DR8801-AG 880927· SUBMI'SSION DEADLINE: 5:00 Rev.; Effective 1/20/88 Il. ,n. Monday - 8 Days Preceding C. Council Meeting AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 27, 19gg REF/FII,E NUMBER : EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM CAPTION : Article 6252-17, Section (f) discussion concerninq the purchaseD exchan§e~ lease or value of real DroDerty. 1. Discussion of Minyard's agreement. IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STAFF - B: OTHER - V. NOTIFICATION TO VI. METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM 2. BUDGET AMOUNT 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR l~IIS ITEM 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER B'~DGET 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED ~':~ SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS. FUNDS (Series or year~ amthortZe OPERATING BUDGET (A~¢OU~, OTHER " YES NO NO APPROVED AGENDA' REOUEST FORM DMEMO I ITEM CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AGENDA ITEM I. Item # ~ City Council Agenda Dated: 9-27-88 II. Comments/Recommendation: The staff has continued to work with Mr. Minyard in an attempt to reach an agreement regarding dedication of right-of-way for the drainage project paralleling Bethel Road. Wednesday morning Frank Trando, Larry Jackson and myself meet with Mr. Minyard and presented what we believe is the final draft of the agreement. This document is attached to this item. We have posted an Executive Session item immediately prior to this item so we may discuss the details of this agreement. Mr. Minyard has said he will present the agreement and terms to his Board on Friday and hopefully will present us with a signed contract on Monday. If this occurs we will recommend your approval of the Minyard agreement, the award of a contract to Buckelew Construction, and approval of the engineering contract with DeShazo, Starek & Tang, Inc. Engineers for contract administration. Mr. Minyard advised us the maximum amount of funds available from his company is $275,000. Due to the priority and importance of this project, the City will have to pay any Minyard Agreement Page 2 additional costs needed to complete this project. We estimate our expense to be about $300,000. No contingency dollars are included in the project budget of $550,000. The additional funds over and the drainage will have to bond funds. Mr. Trando above the $250,000 allocated for come out of uncommitted street has advised there are funds available and he can discuss this with you, if requested. ,'[V, NiSS[O~: iai 1 [,'<L: [;,:~;(~ p.m, Nondav - ~ Days Freceding ~itv {ounci] ,Meeting Re : Fffect~':( ]/2O/~gg ] o REF/F!],E NL~BER AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September ~, 19R8 : 2~0/241-~24 II. ITEM CAPTION : Discussion and consideration of a C~ntrnct in P~n~ct oK Grant of Easements and Escrow Deposit between the City nf C~pp~ll./~-yard Food Stores, Inc./Hinyard Properties, Inc,. includinf mmkin~ ~ny revisions proposed by any party named hereig, for the Drain~? Iml~rn~rompnt~ on Bethel Road from Postal Site to Freepor~ parkway project ~n8 the ~DtO sign. III. ACTION RECOMM~ · Approval IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STAFF - H. Wayne Ginn. Ginn. Inc. B: OTHER - V. NOTIFICATION TO : Bob ~inyard qinvard Food .qtnro~ ~ Inc. VI. METHOD OF CONTACT : Letter DATE : September 1~ 1988 FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM : 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM : 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET : 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED : SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS : (Series or year authorlzed) : OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) : OTHER : YES NO YES NO N/A APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : iTEM NUMBER ~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM ALFRED SALL{NGER H. LOUIS NICHOLS LAWRENCE W. JACKSON T~M KIRK ROBERt L. D~LLARD Iii ROBERT D. HEMI=HILL ROBERT E. HAGER PETER G, SMITH SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON, KIRK & DILLARD (Formerly Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nicholst Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akard Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 954-3:]33 Facsimile (214/ 954-3334 ...,...~ - JOHN PIERCE GRIFFIN DAVID M. BERMAN JOHN F. ROEHM III BRUCE A. STOCKARD PAM GANDAL EUDARIC M. LEWIB KINARD RON DIGIAcoMO ROBERT L. DILLARD~ JR. OF COUNSEL September 21, 1988 Mr. Bob Minyard Coppell, Texas (Hand Delivered) Re: City of Coppell Agreement Dear Mr. Minyard: Enclosed is a copy of the Agreement containing the changes you approved this morning. Please note as an additional change the underlined portion in the first paragraph of the Recitals. There are actually three separate Easements and two Street Dedications rather than four instruments as indicated in the prior draft. At your instruction, I am aslo delivering a copy of this agreement to your attorney, Mr. Russell Akin. If you or Mr. Akin have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON, KIRK & DILLARD LWJ/dkp enc~/Jackso Enclosure Mr. Russell Akin · Hand Delivered Mr. Allen Ratliff Hand Delivered