Oakbend Addn-ES 901022 r'- ~ 2a ~ TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING a tract of land situated in the Jesse Moore Survey Abstract No. 968, in the city of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas; and being a part of that certain tract conveyed to Ervin W. Beal by Harry Lehman, et us, by deed recorded in Volume 3294 Page 470, of the Deed Records of Dallas county, Texas; and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point South 00'34'35" East 776.91 ft., and 89'11'38" East 30.00 ft. from the intersection of the South of Thweat Road (50 ft. ROW) and the East line of state Road ft. ROW); said point being on the East line of a proposed 39 ROW Dedication for state Road; North llne (40 ft, THENCE North 00'34'35" West, along said East line for a distance of 20.00 ft. to a point for corner; THENCE North 89'11'38" East, departing said East line, for a distance of 399.92 ft. to a point for corner; THENCE south 09'48'22" East, for a distance of 20.99 ft. to a point for corner on the North line of the proposed Oakbend Addition; THENCE South 89'11'38" West, along said North line, for a distance of 400.90 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.1836 Acres or 7,999 sq. ft. of land. /l/CV( EXHIBIT "A" 'oj ~ m x :::c CP -l l/) ~ ~ZL II 111 o . CP . ; ROAD ~ ~:: ~lit __ $ ~.u:~ 2....- ",:e': ~ SOUf!l ':H' ~T.IlD._ "'-..Ji PROPOSED 30' t.I ~~_~_~o.w~ro~oo~__~ ~ :2: ~ ~~ O~ !il q~ III ~ 51 ~ ~ o r'- STATE o ~~ ~"6 '10~ o ~~ (30 % ."1- ~ N ~ ~ ~ "'< :2: t:J 011 i ~ ~ ~ tI) ~ .. .. ~ ~. ~ f11 I~ ~: ~ fS cs (0. ~I ~ L ~ ('~ ~"1- ~ 1\ ~ ~ '!=> ~ I Q; . I . I I I tI) NO ~~ o . .~ f11 NAlHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. Three Northporlc / 8800 N. Central Expwy. / Suite 300 Oollos. Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739-4741