Alexander Ct-CS061228 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Public Hearing) PD-220-SF-12, Alexander Court ( to amend the land use designation on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Neighborhood Retail to Residential Low Density and a zoning change request from C (Commercial) to PD-220-SF-12 (Planned Development-220 Single Family- 12) with a Detail Site Plan, to allow the development of 26 single family homes on 18.7 acres of property located along at the northwest corner of Bethel Road and Denton Tap, at the request of John L. Hawkins, Mira Mar Development Corporation. STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond PROJECT ID# PD-06-0070 DRC DATE: December 28, 2006 and January 4, 2007 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir.of Engineering/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY FINAL REVISED  AFTER P&Z See comments under Preliminary Plat. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Alexander Court, Lots 1-26 Block A, Preliminary Plat , to allow the subdivision of 26 single family lots on 18.7 acres of property located along at the northwest corner of Bethel Road and Denton Tap, at the request of, at the request of John L. Hawkins, Mira Mar Development Corporation. STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond PROJECT ID# PP-06-0071 DRC DATE: December 28, 2006 and January 4, 2007 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir.of Engineering/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY FINAL REVISED  AFTER P&Z Preliminary Plat 1.All drainage and utility easements should be a minimum of 20' width. 2.The floodplain should be tied down with dimensions on each lot. Also, please be advised that the floodplain as shown, does not match Panel No. 48113CO115J, with an effective date of August 23, 2001. In most cases, your floodplain across Lots 9-19 is about 100 feet off of what the floodplain is. If the actual on the ground survey reflects that the floodplain should be in a different location, then you will need to go through either a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) prior to developing this property as shown. 3.The right-of-way that is being dedicated at the southeast corner should be shown and labeled as dedicated right-of-way. 4.According to the Streetscape Plan, there should be a 15 foot landscape easement adjacent to Denton Tap Road and a 10 foot landscape easement adjacent to Bethel Road. This will effect the location of the proposed screening wall. Also, please be advised that when a screening wall is placed along Denton Tap Road, it needs to be set back so that it does not encroach into the existing 20 foot and 25 foot sanitary sewer easements. 5. In addition to the 15 foot landscape easement adjacent to Denton Tap Road, there needs to be a separate 7 - 10 foot sidewalk easement. The sidewalk easement can be a part of the 15 foot landscape easement. 6.Please show the required visibility triangles at all street intersections. 7. The minimum finish floor as shown on Lots 7 and 8 is incorrect. The City's ordinance is two feet above the existing floodplain and one foot above the ultimate floodplain. When you review our ultimate floodplain, the minimum finish floor on Lots 7 and 8 should be 496, not 495. Utility Plan 8.The minimum water line size in the City of Coppell is 8 inch, not 6 inch as shown. 9.Some of the radius of your proposed sanitary sewer may be too sharp, especially in the vicinity of Lots 9 and 10. 10. Your plat shows that the existing 20 foot sanitary sewer easement will be abandoned. Additional comments will be generated during the plan review on the actual technique used to abandon the sanitary sewer after the easement has been abandoned. This will require removal of the existing manholes and plugging the ends of the existing sanitary sewer lines. Site Plan 11.The preliminary construction plans for Bethel Road show a grade differential adjacent to Lots 21, 22, and 26. Please be advised that prior to the installation of the screening wall and the development of those lots, the correct grade that matches the Bethel Road plans will need to be established. Tree Removal Plan 12. It is very difficult to determine which trees are actually being removed adjacent to Bethel Road. A listing of the trees to be removed would be helpful so that we are not trying to save those trees that will be removed in the design of Bethel Road. Landscape Concept Plan 13. As previously noted, a landscape easement is required along Denton Tap Road and Bethel Road, which will require the relocation of the proposed screening wall. Also, it was unclear on your details for the screening wall whether or not piers were being proposed. Most screening walls built in the City of Coppell do have piers on 10 foot center. Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review.