ST9301-CS061013 lKeith Marvirl=- East Sandy Lake Road Files ~._.._----_..-._- -----_.---- ---^----_.-- ---- - From: To: Date: Subject: Keith, "Matt Atkins" <matkins@tnp-online.com> "Keith Marvin" <kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us> 10/13/2006 10:40:45 AM East Sandy Lake Road Files The parks department has authorized us to design the landscape improvements for the East Sandy Lake Project that is currently under construction. John told us to get with you to get the digital files for the project so that we can design the median enhancements. Do you know if the City has a digital copy of those or who we could get a copy from? Thanks Matt Atkins, P.E. Teague Nail and Perkins, Inc 12160 North Abrams Road, Ste. 508 Dallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-461-9867 Fax: 214-461-9864 cc: "Thomas Alves" <talves@tnp-online.com> SLft-O/ Page 1J . ~~-