641 HISTORY In October 1985, a portIon of "Lot 9, Coppell HeIghts" was replatted mto "Lot 9A" and developed as a Chevron Gas StatIOn. ThIS request IS to plat the remamder mto two retaIl lots, "Lots 9B & 9C" Accordmg to a letter Issued by TNRCC (now TCEQ) m 2001, soIl contammatIOn from a leakmg subsurface hydrocarbon storage tank was found at these two sItes, correctIve actIOn was taken and the case has been closed. ITEM # ]6 Page 1 of 3 TRANSPORTATION East Belthne & South Belthne Roads are both P6Ds, sIx-lane, dIvIded thoroughfares bUIlt to standard wIthm 120-foot rIghts-of-way SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING North - vacant and RIverSIde Church of ChrISt, C (CommerCIal) South - vacant and NAPA Auto Parts, C (CommerCIal) East - North Lake, CIty of Dallas West - vacant, LI (LIght IndustrIal) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Cappel! Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as sUItable for NeIghborhood RetaIl use DISCUSSION The applIcant 15 requestmg SIte Plan approval for the development of two one-story retaIl bUIldmgs on 2 6 acres of property, leavmg a vacant pad SIte (0 5 acres) for future development. The subject SIte IS located Just east and south of the Chevron StatIOn at the southeast comer of South Beltlme and East Belthne Roads, dIrectly north of the NAPA Auto Parts store The proposal of 107 parkmg spaces meets the 105 parkmg spaces required WIth the 9,400-square-foot southern bUlldmg havmg 2,000 square feet devoted to restaurant use (1 parkmg space per 100 square feet) and the 7,600-square-foot northeastern bUlldmg also havmg 2,000 square feet devoted to restaurant use The remammg space m both bUlldmgs IS planned for retaIl use (1 parkmg space per 200 square feet) A fire lane IS proposed to run m front of the two bUlldmgs from South Belthne to East Beltlme and behmd the bUlldmgs connectmg WIth Sanders Loop The apphcant has stubbed-out the fire lane/mutual access drIve to the property to the west, provIdmg for a future connectIOn. Two 40- square-foot monument SIgns are proposed, one along East Beltlme and another along South Beltlme Roads The SIgns wIll be constructed of brIck to match the bUlldmg WIth a cast stone cap and cast Iron letters The SIgn IS proposed to read "Coppell Crossroads" WIth one address number and the future tenant names. Architecture The proposed bUlldmgs WIll be one-story, measurIng approXImately 32' to the peaks of the archItectural features located at the end of each bUlldmg and approxImately 20' to the heIght of the parapet. The prImary bUlldmg materIal WIll be a "Boral Oxford Red" brIck, WIth 4' WIde vertIcal "Granbury Chop" stone columns located approXImately every 25' The roof materIal of the archItectural features at the ends of the bUlldmgs (small hIp structures) wIll be gray compOSItIon shmgles. Attached sIgnage areas are shown above potentIal lease spaces to mdIcate how the center wIll look, but ultImately the sIgnage WIll be regulated by the Zoning Ordinance per the request of the archItect. There are forest green canvas awnmgs proposed above each wmdow and each storefront except for the ITEM # 16 Page 2 of3 corner storefronts of each structure whIch have metal canoples The scale and style of the buIld10g rema10s sImllar to other retaIl centers 10 Coppell Landscaping The proposed Landscape Plan fully provIdes the reqUIred 1OterIor, perImeter and non-vehIcular landscape area, 1Oclud1Og the reqUIred number of trees. There are a total of 65 overstory trees proposed (7 Red Oak, 15 Ch1Okap1O Oak, 11 Ch10ese PlstachIO, 19 Bald Cypress & 13 LIve Oak) and 10 Crape Myrtles. RECOMMENDA TION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Staff IS recommend1Og APPROVAL of thIS request, subject to the follow1Og condItIons 1 Show park10g space dImenSIOns (9' X 19' m1OImum, unless abutt10g extra landscap1Og, then 9' X 17' mInImum) 2 Contact Larry RedIck at 972-323-8917 to dIscuss electrIC easement reqUIrements. 3 Show locatIOn of fire hydrants and FDCs on Slte Plan. 4 Refer to the attached Departmental Comment Sheet. ALTERNATIVES 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend dIsapproval of the request 3) Recommend modIficatIOn of the request 4) Take under adVIsement for reconsIderatIOn at a later date A TT ACHMENTS I) Departmental Comment Sheet 2) SIte Plan 3) CIrCUlatIOn Plan 4) ElevatIOns (2 Sheets) 5) Landscape Plan/Tree Survey ITEM # 16 Page 3 of3 THE C. I T Y o F -- THE C I T Y o F - COPPELL .~.. '* -.. ~ 0 e q .t " oS \ & CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT COPPELt .~.., '* '.. ~ 0 e q .t " 8 \ & Proiect 10 SPA-06-0053 Proiect Name Coppell Heights Addition, Lot 9b and Lot 9c Address 920 S Belt Line Rd Proiect Type Site Plan Approval Application Date 9/20/2006 Case ManaQer Matt Steer Proiect Description to allow the construction of two retail buildings, totaling 17,000 square feet 1 of Aqency Engineering Comments 1 The Engineering Department will work with the developer on the proposed median opening design during the detailed design