ST9301-CS050915 Ken Griffin - Re: East Sandy Lake RoadPage 1 From: Jim Witt To: Don McGuire Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 4:40 PM Subject: Re: East Sandy Lake Road Thanks for your comments and insight. With regard to road conditions I have asked our Engineering Department to install additional reflectors and signage to assist in night travel. The width of the road cannot be expanded due to the right of way limitations and the bar ditch on the south side. It is a situation we are concerned with but knew going in would be tight and have in past weeks added delineators because of concern that the striping was not effective for traffic separation. It is a construction zone and that is always a concern for us and the driving public. With regard to the lack of progress like many road projects we see the big equipment and than the piece work begins. We are almost finished with the piece work that includes a major culvert across from St. Joseph Village. The next step is lime stabilization and than paving which barring any complications should start later this month. With regard to the PD presence I agree. I have spoken to Chief Osborne regarding our patrols and attention to this area. With regard to the lanes getting narrower if that is due to the edge areas not being maintained we will take care of that and do a better job of monitoring the situation I know this does not solve the problem but we will do our best to make it a safe as possible. Thanks for your patience. JW >>> Don McGuire <donmc02@yahoo.com> 09/14/05 11:38 AM >>> Jim: I am writing you seeking answers to questions and concerns several of us have about the East Sandy Lake Road project. I think you know me as a supportive citizen. And I will admit I know very little about public works, but for the little I have learned on Bond Advisory and Citizen Summit committees. But personal experience and observation have several of us alarmed. I have volunteered to contact you, hoping for some insight and help. My own personal experiences include multiple occasions having to swerve to avoid oncoming trucks over the middle line; on June 14 I lost a radiator to "shrapnel" on the road; and then, two nights ago, I pulled an elderly woman and her car out of a ditch where she swerved to avoid an oncoming car. She was absolutely terrified. I promised her I would contact the city about her fear. She lives there in the retirement community. There cannot be anyone that believes the temporary road as currently laid out is safe. The irony of this struck me when I was pulled over last Thursday by a Coppell motorcycle officer on MacArthur who was prepared to lecture me on not driving safely because my seatbelt wasn't on (he was in error--it was on). The irony is that on June 14, I waited just off Sandy Lake for AAA for two hours and two nights ago with the elderly woman, we were by the side of the road for well over an hour. Neither time did I ever see a Coppell policeman. It is obvious there has been no progress on the new road in months. For the past two weeks, in passing every day, I have never seen more than five workers onsite without apparent task and an occasional tractor pushing some dirt around. I was struck by the irony of seeing what seem to be dozens of Verizon/Klassmeyer workers all over the city installing that treasured fiber optic cable. I know the two are not connected, but I've got to tell you, even as a huge supporter of city staff, it is very troubling. The east side of the temporary road is actually getting narrower and narrower. One of our neighbors blew a tire on that edge on a footdeep corner that is exposed without a cone. As of this morning, that hole was still exposed. Our little group wanted me to speak at the Council meeting last night. That's not what I do. And I have strongly defended the city up to now, fully expecting that progress will be made and/or the contractor taken to task We as a group are concerned that once again a city is going to "settle" for public works projects that are known to be substandard or unsafe until a catastrophe occurs. You know I respect you and your staff immensely. I hope there are answers and solutions. I don't think we are being alarmist--this is a very serious safety issue for the City of Coppell. Ken Griffin - Re: East Sandy Lake RoadPage 2 Thanks for your time, Don (214) 507-1142 donmc02@yahoo.com --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. CC: Clay Phillips; Ken Griffin Ken Griffin - Fwd: East Sandy Lake RoadPage 1 From: Jim Witt To: Ken Griffin Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 8:50 AM Subject: Fwd: East Sandy Lake Road How about the hole in paragraph 7? Ken Griffin - Fw: E. Sandy Lake speed limitPage 1 From: Roy Osborne To: Derrick Watson, Gary Nix, Sara Fulton, Shawn Fullagar, Steve Thomas Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 12:17 PM Subject: Fw: E. Sandy Lake speed limit Gary, check with Ken and see if there is anything to do to help. CC: Jim Witt, Clay Phillips, Ken Griffin