Ken Griffin - TEXT (3) Ken Griffin - TEXT.htmPage 1 Jim   I spoke with Garreth about removing the 35 mph signs on E. Sandy Lake and he said they were requested by the Police Department so that citations could be written for speeding.  The official speed limit is 35 mph, per ordinance.  The 25 mph is an advisory speed that would allow an officer to cite a driver for reckless driving in a construction zone, but not for speeding.   With the current construction, 35 mph is too fast through this area.  My recommendation is to take an ordinance to Council on 9/27 to change the official speed limit to 25 mph.  Once traffic is moved to the new pavement, sometime after the first of the year, the official speed limit could be changed back to 35 mph.  This would allow officers to enforce the 25 mph as a speeding violation.   As a point of reference, the construction zone is about 5000 feet long.  To drive it at 35 mph would take about 97 seconds and to drive it at 25 mph would take about 136 seconds.  In essence, it would take about 40 seconds longer to SAFELY drive through the construction zone.   If you concur with the suggestion of officially changing the speed limit, let me know and I will prepare an ordinance for the Council meeting.   ken g